Survey of Holla Forums
Survey of Holla Forums
Is this a meme, they're just questions.
I was going to say your survey is slightly tumblrish then I realized you're a femanon.
Post tits to save face.
Holla Forums You're so easy.
You're not even trying. Would love to read your thoughts on multinationalism vs. the State.
Holla Forums
Femanon Sharpie in pooper.
By the way, OP, you've framed your questions very strangely in a way that can easily be twisted and reduces the scope of opinions you can represent in the answers. You have a few really good questions so I'm confused why you'd have something as so crazy specific as "organized Jewish conspiracy".
I'm interested in how you figure this.
cock in all fields, op.
Yeah, at least this guy answered with actual opinions.
Well for example, he's a Holla Forumsack
His opinions lean to the right but actually ask for context.
He's a Holla Forums stereotype so he's a newfag who entered trough Holla Forums so a stormfaggot.
He mostly doesn't care and is an individualist, but is not suicidal.
He is a media feed normie who heavily supports mariguana.
You're like the nihilist gut but less individualistic.
Would you mind being more specific in how my answers imply nihilism and the presence or lack of individualism?
Well, for one, you're acting like an attention whore which tells me you're relatively new.
I didn't said you implied nihilism, just that were similar in answers but more reactive to these, plus you're asking for context the same way he just gave his opinions.
(Anti-)Nihilism and/or individualism characterizes oldfags or at least people in the path to oldfagottry.
The fact that your answers slightly vary between right and left without a clear side tells me that you're on the path to individualism.
Holla Forums with strong elitist streaks
Not trying to attention whore, it just seems like black magic to me that you're able to find connections between these things.
Could you define nihilism for me?
questions are shit
Oh damn you commiefag.
The only commie state that stayed true to it's fucked up ideology is north korea.
The other bankrupted or change to capitalism like China for example.
Have some data to mine.
it's called social democratization of the party, or revisionism
read any books on political economy from before 60's and later, the difference should be clear
so, what's your point? change of leadership, defamation of marxism leninism and destruction of the economy by hijackers deligitmazes ML how?
the only thing it says is that Stalin was right about everything and if anything, he should've used more administrative power to actually do the shit he's accused of and kill opponents
Holla Forumsack
Lefty stereotype.
12 year old kid in Holla Forums or sad adult who blames all his problems to other stuff.
Either I've spend too much time in this place or I'm autistic or both.
Sure, is not caring much about life, not exactly suicidal but just taking life as it comes and realizing there's nothing special with it and things are just things.
Things like laws, morals, doing things for a reason are just illusions to avoid the meaningless reality.
Anti-nihilism is the same but you appreciate the happiness of the people in the illusion and try to be happy yourself by forming your own morals, laws and reasons.
And how did you come to that conclusion?
Are you projecting?
Im a supporter of Laissez-faire gov style. Best if the ruler is monarch.
So basicly im agisnt everything you stand for.
This strikes a chord with me. Would you tell me more about this?
Never mind, I just read your other posts.
You're autistic.
I don't go to Holla Forums, I work and pay for my own shit, and if I have problems I figure out how to fix them instead of trying to blame them on someone and cry.
These questions aren't nearly specific enough to make accurate judgements about anonymous users.
No dumbfuck. You're a Holla Forums stereotype but every desicion you made literally puts the blame of everything into another person to an extreme, and the upper questions get rid of those people for you.
The or you just zig zagged your survey.
Yes they are because they're answering them nevertheless.
How did I blame anything, dumb fuck?
Alright, I'll play your game.
Wait, I see what you're doing here.
You're giving vague assessments from a vague chart so you can come off as intelligent.
You're like one of those people who think they're smart for getting a high score on an internet IQ test.
I just realized I didn't even see the gender and age bit.
Male, 31.
Tits and get the fuck out
The Jews for the politics.
Social programs, inmmigration, wealth gap and military budget for your economy.
Races and multiculturalism for everything bad that happens around you with another people.
Healtcare and Abortion gets rid of them.
