I think I have just found the key to a lot of our questions.Originally posted in another thread but I decided this was worthy of thought First, we take a look at Mr.Bones "Wild Ride" and the character of Mr. Bones.

What if Mr.Bones is an analogy for the Death Card, which is at first seen as bad, but is actually a sign of a new beginning. Because the old ways are dying, and make way for the new. The ride never ends because this cycle of death and rebirth never ends, the figure of the "Death" leads to Rebirth, of which both are symbolized in the wheel of life .

"Death! A powerful energy indeed. Who can look at the dark, skeletal figure on Card 13 and not feel uneasy? Here we see the face of our deepest fear - our greatest unknown. We recoil from Death because we think of it as annihilation. In the tarot (and in life I would suggest) Death is not a permanent end, but a transition into a new state. Life is eternal in its essence, if not in its form. To grow, to move, to live - we must "die" to the old to give birth to the new.
It is a truism in tarot work that Card 13 rarely has anything to do with physical death. A responsible card reader never interprets Card 13 in this way because this view is too limiting. Death is not something that happens once to our bodies. It happens continually, at many levels and not just in the physical. Each moment we die to the present so the future can unfold.
In readings, Death often represents an important ending that will initiate great change. It signals the end of an era; a moment when a door is closing. At such times, there may be sadness and reluctance, but also relief and a sense of completion. Death also suggests getting down to basics. Dying has a way of making you concentrate on what's important. This card reminds you to cut out the unnecessary. Death can also mean you will experience an inexorable force. Death is inevitable, and sometimes there are events that are inescapable as well. "

If you read the fate of empires by Glubb, this concept of a civilization dying, which made way for a new beginning as a repeating theme in History.

The fall of Republican Rome and the rise of the Empire marked a new beginning. Just like this time..

Other urls found in this thread:

If you haven't read Glubb as a Holla Forumsack, I strongly recommend it. Anyways here is the official summary by Glubb:
summary of Glubbs theory:
As numerous points of interest have arisen
in the course of this essay, I close with a brief
summary, to refresh the reader’s mind.
(a) We do not learn from history because
our studies are brief and prejudiced.
(b) In a surprising manner, 250 years
emerges as the average length of national
(c) This average has not varied for 3,000
years. Does it represent ten generations?
(d) The stages of the rise and fall of great
nations seem to be:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst)
The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
(e) Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.
(f) Decadence is due to:
Too long a period of wealth and power
Love of money
The loss of a sense of duty.
(g) The life histories of great states are
amazingly similar, and are due to internal
(h) Their falls are diverse, because they are
largely the result of external causes.
(i) History should be taught as the history
of the human race, though of course with
emphasis on the history of the student’s own

And now ask yourself how long has the USA existed or "lived"? And do these signs listed apply?
(Treaty of Independence) 1776-2016 240 years, this fits the timeframe pretty well.

Find the castle above the sun. Means find a position where your subconsicousness doesnt effect your will. It is like that imersion you find in fantasy, you have to find the imersion in this world because it is turning greener each day, until it comes down.



This cycle of death and rebirth is also symbolized in the Tarot Card "Wheel of Life/Chance". In The Symbolism of the Tarot by P D. Ouspensky we read this:
"All go, all return,"–the wheel of life ever turns. All die, all flourish again,–the year of existence runs eternally.

(Literally the ride never ends)

"All perish, all live again, the same house of existence is ever building. All separate, all meet again, the ring of existence is ever true to itself.
"Existence begins at every moment. Round each "here" rolls "there". The middle is everywhere. The way of eternity is a curve".

Ever asked yourself why every civilization since eternity has used the swastika/wheel symbolism, as in the sunwheel? Why did Hitler choose this symbol for his movement?

If you go on Wikipedia (lol) you can find this interesting passage:
"The swastika is a repeating design, said to have been created by the edges of the reeds in a square basket-weave. Other theories attempt to establish a connection via ==cultural diffusion== or an explanation along the lines of ==Carl Jung's collective unconscious.=="

The word ‘swastika’ is a Sanskrit word (‘svasktika’) meaning ‘It is’, ‘Well Being’, ‘Good Existence, and ‘Good Luck’. However, it is also known by different names in different countries - like ‘Wan’ in China, ‘Manji’ in Japan, ‘Fylfot’ in England, ‘Hakenkreuz’ in Germany and ‘Tetraskelion’ or ‘Tetragammadion’ in Greece.
Sanskrit scholar P. R. Sarkar in 1979 said that the deeper meaning of the word is ==‘Permanent (Eternal) Victory’== .

