What is it like to have a qt3.14 azn gf?

What is it like to have a qt3.14 azn gf?

Cuz I am about to get one, should I actually talk to her, I'm pretty /fit/ tho so

Pic unrelated but she looks like that

Pls respond

First off, I think /r/relationships would be more your speed you fucking normie

Kawaii desu baggu~

The important question here: is she american gook or foreign gook? This changes the dynamic completely

if you want a azn gf. best ones are half white half asian.
american gooks are better. they have better teeth

Alright, even though I know you are just b8ing and shitposting, I'm going to buck the trend here and give you actual advice in case there are those here who might want or need it. No bitter "3DPD" nonsense from incels, no redpill "alpha" shit. Just honest, simple advice that actually works. Here goes.

There’s a myth that men have to always be the ones who set things in motion in relationships. Many women like “strong” men, which also ties into being authoritative and taking charge. The attitude that "real men" call the shots is traditionalism at it's best…and worst.

Often in this perspective women who take on these roles can be seen as too aggressive, and can be stereotyped as masculine and assigned tasks to “soften their energy." While such militant ideology might seem extreme, it’s reflective of preconceived notions we have about how relationships can form. People believe that men are the ultimate romantic authority and that this right stems from masculine power over femininity. Sure, an increasing number of women wouldn’t bat an eye at asking a guy out, but more significant relationship steps, like proposing, are still seen as a traditionally male duty.

Think about how fucking retarded this is, especially for early phases of dating. If A girl likes you, she'll pursuing you. She's not going to wait around hoping you decide you want to date her. Besides, a woman should not approach a date as a job interview for male approval. I'm sure a lot of loveshy NEETs here would love for a girl to make the first move.

Not sure where you are right now as your OP was very vague, but it seems you are already into the courtship as you say you will have her as your gf "soon." But for the lurkers, a woman’s opinions and perspectives are equally as important as a man’s. A partnership is two people. The guy doesn't need to insist that the he hold all the cards. Women can, and will, go out and get what they want. Guys need to be open to the signs and let themselves be pursued, as we can be damn clueless early on as to whether or not they are interested.

She's American and has a very nice smile. I think she's half white or something. What turns me on is how she's got the mind of a white woman and the grace of an Asian woman.

And I'm 225lbs and she's like 120lb

you best be 6'5''
you fat fuck stop eating seriously. what the fuck is wrong with you?


You skipped the first sentence:

you still responded lad.

I'm not fat though I'm just bulked. For real though. I'm 6'1 and it's all stored in my legs. Most guys could be just as fortunate if they just didn't drink alcohol.

I don't really want to jinx myself here but I've had a experience with women, 1 girlfriend, and kissed/groped/ 2 slags. And like 3x as many phone numbers.

I'm likewise not a "redpiller". and I don't have any sort of Asian fetish but just like the way she acts and whatnot.

How should I talk to her? I got one class with her. It's always so easy in hindsite ugh

Took me a while to realize it


Lmao sorry to tell you dude, but if she's american then shes a huge slut. Might be what youre after but just be warned tbh

lmao. dont try ever to swim. you'll fucking drown.

Umad brah? Just hit a squat PR today. 315lbs x 5

Lmao you whey like 170 max with those chicken legs fam

Ikr. That's a bad angle tho. Some day we may…

You know what? Don't fucking talk to me. I'm here to train not deal with your bullshit.

Sorry pisslord. As they say, someday the apprentice will become the master.

More azn qts

Please read the whole sentence, plus OP might really want advice. But since this is also for the lurkers, forgive me as I am going to address the 8000 lb gorilla of autism in the room first.

You don't want to give the girl Supremely Gentlemanly vibes. I'be heard people talk about Rogers and say he had wealth and was a decent looking guy and "still" couldn't get laid. The reason was that he was a creepy, murderous motherfucker and the girls can pick up on that. You don't want to put out that creepy vibe, and to not do that you have to get a feel for social boundaries. Yes, normalfag bulllshit. Here we go:

What exactly is a creep? A creep isn’t always the spray tanned, aggressively narcissistic jerk who treats women like crap as a way of hitting on them. A creepy person could be any guy, well-meaning or otherwise, who makes someone else feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or wary. Given how men and women are can date, assuming in this case that you are doing the approaching and not her, men are more encouraged to behave unintentionally towards women.

