Ladies and gentlemen of Holla Forums, I present to you…
A furry at the Pulse nightclub funeral
Ladies and gentlemen of Holla Forums, I present to you…
A furry at the Pulse nightclub funeral
Other urls found in this thread:
They keep thinking they're part of lgbt, but even the faggots want nothing to do with those freaks.
It never ceases to amaze me how fucked up furries are. They are literally the faggots of the faggots.
LGBTQF when?
That's hilarious, yet a little sad. These fuckers can't even show a little dignity at a funeral.
Degeneracy at a degeneracy memorial????
Wow more news at 11
You don't understand how fully fucked up they are.
Showing up in a full costume was, to their culture, a mark of respect.
Talking about lgbtqizghr4_ä$$$ in general tbqh.
Fuck that cultural relativism bullshit. Dignity is not completely subjective.
Not even a minute in and I'm dying of laughter.
Is this REALLY what you sacks of shit want to pretend to believe? Like, you can’t do any better than this? You really couldn’t come up with something that made more sense? I mean, this took effort. This isn’t even ‘zero effort’ like most of your other shit; it takes some actual thinking to appear this fucking mentally defective. Why did you think this was a good idea?
Reported, in short.
I think this is why Islam is the most dangerous threat at present. The 'normal' majority won't be able to cope with the coming degeneracy social marxism is generating. Especially as we reach further down the slippery slope.
Very passionate, militant anti-degeneracy will be appealing for many people.
IMO the Christian Church needs to start having a backbone again.
Not as insulting as the furry art of the fire fighters that died during 9/11.
Holla Forums's reaction is
Post it for lulz?
I saw it all day in threads yesterday
Christ was a cuck
The guy would have topped the score board if he had detonated that bomb on his chest and didn't have a partner.
Just search "furry 9/11". I ain't putting that filth on my computer.
top kek
Well that's hardly the point I was making.
But btw:Christianity, and Christendom, did create the modern west. The most free, strongest and best society that has ever existed.
I was actually very grateful for those fags dying. I've only seen shitty snapchat footage of it so far and no actual bodies hitting the floor.
That day 2 birds got hit with one stone. Please more Omars
Shut the fuck up you dingus. We need fags to turn against their leftist masters, and reminding them that Islam wants to fucking murder them all is step one.
Found this on my one trip to our furry board.
I haven't taken anything out of context.
A decent percentage apparently really do want to have sex with animals.
What animal is that anyway? A rat or something?
Yep, and? Doesn’t mean we like them.
So… yes, you’re an intl faggot. Thanks for confirming. Kill yourself.
Away with you
He's @RCTheFox on Telegram
Why would you post that? Honestly.
Spoiler that shit you sick fuck.
It takes much more to phase me nowadays
Because despite being a degenerate gay furry myself, I think solidarity shit is the stupidest fucking bullshit that does nothing.
News from the Fur-ont, there was a rumor going about that some furry had been killed at said gaybar. Also a conflicting rumor that the account shown on Furaffinity was falsely created to stir up sentiments, looks more the be a case of stupid fags being stupid fags.
There's furfags defending this on Twitter right now anons.
Missed opportunity to dress as a pig tbqh.
"But it's my fursona"
I've shitposted there, almost as fun as mocking the shit out of /r9k/ but less rewarding.
The niggers literally flock to any anti-bestiality post with autistic essays of faggotry. Disgusting!
Furries. When will they ever learn?
Any idea how many furries there are in the Western world? Ballpark estimate?
The Christian Church welcoming furries with open arms in the name of tolerance is much more likely than them becoming respectable ever again. It's turned into a soft feel-good new age club while Islam and Judaism don't compromise ever. That's why the Muslims have respect for Jews and none for Christians.
5000 or so roughly make their pilgrimage to Anthrocon every year. I'd put the ballpark number on an order of magnitude higher than that.
Couple things of note in that pic (aside from the furry): the black sun-looking manhole cover on the lower left and the rainbow-colored echo parentheses on the back of that woman's shirt on the right.
This isn't the time to play Where's Waldo user
Apparently he's married and does this shit, not only that, but also goes around kids having done this degenerate shit in suit. End my suffering.
I doubt it's anything significant
Maybe how you "respect" a fly
At least he's corrupting a niglet. Goddamn I hate nigger furries though.
I was an internet furfag for many years
There are millions of dead accounts and tens of thousands active across all furry boards and art sites, it's like a generational wave thing.