And marriage tells me you're a shut in or got divorced.
Well no shit. Has worked for me IRL until now.
Please don't kill yourself user.
frea*ing suffragettes
It shouldn't suprise me that someone who supports communism would have no understanding of human nature or what happens in real life.
On global warming: even if it is real, I don't think there's anything that can be done about it by humans, specifically the west.
1. right wing ideologies are related to low IQ
2. rich people develop sociopathic characters
you're the one not understanding human nature
No, extremist ideologies are related to low IQ, you should know about that.
More like sociopathic people develop richness.
you really are this retarded
Yeah low IQ, commietard.
Left wing ideologies, communism especialy is paradox.
Liberals see themselves as the intellectuals because they have PhD's in meme humanities tbh fam.
said no study, ever
it is shown that made believe "rich" people changed in attitude in a significant rate
try reading instead of just shitting around whatever feels comfortable
oh wait, you're right wing
being comfortable in your lies is the only thing you care about
funny how everything you guys believe in is self delusional maymay shitposting
I've decided to be more exact, because this is interesting and man I am bored
Disagree with me and tell me why.
You are memeing right? There is nothing wrong with libertarianism.
what the h*ck
this is exactly the cognitive dissonance mentioned in the article
Holy shit, I give up on everything I ever said.
Lefties are just as annoying as stormfags, is just that I've never found one until now.
making yourself comfortable with maymay shitpostings about liberals (which need to be gulaged alongside with you)
Minarchism when subjected to reductio ad absurdum is just anaracho capitalism
Here you go buddy
Fuck off, I have to deal with stormfags on Holla Forums, and now you.
I guess everyone who got killed trying to escape the soviet union by the Berlin wall was just trying to give the good news.
right wing retarded
They were secret capitalists obviously.
Also, everyone killed by communism was actually killed by communism done wrong
hahaha what the fuck
and people say calling you guys retarded is just ad hominems, kek
strongly disagree
strongly disagree
strongly agree
somewhat agree (waifus)
somewhat disagree
somewhat agree
strongly disagree
strongly disagree
strongly agree
somewhat agree
somewhat agree (talking about the us right?)
strongly agree
strongly disagree
ahh god I sound like a libertarian, i like roads though.
yeah, you're totally not retarded
not at all
No true scotsman.
Dude, I did it on paint.
wew lad
i didn't start this
next time, before you get triggered by backlash for you being a retarded cunt
better shut the fuck up right from the beginning, cunt :^)
you're going overboard with confirming what is already known
you guys are full blown retards
whatever you say, friendo
Just fuck off to >>>Holla Forums
The video just says how the article is biased to the root.
You haven't actually watched the video, have you? The second half largely draws from the research of professor Satoshi Kanazawa who wrote the book The Intelligence Paradox (which, for someone being so condescending, it's pretty telling that you couldn't recognize that's what the video was referencing from the fucking thumbnail, dumbass.)
The first half goes through various racial attitudes from around the world and basically points out that if what you were saying held any weight at all, then you'd be extremely racist for saying it, and then points out some conservative beliefs held by high IQ societies and liberal ones held by low IQ societies.
tl;dr: Man you're dumb, you are so dumb. You are really really dumb.
I'm on mobil >:
Here is me
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
t. Tony Blair
i like you!
I don't even browse Holla Forums
probably a hick/10
I'm late with this response because I fell asleep.
How the fuck is any of that (outside of the Jews, I'll admit to that) blaming those demographics for any of my own personal problems?
I'm not a shutin or a divorce cuck either. Marriage is a fucking tax scam, and you're better off with a long term gf who works for a living that you can just leave when things get too shitty instead of this alimony bullshit.
Probably because you're clearly a shutin yourself and you're projecting your own issues onto anonymous posters.
fuck it. why not.
This thread is a jewish trick.
Should change the filename to KGB commiefag
Social programs are provably, objectively endebting the country. You should have asked whether it's worth it.
Looks like you're the closest to me user
Things aren't always black & white.
lol who knows?