Yes,,they are ths stupid

SJWs think that everyone who isn't white is on the same team. SJW think that every who isn't part of the establishment is just waiting to give them a hug.

look at those dumb motherfuckers
i hate them so much

They are right. They left destroyed peoples sense of selves so hard that they can now program them at their will. And the programming is: destroy straight white men. Everyone not straight white or male is welcome. They are on the same team.

Also, sage.

The left is fucked. And in France, another smaller terrorist attack by a mudslime.
Also dubs.

Ok, have fun…

I guess I'll repost too:
You shouldn't buy this for a second.

(((The enemy))) knows that Orlando is going to drive faggots to Trump, and that this will rip a hole in the democratic coalition as well as torpedo the "bigot" label against the Emperor.

Their response: This Meme (which you are helping to spread, by the way)

They send out the gay (((community leaders))) and their loyal army of activists to talk on TV shows and march in the street saying, "Fuck Trump!" as usual, meanwhile, 99.9% of faggots are sitting at home saying, "Jesus christ, fucking muslims want to kill me and liberals are just gonna let them!"

Now, if the New Right sees the activists and (((community leaders))) and starts hitting a big "Fuck faggots" theme (in contrast to our Emperor), then the enemy meme succeeds and the gay defection is prevented.

So don't sing the liberal's song. We are 100% "Fuck Muslims" for a fortnight. (If you're outside of Holla Forums, since that point seems to confuse some faggots)

Addendum: our counter meme is,



Kek first the patriarchy, now this. When did Huff become Alex Jones level conspiritard?

Yes, it was very smart of the Jews and Radicals to abandon the Working Class and replace them with minorities, woman, students and perverts.

Fuck, these people are stupid.


This is only good, the more fags muslims kill while suiciding themselves the better. The fags mustn't be wary of slimes and slimes have to feel like it's their holy duty to kill the degenerates, it's two birds with one stone.

Translation: Just lie down and accept your death, literal faggots.

It's fucking amazing, the cognitive dissonance. Islam and Sharia is as far right as it gets, yet these FAR LEFT window lickers will blindly defend it and actually demand more of it. How much more stupid can the people of this nation get? It seems we're at full Idiocracy levels now.

Cute frog. Please post more.

Muslims have that lust for blood.

But fags can be clever.

My money is on the poofs.

I refuse to believe that even liberal faggots would swallow this crap. I mean, there's a world of difference between being killed (and often in terrible ways) and being engaged in a verbal war with people who don't like you (us). At our absolute pinnacle our goal is to undo laws that favor gays and to remove their influence from schools and such, meaning kids. Will this end homosexuality? No. But it is a return to a more decent, quiet world. In the same way we oppose pornography and general vulgarity we oppose the gay mafia and its influence. But nobody here gives two fucks about what you do in private.

Homosexuals have a simple choice now - live or die. I'd like to think that they can at least have the decency to recognize the lesser of two evils, if they consider us evil. Because the other side wants them DEAD and the very people they associated with and had trust in (liberals, democrats, SJW's) abandoned them completely at the drop of a hat.

How the fuck does anyone, even a brain-dead leftist, think this sort of alliance would ever fucking work?

99% of /pollacks, or for that matter normie social conservatives, would be perfectly satisfied if gay people would go back in the closet, stop partnering with Marxists to undermine civilization, and just quietly live whatever kind of private life they want in their own homes.

That's a much better deal than what the muslims offer them.

I had a hearty laugh.

Why are you mad at people who want to kill themselves?

Let them repeatedly learn the hard way if they dismiss your concerns for them for some good PR.

Muslims are less forgiving about homosexuality than Christians. The LGBT is used to treating Christians like doormats so they assume that hardcore Muslims are ones who say mean words. They're in for a huge surprise.

Has Jack Donovan or Greg Johnson released a statement?

We need to meme this, hard. Where are the drawfags when you need them?

Yes, remember, Turing was a faggot and he helped crack codes when he wasn't cottaging. And Alexander the great, Hadrian, Greek faggots of antiquity, and many more crafty fuckers like to pack the fudge.

t. Not a faggot but have studied their tactics. They almost got to make boyfucking legal, you have to admire that. Now time to go back to the bog. ..

well the best outcome is that we won't have open faggots anymore however then we will have a muslim problem……

gay people would go back in the closet, stop partnering with Marxists to undermine civilization, and just quietly live whatever kind of private life they want in their own homes.

This. They have their tax break and are able you visit one another in the hospital. Diminishing returns. Also, the dykes, which were ALWAYS the looney contingent, have gone to the trannies and the pedos, leaving for most no choice. All the guy guys I know are the low key…well, mostly low key, but they are intelligent about it.