The form of the swastika itself represents these characteristics.

It was meme magic all along

And now for the icing on the cake, if you were in the last Destiny thread, u might remember a unusually big number of Holla Forumsacks being born to the cards of Sun/Wheel/Magician..

Fuck im stupid.

It's cool, I've done that before too.

At least you bumped, nigger do you realize what this means, look at this fucking picture, this is how the whole meme started right. The skeletonfigure of Death with the alarming message of the Wheel of life. This meme came straight out of the universal meme machine I'm telling you.

That's really cool, bump
also I love how /xpol/ is a given at this point

Yeah, this is absolutly mindblowing actually

Prophet in my blood, I knew you not 'til now. Pray tell me weird swirls, crazy eddy of life, what secrets comes boiling forth in your motion? What am I that bears such a mark in the heart and soul?

The Tower is the card you should get nervous over.

I'd like to point out, this is the kikepedia definition of Cultural diffusion:

Already symbolized to us by the heavens

make a separate thread about it pal

OP you wonderful, glorious bastard.

This is fucking


Holy SHIT.

The pieces are really starting to all fall in place here. Can we get one single, concise post pointing it all out from the beginning? Linking it all together?

Also, remember this.

Did you see my last Destiny thread, with Trumps birthcards? Dunno if someone saved anything
This new connection gives a whole new level of depth to his role as Death-Emporor. He has been chosen to lead Mankind into the next epoch

Yeah I was in the first one, when the first one reached bump limit I made a 2nd one, that one died so now we've got this :)

I'm one of the majority who are a sunwheelmage

For all who missed it:

Death; Meaning
The beginning of a new life. As a result of underlying circumstances transformation and change. Major changes. The end of a phase in life which has served its purpose. Abrupt and complete change of circumstances, way of life and patterns of behaviour due to past events and actions. Alterations.
Key Words: Sweeping changes, expect the unexpected, embrace the unknown.

Competitiveness, energy in development and execution. A card of authority, structure, governmental and corporate identities. Worldly power, self control gained through experience. The ability to shoulder responsibility. Powerful individuals combined with ambition to help secure the possibility of long term achievement.
Key Words: Power, authority, self discipline, stability.

At the same time I feel like I'm the only one who got the normal combo of wheel-magician

I hear you ask, well to put it simply, there is a possibility that we have been chosen from birth to shitpost together, and when the time had come for the Emporor to rise and usher in the next chapter of mankinds (hi)story, our true purpose was to revealed to us.

Those are really interesting stuff.
What does the birth card thing even mean? The innate personality of the person?
I know it's off topic but I'm Temperance/Hierophant what does it even mean?

I don't know, but you have the same birth cards as Hitler.


holy shit i did the birth card calculator and im also death and the emperor like trump
what does it mean?

Use this site:

To be honest I can't explain it myself, I look to it as an "explanation" of specific…coincidences.

Like a list of the major universal "memes", I think this mystic nature of the tarot makes it so interesting, you can't put your finger on it. But you always have this "gut feeling" when one too many coincidences have occured

The majority of us Holla Forumsacks are either:


What does it mean?
It means we were born for this.

It's funny because I'm also given up on art to move into politics

Yeah, I get what you're saying about the gut feeling. And that's the site I've used, the description does fit me.

Is the thread still up? Is there an archive?

Sadly, I have no idea. Hope someone archived it

Holy shit! I share The Emperor's birth cards! Does this mean I'll be the Goebbels to his Hitler?

Miller is already Goebbels, sorry m8

Guys don't get too excited about your birth cards, they can be a point of orientation on the subjects of fate and destiny, but don't start believing that you're suddenly a universally destined meme powerranger. Otherwise this whole thing will be overshadowed by your Tarot sign and miss the point like the modern Horoscope does.

Somehow this makes me want to learn everything about the occult.

If the meme came straight out of the universal meme machine, it came through us, what does that make us?
Are we the operators of the machine or merely its constituent parts? Are we using the meme or is the meme directing us? Who really has control?