I'd wager that throughout the entire world there are roughly 5 million of them, but there has never been a survey that got more than a handful to reply. They're too scattered to really pool together.
a jew
Reveal yourselves.
What's the nearest Child Services?
Godspeed you glorious bastard
Oh well, I didn't need those sides anyway
I already miss Omar.
qSounds like he wants a jewish girl. Heyoooooo
Can confirm.
Holy shit, I can watch people getting ripped apart and have their guts spray everywhere with blood squirting on the wall and not even flinch, but this shit legitimately makes me kinda sick. Not even exaggerating.
The "community" keeps adding letters, why not an F for furry.
why would they
its a boat anchor tied around their necks as soon as those freaks demand shit you KNOW its gonna turn to our side away from the "love is love" crap to "lol look at that freak in the bunny costume and his sick fetish"
why not add another g for gas
I like it
g is already taken for goofy
more like LGBTWTFBBQ
should be kia
What kind of lives would these furries have lived in earlier times, I wonder.
I guess if they had been born in, say, the 1930s they would've just suppressed their desires for an alternative lifestyle.
is that two men?
Not even /k/ is immune to the furry plague.
Most would probably keep it private. I think there were bigger issues during 1930 (in America, at least) to worry about, anyway.
Anthropomorphism has been a yuge part of human history, from ancient Egypt (we wuz animal godz) to Greek, Roman, German, Anglo and more folk-lore.
Then there are those that take furry to the next level, where reality becomes a black hole and no rules exist.
/k/ isn't immune from much these days.
Holla Forums loves Omar for two reasons; killing homos and killing himself. Cool MSPaint strawman though.
"And also be supportive of, uh, the LGBTVHS lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, virgin, hermaphrodite, snowFLAKE community."
That isn't a furry. That's bdsm.
Most consider Pup/Horse-play linked with Furry in some way.
Stop the fursecution
I bet there's one on Holla Forums right now
Furries: Taxing the gay man's ability to be tolerant
she does not look amused, or aroused.
How can they see in those costumes, is there some sort of exotic video system inside the animal heads with goggles?
Are you a furry?
That's understandable, but they're incorrect. Pup and horseplay are all about dominance and submission. Neither have to do with the core of furries, which is the visual abstraction of personality traits. It's why so many homosexuals and autists are into it.
Time for cringe
wait, actually, that's retarded. They're just abstracted differently. Notice the face on the bdsm dogman, and compare it to any furry anything and you'll see the difference.
At least weeaboos don't try to make their moeblobs 3D
I could see a furfag beating off to a 2D anthro but those fursuits are horrifying
I honestly wonder if common filth is ever going to do an episode about us.
Hopefully, the militant Christians of the future resemble, Leon Degrelle, the founder of the Rexist party. He was a courageous fighter during ww2
People of his caliber will be an interesting addition to the impending conflicts that the West is certain to face.
The fursuit people are a tiny minority. I know that sounds like the same thing every degenerate group says, but in this case its actually true. Those things cost thousands of dollars, most people just draw or buy drawings.
Oh but they do
Soon. It will be LGBTQFPNb
'F" as in furry
"P" as in pedo
"N" as in necrophilia
"b" as in beast
Mark my words, will we be host to this insanity.
Want to add to this. Fursuits that are designed for sex would be clearly identifiable due to the construction of it. Suiters who aren't into the kinky stuff and do acting or whatever don't have holes or attachments for penises or pussies or buttholes.
And that makes it all better? In my opinion that makes it worse
Gotta get BSDM into there too
What else….
Foot fetishists? Crossdressers?
This is America in 2016, it doesn't matter what crazy shit gets your horny. The crazier the more protected and promoted you need to be, you adorable little perv.
I will not mark your words. pedos, necrons, and zookeepers aren't in the same tier. They're all attractions to real things that exist. Weeb and furry are both abstractions of normal human sexuality, made accessible and nonthreatening for autists. If you were to have a list it'd be WFCX, or
Clang (robots)
Xeno (aliens and monsters).
about who?
furries? think he did
Holla Forums?
feels betrayed by a bunch of autistic faggots that couldn't handle (just) criticism of white people and himself being probably autistic couldn't handle the bantz (no offense cf you took some of it to far I love your channel and think your on point but stop focusing on a small amount of /lgbt/ infiltrators and larpagans that are a small and hated community here)
Actually to me it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. The fact he's wearing the equivalent of a beacon top his faggotry is what I find deplorable.