To avoid coming across as creepy, have some level of control over your spaghetti containment and notice how you make other people feel. When flirting, or even just being friendly, remember boundaries. For example, this woman at the coffee shop has set up a social boundary.

A non-autist recognizes the rejection and moves on. A cringy sperg reads her signals wrong and presumes that she’s interested based on her body language and pleasant conversation. The autist might then decide to continue trying to get a phone number in the hopes that her “positive” response to his approach can be exploited. If you don’t want to be creepy, do not do this. “No means no” applies outside of sex as well — if someone sets a clear boundary with their words, it’s important to respect that.

A clear rejection, more often than not, is a boundary that says “do not pursue further.” This is true even if the girl genuinely likes you and smiles at you but does not want to give you her number or go out with you. She’s not leading you on as some might think. Just because she smiles and has a nice chat doesn’t mean she wants to date you or owes you her number. Being friendly can sometimes just be that and nothing more.

You're literally retarded if you take dating advice on fucking Holla Forums

Well we're all literally retarded to be here on a Saturday night in the first place. I might feel the need to put too much effort in as there is nothing but retarded ass shitposts here anyway, including dick pics for dick measuring accuracy.

Was a nice little read. Esp because I have a lot of those thoughts even though I didn't mention it. Most men do, however. The exception to Elliot is that he didn't realize where to put his energy. I am in education and hope to land a job with the federal government some day. Mostly to keep me in line and to help others. And women dig that attitude.

I was in a rut as a teenager when I pursued a girl for about a year because she would keep texting me but it never turned out. Unfortunately that's just part of growing up.

It's a fucked up dance to try to do. Some guys are naturals, to many others it's stumbling over and over and counter intuitive.

I think a big problem for guys is the failure to realize they should date below their age. The average man in a marriage is 5 years older than the woman. Women develop earlier. A 20 year old guy and an 18 year old girl are mental equals in the social realm. Yeah the guy might know where Aleppo is on the map, but the girl knows how to work social magic that most chan browsers will only figure out through a lot of pain and sweat.

It's really damaging sometimes, guys who know they aren't gonna "live the life" end up wasting away into obesity or video games or mediocrity.

For me, there was times when I'd, God forbid the self diagnosis here, feel dissacociated. Looking in the mirror seeing a healthy young male, and feel both confused and relieved to see my reflection - not entirely believing I possessed this golden ticket in life that has not yet been cashed.


Excellent advice. I would add that a lot of men focus too much on one girl (like, they obsess over a girl they've never even talked to) or worry too much about rejection.

Successful men make low-investment approaches to lots, and lots, and lots of women. Successful men are friendly and say "hi" to a lot of women, and when that rare woman who is interested crosses their path, they can recognize the difference between interest and politeness because they've had a lot of practice, and they can ask for her number.

For complete strangers, your advice about looking for the "smile back" is golden. Actually, even before that, you need to look for eye contact. If you don't get eye contact, then just move on. Don't interrupt someone.

For people you meet, like you meet through a friend or at a party, make an effort to make polite conversation with everyone. You need the practice. Talk to people, and join in groups and listen to how normal people talk and make mental notes about it.

And cultivate social groups where you can meet people. Join meetup.com - NOT TO PICK UP CHICKS but just to make friends, so that they'll invite you to parties and shit, and introduce you to women. Join groups that go hiking, and do park cleanup, and shit like that. It's good for you.

Holy fucking shit normie: the post

Truly one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I am not fucking joking when I say, you're genuinely stupid. I know people say stuff like this a lot on chans without proper evidence but you have proven amply that you should be removed from the gene stock of humanity. I apologize to the Universe for your existence.


Why do they keep the eggs under the sink?

tbh fam looking down on them helps.

Women like dominant men. Putting a woman on a pedestal and worshiping her is seen as creepy, not nice or cute.

Don't be afraid to criticize her. Don't be cruel about it, obviously, but also don't tie yourself down by trying to make her happy all of the time. It won't work, and you'll be miserable.

3 plate with those legs? I don't believe you user. How tall are you?

you almost had me bruv

twice as likely to be an uppity bitch tbh



more at q.gs/1324018/teenx

my dick just melted