Braindead, the latest politicized television show from CBS is the latest, and most overt attack on President Trump.

The show starts with an opening sequence that describes American politics as, "insane" using background campaign clips from Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump. The audio from Donald Trump's rally clip is amplified slightly above the other candidates. From there it goes downhill.

The main character, and hero, is a failed documentary director and Jewish woman. Her brother is a government official who she's been convinced to work with for a sum of money to finance another art project. Her brother is portrayed as a vapid, power hungry male in the way a SJW would describe men, that is: zero redeeming qualities.

The backdrop for the first episode is the imminent government shutdown caused by those evil republicans. The republican/traditionalist bashing continues throughout the episode at nearly every twist and turn. On the flip side, democrats are portrayed as freedom fighters and "good people".

Much like the brother, the counterpart of the main character is portrayed as a arrogant prick, except instead of a democrat, he's a conservative republican.

In this iteration of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Puppet Masters, the aliens are ants. Again, the republicans are to blame for the improper handling of the alien ants and their invasion.
The aliens take over a host by destroying part of the host's brain with gratuitous violence. As a result, the aliens reprogram their hosts to like 80's music, traditional family, and conformity. In one instance, an interracial couple went from having marriage problems, to the husband infecting the wife, and the wife turning into a 50's housewife.




Picture is writers.


Other urls found in this thread:


In the narrative of this show, we are the ants. The writers chose to make us ants because they believe were are small, weak, and easy to beat.

The people that awaken to reality and join our ranks are somehow lobotomized, because who would want to live in a traditional marriage, and who would enjoy 80's music.

make synthpop great again

Love 80s music.

you're gonna have to give an example OP, synthwave, while amazing, doesn't really get any play outside of niche groups, and definitely hasn't had any articles in cuck rags like the washington post written about it being 'le new racist meme music XD'. Where are these (((writers))) supposed to find out about it being popular with us?

They clearly didn't consult an entomologist before writing this show.

They don't, they sense a lot of 80's music has this White Middle-Class aesthetics.

The specific song used in the series is "You Might Think" by The Cars.
While it might not be as good as our choices, it epitomizes 80's pop music.

Red ants bad!
Black ants big and stupid!
Brown ants barely even sting!

well i'm beside myself now
these fuckers are so transparent in both their agenda and their complete lack of context for any event whatsoever
how do they remember to breathe when they wake up in the morning

we really need to get everyone to stop watching tv. its sucks at first, but after awhile, you can't imagine how you ever spent so much time on that crap

b.. but user, w… where am I going to watch White slags have ankward love afairs with beastly niggers?

You might think it's a great thing to stop watching TV, but it's a dangerous thing indeed.

Shows like this give us a tremendous amount of insight, and ammo to use against the people that support ideas diametrically opposed to our own.

It's better to strictly limit your TV consumption, and if you do watch shit, watch old shows that espouse traditional culture.

Shows like The Rifleman, My Three Sons, or The Donna Reed Show are downright comfy and uplifting. If you have children, these shows can also help guide your children to a traditional life.

The show I'm referencing is

So the Republicans, who traditionally would be considered anti-immigrant/aliens are the ones that fail at dealing with keeping ants out, while Democrats who are traditionally considered pro-immigrant/inclusive are the ones that are trying to keep up these migrant group and trying to be exclusive?

And I'm sure no one writing for this show notices how this might look just a tad off.

Look if Giant Insects come only Trump would be able to assemble the EDF

user. They are not our memes. We do not control the memes. We are given the memes to spread the word of kek through the world.

Not sure if that's sarcastic editorializing or the actual plot of a TV show.

Fuck off PC scum.

Pepe belongs to us, we reclaimed it from the normies as do all the other means.

I assure you, it is not sarcastic editorializing.
After rewatching the alien takeover scene for posting it here, it's apparent that it's also a thinly veiled poop joke.

The black woman in the interracial couple becomes a stepford wife after she's assimilated.

Will post before/after clips.

Trump IS the 80s.

Here's the poop scene.


Black wife before

Ants are one of the most fearsome creatures on earth, what they lack in size they make up in organization and relative strength.

Liberal projection at play once again.

They think Trump got into our heads, but really we got into their heads.

Black wife after

The first episode is titled:
The Insanity Principle: How Extremism in Politics is Threatening Democracy in the 21st Century

Nobody watches network TV anymore, more people watch random Let's Play faggots than will watch this load of shit.

The attention to detail in their subversive messages is quite amazing.
Read the ticker tape on this screenshot.

God emperor is blazing in the background.

before and after


Check out this one.
It's a thinly veiled hint that the strong white man is going to be seduced by the jewess.































may as well throw in some future funk

Oh fuck.

