Leftists/faggots gather for Orlando memorial, end up attacking the 'white nationalist' cameraman

Leftists/faggots gather for Orlando memorial, end up attacking the 'white nationalist' cameraman

Extremely bizarre video.

Other urls found in this thread:


We need another Omar

How appropriate for a shim to be Korean.

It's only been 24 hours.

Muslims breed like rats

wew lad. Is this what Omar was shooting at in that club? If so an encore would be appreciated.

the fat ladyboy reminded me of this for some raisin

Very appropriate.

Made me think of firetires…
I miss you,cripplekike

Man Omar was right for killing faggots if they are all like that.
Also new meme(s)?

That guy sounded like a kike.

reminded me of some white knighting douchenozzle trying to get puss or in his case cock. is it white knighting if its for cocks? or is that black knighting?

This retard looks like a chav.

"and that's feya enuff"


You beat me to posting this.

Ruh roh…


These people are so creepy. They're like an indoctrinated swarm incapable of higher thought and only think like a hive when they're apparently threatened.


it's the same here though.
what happens when a normalfag posts here?


We need to exterminate them.

We need more muslims to pull off these kinds of attacks. Stop attacking random people, start targeting faggots and leftists.

For 1, they are easier targets, and 2 they will be bringing their own demise faster since these faggots will be the first ones to protect them. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone type stuff.

Who is this guy filming and why did they call him an WN?

I wouldn't be posting if I were a normalfaggot like you, but since I and others who are regulars here are capable of higher thought, we're able to make that discernment while you make yourself look like a stupid fuck on a regular basis.

Usually they post basic bitch shit we've debunked for years (lol everyone is equal guys), and we don't feel like repeating ourselves for the millionth time so we ridicule them and spam some infographs for them to catch up with. Also, garbage equivalence. We aren't actively stepping into neutral public areas and telling people they aren't welcome, for better or worse.


so true. He killed 49 Democrats and the cops shot 1 Democrat. America wins.

I agree
but you see the irony

Normally they post something like "lol you guys le ebil racists xd and tumblr says that everyone iz equal so yeah fuk you guise" and then everyone calls him a faggot and goes home.

Kind of ironic considering how gays through a national shit-fit whenever they aren't welcome.

I hope a thousand Omars show up. Who would have thought mudslimes we be getting rid of the fags for us? That is magnificent, as long as they keep attacking gays. I ain't going to war for some faggots.