It's still exciting though
Coincidences are cool and uncanny

Margaret Sanger: the Hanged Man and the Empress

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:13

Keep in mind these quotes

Haha. Tower - Chariot
Goes with my life plan and wife to be, everything looks to disaster buts comes back to balance.
In a way I guess I got the swastika of birth cards. Constant revolving rebirth.

Not quite as spoopy as the Chinese zodiac mind fucking, but much more primal in mind.

Anyone ever finish matching the jungian archetypes pantheon to the tarot major arcana?

Wait until you learn about the Zodiac and it's relation to the Ogdoad and eras of civilization.

Do tell. plz

Always glad to see the pantheon I made circulating :)


I think the answer is already at hand

Collective unconscious (German: kollektives Unbewusstes), a term coined by Carl Jung, refers to structures of the unconscious mind which are shared among beings of the same species. According to Jung, the human collective unconscious is populated by instincts and by archetypes: universal symbols such as the Great Mother, the Wise Old Man, the Shadow, the Tower, Water, the Tree of Life, and many more.

Jung considered the collective unconscious to underpin and surround the unconscious mind, distinguishing it from the personal unconscious of Freudian psychoanalysis. He argued that the collective unconscious had profound influence on the lives of individuals, who lived out its symbols and clothed them in meaning through their experiences. The psychotherapeutic practice of analytical psychology revolves around examining the patient's relationship to the collective unconscious.

I have mentioned Jungs collective unconcious already in connection to the Swastika. Just understand, many people in History, going back to the beginning of mankind, have tried to explain this phenomenon, we just use different terms. I recently wrote down my philosophical thoughts, I ended up using the term "energy" to describe the same thing, it's easier to explain to a "normie" this way. You must understand, a symbol contains a millions words, which is why there's so many ways to describe it. But let's say I tell you about the Death card as the symbol that it is. When you read up enough, you have the feeling that you know exactly what I'm trying to convey to you. While not being able to catch it's full essence in words

Always glad that somebody made my musings into a well thought out pic.

Posting a few tangentially related things. I think pagan Gondola connection would be a good thing to post as well but I neglected to save it on this phone.

I think it's about time I got back to work on a project I started on /tg/ at the dawn of the first exodus. A mythology of infinitechan, and by extension the whole of internet culture. This is not a promise, merely a note that someone is passively constructing a grand epoch/saga.

It's amazing that internet culture spawned its own mythology like it has. At least someone is working on getting it all into one piece.

Gonna post relevant-ish things

Be careful that you don't dwell into worshipping memes as gods though, as some people I expect to be uneducated in the occult have already started with, worshiping beings such as kek or ebola chan as god. This is the biggest mistake you can make if you want to stay in the sphere of the white magician. That's the tricky thing, magic tends to turn black real quick.Like with the religions, this kind of organization can lead to infiltration and covering of the white truth. I tell you one thing Holla Forums, if you ever decide to read up on the occult/magic/whatever, take everything with a grain of salt and two for satanist authors. They tend to deliberately place misinformation that lead people astray,into satanism and the left hand path, and that without you even realizing it.


hopefully this means im meant to be a space pirate, but im still reading up on it

Im going to sleep fam, this thread better still be up when I'm back, believe me this shit is more important than you might expect

Why should I want to avoid black magic?

It can take up to four days for an 8/pol/ thread to expire. It's safe fam

Damnit not the pic I clicked


those are my tarot-birthcards

The majority of us on Holla Forums have that
And the strange thing is, if you put in other numbers or random numbers, you'll see that it is NOT only spitting that out a bunch or the only thing it gives. That means that all of us on Holla Forums, or at least the majority, were born with the same cards.

Meaning, we were literally destined to do this.

Kek, my birthcards are Devil and Lovers.

I'm not sure what to think about all this. Cool I guess.

I got judgement/high priestess.

A lot of things in my life make sense when viewed through that lens.

Guess i need to start studying this stuff again. Got distracted learning my trade for a while but it seems the fire is back in me again.

Judgement/priestess was also what my best friend and a smaller number of people on Holla Forums got

there was poll or a graph someone made in the first thread that put it all together, these were all ones that Holla Forumsacks got most

There were about 12 combination, but these certain 4 were the ones that Holla Forums gets


My brother.


Judgment/High Priestess here

Let us crush the jews

Dubs confirm


Hey, look on the bright side, you what you write and work with will always be right.


here's mine
it comes with an infinitchany symbol so that's bretty cool

I got the Moon and the Hermit as my cards, so not all of us have the magic combo

No sun this time.

