CIA Agent Alex Jones: "ISIS Activating Death Squads Inside US"
Alex Jones talks on Facebook mentions about the latest Orlando shooting and the intel from a high level source that ISIS is activating death squads inside the United States.
CIA Agent Alex Jones: "ISIS Activating Death Squads Inside US"
Alex Jones talks on Facebook mentions about the latest Orlando shooting and the intel from a high level source that ISIS is activating death squads inside the United States.
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When he says 'high level sources' is he just lying… or does he mean Holla Forums
"CIA Agent" and "CIA Asset" are not the same thing.
His cousin (handler) is an agent. He is an asset.
I think he's just a nutjob trying to jew water filters and dick pills for shekels.
A friend of mine for me listening to jonestein a few years ago
before I found the jew
I was into it at first until I realized absolutely none of the shit he ws saying was habbening.
Four years later and I'm stiIl not in a fema camp.
Seriously does anybody listen to this idiot anymore?
The globalists man. They everywhere. They control everything. We don't know who they are exactly other than these high profile names, but don't look at the names too carefully because you might see most of them are Jews. That might lead you to look into the history of the Jews, which then make you sympathize with the Nazi's. Then you might realize the Nazi's were the good guys, relatively speaking, and that we've been using Nazi inappropriately this entire time.
Pay attention to the right hand and ignore what the left is doing.
He means Tim Kennedy.
He's only worth listening for his guests. The show is too irritating though, he's either hyperventilating or shilling supplements that you probably don't need.
The FEMA camps are gulags. What he's doing is graduated exposure, you're less likely to resist once they've memed it for awhile.
Anyway, I honestly think Alex hates his old bosses and hopes they lose. Watch this if you missed it, he really gets going after 7-8 minutes:
Does Holla Forums actually have proof that he's a CIA agent, or is it just a meme?
Ok so they are pushing the anti-Islam/terrorist angle really hard now. Obviously the Jews have something bigger planned than flooding the U.S. with muslim refugees…So what is it? ( aside from gun control obviously )
Boots on the ground in Syria/Iran?
Trying to start some global conflict like WW3?
Islam is convenient because it moves the focus from race, to culture and religion, and keeps the conversation in their civic nationalist box: "You sure you don't want these christian shitskins goy??"
I've seen some indication they want a war between Europe and the middle east to. Maybe that's why Syria is so urgent?
Your problem user is that you don't know what it's like to have your stubborn dad die of a heart attack and then have to spread his ashes in the St. Croix River.
Get some Brain Force for yourself, asap.
Alex Jones' listeners and fans in a nutshell.
I just had to isolate this for a webm.
I miss the comfy feeling of DEFCON 1, imminent apocalypse I'd get from listening to Alex Jones as a stupid, impressionable kid.
Is that a reichadler in on the monitor?
What do you expect from a controlled opposition?
Time to discover your Will to Power, son. Time to move beyond fear. Move beyond good and evil and embrace nature again – cause and effect — right and wrong. Good boy
Shut up, moral relativist.
My christcuck sense is tingling!
2nd or 3rd time?
Take a hike kike.
Of course there are islamic sleeper cells in the U.S.. Duh.
Ah shit. Is ISIS considered right wing? We may have memed irresponsibly lads…
Yes, it's a reichadler with Obama on one side and Hitler on the other side. It's to show how Obama is just like Hitler.
also we should remember that CIA asset and "bad" are also two different things. It's not like everything the CIA does is wrong, you know. though they shouldn't be operating in the US
filtered and reported for shitposting
He's definitely Bill Hicks. Act is a total fraud.
excuse me but what
Jones isn't a CIA agent, he's a dupe manipulated by the CIA, he's a true believer in everything except for the crap he sells, he just spreads misinfo and disinfo he's fed along with truthful shit and his own inane theories. The best controlled opposition are those which think they're really taking on the Man.
That's what the feds do. They feed false information to these people. I remember hearing a story about a nutty guy that was picking up radio signals from some top secret air force base. The fucker actually called up the base to ask questions about the aircraft they were testing, so the next day they sent over some scientists that purposely gave the guy false info to spread around. I think this guys info was the source for the the whole Dulce base bullshit. The guys story was covered in a book but I forget the title.
Those two plus maybe some communist inspired identity politics designed for divide and conquer tactics.
I mean, the anti-muslim angle is kike brainwashing but what is also an even more serious degree of this is reflected in that group of gays who call for more tolerance to Islam. They've literally been brainwashed to in a way, call for their own demise. The world is getting frightening…
The whole idea that Alex Jones can have a media empire based solely on sales of water shower filters. come on, next thing you will claim that Stormfront is actually run by nazis.
Hey well at least the plans have been delayed I suppose. Maybe people fight for their homelands more viciously than they imagine.
"Alex Jones" and his real dad.
Of course it's false information. Those death squads aren't actually ISIS. They're all Jewish false flags. ;^)
just saw alex is doing an AMA on faggit tonight
too lazy to make an account but sounds like prime grounds to point out him never calling out the juden and his connections
the funniest thing is the people who claim he is cia and their so called proof is way more outlandish than alex's crazy ways of avoiding the jewish connection
case in point:
this is the proof Holla Forumsocks use
Alex Jones is a Criminal. Because he is part of the CHARADE.
There is a thread with hundreds of replies talking about Obama and training ISIS to throw out Assad.
he still needs to call out the jew
crISIS actor death squads?
Alex Jews is such a lying sack of shit.
Every ISIS video I have seen looks faked.
David Cameron has even starred in one. Speaking of which, does this photo of saMANtha Cameron look like a woman that has had four children, or a bloke? AJ should do a story on that.
Standard Holla Forums tard blaming jews for rainy days and leaves falling
This is what I don't get: he was on top of the Boston false flag and even got the FBI to modify their narrative in real time but since then has been pushing every (((mass shooting))) without question. Did he just get tired of calling out bullshit to deaf ears or did he genuinely sell out?
Anyway fuck that guy.
does she not have tits?
all the isis videos are way too well done. what happened to those old threads showing the set and camera angles and shit. With the same desert hill and shit.
sorry it is the new world order bilderberg rothschild rockafeller germanic nazi death cult bohemian grove reptilians that make rainy days and leaves fall
Lefty propagandist Jew exposed
Trying to pin blame on your own people for dis info?
oh sorry got him and his frequent guest and friend david icke mixed up for a sec
Spotted the butthurt Trumpkike.
love how alex was all like
then he was like
no wonder nobody listens to him any more
it would mean something if he said it before the attacks
I remember one of the last times I listened to AJ he had David Icke on, and Icke was really naming the jew before they went to a break, but when they got back Jonestein was like "let's talk about the Reptilians", and that was the end of the jew naming.
yeah icke will call it as he sees it and hold no punches
it's a shame the whole reptilian shapeshifting thing makes him lose all credibility
i've actually read his books and he does call the jews out
I remember that. That was a real time red pill.
There was a 'rumor' circulating in the media that the suspect was linked to militias. I even think that guy from the SPLC (Potok?) was on TV promoting that theory.
If I remember correctly someone sent AJ photos of the white patsy with the backpack in the crowd – a skinny man with a beard who looked like he was lost – and when he published the photos on Infowars (and perhaps Drudge also posted a link to that page) the FBI narrative quickly changed and they went to plan B so instead of the 'Patriot / Militia / White Supremacist' we got the Tsarnaev brothers.
The unidentified man they rushed to the Court House was very likely that guy with the beard in the photos published by Infowars.
The only reason why the government gets away with so many crimes is because the mainstream media is covering up for them.