SO WE'LL HATE HIM Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Omar "If you're a poof, you're off the roof" Mateen
Omar "Born this way? Then you die today" Mateen
Omar "Think I'm cute, then I have to shoot" Mateen
Omar "Can't eat cock during Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Don't eat ass during my holy fast" Mateen
Omar "Act haram you get harm" Mateen
Omar "Candy ass turned to glass" Mateen
Omar "The penetrator, no homo" Mateen
Omar "Put away that peen or get a bullet in you spleen" Mateen
Omar "Tossing grenades at pride parades" Mateen
Omar "Putting fags into body bags" Mateen
Omar "Emptying my glock on those who like cock" Mateen
Omar "Stay in the closet or you get put in a casket' Mateen
Omar "Adam and Steve, meet Smith and Wesson" Mateen
Omar "Lick a thick dick, get bricked quick" Mateen
Omar "Koran says it's a no no so gays have got to go go" Mateen
Omar "Open gaybar? Allahu Akbar" Mateen
Omar "Make the queer disappear" Mateen
Omar "Spray the gay away" Mateen
Omar "Put a mag in every fag" Mateen
Omar "Suck a cock, get the glock" Mateen
Omar "Kiss a man? BLAM" Mateen
Omar "Giving Queens the M16" Mateen
Omar "If he sucks cock he's going to get shot" Mateen.
Omar "Wiping the gay club clean" Mateen
Omar "One Man Homocaust" Mateen
Omar "The Closet Closer" Mateen
Omar "I got something to put in you" Mateen
Omar "Empty my 9 at the gloryhole line" Mateen
Omar "Fags gon' fall when I shoot 'em all" Mateen
Omar "What did he mean" Mateen
Omar "Bustin' caps in traps" Mateen
Omar "God Slay The Queen" Mateen
Omar "It's Raining Lead" Mateen
Omar "You lick bum? Die like scum" Mateen
Omar "At War with Gaybar" Mateen
Omar "Not a real Muslim" Mateen
Omar "Happy Ramabomb" Mateen
Omar "Take a wife or lose your life" Mateen
Omar "Out of the closet and into the casket" Mateen
Omar "Gay bar? Allahu Akbar" Mateen
Omar "Cho's high score? What a bore!" Mateen
Omar "Chinaman can't outplan the Imam" Mateen
Omar "Bite the pillow, Pulse is 0" Mateen
Omar "Lighting up the floor with my M4" Mateen
Omar "Shoot em' all, it's halal" Mateen
Omar "Tag the fags" Mateen
Omar "Party all night with the sodomites" Mateen
Omar "Gays are gone on Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Hot lead injections stops the AIDs infections" Mateen
Omar "Going akbar in a gaybar" Mateen
Omar "He's got no Pulse" Mateen
Omar "Bustin' caps at assless chaps" Mateen
Omar "Pulled a scimitar in a gay bar" Mateen
Omar "Quit suckin' dicks or feel some 5.56" Mateen
Omar "Calling airstrikes on bull dykes" Mateen
Omar "Blowback Mountain" Mateen
Omar "Real life Call of Duty in the house of gay booty" Mateen
Omar "Omar comin!" Mateen
Omar "Going Genghis Khan on Elton John" Mateen
Omar "Off the GRIDS" Mateen
Omar "Bloody every butt-buddy" Mateen
Omar "Incredible Danger to Every Rump Ranger" Mateen
Omar "Butt Blaster Blaster" Mateen
Omar "You chose to pack fudge now Allah is your judge" Mateen
Omar "Killed 50 Twinks and Didn't Blink" Mateen

A real human bean.


Jesus fucking Christ. These people don't have even the slightest semblance of self awareness or civility, do they?

What's really valuable about this video is the exemplary Leftist accurate identification and exclusion mechanisms of out-groups.

It clearly isn't a false positive, as the channel description reads:

I would guess it starts as an individual identifying him through past experience, being a creature of the digital age and concerning themselves only with who goes to these sort of events, and what happens at them.

Next, the self-organization and consensus forming- whispered allegations of heresy to other the camera man. This quickly reaches a threshold of hysteria, where the mob has decided to eject this enemy.

This manifests in group vocalization, to further reinforce the hysteria and consensus. Then, you can see, the ones with slightly more agency announce they are going to secure some muscle for physical removal. Note the importance of this- they announce it, they don't just do it. It is to consolidate the sense of the group's power, and threaten the target.

From here, it can go one of two ways as we have previously seen. The camera man chose to take the path of denial and compromise, and was so not rewarded with physical violence, instead only being tied up and led away toward the "fascist pig cops" by the endless rhetoric of one of the practiced sophists in the group, the "reasonable middle man".

The road not traveled here relies on the pack instincts of these AIDS wasted freaks. There is a shared calculation of their odds against you, based upon their numbers, and your strength, which is some function of musculature and height I'd imagine.

It is interesting to consider how this process might be interrupted. Perhaps you might approach the situation in a team, with a few friends moving through the crowd surreptitiously, to defuse the initial attempt to build hysteria.

Faggot: "Hey, that guy is a White nationalist!"
CrowdAnon1: "Who? That guy? No, I've seen him at a few other events, for example…"
CrowdAnon2: "Yeah, he was down at [faggot establishment] last week, we had a chat…"
BystanderFaggot: [The consensus appears to be against that guy being a White nationalist, though I might have a seed of suspicion.]

Situation defused, depending on how convincing your buddies can affect a lisp, I suppose.

Perhaps there are other strategies you could consider for targeting the ones with agency, or approaching the situation on a strictly solo basis.

They're social justice zombies.

i was like "hello is this the head coach of the womens fcc soccer club? i was just wondering why your an enourmous faggot nigger who attacked a camera man who probably is a cuck anyway but just isninuating hes 1488"

I would prefer emasculateing to subversion.