It's like I chose them myself.

I'm sun/wheel/magician

Guess what?

Moon and Hermit is also Moonman's cards.

(we used the date for when the mac tonite comercial first appeared)

Just checked, and these are my birth cards too.



Although I am not a magician, I hope that I may be of assistance brothers.

Pic related

So we get to be RWDS? Or are we to rebuild this cruel world after it is destroyed?

Do you have an archive OP?

Sounds it. You guys are gonna be the RWDS elite force.

I'm not wholly sure what to make of the tarot business yet. I do find it pretty intriguing that the magician appears three times, and the chariot twice.

Holy Fuck

Pic related is Himmler, Reichsführer-SS


I'm Temperance/Hierophant as well.

Hahaha holy fucking shit.

You guys are the RWDS

The Sunwheel Mages are the Acolytes of Kek, spreading his memes and magic everywhere we go

What are the others?


Tower / Chariot
Middle name Tay as well.

Do Kek's work user. He has a plan for all of us, and there are many who would have given a hand to have a good family. Like billions. Literally. We need you now more than ever

I could go off on this extensively.
But to cut shortshort:

And also I just realized, this struggle between us and "them" goes back to Atlantis sinking after their society hast become decadent and the practice of black magic frequent. The righteous priests have gone out to visit all the corners of the world and teach people the truth, and guess what their symbol was? The sunwheel.
You can find this in the "secret knowledge of all ages". Can't quote directly right now cause I'm on my phone

Do Kek's work user. He has a plan for all of us, and there are many who would have given a hand to have a good family. Like billions. Literally. We need you now more than ever

My birth cards as well. WEW LAD


It only takes 5 lefty tears to power this car.

Imagine how much salt energy we've produced by rustling them.

If there was an Holla Forums Tarot deck, what should be included for what?

Emperor - Trump
Death - day of the rope

Tower - 9/11


My tarot cards

What does it mean Holla Forums ?

It means you're here forever, obviously

Julius Streicher, who published "Der Stürmer"
is also The Moon and the Hermit

I don't think that combo exists

I used this one:

My core cards were Magus and Hierophant. I think this one just makes combos of random cards based on your information and doesn't use specific sets of cards

Theres cards for multiple things like strenght, personal, desire etc on that site . The cards you showed aren't the main birth cards ones though. It must be one of the twelve

I got those same cards.
We'll fuck 'em up good kameraad!
>The Wheel of Fortune and the Magician together, combined as a pair of Tarot birth cards do already exist for a different date of birth. Indeed as already stated for this pair, they are very good cards to have around. The Wheel of Fortune is an exceptionally good card, as is the Magician. Whereas the Wheel of Fortune signifies success, when it is combined with the hidden knowledge of the Magician; not only is earned success indicated but leaned success as well. However because of the birth date given here, a third card applies giving an added bonus to the mix. Not only is there an air of earned and learned success with the Wheel of Fortune and Magician cards, there is an added dimension of peace, contentment and inner harmony. The Sun is one of the nicest cards in the whole Tarot deck and when added to the Wheel of Fortune and the Magician, a powerful and positive force is created. - See more at:

How exactly does that work? Mine is devil/lovers according to some online calculator.

Why do people only show interest for the birth cards while there are much more interesting things concering this whole ordeal..
And why can't they just read the thread these days

Sorry user, I decided to post without seeing how big the thread was thinking no one had discussed it before. I've read all of it now, apologies.

Those are my cards too.

Death - The Emperor

Simply means suffering and dying, being reborn into an Emperor.


star / strength here, if i look at how i act it does in fact make sense.

fugg is my life ruled by memes?

Son, not only your life

There is a thought that I've been entertaining for a while, never putting it into words.

Trump is not a man. He is our hopes and dreams made manifest. Much like you can "meme" something into reality, so was Trump "memed" into existence. Trump is not really a high brow person (check out It's not Trump the person we want, it's Charlemagne's words in Trump's mouth that we want. I always thought that there were two Trumps, not in a clone/body double way, but two "natures" of Trump. First one Trump the man, the person who he was prior to his Ascension, the reality star and the real estate agent. The second Trump is the one we "meme" (in quotes because I do not think WE are memeing him) and make manifest. Sort of like how certain theological schools had Christ possessing both human and divine nature.