Is that denial or just shock?
Fuck you faggot.
Read up on this "Papist", idiot
3dpds with personality disorders and literal faggots are the same no matter what identity they claim.
No weeb wants 3d 2d. Gas the blobs, dimensional war now.
How long before this country turns into the most bizarre orgy the world has ever seen?
That's vanilla with sprinkles that's like the most common one
I thought anal sex was the most common?
CF blames everything on white people and completely ignores nonwhite degeneracy. He doesn't just "focus too much" on minorities in the movement, he purposely ignores the constant shitting-on that people like milo get from Holla Forums, TRS, and elsewhere.
He was asked whether he'd rather live in Portland or Jamaica or something like that, and he got incredibly asshurt and called the question stupid repeatedly before refusing to actually answer it and leaning towards Jamaica.
That would defeat the purpose. If their fursona was wearing a HMD it would be on the suit itself not inside it. It's considered an extension of their body not a suit.
They used to cost almost $10,000 back in the 90's if you adjust for inflation. Now you can get cheap material from China and follow a tutorial on the internet. A half decent suit could cost $500 if you have the right equipment and time to make one.
That's not even a fucking fetish
That's an entire category of sex
It's a fetish. It doesn't bear children and you need lube for it to even happen. It's not real sex. You might as well be fucking a man.
The idea that this "list" even exists and is EXPANDING scares me.
The slippery slope isn't some nonsense Holla Forums dreamed up, it's real and tangible.
Not going to ask how you know that info fam
pic unrelated
The only reason you are saying this is because it has been normalized for so many decades.
You see the power in normalizing this stuff? Today's weird and freaky shit is tomorrows 'meh it is just another category'.
That can't be good.
Holla Forums hates faggots and shitskins, now go back to >>>/plebbit/
There's nowhere further to slide from those ones, though. It's not like BDSM where you end up stabbing each other in the balls or something. If you go any further than furry it isn't furry anymore, and you were already actually into animals. Weeb is just simplified people, so maybe people will jack off to stick figures or something but that's it. Xeno and Clang are basically the same way. They're potential vectors for destructive avoidance behaviors, sure, but that's a general pornography issue more than anything else.
Even if that list were to become a thing, it'd be a step in the right direction. As that other user said, they make fursuits with vagina slots, so white procreation is possible, which can't be said for LGBT.
Since there is furries in my country.
How do these people get obsessed with fur suits?
Were they raped by a dog in childhood?
Or are they too uggo?
A psych evaluation would be interesting.
Oh kek
Wew m8
Hate to break it to you but anal sex has probably decreased since the invention of the condom since it was used as a birth control thing way back when
You weren't in the same threads I was in then
not an argument
Two furries fucking through rabbit costumes are sexually healthier than anal. This is a biological fact.
It appeals to otherwise permavirgins that see it as a community that will fuck with them while essentially wearing a full body mask
Saying that anal sex is not sex doesn't deserve a rebuttal
Did you read what you just typed before posting
Anal was taboo, user.It wasn't somebody you did to somebody you cared about.
top kek
I had to suppress my voice or my mom would turn off the internet
Basically this, as far as the "community" goes. For others it is just a fetish, but I can't imagine they'd ever dare bring it up to their wives or whatever.
You don't have a rebuttal.
Oh shit I didn't realize you were that retard at the beginning of the thread. Sorry for arguing with you, I'm sure you have a short yellow bus to catch.
Mudslimes are still doing it when didling their own kids. A turk doctor in germany wrote a book about child abuse in mudslime familys.
Some of these girls can't control their asshole anymore and just shit whenever.
WEW what a time to be alive!
It was probably what a lot of girls got first if they had any sexual experiences before marriage
Anal sex is actually haram though– Mohammed explicitly condemned it which is strange considering his loli fetish
user do you work in marketing? You should.
Top kek
You're right user, how silly of me. I'll stick it up her nose next time, because that's an entire category of sex. Hell, I'll tie rubber balloons to my nipples too. That's what sex is really all about.
Not like most of them give a fuck about that.
ANd in any case Islam is a shit.tier religion, but the real problem is race.
Are you chinese or are you banging a jew?
I swear to god you must be too young to have boomer parents. Premarital sexual experience was heavy petting, and that was something degenerate boomer kids did.
When I get weird I go for her ears, feels good.
How about LBGTFO?
we need more gas
Clearly I used lube, the necessity of which is a clear indicator of any functional sexual practice. It makes the baloons shine, too.