Omar "Haram? Bang-Bang" Mateen
Omar "Don't get smarmy round this Afghani" Mateen.
Omar "Getting graphic with a Sapphic" Mateen
Omar "Holla for the Ayatollah" Mateen
Omar "Ben Garrison of the Saracen" Mateen

As long as you accurately describe the process, you can identify many ways to approach interrupting it. Just remember, if you're going to reveal your power level, don't be a manlet DYEL, otherwise they will mob you.



hes not the hero we want, hes the hero we deserve

Trapnam Style

That guy was lurking, you cunt.

What do we say to LOUD, ignorant motherfuckers?
Lurk moar.

That guy was just minding his business when first a triggered "victim" who everyone sides with, then the fag equivalent of "muscle", then jewish "Mr. Handle-it"

Faggots don't seem to understand the concept of public spaces.

This shit is important.

Looked a little at this guy's channel and I see the head lines usually suggest leftist bullshitery.

Their sudden outburst at them was in no way random.

It seems (((they))) already have undercover agitators ready to exclude anyone who isn't on "the right side of history". Probably to control the fuck ups of their mindslaves.

There you have it, dogs protecting the heard from perceived "wolves".

I like this chick.


or gayman style

We need to organize.

Grab your buddies but don't expect a big club to pop up and need you.

23 hours too long


How about Chop Tranny?




B-Barbra Spectre?
I-is this your final form?

They can either handle the bantz or get assblasted and crawl back to where they came from

false fag attack

High quality post. Screencapped for posterity, it works fine without context.

im just watching thre sony press conference now.

sorry guys wrong board

And 59 minuets

This Video made me so fucking uncomfortable. I hate Leftist Normies.

Not seeing the irony.

stop these spastic monikers

Tall white dude a little past 1:55: "This is a place of love and inclusion. You're not welcome here."

also, i could never be around those degenerates. i would be to worried about some pozzed faggot spitting on me or rubbing his genital warts then touching me. faggots need to be purged from a distance. ideally with a scope.

Why are most gay people such complete assholes?
Almost every gay person I know or seen is so damn rude and the slightest god damn thing sets them off.

Best post of the day user, and I agree there needs to be a discussion on how defuse said situations

You mean how mentally ill people act?

I wonder what would happen if you stand your ground when facing fags who are threatening you, they are fags so the worst they can do is pull your hair?

How do people this punchable even survive?

Some Holla Forumsacks will say calling them the most racist would be foolish, but I always fail to understand why.

Well that certainly explains France

why the fuck do so many faggots lisp anyways.. part of the t. Gondi?

Ew he shook that gay jew's hand. Gonna get a staph infection bro.

All of the anti-whites go right for their Politically Correct anti-whitism.



not really, you can't be attacked for lurking here
gets BTFO

wew lad, kikes sure can argue


too long.

So, I still don't get it, how did they know he was a white nationalist? Was the guy wearing some hitler shirt or a maga hat or what?

They are insane, and worse, society humors them.

Gays are militant and stubborn.

Reminder Trump thanked these people.

is that china"man" in a dress arthur chu?


its implicitly white knighting.

Where did the accusation came from?

Look at all those white cucks.



he is white, a man and either looked or didn't look in the general direction of the landwhale who started it.

it's just typical tumblerina behaviour.

Ffuuuggggg I should have went to this to see fags triggered.

So they are militant self seeking attention agitators, right? If yes then how can we tell the between the SJW and fake SJW? This is too surreal.

Those are red flags of "white nationalists" to tumblirinas

"A time will come when the whole world will go mad. And to anyone who is not mad they will say: 'You are mad, for you are not like us.'"

White nationalists are not only group who dressed nicely. Tumblerina are stupid.


you are right it does remind me of a raisin

thats postal 3 faggot

also… the fact taht a proper sequel or remake of this to better use new hardware doesnt exist is a crying shame. postal 3d was the shit

agreed. this guy was setting off my jewdar too.

Dubs confirm.

Bringing your own muscle means you can plough on and control the frame instead of trying to justify yourself to a kike who will just talk in circles until you leave.

