lol. Holy shit Holla Forums, this whole situation is such a fucked up joke. Can we do some digging and find out if these people are even real? This feels like sandyhook all over again.


Other urls found in this thread: GALLERY/FAGGOTS/page_0001.html
Whoops, forgot something


This shit again, explain WHY THE FUCK would anyone make a false flag about an ISIS shitskin slaughtering faggots on a gun-free zone? What the fuck would they possibly accomplish besides making people wake the fuck up?

What's with a lot of lations being faggots? Is it due to the racemixing?

This, if it was a false flag the shooter would have been a fucking Holla Forums-browsing skinhead with swastika tattoos screaming the 14 words

Why aren't we trying to D&C brown people right now? Get la raza to attack mosques or something.

Why? Muh gun control, bomb ebil homophobe Iranians, goyim! LGBTQDFTSHIUSDMKN+ are new favorite pets of (((establishement))).

I'm not saying it didn't happend, but he had some 3 letter handlers.

I keep seeing hurr durr fals flag everywhere. I don't buy it. Shady Hoax was a false flag, because the killer was white and the victims were childrens, it's almost universal that everyone loves children.

But this? A gay muslim who probably hated himself after losing his wife and being told by his Imam that he should die, shooting up a club and killing 50 degenerates, almost beating the high score? Who does this benefit?

I won't lie there is suspicious shit involved, like that man-faced tranny reporter and that bullshit story about trapps in the bathroom, or it's very likely that the local news agencies hired actors to pretend to be gay instead of interviewing real gays (because who wants to see a fag lisping and blubbering on TV?). But the event is most certainly real.

2nd amendment has to go, goyim. You will be much easier to round up for re-education FEMA camps if you can't defend yourself, and it makes it easier for the US military to round up US citizens.

That's actually a good question.

Niggers have the highest rate of homosexuality, and Latinos are mixed with niggers, so it probably comes from just that, being part nigger.

Although nonwhites in general have higher rates of homosexuality across the board.

Just because the narrative is convenient doesn't mean it's not false. I'm not saying with 100% certainty that is WAS a false flag but there's nothing wrong with being open to the idea and drawing your own conclusions.

you are retarded

man, I'm just going through this list and am so happy that all these ugly, fucking disgusting, absolute nasty shitskinned faggots are now worm food. I am proud of this mudslime for doing the world a favor.

I feel honored because I am visiting orlando florida tomorrow and I feel as if he did me a service by decreasing the amount of faggots I will see on the streets.

Totally legit


The remaining ones are probably going to be out in force to show off there pride/degeneracy.

You can bet your ass it's real when the media says a fucking mudslime did it.

The Zionists have a very strict, seamless plan.

Make 'the people' feel sorry, sad, etc etc, for muslims, and bring them in.

Accept the muslims

Let them in your country.

I can guarantee this is not a false-flag. False flags are to be suspected when an evil, cruel, white, racist man is involved.

See how the media is acting? Everyone is silent on the racial matter.

You don't see anyone saying "racist" "white".

These buzzwords can't be used this time. The Jews hate when muslims actually act out in violence, but they will try to use the opportunity not for the racial matter of how evil whites are, but to point out how evil guns are.

I feel you, but just because the news used actors doesn't mean there wasn't a shooting.



They think you're only a real faggot if you take it up the ass. If you get your dick sucked or do the fucking it's not seen as faggotry.

Interesting image we have here.

He looks like a modernized American, free of his disgusting mudslime roots, but in the end, he carried out the will of what his soul was screaming for.

There's no denying that I'm incredibly thankful for what he did for Florida as it is DISGUSTINGLY FLOODED with faggots, but I find it interesting how a normal looking man with a kid and wife can find it in himself to go full retard and obliterate so many people.

I mean, he LOOKS normal, but I guess you never know.

They had a "latino heat" theme night.

Broken single parent families and bad schools.
The reason for blacks being the top homos.

the thing i criticize the most about this incident is that he didn't just bomb the place and had to die covered in poz blood

False flags involving muslims help the kikes inasmuch as they increase sympathy for Israel and butter up whitey for more wars in the middle east.
Oh, and they also draw attention away from kikedom. What's more, when a few pleb kikes get mugged or shot by sandniggers, the jews can then play the 'of course we aren't behind mass immigration or faciliating islamic influence: they hate us, dontchaknow' card.

I'm not saying this was a false flag btw: I do not feel myself in a position to judge (in any of these cases of mass shootings), though I am of a cynical disposition apropos the media apparatus etc.

His use of firearms also allowed the media to spin it as a EBIL GUNZ NO MORE FUNZ issue. If he'd gone all "C4 on the Dance Floor", there'd be no dodging the terrorist angle.

Did this nigger not have a driver's license or something?
What a faggot.