God forbid we go missionary in costumes, though. That shit's for freaks.
They found it. The one black father who stuck around with his kids.
Furries are gay.
More at 11.
Still pretty sure you're banging kikess.
Look at the dude is white.
Black fathers don't stay around.
Are the Amish allowed on the internet? How do they know about Holla Forums?
ANd in any case Islam is a shit.tier religion, but the real problem is race.
So Islam's not the real problem?
I bet you don't know about the illegitimacy explosion in the 1750's onward
That picture makes no fucking sense. The vast majority of Holla Forums was cheering on Mateen.
The lesser problem. All semites are the ultimate parasites. Hence why asian islamic countries are a tad less cancerous than african or middle eastern ones.
Furries make bronies and weebs look normal.
That's not what I saw
Honestly if Islam had sprouted up in western europe I'm not sure most here would see anything wrong with it
My point is that anal is weirder than fursuits on an objective, biological level, and that you're a hypocrite and a retard for buying into anal as somehow normal.
I am not advocating for fursuit sex, but I can't think of any health risks associated with it or any reason it would inhibit white birthrates, so I can't argue against it either.
To be fair on those furries, that was adorable af.
I feel kind of sorry for the parents of those two individuals, but if I ignore the fact that they're both furry faggots it was quite a nice wedding compared to some of the shit ones I've been too.
Shame it won't last.
Only reason I like muslims, for them being suicidally based for killing fags and ending themselves to remove their blood line.
What I saw was people trying to spin the narritive to hating Muslims because "muh gays", which is actually a valid attack method. Divide and conquer, just like you're doing right now you fucking shill.
Quite a few people here think cuckstianity is just as ducked, so I honestly don't know what delusion you're suffering.
Go kill yourself.
It's a shit tier religion devoid of any intellectual power. The thing that happened with christianity, that it got infused with hellenistic ideas etc., could never work with Islam, because there are specific rules against changing anything, evolving or gaining knowledge in general.
It's a retarded believe system for a retarded people.
yiff in hell
if you do anal properly there's nothing wrong with it– I don't even do it, I'm just stating a fact
I celebrated the killing of those faggots by blasting "kill all the gays and the faggots".
I believe it's an Indy film called Birdo. I don't think it's Pornographic? If memory serves me right they played it at a Film festival in Phoenix last year.
Holy shit at least you didn't go the trendy way and holler cuck
Yes that's what I'm saying Islam is way more Holla Forums than christianity in terms of beliefs
You can have white babies in fursuits. You cannot have white babies with assholes. That's one thing wrong with it right there.
Ok, that's it. You're filtered. You're either a shill or just way too retarded to even have a coherent conversation with.
What? Just because some of the NT was written in greek doesn't mean it was greek in any other way
Revelation 22:18- I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.
Triggered huh
At least they're keeping the autism to themselves, unlike these specimens in England.
Haha that couple are either very very nice or have perfected the art of the fake smile
They most likely didn't know what the fuck was going on. A perfectly normal reaction for someone not accustomed to furfags.
Also rainbow (((parenthesis))) on the woman's shirt on the right.
How late are you plebs
And this is why you should hire security
Why do these senior liberal women always wear their hair short?
I would make a leftist joke but honestly most old women have shorter hairstyles
The fact that this is considered a national tragedy is comedic, I don't know if I've just become a desensitized empathy-less critic of everything, but I don't see faggots as a valuable loss of life.
According to my mom and grandmother, hair gets thinner and gets a shittier quality due to hormonal changes from both pregnancy and menopause. Most women over 40 simply don't have nice looking hair, and they feel it's better to just cut it off.
The lower intestine isn't a sex organ. Anal sex is not sex, it's mutual masturbation.
so this is how they try to fetishize niggers
Their only worth was bringing more support to the Emperor with their death at the hands of a muslim.
Is that Chris? Man I've been out of the loop for a while.
First, fuck you and you question mark at the end of a statement. Fucking millennials I swear.
Pure cohencidence.
The LGBT community needs to examine their prejudices as to why they are uncomfortable with fursuits at a candlelit vigil.
They probably thought that was a pleasant surprise. If you werent red pilled and suddenly some fursuits run up to you and your girl, you would laugh too.
Omar is a hero.
Anal is more normal than furfags. The nerves down there all share a line up to the brain. There is a lot of crosstalk between them. This partly why spanking is destructive to children. The point is normally wired people can stimulate their genitals, maybe pleasure themselves entirely, by stimulating their anal/butt regions.
