The second new Pokémon announced was the Loitering Pokémon Yungoos...



Other urls found in this thread:émon)

thank you ads, took the words out of my mouth



No, faggot, we're traditionalists here, and the tradition is that you'll look at my post number and be fascinated with the lack of numerical distribution, specifically the latter two integers

Nimble Navigator Yungoos.




Guys, what do you think it will involve into?


t. the God Emperor




Looks like the Donald is already making big waves overseas. In your head, in your head…

Satan trips checked.

[spoiler]they are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns[/spoiler]




I think this was intentional, Trump is pretty popular in Japan

Oh shit really?
Nips surely are good shitposters.

Here, as far as I remember there was a Japanese pop song created for Trump too, no idea how popular the band is though


The region map (based on Hawaii, a MAGA state) has a city surrounded by a huge ass wall in the bottom right island

based nips

They're a bit cult, but yes.

Those in Japan who know who President Trump is are pretty keen on him making America great again, because they know it'll be good for the entire world.


That rabbit looks more like a high school delinquent.

At one part in the video it says "meme magic!" at the bottom.They know and understand, seems like board culture is natural to nips.

The tip is way too sharp and curved to be a pompadour.


If anyone knows a god emperor when they see one it's the Japanese

Forget source

What if Grubbin evolves into a centipede?

#1 red pill anime comin thru

That's amazing, especially this part:

>It was brought to the region to help deal with the explosive population of a certain other Pokémon


Containment board for you.


Well now Im convinced this was intentional, way to go Nippon

Containment board for you.

who cares

I do.


RIP Ludicoloémon)

Funny, it's the Jap.-animation lovers who are notoriously unmanly, user.



Pick one or both, but make it happen soon. Your containment board is waiting.

Don't stereotype me you cishet white shitlord!
Make me nerd.
The only thing waiting is your mum for my dick.

You know that this comment was for the other user.? As far as I know, you're some kind of weirdo that doesn't even care about the subject. Anyhow, filtered.

You both shut the fuck up, you sound like fucking faggots

Stop taking stuff on the internet so seriously m8

What are you going to do if I don't princes?
I'd bet you'd know all there is about faggots.


Take this bullshit to cuckchan please, Pokemon is meant to be played by children

The Angry Birds movie is supposed to be watched by children too.

This is why this is important if you don't want to end up with a cucked generation.

I disagree, Pokemon has ceased to have a set target audience, or perhaps they are now targeting everyone, this is evident in the character designs of the more recent characters and while there remain many childish elements Pokemon breeding and actual battles against others do require more cognitive ability than that of a child.
I haven't played the recent games though, the last one was Platinum I think.

Allahu akbars

Refusing the name the population mimics reality

I swear to god if it doesn't evolve into a Rock/Fighting type that builds walls I'm gonna be sad.

Bump because it triggers you.

Good post.

(You) did it wrong feg.

Will Trump make Pokemon real?


Nintendo is a family-oriented company, and it and its partners design games not for a specific demographic, but that everyone can enjoy. Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Metroid… these are franchises that are meant to be enjoyed by both adults and children alike.



Why would anyone throw something like that away?


Are you trying to tell me something?

naa, just shitposting :3c

Can you match the oldness of my memes!?


I remember those girls, in their manifesto (seen in the vid description), they say they are normal girls who only got popular when they put on the masks.

… because no one cared who they were, before they put on the masks.

Okay, enjoy your tranny/faggot propaganda as they censor anything to do with Christianity.

The japs are born meme masters

What a retard.

I'm half jap and half french, what does that make me?

A surrender monkey

What the fuck, this is real. Official site and everything.

Calling all shitposters and meme magicians, please check if everything is in order with these little guys, we need to verify if they are exploitable.


Some sort of frog samurai hybrid. Hopefully your samurai blood will keep jews away.


This is truly the craziest of years.

Family-oriented doesn't imply religious. They want games that will sell well to both sides of the political spectrum, so they can't go out offending liberals too heavily, and they can't go out making anything particularly religious that might be construed the wrong way. Moreover, they've actually been a bit more on the conservative. In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, there was a particularly feminine character the served as one of Mario's partners. In the Japanese version of the game, it was revealed that this character was actually male. When translated into English, all references to his gender were removed, so that parents would not complain that the game was encouraging cross dressing (in Japan, it is considered a bit more socially acceptable to cross dress, because of its traditional use in kabuki theater).

But all of this aside, all of their games do not take place on our Earth. It would make no sense for them to have references to our historical and religious figures.

isn't that a ninja not that it matters there both from japan land.

It's a "frog-ninja hybrid."
That was the point.

I know

Ninja – spies, sometimes assassins
Samurai – warriors

Different concept entirely. A ninja should not see combat… not that it matters much, given that most video games have distorted what a Ninja is in the public's eye.


Weren't some samurai also ninja and/or vice versa?

pretty sure one of them's chinese.

Based fucking nippon at it again.


What you niggers are missing is the rest of his flavor text. Yungoos was brought to Alola to



Mate I know what a ninja is and I know what a samurai is. maybe I should of just said frog from Chrono Trigger but the concept art depicts the Masamune as a European sword

go ahead and choose

me too, thanks

Coolest OC.


I've never watched that movie

Commander Breivik also has pokemon fanart for some reason.


Nips are the only Westernized country that fully digs nationalism right now. Trump is a breath of fresh air after Obama, and not just to us.

