Important message from Holla Forums

Holla Forums is being raided by leftists and there's only one thing we can do to stop them. I hope the random anons of Holla Forums will help us. We need to post even more dicks and lgs.



prepare for munchings

Eat a bag of dicks.


fuck off Holla Forums


the gets just keep getting shittier and shittier with you fucking people

6333333 got and I'm OP.
Freech told me not to do it.



Dox Holla Forums mods?




Holla Forums are the real shills.



post prove

I wonder why would someone steal a chan's get, before raiding it with posts of traps?




raided by leftists = Holla Forums butthurt again for having their extreme ignorance of evolution fraud exposed.

Call someone a shill or a leftist.
Rinse and repeat.

You are now ready to be a freedom of speech censoring sodomite worthy of running Holla Forums.

Attached is the pic that started this off.
Posted pic showing that Darwin's book is called. …"favoured races" and the thread disappeared instantly.

Can you say "oy yeh shut it down"?
Then apply for a job at Holla Forums.
You'll fit right in.


I thought Holla Forums was alrady full of dickheads… oh, hang on, let me read that again…

Is that Evalion?

I'd rather have leftists than your stormfag 2.0 circlejerk. At least it diversifies up the conversation level. So yeah, go fuck yourself Holla Forums

Leftist can eat a bag of dicks


This sites turning into a hugbox for
It wasn't like this in 2014. You should go back to your circlejerk.



Again this is typical, you don't know how to answer anything without an image macro or reciting the same meme shit that you've heard spouted a million times before. Diversity of opinion,belief and argument, its way too much for the type of person who hangs out on 8/pol/ at this point. I don't care if the sites flooded with leftists. Go back home to your hugbox and hope you don't set off your trigger happy mods by not shouting 1488 loud enough. :)

If you think the sites not turning into a circle jerk you're not paying attention. I don't want everyone to just blindly agree with each other, there's zero real conversation in that. Hell Holla Forums is the only board with a decent sized population you can talk politics and not get the banhammer for disagreeing here.

If you'd rather have libtards ruining the site you should go back to halfchan, you'll fit right in with the rest of record correctors

I know more meme spouting. Cause you can't handle someone disagreeing with you. I've been here since october of 2014 and there's lots of reasons I don't want to go back to ol' niggertits. Who even said that they'd be running the site? Don't you notice that Holla Forums here is just operating on continous paranoia? That everything that they disagree with is some sort of shill or boogeyman? You've got to be smart enough to discern some level of reality user.

This site wasn't just about being some sort of absurdist hug box. And the truth is the moderation here is allready quite compromised as far as free speech goes. This is the only board with a large population that you can state that you disagree with
This is shit, and what Holla Forums is in is one of the later stages of a community. In this stage things get tightened up and those that disagree are either shouted down or banned. No, 4chins dosen't have free speech, and most of this site dosen't either. But I'm not going back to that ib. You don't have an arguement, you think that saying I'd rather see someone here other than the same old circlejerkers is
No take off the tinfoil hat and embrace reality. The circlejerk that constitutes the thought process of how lots of users and moderaters work here will slide this site into the nothingness. Hell, its sunk the conversation level of the top two boards down to nothing. Mabey you should learn to write up an opinion on something without just falling back on lazy platitudes and
all the time.

uh Holla Forums is full of guys jacking off to cartoon horses and girls, so you can't hope for the populace to be right wing and respectable