What I had concluded. My current life is beyond festered. I've been feeling my crucible approaching for a while now.

My cards
Am I fucked here or what?

here is the superior magus user

250 years seems to be the average for the years before a nation falls. America is already 239 years old, and we can see that collapse is soon. I can only hope that It's reborn a new, strong imperium.


I got The World / The Empress.

I don't even get it. The definitions I've found are so vague and obscure *and really feminine and I'm a dude*

lol forgot how to do this

user, you're a trap.

Tower and chariot here as well..

What does that mean for me?

Oh boy, the memes are coming for me too.

I read that entire description in the voice of the centipede video dude

Not really. Mr. Bones story is basically the opposite of change if any kind. If you're just going to look and say skeleton = death then you're generalizing to the point of meaningless.

Mine is the same as uncle Adolf.


Ayyy, mah Judgement/High Priestess niggas:

So… am I part of Trump's new secret police force then?


preach it!

I see a few Star/Strength in this thread, what is our place is this new Trump Order? Although now that I read this it reflects on my life because I jump jobs a lot, and move around often

Shit, you Moon/Hermit guys have a rich tradition in the Third Reich. Anton Drexler, Guido von List, Karl Harrer, Walther von Lüttwitz, and the ones mentioned in this thread are ones you can look to. Also, I'm seeing a lot of Tower/Chariot combos too.

Fuck yea moonman brigade reporting in

Moon Klan Lad reporting in.

trips confirm, we are brothers. free will is a real journey

Am I the only one with The World / The Empress? I don't get who I am.

same user. on phone.

You've got the Tower and Chariot. Dunno what they'll do other than make sound decisions.

The world and the empress. Interesting. Both numerical values are 9's

star/strength master race

All my Devil/Lovers in this thread, you share your cards with Albert Einstein and Friedrich Nietzsche. how many of you have seen the void? How many of you intuitively understand the secrets of the universe? the cards are real.

double dubs checked. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe…

also checked


All Devil/Lovers should be versed in the library of /fringe/


buckle up…

high energy cards, nice



This video was brought up in another meme magic thread, and it is very fucking related to what we're doing here.

After watching it, I'm just at a loss for words.

(((Theoretical))) physics
Nope, I'll stick to proper math thanks

So, any progress on any fronts?

I also got the world/empress cards. We seem to be far less common on imageboards than other combinations. However it seems that we are where destinies are realized and I kind of got the vibe of finding contentment and your place in the world as well.

a lot of my cards are very feminine and May we'll be onto something a tad bit uncomfortable. Did you happen to have a small phase about that kind of stuff in your mid puberty years?

I do believe we were onto something about certain types of crystals being used to amplify our memetic abilities, in addition to clothing, wands, rods, and various other items seen in myth and legend

Not sure what this means.

Those your core cards or a different pair?

Birth cards.
My core cards are The Hermit and The High Priestess.
Growth, the Hierophant and the Magus.
Luck, the Wheel of Fortune and the Magus.
Desire, the Lovers and the Fool.
Power, the Empress and the Lovers.
I used and

The hanged man Is passive. His fate is created because he allows things to happen to him, the empress iirc is the creator/nurture/motherly figure. You should look up more for yourself user. The Serena site will be a good start

Yeah I'm looking into it. I honestly don't put too much stock in tarot, but a lot of the descriptions of these cards seem to match up with my life, aspirations, and personality.

Many noticed this as well. It's why so many were interested in it. I noticed many similarities between the cards and mine own life as well. Which is why many ANONS were uncomfortable with some of what they got as the rest appeared to be accurate.


Tower and Chariot reporting in

We;re expecting great things from you, user.

As a Temperance/Hierophant, I understand these passages in a tangible way. Study the Gnostic myth of the Sacred Vowels. What do monks chant when meditating? Aaaaaas and Oooooooms. The Alpha and Omega, the Word, are, in physical sense, the Sacred Vowels (but also the Ouroboros in the metaphysical).

But the Sacred Vowels are carried inside some of us. Where? Our blood types. You goys want to know why whites are the natural enemy of the jew? Study blood types. See who can breed with who, without medical intervention (Rhogam shots). Research the blood types of Prince Charles and the Emperor of Japan (also Ramses or Tutankhamun). What is a "Blue Baby," and how does it relate to Blue Bloods? Why is the Lion of Judah on Queen Elizabeth's crest? Along with a unicorn. What is a unicorn but a mythical beast with a SPIRAL emanating from it's 3rd eye location.