Would have worked like that before, but now it just helps Trump's platform.

You forgot that libtards dont operate on reason, but feels. It took them 2 minutes to start shilling about banning guns and hate speech.

Well, the nightclub is in Florida so you would expect lots of them anywhere.

I remember before going to Brazil I was talking with some Brazilian chicks and they told me I was going to be a hit with the ladies there because "half of all men there are homosexual/bisexual".

Of course I didn't believe it and assumed it was an exaggeration.

After spending 6 months in Rio, I'm absolutely certain they were right. Never seem so much faggotry in my life. GALLERY/FAGGOTS/page_0001.html


Give me proof that it didn't happen.
Explain to me the motives behind making a muslim shoot a bunch of mexican faggots in the middle of the elections?

show me video that proves the media narrative. you can't bitch because this shit is a lie.

ok shlomo

You have to go back, Muhammad

thanks for showing how naive you are.


Yeah well the very clear Islamic element in this attack completely overshadows the ebil guns narrative in every way.

Do you actually think this will convince people to want to ban guns?

After what they tried after Sandy Hook, its pretty clear the strategy of post shooting gun grabs does not work. Nobody buys it. The battle lines are drawn.

No, the kikes bring the Muslims in so the white goyim are worried about them instead of the chosenites.

If you knew anything about Israel's history of false flag terror, you'd know Muslims are their favorite targets.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying this fag removal was a false flag, just that you're a retard.

Can you tell me would this work for gun grabbing attempts when the Islamic terrorist aspect hurts the ebil guns aspect?

Why would the plotter of a false flag have the perpetrator be a Muslim and not some right wing white male?

how has false flagging muslims detered (((their))) plans in any way since 9/11?

more wars, check
more refugees, check
increase media pressure on gun rights, check
etc., etc., etc.

how exactly is psyoping a muslim attack against their interests?

There's a fucking furry at the memorial.

He's probably one of those alt-right spergs who thinks he has it all figured out because he listens to TRS and hears somebody paraphrase a KMac book.


People dont want another war.
Pretty clear that Americans have learned a lesson after Iraq and Afghanistan for 10 years straight.

Uhh no. This goes against exactly that. How does this get more refugees dude?

No different from every other day with the leftist MSM. I will say it again. They couldnt do it after Sandy Hook, so its pretty clear shootings do not make people want to turn in their guns. They tried some shit in CT and all the gun owners collectively said "nope, fuck off" and they backed right the fuck down.

hahaha oh man!

consent for war is easily manufactured. a shitload of people were against the iraq war. how old are you dipshit

has there been a decrease or increase of refugees to western nations since 9/11 and all the other muslim blamed psyops?

youre a real dumb dipshit


I don't know whether you're from Correct the Record trying to make Holla Forums look stupid or you're a genuine retard, but either way fuck off

Just like any moderate, they do fuck all to stop anything until shit already hit the fan.


Well now after 10 years even typical basic conservatives are against any more wars. That is fucking clear. Some dead fags in a club is not going to make people want to send their boys off to die.

And 9/11 didnt cause the increase in refugees, dummy.

And I didnt say they would stop going for guns, I said

The facts are that this does not play well into the globalist agenda. It hurts it! A shooting is not an event significant enough to cause a war. And shootings do not make people want to turn in their guns.

Holy fuck, zero decency. That guy in black looking right to him like with a "What the fuck is this faggot doing here ?" expression. Thats comedy gold.



If they were going to false flag they wouldn't use their precious moslems. It's be a 17 Holla Forums and Holla Forums browsing skinhead.

Also this really is a win-win situation for us. It's causing more people to wake up, it's getting Trump more support, and the people got killed were degenerates so really it's a win-win-win.

My understanding was that Latinos tend to be Injuns mixed with Iberians.

I thought it was Spanish Conquistadors planting their seeds inside Aztecs/Mayans, unless that's what you meant.

ZOG doesn't care about you electronic jew-worshiping faggots.

They love blaming video games for violence.

I look at threads like this and think "sometimes Holla Forumsacks can be retarded".

Then I remember that this site is god-tier compared to

The way even the other faggots just look at him with shame puts a huge smile on my face.

That is what I meant.
I know that there are people in Latin America mixed with African blood but I think that they're the minority.

Yeah threads like this are proof that Holla Forums gets popular in small towns of retarded inbreds.

probably not fake, guise








I've wondered recently if the whole point of Islamicizing the West isn't just intended to give Israel grounds to get rid of their own Muslims once we begin to do it.

can we get a story?

please stop huffing so much glue user, it's bad for your brain

One pic of Omar there? Is there one fucking piece of evidence he was there??

false flag isn't even synonymous with hoax, retard
false flag means it was done to incriminate someone else