Das it mang.

Also posting webm cus I didn't name it.


They just can't stop unintentionally making their enemies look good, can they?

I still believe America can be great again.

Don't give up. We can make it. Even if we lose, we can still win.

I really think we have a chance.

No. Your country was sold out. It may seem like you're winning as the politically engaged sphere (i.e whites) are swinging towards red team. But the fact of the matter is that the brown hordes pretty much run the country with the help of the small number of blue whites.

I love 80s music too.





Notice how whenever Democracy is actually used - it suddenly becomes a threat to democracy?

fuck man that made me genuinely depressed.
I feel fucking hopeless when I voice my concerns to other people. In twenty years this country will be ruined by immigration. Not even being able to say "I told you so" will make me feel better.


this is my favorite gondola of all time

jews have shit taste in music


I must have missed something at some point, are jews using monarch butterflies and cat paw prints in their movies to signal to one another?

Gamergate ants specifically.

And if you have a horsefucker in the house…

Yeah, it's sex bot programming. Also why The Wizard of Oz used to run on CBS four times a year.

Monarch MK Ultra.

Jesus Christ lads, we a bunch of autistic man children who masturbate to anime on a Chinese water painting community forum managed to make 80's music "racist".

What kind of whacky ride is this?

Pic related



I have no idea, but I don't want to get off of it.

Expanding on that bit about bins:

During WW2 the English were told, in the event of an invasion, to place plates on the road somewhat randomly. Just dinner plates. Some would eventually contain explosive devices, some would not. Plates are cheap and plentiful and can be made with just some clay from a nearby source if required. They'd have to waste time on all of them and you can litter them about the place.

Somewhat related,
This is literally what those oathbreaker fags are trying to do memetically.


Oathbreaker meme isn't actually some jew psyop like I thought it was at first

I lost the thread now but basically it's to ward off the shills.

Well, maybe I've figured them all wrong.
Whatever, fuck it.

Neat. Kek really does deliver sometimes.

That's some weak ass cantrips tbh fam.

nobody has checked it yet

Checked for checking.
Sheit, didn't even notice

That's a termite.

The worst part is that it's the same short message repeated over and over, which never happens with tickers.


I thought vaporwave was supposed to be hip, won't this backfire?

It's definitely going to backfire. We've been memeing this for years now. Bringing back the 80s with new age and vaporwave and whatnot. Now it's just coming to fruition. We need to start making some white supremacist vaporwave now. kek

is that the new X-Files?

Posting problematic song and video for based thread

Gotta love how they use an incredibly attractive white aryan to portray a kikess.

They think we're ants, I say we go with it. Ants are a good analogy for us. Like an ant colony Holla Forums seems chaotic to outsiders. Like ants each of us isn't much threat alone but, together we can tear their world apart and remake it to suit us.

1980s music really does suck monkey balls though.

My life for the colony, given freely.

Nah. Honeybees are the whites of the insect world.
Bees: busy, productive and generally peaceful. The just want to be left alone and mind their business. Their presence will contribute positively to their sourrounding enviorment.
However, should someone try to attack them and their kin, they will go so far to kill themselves in order to protect their people. They build very nice wax houses that smell glorious. They also produce honey which they trade for a substitute thus making them valuable partners to humans

Wasps: steal from you and act fucking entitled, if you try to protect your property. Might piss off, but return with even more of their kind. Very aggressive. They build shitty "paper" houses and never try to peacefully interact with other species.

If I'm not totally mistaken, your analogy even holds on an evolutionary level, since bees evolved from wasps.

Continuing the analogy wasps are attracted to sweet shit and are so fucking stupid that all you have to do to keep them away is hang a few fake nests up.

Wasps don't like entering terretory of other wasps.

Also good. What would hornets be?

TV has been really bad for a long time, I don't know why people still watch the medium.

There will never be another Twilight Zone, so stick with cinema instead.


He already has an insect.

Nix that centipedes are myriapods not insects

So what you're trying to say is that the white ant is an entirely different species from the other ants.

I don't see the problem, here.

Is there really any wonder why white suicide rates are up when this is the shit normies are bombarded with every day?

I saw this on /ic/'s (4chan's artwork and critique board) art group of all places.

I am suprised that normies suicide rates are not high, some part of their brain has to understand how useless their lifes are

Great track

The nigger of bees is the Africanized honey bee aka the killer bee

They fill no environmental niche and kill people for no reason and basically shouldn't exist

had a legit kek

They didn't really think this through, did they?

Fuck Hitler. Seriously, fuck Hitler, fuck the Nazis, and fuck you for living in the past.

