Poo in the Loo Christian/Sikh destroys ISLAM

What does Holla Forums make of this ? Its pretty interesting, he seems to know his shit. Some of it is beyond me though

Heven't pooinloos been fighting with muslims in their countries for a long ass time?

He should run a gofundme for a better mic.
$2 should do it.

Oh yeah, Sikh's fucken HATE Islam, there are cases of them running out after mudslimes with a god damn scimitar.

They actually have a pretty solid belief system, they lagitamitly don't care who or what you worship, you can even worship your God in their temples so long as you follow their rules of covered head, no shoes and don't disturb their worship, as long as you don't try to impede on there worship.

They have been told if their worship is ever challenged and said they can't do it they can kill for it, but they also do the same for anyone else's religion.

Fun fact, only creed in the U.S. That the military will allow them to wear their turban instead of the regulated outfit because the Sikhs are fucking nuts. Also believe if they are going to die in battle, they take as many enemies with them as possible.

They are the equivalent of a wookie, big, friendly, furry, but will rip you apart if you try and hurt their friends.

Inb4 shill for Sikhs.

Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism are all personality cults that don't worship god, but a person.

Muslims worship Muhammed.
Jews worship Moses.
Christians worship Jesus..
Hindu's worship Krishna.
Buddhists worship Buddha.

No idea what the towlhead is saying.

Only Muhammed and Moses are persons.

The rest are divinities.

Damn nice dubs

Isnt Jesus a Sun God, which is what Indo-Europeans worshipped anyways?

Nobody hates Moslems as much as Sikhs.

Which is why it's funny that Trudeau put a Sikh in charge of the Canadian Ministry of Defense.

Wut? The list of most historical persons goes like this.


The cut-off point for a historical person, is somewhere below the Buddha.

No, he was some Palestinian, who got turned into God by Christians.

My point is that Muhammad and Moses were normal persons, prophets to their religion when the others were divine beings.

No, Muhammed is clearly historical, while Moses is not.

Also, Jesus is clearly more historical then Moses.

Are you a Jew, or Muslim or a member of some kind of semitic cult, because they is the only reason why you would think so.

as long as this poo-in-loo isn't living in any white countries, then he's fine by me

Sounds pretty cucked and multiculti if you ask me.

that's well and good, but they shouldn't be in our nations at all in the first place. If you're not white, you don't belong here.

Son, you are brain damaged. Learn to read.

I see, no argument, so you just say I am brain damaged and can't read.

My argument stays, Moses is not historical, Muhammed is.

You should probably break out the dictionary and check for "historical" and "divine".
You appear to not know what one or both of them mean.

Pretty sure it's just more jew bullshit fam. Little Mo, on the other hand have people documenting his crusade to rape as many children in as many countries as humanly possible.

Its an indian religion.
Theyve got a gorillion different cults and tribes out there and they managed to live side by side without one group genociding the rest.
So it makes sense for them to be inclusive in a hinduway.

India had hundreds of warring states and groups that were the source of conflict centuries, even thousands of years before the British came in and cleaned it all up. There was not "multiculti harmony" in India. Do you not realise that Sikhs as a group are constantly shit on by the majority of Indian society?

Besides, that doesn't make me want them in my nation any more. They're just another brand of non-white that poses a threat to our racial integrity.

Confirmed for having no idea what buddhism is.

You literrally don't understood what i said.

I never talked about who was historical or not. I talked about who was divine or not.

And i'm not a jew or muslim, i'm even critizing those two cults.

Something that is historical, can not be divine.

End of discussion.

Oh, you were just being an autistic fedorafaggot then? Adorable.

Something which is historical, something which lives on this earth and has a beginning and an end, can not be divine!

So yes, my awnser is correct!

Are you retarded?

>>>Holla Forums

And don't come back.

Oh yeah, the atheist calling me a fedora!

He look, atheists who have no arguments!

Fuck off, really.

What the fuck are you doing lad?

While the Sikh's aren't as bad as Muslims the only impressive thing about them is their internet propaganda.

He Atheist!

Fuck off!!!

God is not a man!!!

Fuck you!!

Educating people on religion!

Pretty sure they only breed with their own which is a plus.
And they're allowed to carry around bloody great assault daggers in britbong which can come in handy.


He look, the atheist is butthurt!!

Go worship people and abandon God, you atheist!!

Retarded 90 IQ nigger with a "christian education" confirmed.


He is similar to Tao/Dao; the way / Logos (actual word used by John). The Sun is the Lucifer - lightbringer, whereas Jesus is the Light.


They worship a man called Jesus, that makes them atheists!!

Jew confirmed.

Like every continent ever?

I meant the hindus did not kill each other as much for religious differences, thats still more harmonic then the shitshow that went on between the christian and the islamic side of the mediterran sea and all unfortunate groups that were caught inbetween.

Its a difference if you kill your opponent because you dont agree with his metaphysical worldview or if you do it for power and ressources.

You are the one claiming Jesus is mere man.


Also atheists.

He lived on this earth, therefor he can only be a mere man.

To deny this, is to claim that God is material.

If you study the history of India and it's religion, you will discover these people where perfectly capable of fighting holy wars.

Who the fuck are you?

Muhammad was a man.

A theist, a genuine one, not one of those man worshipping atheists.

Might be that im ignorant of their history then.
Still, they are the only region on earth that comes to my mind were they have such a diversity of cults, gods, sects and faiths living tightly packed. It's roman empire-tier multireligious.

Actually, most Indians either belong to the Krisha or the Islamic sects, so not that much diversity.

2 of those are gods retard (ill let you figure it out)
Buddhists tell me if you were to have meet the Buddha you should kill him (no literally) its complicated why (go ask a god damn Buddhist)
so only 2 can be personality cults and they both also have gods in their religions (and in the case of Judaism its the devil but thats that)

It's a fucking LARPer troll, just ignore it.

The real question is can i get off with having a weapon in britain if i convert to Sikhism?

Makes sense to me. If you meet a person who claims to be the Buddha, there's a good chance that the person in question isn't actually the Buddha but a deceiver. After all, it doesn't benefit the Buddha to announce his status as the Buddha, nor does it benefit the person who receives the announcement.

Additionally, by killing the Buddha, it demonstrates the lack of attachment which is so central to Buddhism. To kill the Buddha is only the destruction of a body; the soul persists, and it moves on to… wherever the fuck it's off to.

Completely wrong. Lucifer is associated with the Morning Star, Sirius, or the Dog Star.
The Sun is always associated with the highest God in whatever pantheon you're dealing with.

It's completely appropriate to see Christ as a solar deity. The Sun passes through twelve Zodiacs, and Jesus is accompanied by Twelve Apostles. Basic Bronze Age mythology.


They are only Gods, if you follow those religions.

I wonder, WHAT I am actually larping then?

And you're a lone faggot on 8/pol/

Behave yourself…

There is a very long history of conflict between Hindus and Islam