

Just post ones in cute outfits. Then things should be better than okay.

What do you mean?

I miss librechan

So much for not coming back here again eh

What I'm saying is these people shouldn't be here

How's this? Safe enough?

There should be a nicer place to share kid pics

How about this sexy babe?

Some cheese pizza of a young girl being molested by her uncle in the basement with the lights off.


Forgot the pic



pretty dead here :3

I didn't mean to offend you.
I mean, free speach is important, but in this case, I think it is probably best just to post pictures of girls that are not close breaking the DOST or nudism. There still will be girl presence, so although it may not be the ideal, there would be a silver lining.

Been doing that whole evening.
I think it's nice idea but does not seem to work here. :3

That's because pedos are not wanted here.

Maybe read that a couple of times so you can understand.

That sucks.
Text art it is then.

Speak for yourself normalfag.
I'd rather have a dozen pedos here than a single normalfag.


go away reddit