Source: I may or may not have used a TENS device to stimulate various nerves in the name of science.
By that point they would have already ran the gay white males out of the movement they started.
Filter and report 7efa33 for being an Holla Forums-tier faggot and promoting sodomy.
More like
/k/ is full of cruzmissles and pro-israel fags.
It makes it slightly less terrible much like their drawings are slightly less terrible when not drawn as porn. Not much but it's there.
commoncuckold took time out of a TUMBLRISTAS video to shit on Holla Forums because oy vey white nationalism is baaaaaad because pro-white is worshipping whiteness instead of MUH GOD MUH GOD MUH BIBLE how dare you filthy goyim worship or even talk about kek
His entire channel is anti-white, ignores (((who))) makes the degenerate whites act the way they do, and intentionally ignores any and all non-white degenerates. Stop promoting this nigger eceleb here.
171cbb you are a nigger.
It is degeneracy.
It is you filthy animal.
Furfag please go.
at least get good taste in animals
This is why I hate furries.
I don't actually like that rabbit picture, it's just one of the better drawn magas out there right now.
What the fuck is with that webm?
Do you have a link ?
I could stir some pots
I really , really like that image
his point is our white countries are the only ones (at the moment at least as mexico is about to join the pantheon of full faggotry support) that actively promotes faggotry he doesn't give a fuck if niggers are more dangerous his shtick is if society promotes mental illness it is bad and I have to say I agree with him, but i think he took the wrong route to tell this (after all his audience is mostly if not all white men with far right wing beliefs)
have you been on cuckchans pol recently?!?!?! trap threads faggotry support etc etc when i said id take white muslims over white faggots they went into a massive butthurt express
better than a democracy
hes mentioned them several times he just blames white people for "buying the merchants product"
and you are a fag enabler
That image is “I am sitting in a room” levels of shittiness. Even this one isn’t much better.
Furry and shit taste
You can have it, my friend.
id love to make him walk around in the sweltering flordia heat for at least three hours, sweating and zipped inside his suit. then i would pull the mask off and deeply inhale the steamy sweaty air. i would place my head inside the furry head and breathe in his stale breath and sweat and lick all of the beads of sweat from the fur.
then i would begin to sniff and lick behind his human head's ears. sniffing and licking and yipping and yiffing. humping and barking before mounting him and fucking him through the suit with my fucking dick
tbh its the easiest one I could find in a pinch thanks for the better quality one
I'm glad I saved this.
Ass badger
I only fap to the porn at times.
I find the people who walk around in fursuits creept as fuck though.
They just thought there were some funny people in costumes walking up to them. They didn't understand that these people go home and fuck each other while acting like dog-people.
he's now a transsexual lesbian who fights for the rights of all womyn
Literally the only thing he cares about is fags. No other issues interest him.
Stop projecting your own values onto him because you want to like him. Most of his content is shit and all he does is read off retard's tumblr pages. Wow. Amazing. Real quality stuff, right?
Maybe you didnt get the message with his ending music? He doesnt care aboit ethnic interests. He is 110% focused on poopdicks.
Christcucks really need to get the marxist cock out of there mouth.
I masturbated to Sonic porn once.
Does it count ?
I god, i fucking love that comic.
Literally every single person that harass/beat up the furry is either blonde or ginger.
How the fuck is that a fox?
There's a fuck ton but most you wouldn't expect because they wouldn't announce it to the whole world. They would keep it a secret. The people who wear suits like these are very few. Its actually one in a thousand (probably even less than that ratio).
This entire thread…
Well Holla Forums?
This surely symbolizes something.
Holla Forums plz…
That guy was a /k/ommando on half chan and he did kill himself with that gun
yeah I know he only cares about the faggots and their impact on society, would be kinda hard to not after going day after day ankle deep in their filth. Is it a bad thing to have one guy focus 120% on fighting that fight?
Also I'm not projecting shit I want a fascist ethno state that enforces a good strong moral core for the country, cf wants a society free of faggotrys influence whether it be ethnically homogeneous or not that doesn't need to enforce its rules.
His goals aren't mine, but id rather live in his dream society than this current one, any sane man would hell Id assume you'd do the same
yeah I know he only cares about the faggots and their impact on society, would be kinda hard to not after going day after day ankle deep in their filth. Is it a bad thing to have one guy focus 120% on fighting that fight?
