I feel like Im legitimately going insane. A few days ago I said, and I quote, "I want to visit Hell" with 100% seriousness and absolute certainty. Im not an "edge lord" either, I dont even know how to describe my own thoughts any more.
This song pretty much describes how I feel without using any words
You realize nobody is going to click that shit right?
William King
You realize I'd rather take a chance than to go on a psychotic outbreak and end my life, right?
Its not even my work
Levi White
who the fuck cares just do it
Anthony Turner
Seize the means of production, faggot.
Ryan Sullivan
You think you should be punished.
Noah Morgan
idek tbh. I dont feel like I deserved to be punished. But at the same time I do. Because Im nothing but worthless to anyone, despite my best intentions
Luis Thompson
If it was just about being worthless you wouldn't want to be harmed. Hell is a place for vile people.
Colton Myers
I dont feel truly vile. Honestly all I want is everyone else's happiness even before my own. But it never seems to turn out that way
Logan Reyes
So do you no longer want to go to hell?
James Price
I dont want to. Cause the place doesnt exist in the first place. Im in a mental purgatory of sorts. Im uncertain of everything. I just want answers. A means to an end. Thats what I want
I was up for 3 days on speed when I said that. So thats likely why. Amphetamine induced psychosis. But I still feel insane time to time even when off the drug. I also get w/d's like a BITCH
Benjamin Parker
ceste la vie
Brayden Barnes
who cares
Grayson Nelson
You're the faggot that was shitting up the feels thread aren't you?
He's the faggot that ruins the Holla Forumsoard 24/7 365. He's a piece of edgy shit that denies his faggotry to himself and projects it on everyone else.
"SAGE!" tch. What a bitch boy
Benjamin Cook
It's them damn chinese cartoons you been watchin boy
Andrew Murphy
Lucas James
Tyler Ross
user, if you feel like killing yourself or doing some insane action, at least rape pic related before you do so. It will be very entertaining.
Adrian Hughes
You think we aren't already in Hell? Man, you ARE insane.