Daily reminder to never let (((them)) control the narrative

Don't let the usefulness of alt-right groups for facing our immediate enemies fool you, they are a way for the kikes to hedge their bets. Was looking through the comments section on a Breitbart article and it is full of blatant shilling like this.

Keep memeing harder than ever and don't get lulled into a false sense of security. Our foes are vicious and cunning, and they're by no means above throwing their allies under the bus. The second the overton window shifts too far, expect shilling orders of magnitude worse than what we have now, with the goal of removing the JQ from our core set of objectives. If multikulti fails, they will go to plan B and hijack the right wing sentiment into a pozzed version of nationalism, pro-israel, pro-jewish, pro-financial elite and pro-degeneracy. The current trends in the alt-right movement are the first indication of this shift.

Daily reminder that

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Not a bad reminder op.

You would figure all the battles with the cuckservatives would've clued them in to the fact that jews pull the strings on both sides.

Stopped reading right there. Take your greasy fucking greek and leave.

Whom, exactly? The jews and their paid shills? Make no mistake, there is a high probability you are looking at run of the mill shilling. The silencing of any anti-jew opinion in comments' sections far and wide just seems awfully coordinated to me. The vile pigs they are, kikes are very good at fucking with people's minds. Three or four accounts invading the comments' sections of articles can create a very real feeling of pro-zog consensus to any passers-by. Most normies don't know shilling exists. If any legit comment connecting the dots is surrounded by 5 deflecting the blame, they'll just make a mental note that the majority is probably right.

But the alt-right is useful. The internet movement has real world consequences and is bringing tons of normies closer to the truth. The catch is that this very same force pulling them towards us can deflect their attention from the real underlying causes and leave us right back where we started.

I should add that if it is the use of the term alt-right as seperate from pol that bothers you, it is for the lack of a better descriptor. What should I say instead?
Seems like an awful lot of words for something that can be expressed in 9 letters.

No you stupid faggot, including some greasy kikes in any way is harmful and you should recognize that. Why do you think they want to get in on this? Because they are trying to co-opt and control the narrative.

It dilutes the message when you accept these fringe assholes. You are letting worthless e-celeb trash profit and subvert something they should not be part of.

This has already been discussed to death so fucking lurk more faggot or go back to reddit where you likely started.

Learn to read, faggot. That is exactly what I said. Plus if this has been discussed to death, why do I keep seeing two disparate groups - those who go full "Trump fuck yea we are the alt-right", and those like you? It's neither. Alt-right is shifting the overton window, but by no means can we 'let them onboard', acknowledge them as our equals in forcing the change in the narrative. The amount of e-celeb threads as of late is quite sickening.

inb4 defeatist shill. Trump is the only choice we have because he is forcing a lot of issues our way, and he needs to be memed into office. But in view of the broader picture we need to keep working on our main goal, stopping the kikes from destroying whites and our civilization.

It's pretty well-known that he was an atheist, he was just raised by christians but while ruling the USSR he had no interest in religion.
Polite sage because this is sliding other threads.

You forgot to mention the shabbos goy kike servants, but if that's what you meant by faggots then it's a misleading label.
You have to state it fully, completely, and with no ambiguity.

Because newfags from reddit like you and summerfags are shitting all over the catalog.

Breitbart is not an alt-right anything. It is a standard cuckservative site

You're pissing in the wind, OP. Holla Forums is irrelevant because nobody on this board can into realpolitik since the influx of stormfaggots and NEET Socs who demand ideological purity to the exclusion of all else.

What happened to muh based faggot? Breitbart is clearly pandering to the Trump and euro nationalist crowd with anti-immigration and anti-islam shit.

That is a very dim view to hold. This board has to stay full 1488 gas the kikes to balance attempts at normalization and subversion. I don't doubt most anons here have at least basic common sense when it comes to actually implementing their ideals.

Fuck off. The overton window is a handy term.

The alt-right stoodwithbahar. They are not your friends.

What did he meme by this

My 2 year old Discuss account got blocked on Breitbart when I went hard at some jews for the first time.

Deleted EVERY SINGLE COMMENT I HAVE EVER MADE on Breitbart as well.

It's a simple lesson really. The ones in control can't be critiqued.

The shills and posters were coordinated and have thousands of posts.

It's a fucking war for hearts and minds in those comments threads.

Look at this undercover schlomo


Alt-right are mostly spineless pussies, but you have nothing linking these posters to any alt-right group.

The caps are for illustration. You'll find tons of this kind of sentiment all over the comments' sections on alt-right pages. Reeks of astroturfing.

I still keep the spot light on jews jewing on pleb outlets(fish where the fish are.)

Excellent reminder.

butthurt faggots like make me doubt that.