I am so fucking angry. I have never been this angry in my life. I wanted to leap out at my phone and bash these pieces of shit in the face. When those white leftists started pushing him farther back out of the crowd at the command of the non-white ones, I went fucking ballistic. I would not have been able to hold my temper. These people are fucking hive-minded scum, completely degenerate human waste. It's things like this that make me want a fascist movement so I can join and stomp their heads into the pavement. Fuck this censorship and suppression of minority opinion. The day where the tide turns is coming, and I hope leftists remember every time they did something like this because it will be paid back many times over.


Dat 69 post

Make it "the Saracen Ben Garrison" and I think we have a winner.

Because they were probably fucked in the assholes as children.

I knew one who was actually such an angry faggot he was unintentionally funny. Yes, if you see them as NPCS like I found they can be amusing. Just don't let them pozzed up your home life, and for god sake keep an eye on your kids (a lot of freemasons are closet faggots too, stay away from them).

Can we add Omar "Up to my ears in dead Queers" Mateen to this list?

I like how white nationalist is synonymous with anarchist now apparently hope you guys are doing well :^)

Learn the pattern and learn it well

Feminist dyke (usually fat) starts a battle cry

Leftist bros/hipsters jump in to intimidate for pussy points

Within seconds the entire crowd is ready to lynch you.

Police shamefully swarm to "escort" you out.

You try desperately to voice your innocence but all rational gets sucked into a black hole.

No matter what you won't win
No matter what the police or security will side with dyke womyn

This is female supremacy..Imagine a Clinton Presidency


This can happen to you anywhere. Its worse in general public where there are less cameras.


Omar was a faggot muslim, and I hope Islam dies quicker than an aids ridden faggot, but he sure as fuck triggered all the fags.

IMO, anything other than one thread after another calling out the fake Orlando shooting makes pol worthless at this point.

I'm done.

Mata and the fag who Hodored the poz club were real actors.

Omar was an actor. youtube.com/watch?v=ExIhb5GEqWA


Another actor



Our government lies to us. I'm done.

Confirmed that's his phone number.

I've had leftist trash do that to me before. They want you to swing at them so they can play victim. They're such precious little victims that learned from their kike overlords; makes me sick.

WTF is going on in that video

Is this satire?

Well then, and I thought the faggot cucks of the left couldn't get worse. They attack a man for no reason, and it doesn't make damn sense.

So you are a white nationalist to these fucking assholes if you are a white male with a camera. God damn it I hope the Muslim cocks they are chocking on will get the best of them. The sandniggers are going to be happy to deal with their useful idiots.

I am to the point where I cannot muster much more hate for these people than I already have.

He was a BLM supporter so why didn't they kick her out? She would be a blm terrorist operater.

I shouldn't post this on this thread as it is for other thread so I am sorry for bumping this up.

This is good. They want him to leave the area because he is upsetting people.

This is a good precedent to set, because we want them to leave the country.

He did say his name was Micah.

Liberal logic: if you upset multiple people you have to leave no matter the reason

How to exploit: bring 10 friends to a liberal event and start picking liberals one by one claim they are upsetting you and your friends no reason needed and tell the liberals to leave one by one.

Shouldn't those be the easiest to manipulate?

Fascist liberals completely lack self awareness….

kek as soon as white nationalist was heard everyone went fucking ballistic.

user, I do not think you know what fascism is. I mean, if you are Russian, I get why you would say that, but I still don't think you know what fascism is.

Yeah, they are conditioned to react when they hear it.
Pro tip: It works both ways. Blend into them and start pointing out people as agents provokateurs, police informants, right wing infiltrators.

The left nowadays uses pretty much the same methods the SA used.

I like this reply.

Sounded? Just looking at his eyes should tell you, let alone the beak.

Nobody really cares what you think.

So much tolerance and openness.

Why are leftists so fucking unable to perform simple self-reflection? The amount of hypocrisy those people are walking around with got power the entire planet for all eternity if it could be turned into electricity.

You can hardly call THAT normal, even in leftist context.



back to worst korea, that kimchi fag will be shunned away from society.