The clip is a show about traditional Japanese theater, and brags about the indestructibility of the Japanese spirit.

The picture is a mainland Chinese artist and speaks for itself.

I have the rest I think if anyone wants them

Go nuts.

My state is so fucking smug. Florida drinking orange juice out of a martini glass.



that's actually adorable for some reason.

Is the guy driving the tank supposed to be Roger Stone? Because he's the only white haired gentleman I can think of for the role.

It's Milo

its the fagissar milo

Yu 'n go…

…back home, spics and slimes

No way, is this shit for real?

I hope the invasive species is Ludico.

Completely real. Honorary Aryans indeed.

You're missing a couple. Fun fact: the original site includes dialogue at times. This bit is from Florida and Missouri.

Florida: That’s an interesting list you’ve got there. Nothing from Forgeworld?

Missouri: Nah. It just doesn’t fit the theme of the army that I’ve got in my head. Where’s the rest of yours?

Florida: Off the table, Mo. Not surprised that you don’t know anything about the meta.

Missouri: Mehwuh?

Florida: …Nevermind, hon. Don’t ever change, alright? :)

Artist's Comments: Florida the loaded power-gamer veteran who has every army ever casted, versus little Missouri on the other end who’s managed to cobble together the oddest little group of fellows and put all of them together in a list that’s uniquely “hers.”

Forgot to mention, they did a Memorial Day picture, too. Specifically, I believe, about ships lost at sea. When not doing political stuff, this group does a doujin series about the American WWII Pacific Fleet anthropomorphized.


Here one may observe the typical Jap.-anima' paedo-pervert.

That absolutely belong on Holla Forums and should in no way go to his containment board /a/ or /jp/ !!!






I look forward to seeing how far you'll go. Anyway, here's what you want.


Deal with it fam


videogames are degenerate jewish anti-white bullshit

pajeets mostly respect the mongoose, because they kill cobras which are a threat to small children and pets.



There is a story about a mongoose that protects a newborn from a cobra. The mother almost panics when she sees the mongoose with blood on its fangs until she notices the dead cobra in the babies room.

In due time people will learn that he is right.

What do you think I'm doing? → >>>/a/

This isn't /a/, nor /jp/.

Guess which board this is?? I thought so.

Hey jew, most of us like anime because it's a bunch of white people running around. Last un-cucked form of media.

Based nips

Sperging out embarrassingly in a thread you could ignore or hide.

It feels great knowing we have allies in Japan. Make sure to encourage our Honorary Aryans!





Go to your containment board, user.

Hey, at least you're dabbling in Talmudic psychology, user. Hey, are you going to apply for Palestinian citizenship soon?


Pls stop I'm getting second-hand embarrassment.


It's YUGE!



Back to >>>/jp/


Time to step up the OC.


I was planning on getting moon for moonman, but the sun legendary is a great, white, lion

what a nimble artist

Does anyone have the pic where someone on a thread on Holla Forums before this was announced posted a Moonman and got 1488 as his last 4 digits and then the Game was announced as Sun & Moon
This seems to be continuing the memes


Wew lads. It even has his hair.

If it had two curved, hollow fangs that inject paralyzing venom I'd shat my self.

These pictures are beautiful. Thank you for posting them.


california best waifu

Hmongoos - asian gangster trash weasel
Humungoos - a big weasel for you

Sup Holla Forums

which one of you faggots crossposted this shit on Holla Forums and why did the thread instantly get flooded with shills?

>>>Holla Forums9705319

You don't say.

Considering that even Moot just took source code of ancient japanese rice pudding boards, translated it up, and created 4chan during his innate weeb phase to discuss anime?

You don't say.

Man, what a fucking time to be alive…

It's going to be amazing seeing the outcry to those that like japan/pokemon and cry about "how could japan/gamefreak support trump".

My only response can be: "You're asking how a country deep rooted first in shamanism, but then xenophobic patriotic nationalism is standing in support for the only presidential candidate that is speaking in support of patriotic nationalism".

I'm waiting on seeing the rest of the evolution chain, as well as moves in his set that include a poison attack and possibly akin to building a wall.

I'm usually against crossboard faggotry, but fuck you Holla Forums, your niGGer contingent started coming over here first. enjoy


Do we know what the "certain other Pokemon" is?

Merchant Pokemon when?

You're nearly a decade late, goy.

Note that it specifically said "Explosive population"

If that isn't a reference to muslims I dunno what is.


More like Mexicans. You apparently have no idea how quickly they multiply.

Well, Muslims tend to explode themselves while Mexicans don't, so…


the memes jack, the memes


this is a pretty weak meme, also, its [pretty clear since it made the news that (((you know who))) is behind it

Thats a bit of a stretch, What could this do but get trump the 30 year old who stills play pokemon vote?

The interesting thing is they hid its dex entry in the stream, while they didn't do this for the other new one that we saw. I'm thinking they threw a reference in there like "despite its impressive length, it's a nimble navigator" or something.

The region's Professor is named Professor Kukui.

Fuck off retard.

…must resist urge to spread everywhere



Change "strong jaw" to "strong wall" and it gets a Golden Don Award.

This Holla Forums crossover posting is so tiresome

The last two integers of your post number have adequate numerical distribution though. We shall have to use the numerical distribution absent in the last integers of my post number to illustrate your point.



So it's a