I don't give a flying fuck about National Socialism if it's going to chain us to a failed state and a failed leader.

Son, I think you belong somewhere else.

cuckchan is that way



No, I say this because anytime anything happens, Naziboos have to retreat to the great book of Hitler to justify their reaction.

How many times have you seen mudslimes defend their faith by saying "Hitler liked it so it must be good"?


You're either retarded, schizophrenic, or both.
back in the days we banned people for shit like this, instant sign of an intruder. Alt-right pls leave

I am sort of disappointed

If all you have is name-calling, you're the one who looks silly.

I'm using that as my new wallpaper, thanks


so how much of a comedy is this? do they really play it totally straight?

We are weapons. There is the Emperor, and there is war. Nothing more.



The 80s was the last era of music where pop music was white and not nigger influenced


I already thought about the (honey) bee analogy before. They reflect our (ideal) society.
Gender roles are very important for bees. The tasks of the workers (female) are collecting nectar for honey, creating the hive from wax, taking care of eggs and raising the larvae, defending and cleaning the nest and feeding the queen.
The tasks of drones (male) are procreation and the regulation of temperature.
The task of the queen is also to procreate.
Every nest only has one queen, if there happens to be more than one, they will follow the strongest and kill the weaker one.
Mating is also very important to bees, to an extent that drones that didn't mate are expelled from the colony.
Bees work hard, so they have food for the winter. They don't care about other colonies. They don't let foreigners in that could benefit from their hard work like many do in welfare.
Bees are very important for the pollination. In China humans are already pollinating the plants one by one due to the lack of bees. Therefore they are fundamentally important for many organisms.
Many colonies of bees have been destroyed by (((parasites))). If the odds are good, they can kill in entire colony in a short amount of time. They are one of the threats that the bees face.

Anecdotal similarity: The bees in America have been brought by European migrants.

Eusociality is natural fascism.

Why do they view 80s music as "problematic?"
There's great funky music from blacks and whites

What wad is that? I played through ultimate doom and doom 2 again recently and don't remember seeing that. Is that plutonia or something?

More fun similes:
African honeybees respond more quickly when disturbed than do European honey bees.
They send out three to four times as many workers in response to a threat.
They will also pursue an intruder for a greater distance from the hive.
The appearance of the African honeybee is very similar to the European bee. However, the African honeybee is slightly smaller.
African bees were also more likely to store pollen while European bees stored honey.
The study found that worker food preferences determined whether the colony maintained a certain reproductive rate.
For example, having fewer or relatively older workers who prefer nectar means that the colony will not have the resources available to rapidly or efficiently feed new broods.
African bees are “precocious foragers;” A. mellifera scutellata bees begin foraging for pollen significantly earlier than their European counterparts A. mellifera ligustica, and this is thought to be related to the fact that African colonies have a younger, skewed age distribution by comparison.

African bees:
Are more aggressive
Have short tempers
Breed faster
Live shorter lives
Are smaller
Are short term planners


television literally addicts you through the endorphin pathway. you might as well tell people to just do a little heroin.


Can they get any more blatant with their anti-white propaganda?



A webm for potato ants.

You fucking weebs didn't do anything and you aren't a part of the nu-80s thing. Fuck off. I'm god damn sick of you.

get with the program you faggot

It's like making a little anime girl to represent a fucking deadly virus and then claiming you're part of the meme magic, when it didn't even cross over from Africa and spread. Nobody gives a fuck about you little NEEETshit faggots and you will be removed on the day of the rope. We will not let you partake in the killing. If you even think of picking up a gun it will be snatched from you and your face will be promptly bashed in. You're not meme magic, you're not RWDS, you're not Trump, you're fucking losers. Nobody wants you around.

Wew lad be careful with that edge.

It never ceases to amaze me how hard normalfags get triggered by anime.

Listen to me, weebs. You need to hear it from somebody.
You can't do meme magic.
You're not a part of Synthwave/Neo-80s revival
You will never be in the RWDS.
You only make Trump look stupid with your "support"
Nobody wants you to involved in anything they are doing.
If you want to help, just stop trying to help. Stop trying to fit in. Stop fucking dick clinging.


This isn't D&C. You can't divide from trash in a negative way. You fags need to hear this.

Top Kek. This fag thinks this Korean arts and crafts forum is some super secret nadsay club.

Go join some FBI honey pot if you're looking for that.

Go back to Holla Forums.

I wonder who this could be.

Holla Forums had much more, not less, anime imagemacros in the past, reason they are used less now is because pretty much confirmed shills try to use them as a fracture point for D&C. If you "hated" such you would never have joined on first place unless you've been here for only a month, ie, a "proud" newfag.