What are the origins of the Blood Brothers ritual? How does it relate to the Native American myth of the Lost White Brother? Why was Quetzacoatl's son described as having hair like maize (yellow and silky)?

What does Jesus (not a Christcuck, but the parables of Jesus literally speak this truth) mean about the body and blood of Christ? Why does he say none may see the Kingdom of Heaven but through him (lineage, not salvation)?

Oracle at Delphi: KNOW THYSELF

Know yourselves, Anons. You are diasporacally scattered Anons but MUCH MORE than mere Anons. You are Kings, with the Divine Right to Rule, and the Jews have usurped your throne through obfuscation and amnesia. THIS is why they seek your destruction. THIS is why they want to taint your heirs with racemixing.

Tower / Chariot reporting for duty. Cataclysm will happen. Old orders will fall. The Emperor will be there to establish the new order, and we will be his right hand, defending what is good and right, in the old world, and the new.

i simply love how Holla Forums after denouncing christcucks went straight into cabalism and pagan beliefs

go ahead, see if your meme magick will do you any good

you seem like a chill dude.

Devil/Lovers here too
We really dont get enough love tbh fam

It's quite split, honestly. Sure, we universally hate the edgy atheists but at the same time there's an extreme sense of disappointment with Christianity, like that cuck of a pope.

Im not saying I renounce god or anything, but there's forces at work that we cant understand just yet

I KNOW there is a god, but which one? Maybe it's all of them, who the fuck knows.

All i know is, there's no such thing as coincidences

My birth cards are Moon/hermit.
And these past two years I have been feeling like a hermit.

The problem is that, once you study math (geometry, to start) and science (chemistry, then moving into physics), you will notice a pattern inherent in all things logical but also ethereal, which prove each other. It is also seen in the "soft sciences," such as linguistics, Jungian psychology, and anthropology.

The catch is, once you notice the pattern, you realize organized religion and esoteric teachings are disinfo agents, in themselves, of sorts, in that they only give half-truths or outright obfuscate. Religion and the esoteric teachings have been bastardized, but the grain of truth is there if you are willing to dig, and then you realize your perception in these areas, as well as the "hard" maths and sciences, was wrong.

Perception is key. If you study these areas, without changing your perception or perspective, you will never see it. Or keep being a pessimistic doubter.

For example: Why would Newton also practice alchemy (The Philosopher's Stone is not gold nor a stone at all)? What knowledge did Tesla gain (did he discover free energy? Known esoterically as orgone but bastardized by Freud and Reich)?

Regarding my statement of bastardization, take the swastika, as a recent example. A once universally esoteric symbol with a specific meaning to the ancients has, in recent years, been bastardized to forever now have a negative connotation and association with muh ebil Nazis. In 100 years, this will be all it will be known as, most likely, unless people like us preserve it.

An example suggesting math and the ethereal being connected is the cross. In Euclidean geometry, the cross is one of the Nets (the word "net" has many meanings, this is why I referenced linguistics earlier. You know who carried a net? Neith, the first Egyptian goddess. She also carried a red shield, as in the translation of Rothschild.) of a cube, as are the 2 arms of the swastika. What does this mean? Study it with a different perspective.

pope is the head of catholic church. not christianity. there is only one head of christianity and i hope you already know who he is

Moon/hermit is the most common combo among famous historical figures. That and Tower/Chariot.

Sun/wheel combo, sun/strength, etc never show up for some reason.

Tbh all I know of orgone is that insane fucks like alex jewnes and "new age" type hippies flog this shit around to reduce "muh negative energy" and all kinds of bullshit.

I love/hate the black bitch, the way they speak is such a stereotype.
Makes it kinda funny.

Tower/Chariot and very excited about it. Study up on the Greek/Mesopotamian city states - specifically the industries/practices that made them arise. Why? Because, that's what I'm doing, you do what you want.

We know an event is coming, but we don't know the how or the when. Success is where preparedness meets opportunity. There's a lot of planning that needs to be done on the local level.

I don't know if I'm a fascist, but I like the idea that everyone has a place to excel in. What is your skill/role user? Best to develop it today, not tommorrow.

See you on the other side goys.

