Which podcasts are worth listening to if any?


which podcasts are worth listening to if any?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Daily Shoah, Fash The Nation, and Radio Free Skyrim are my main ones.

Convict Report and Fatherland if I get a chance.

Plus I try to listen to any special things that get put out, like Knockoff.

Common Filth Radio, Millennial Woes (sort of), Free Domain Radio / Stefan Molyneux

Knockoff is toppest tier in my book, but doesnt come out much

Other then that, yeah your list is good. Episode 1 of Sunshine shitpost was pretty good but who knows if they can keep it up. Fatherlabd is comfy as hell but i cant always into it. Yound Huwhytes has some good content as it brings back memories of how FUCKED universities are. Other podcast are varying quality id say.

The shoah, Fash the Nation, and to some extent the nords are my go to.

KulturKampf and Darwin Digest are good as well but dry and cover philosophy and science respecitvely. Manifest Destiny is full off faggots who suck dicks and want to be Richard Spencer but have absolutely nothing insightful to say, except for Reactionary Tree, who is legit austistic and a cool bro. The Hammer on the Daily Stormer is a decent trolling manual for basic rhetoric.

Radix' podcast has gotten surprisingly good recently since Spencer gave up being serious and began openly advocating for Kek. Greg Johnson's interviews on Counter Currents are good but rare.

Paracletus and Florian Geyer best waifus.

'Manifest Destiny' - they discuss serious writings and use them as a jumping off point to tackle how to proceed for white nationalism. Everyone else is playing to some extent, MD are trying to get somewhere.

But agree, Skyrim is the funniest, I like Nation of One, and of course Fash the Nation for timely American political news. I don't even listen to the Daily Shoah any more, too long and shit-posty, but it's the flagship one, if you want 'scene' news.>>6327479

Common Filth Radio and Free Domain Radio are enough to occupy my time, for now.


As others have said, fash the nation is a must. Radio free skyrim is funny as hell sometimes (fucking love that slide whistle). The daily shoah is hit or miss but it covers the most current events that doesnt step on ftn.

I also liked the history podcadt but theyre not up anymore it seems.

Me too, but getting real tried of the Moishe shit.

They're moving to Rope Culture in the next few weeks, which is a better fit for them, because there they can advocate violence all they want.

Im talking about fash course world history. Is that the one you mean?

Spingola Speaks, Red Ice Radio

RFS is the funniest.

Yep. They got shoah'd from soundcloud, then shoah'd from TRS for forum drama, then shoah'd again for quality control, then left in a huff after it turned out Dagon is 15 and tried to fight one of the Kultur Kampf guys in real life.

Red Ice is dank, but I think the subscription thing is very unAryan, unless they offered a way to pay it off in labor.

Link? I didn't catch it.

Not familiar with forum drama as i dont have access, and also not familiar with them trying to fight other casters irl lol.

I loved the one episode they did on the aztecs so its disapointing they had quality control issues what is rope culture? Another podcast or another site?

I think it's in RFS 31. Could be 32. Or 30. Just listen to all of them in a row without stopping, then get drunk and listen to the Alcholocausts and praise the Black Sun to become a priest of Kalki Alllightning.

Rope Culture/Noose is Iron March's edgy fascist webmag. It's essentially a hipster version of the Stormer, based heavily on National Action's style of imagery. ropeculture.org/

Thanks. I'll give them a listen after work today.

TRS is funny to listen to while playing vidya games.

TRS forums should honestly be gassed if it werent for the podcast making and pool party threads, better to just shitpost in the comments of articles. Simpler times







I really don't know your motivation for making this post. None of the podcasts listed are Jewish.


Darwin Digest is really good if you're into hatefacts and generally relevant science stuff.

rebel yell's pretty damn good, fash the nation is okay, and NRO is pretty good.


Pierce is pretty great on some topics in case you have not heard yet.

Retard detected

They've always been in it for the shekels.

Since people are recommending non-TRS podcasts, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's daily show is great.


He's CI, but most of his guests aren't. He even had Terrible Tommy on a few times.

I highly recommend Fourth Position. It's both the right mix of entertainment and education.

Can any of you faggots invite me to the TRS forum?


I'm Adolph Hitler reincarnated with pure 1488 pulsing through my veins. However, I'm an isolated Holla Forumsack with no redpilled friends to invite me to private jew-hating forums.

please don't make me suck your dick


Moshe pls.