I wish you where wrong, fucking depressing.

Who knew? That two great things like peanut butter and chocolate don't always go together. Taste like shit tbh

Anime used to get deleted on site here you lying fuck. This isn't 4cuck.

The thing is that a shitton of ants, especially at once, can eat spiders, birds, and even humans.

This crap looks so low budget.
How could any normies even stomach the low-production value when they have all the higher-production crap churned out by Netflix?

Will anyone watch this except for confirmation bias?

I have a hunch that they are blindly hoping that putting this drivel out there would work like a prayer, hoping mememagick would assist them in some abstract form. Though, I think it'll only unite the people against them further.

Ants work together.

I hate when you redditors do that

Haha you saved my "Trumpgasm" clip.


Maybe you'd prefer something of his own creation and still 80s-style?


I know Rammstein is leftist but

The premiere pretty much sucked. 4.6 million tuned in and a 0.7 rating; the winner that night was ABC’s coverage of the NBA Finals Game 5 with 20.5 million total viewers and a 7.6 rating.


This double nigger is buttmad about the fact that a bunch of 80s and 90s kids have created an aesthetic that reflects their childhood and Holla Forums has turned that into fascism which conveniently ties into Trump's popularity back in the 80s.

On top of that, synthwave and vaporwave and all that are easy to create.

Let the memes flow.

I'm too lazy to check and see if anyone did this yet, so….

> Created By
Robert King

Michelle King

> Executive Producers
Robert King
Michelle King
Ridley Scott
David W. Zucker
> 2014 productions include Halo: Nightfall, a feature-length digital series for Xbox/Microsoft, Killing Jesus, the third in the acclaimed ‘Killing’ telefilms for National Geographic and a pilot adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s classic, The Man In The High Castle for Amazon.

> jewishjournal.com/culture/article/the_man_in_the_high_castle_what_if_the_nazis_had_won

Liz Glotzer
> jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/film-industry-in-united-states
> The following list, which is by no means complete, attests to the immense energy and talent of Jewish women who are now working in production: Susan Arnold, Bonnie Bruckheimer, Lauren Schuler Donner, Connie Field, Wendy Finerman, Ellen Liz Glotzer…

Robert King
Jim McKay
> imdb.com/name/nm0570995/

Robert King and Michelle King
Larry Kaplow
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herb_Kaplow

Jonathan Tolins

Its gotten to the point where I'm surprised when there's NOT a Jew immediately involved in something like this… Which almost never happens.


Is there someone here with good video editing skills?

I have not seen this episode but it sounds as if you could edit it to make a happy white couple at the start and then the ant gets in the wife's head and makes her chase niggers.

If you do create it make sure you upload it to more sites than jewtube because they will use copyright to take it down.

Why 80's music, specifically?
Because the 80's was the last time American musical culture was predominantly white and completely free of PC garbage?
I've always loved 80's music, shit. I didn't even consider how it could be a political thing.

Danny Elfman knew all about what it was like to be a NEET even back in 1982.

Go through the thread.
Bitch is black, husband is white.

You have to go back.

Devo tried to warn us

Q: Are we not men?
A: We are devo!

The name Devo comes "from their concept of 'de-evolution' — the idea that instead of continuing to evolve, mankind has actually begun to regress, as evidenced by the dysfunction and herd mentality of American society."[8] In the late 1960s, this idea was developed as a joke by Kent State University art students Gerald Casale and Bob Lewis, who created a number of satirical art pieces in a devolution vein. At this time, Casale had also performed with the local band 15-60-75 (The Numbers Band). They met Mark Mothersbaugh around 1970, a talented keyboardist who had been playing with the band Flossy Bobbitt.[9] Mothersbaugh brought a more humorous feel to the group, introducing them to material like the pamphlet "Jocko Homo Heavenbound",[10] which includes an illustration of a winged devil labelled "D-EVOLUTION" and would later inspire the song "Jocko Homo". The "joke" about de-evolution became serious following the Kent State shootings of May 4, 1970. This event would be cited multiple times as the impetus for forming the band Devo.


Is there someone here with good video editing skills?

I have not seen this episode but it sounds as if you could edit it to make a happy white couple at the start and then the ant gets in the wife's head and makes her chase niggers.

If you do create it make sure you upload it to more sites than jewtube because they will use copyright to take it down.

Summer is here.

I'm surprised Tim Burton didn't cast him as the Joker in Batman, I think he could have been great.

Can someone doe the magic screencap that brings all those posts together?

This is funny and want pic to save, but chan magic imagine shit is beyond me.