I still can't get over the tower card and pic related.

Yeah, muh crystals morons either a) have no idea what they are talking about, or b) are intentionally misleading people. Although, to be sure, there is importance in crystals, just not how they are portraying it. Newton used quartz crystals to project light through prisms, which led to him adding indigo to the color spectrum. What is the significance here? Why do watches have Quartz inside, even when not necessary with modern tech? Jews and Muslims engage in Saturn worship, and Saturn is also know as Chronos (time). Intel sure uses a lot of silica (Quartz) in computer chips. Studying these angles leads to the true significance of muh crystals.

I have posed enough questions and given enough information ITT for people to know where to start digging. Seeing these connections took me 4 years of independent study fueled by insatiable curiosity.

A good place to start is symbols and iconography. Symbols are their own memes. They are a type of universal language (visual as opposed to spoken) much like math or binary are also types of universal languages. What is the message of the Tower of Babel story where the common tongue is obliterated? Do you think it is coincidental that the UN building resembles a modern day ToB?

Even if you don't believe in this shit, the Jews do. Study your enemy. Here are the areas where I found connections: symbols, linguistics, alchemy, chemistry, physics, astrology, astronomy, the basic concept of the Internet, DNA and the Human Genome Project, mythology, religion, geometry, trigonometry (specifically plotting waves), programming, all literature (Shakespeare is a good place to start, Tolkien, Lewis Carol), all art (Da Vinci but not in Dan Brown way, Michelangelo, even architecture←here you will find those symbols again), CHESS (paramount. Not just playing it but the history and origins, pieces, 64 squares and colors), Plato, Pliny the Elder, modern corporate branding, almost every popular fictional movie and TV show, classical music (this goes back to plotting waves as frequencies), Carl Jung, the Law (stemming from Roman

I got Justice and Papess.

Ashes and Echoes


We are the secret Judges, the Gestapo of our new order.

There are no secret sins.

Justice/Priestess are the Inquisition: Ordos Hereticus and Malleus.

My specialization being Malleus.

Tower and Chariot would symbolize those who would extract our fellow whites from areas besieged.

Outriders and Rogue Traders

When you guys are done fucking around with horoscopes like women, buy a tarot deck and read this.

Or read this.

got Temperance/Hierophant when I did mine.

Have you actually read it? It's pretty shit.

Read Prometheus Rising instead.

The tower on the tower card represents the biblical tower of babel that was destroyed by God. Just saying.

There's a part where a bunch of jews got mad at Jesus for baptising goyim and Jesus repiled with "It doesn't matter who are the actual physical descendants of Abraham. If I wanted to I'd make the rocks over there into descendants of Abraham. Thus anyone who gets baptized is a descendant of Abraham, because that's how I want it to be."

So I don't really think lineage is that important.

Here's a link to the Glubb Text.

This tarot shit always gets to me. Unlike horoscopes, for some reason this comes off as more than accurate.

Uhh maybe… I would put on my sister's underwear, but I didn't want to be a girl, it was more that underwear is one degree away from boobs/vagina. 100% straight.

I am emotional and loving for a guy, but it's in addition to being very typically masculine.

I assume that with there being two cards per grouping, that how the two cards combine with one another is significant?

This is interesting, but without knowing more about how to interpret tarot and how each card's meaning changes when combined with other cards, I'm likely to draw the wrong conclusion.

Are there any good resources where I can start to gain an understanding of how to interpret the cards? Information about the occult in general would be useful as well.

The symbols are more universal than Greek mythology to start.
It's kind of like the Chinese Zodiac where a lot of trial and error has occured, possibly going back to ancient Egypt if you believe some rumors. It's bound to be effective in some capacity, unlike modern astrology which appears to stem from late medieval at best but more often from new age hippies.
Consider this. Some months have a higher birthrate than others. This means they will come of age, pushed forward/held back in class, physically mature, and socialize more readily at different times in their development. Hell, the mother will be taking in more vitamin D in a summer pregnancy than a winter. All of this certainly has an effect on children's average brain patterns.
The older and more tried the system, the more it likely has blindly fumbled against these patterns. Sort of an evolving Chinese Room experiment, with a gypsy passing out the answers.

Can you post all of your cards? Not just your core ones

I see a pattern forming, I am also a Moon/Hermit. Cards of Holla Forums confirmed, what magics do we have? meme magic of course.