Fish Course History was the best series to date IMHO.

Good luck finding the episodes though, that shit got shoahed more than the actual Shoah.


Jewish fucking autocorrect…

The Danish leader of the alt-right and the US Republican party is wise and powerful with the bantz.

Search "episode (insert number here) Agrippa" on archive and you can find most of them. They aren't labelled so you have to go by the descriptions.

I share knockoff with deserving normies.

Haven't gotten into young huwytis just because I haven't bothered.

Rebel yell is ok but generally lacks bantz. Fash Britannia was far too dry for me and kulture kampf is ok but I'm usually driving while listening and I've never studied philosophy. It would be better if I could go along with the text.

Nice dubs, Natt.

The Daily Shoah
Fash the Nation
Manifest Destiny
Darwin Digest

Posting Natt's moon man Doom mod review

Hey goyim, I'll just leave this here.
Morrakiu was broadcast saying (((Bernie Sanders))) on 530 radio stations at 2PM ET today.

*1 PM, rather


I love this year


Any of The Right Stuff podcasts on Podcast Republic? Can't seem to find any of it there.

Radio Derb is my favorite Holla Forums related podcast.



Posting rare Natts


Knock off is by the the funniest.

They used the most tame one. He didn't get all nasally and strung out.

Listen to what I have to say about politics for an hour or so.

Fash Course History here:

https:[email protected]/* */&tab=uploads

christopher cantwell's radical agenda (pro-white libertarian)
red ice creations
common filth radio

be sure to subscribe to this channel if you haven't already.

FOURTH POSITION RADIO talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=85857&cmd=tc


he's basically an ancap going full white nationalist at this point.

But those are two conflicting ideologies.

Unless you go with Alex Linder's point of view where the jews have to be exterminated, lolbertarianism and all of its spin-offs are intrinsically anti-White.

if you watch the show, you will see where he is coming from with it. He is more Hoppean at most now, borderline ready to trash the whole ideology from the way he sounds.

He talks waaaaay more about white nationalist issues and anti-leftism/democracy at this point now.

I tried to listen to Common Filth, but like everyone mentioned it's too black pill for me. The first video I was done.

Nat is often on Cantwell's 1st irregulars podcast. Worth giving a listen for when him and a MGTOW get into slap fights on it.

Common filth's problem is that he's too religious. Everything comes back to MUH JESUS without exception

No Agenda

It's the best produced podcast, bar none.

They focus on what they call "deconstructing the media," or calling the media out on their bullshit.

They're not explicitly white nationalist, nor do the ebinly meme, but they've been defending Trump a lot so it isn't a cucked program by any stretch of the imagination. It can be very funny, too.

New episodes every Thursday and Sunday.


Best podcast for Bantz
Radio Free Skyrim

Best Podcast for Politics
Fash the Nation

Daily Shoah is now 3 hours of shitposting about white nationalism. It's probably the best, since all the others are just fanboys imitating.

Fash the Nation is a really good political discussion, actually serious and worth listening to.

The Fatherland is pretty comfy, and good to listen to if you've got a family or are planning to start one.

Radio Free Skyrim is just pure shit talking for an hour, entertaining in small doses, haven't listened to it in months.

Fash Britannia got cancelled for some reason. Someone got doxxed.

The rest aren't worth mentioning.

I like CF's show as like a foil too other content I listen too as a way to stay morally grounded.

He does go down the "jesus is the only answer" path a bit too much, but its good to hear alternative voices within a similar political/cultural sphere.

Common Filth Radio

I support TRS since they're red pilling a lot of people, but I personally cannot stand their community or their podcasts. But whatever, that's just me.

I listen to:

They stream WN stuff 24/7 and have a couple of their own shows now.





All that sissy porn he's been watching has started to get to him.

X22 report is good. Also I've been listening to Styxhexenhammer666 lately.

Yeah, but that's only the latter ones, and the early ones were some of the best.

The Noah shitposting and Demonology EPs were great, China and Thanksgiving too.
Oh shit, and the Norse Winter ep was gold.

Of the new ones, I enjoyed the Aztec, Iron Guard and Glad Tapes EPs the most.
The Star Wars ep legit pissed me off, until I remembered the date.