Also I'm not projecting shit I want a fascist ethno state that enforces a good strong moral core for the country, cf wants a society free of faggotrys influence whether it be ethnically homogeneous or not that doesn't need to enforce its rules.
His goals aren't mine, but id rather live in his dream society than this current one, any sane man would hell Id assume you'd do the same
fucking hell fix this site
A masterpiece for the ages.
I see your backpack fetish, and raise you a tile fetish.
BDSM scene prefer to actively self-segregate though. At least outside of California. I mean pretty much the golden rule is the scene is "Don't out someone's fetishes", and most clubs I've been to are either extremely well hidden(Think single unmarked door on the side of a warehouse in downtown Baltimore), or have some bullshit info around them implying they're a legitimate business for some exceedingly niche product nobody would actually want to purchase. Then you show up at night and the inside is actually a club.
We may be degenerates, but we don't want the public to know, and prefer to live a normal life in our regular hours.
Holla Forums isn't one individual
some people don't care about fags
some people are brain dead
I'm sorry. Could someone remind me exactly what the shooter did wrong?
If you hadn't told me there was a furry I wouldn't have seen it. Suddenly seeing him there was a weird experience, like searching for Waldo and suddenly realizing he was there all along.
Those people have no sense of shame, self awareness or respect. I'd feel pretty insulted by his presence unless he was close to one of the victims and even then he's terribly out of place, like a clown at a funeral. I really don't care about how degenerate people can be as long as they keep it to themselves. Things like this just makes me angry and frustrated at the guy's parents who really did a horrible job at teaching him basic values.
More like F for failures.
How does one initially find one though? Fetlife?
Don't those usually have caskets, dead bodies and the like?
So many people defend actual zoophilia in there, but I guess that I shouldn't surprised. Expecting ethical conduct from a porn dump is like expecting a 50 grand check from a sewer. It's the last thing that anyone should expect.
I don't have a positive view of zoophiles since they act like unlikable trash. I used to go to another furry board where they constantly posted pictures of animal genitalia and orifices. You would see threads about them rationalizing their "sexual orientation" or "lifestyle" when they actually treat animals as breathing sex toys. If you denounced it, then they would post more animal porn and criticize religion. Unsurprisingly, they also happened to be God-hating liberals who loved Bernie.
Why can't these people be the ones who get shot.
Yeah. Go to a munch which is basically just a get together at a restaurant at a predetermined time. Dress normie clothes. Don't directly or overtly signal fetish shit. Introduce yourself, hang out with people, talk about whatever.
They'll go into detail about Munch rules on fet, but the general idea is nothing is supposed to happen except hanging out and maybe eating dinner or snacks or whatever. Purely a social call.
From there, they'll help you find clubs, or private scenes and house parties, and you might find you get along will with some of them.
Movie Bob would of dressed as Mario if he was there
You seen nothing yet sunny jim.
aloha mi familia
I wouldn't bet on Christians getting a backbone anytime soon
I'm so happy that my country has strict laws that prevent parents to give their children such names.
i've been here a long time and seen a lot of shit, but god damn
Yes, it's called "holes in the eyes".
Degeneracy kept private is as if it doesn't exist
seigh heil
I don't furries were a thing before the pixar/dreamworks kiddie anthro mill.
You can find 80s porn for many modern fetishes. Like furry and hentai. But, they are rare (not many scanned?) and low quality. This shit has existed for a long time.
tfw I have a breakfast fetish
You'd think that someone who would think this appropriate would at least have heads with expressions other than "lecherous grin."
that needs to be one of those "When you see it" images.
last pic sauce:
How about they just play it safe and call it LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ?
That's enough Holla Forums for today.
Please let this become a new, oft repeated with exaggerations, copypasta
No, I don't want to be associated with those fucking autists.
So beautiful. Also, I feel like this image can be exploited for memery.
Nothing on the news yet
First time I've ever laughed that hard on a chan. Jesus Christ user.
Archive in case they delete it:
About minus ten years.
The sewer cover looks like a Black Sun.
Dude what the hell is that shit
I've always wanted to post this pic.
You can see the shame in his face.
I can't believe those trips, user.
>tfw I lost my Doom Chesterton reaction images
…and you will never guess who is behind Dreamworks.
/r/ing a drawfag to do hate art of this
but none of that was remotely funny in any way! I dont get it!
that's a pretty good shoop
my compliments
there are many things right with your image
the cow features are not among them