London’s Muslim Mayor Bans Sexualised Images Of Women


Other urls found in this thread:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad's_White_Complexion



Ah, England.

Where the Monarch can't be a catholic but the Lord Mayor of London can be a Muslim.


literally nothing wrong with this

I approve this.

it starts to look more and more like houlebeqecs suomission.

Hope he bans shit parades next.

The sad thing is, the French were getting really fucking good at art in general. Their animation rivals Japan's. Their comics destroy ours. Their paintings… well, I think china and korea still have them beat there.

Still, it'll be sad to see all that art and culture destroyed.

Who could have seen that coming?

Burkas are the logical next step.
Are they in competition with Sweden or something? Will there be a cuck off?


jesus christ britbongistan is fucked.

this is islam disguised as feminism disguised as wholesome intentions.

Sharia law when?

Society is oversexualized, two clicks away from hardcore porn at any moment, so banning "scantily clad women from ads on public transport" is nothing.

low test faggot alert

low test faggot alert

low test faggot alert

I don't know what they were expecting.jpg

Does pic related trigger your sexually frustrated rag covered brains?

it is the baby steps towards the sharia law "Britains" want.

Don't worry they banned lots of porn already.

Good, this is exactly what British prudes deserve.

while i agree about oversexualized society, i disagree with banning bikini and panty advertisements in public, under the guise of 'muh body positivity' and 'muh beauty standards'

Why would a woman dress like that in public?

b-b-but muh based muslims

Has he forbidden ficki yet`?

To make other women feel bad about themselves.

Women aren't that hard to understand as long as you remember most of their actions are either actively or passively malicious.

Yup. I will enroll into the Sharia Patrol only to beat the shit out of degenerates.

Mayor of London, thus Londoners thinks so.

Get with the times user it is [2015]+1 afterall.

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Next step, banning seductive images of camels.

She isn't even covering up her HUMP!

No, seeing near naked women does not trigger me. It is precisely because I love women that I think of sex as something that should be kept sacred between a husband and a wife that love each other. I want white societies to be decent again before the jews turned us all into degenerate sex-obsessed perverts.


lol look at how It triggers the bitter virgins.

Know how I can tell you’re a paid shill?

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Ahkbed please, western culture enjoys the female form.


Feminism is serving the Islamic agenda.

If you took your own advice there would be one less feminist in the world.

tfw no qt muslamic aryan waifu to give you a footjob in black tights



The destruction of beauty. Beauty hurts their feelings :((( (still sex obsessed)

The cultivation of beauty. Not censoring skin, but presenting it in ways that elevate culture. It might look like this is something desirable, but the reasoning isn't ours. This is just an extension of sharia with a "feminist" justification. It serves us in no way.







inter-dimensional space jihad

Yeah, gonna need a source on that, kike.


Nailed it here. That's exactly what it is, and what's so disgusting is that a huge number of people will go right along with it.

(((you))) still don't realize most guys prefer B / C cups and don't find > D to be that attractive?

Oh wait. (((you))) are playing the same lie as 'BBC'.

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Pure coincidence.



no, we dont enjoy islamofascism.

fuck off out of here before you get our fucking website shut down for being god damned terrorist sympathizers. fuck islam.

Good idea but for the wrong reasons. Fuck landwhales who hate their shitty body, they should be shamed into forcing them to lose their lardass or commit suicide if they're too lazy to do something about it. Anyway, it doesn't matter as bongs are too deeply ingrained into their shitty civic nationalism and sucking of circumcised cocks to really do anything against becoming a Caliphate.


The more you consume pornography, and the more you obsess about lust, then the less you will be able to love and appreciate your own wife. Pornography is a wholly Jewish-owned and operated endeavor, and it is designed specifically to destroy families.

There is a reason why people oppose obscenity like this, and it is not arbitrary.

Yeah dude I bet you totally want your daughter's almost bare ass on a city billboard to sell underwear to plebs.

I find it hilarious that Muslims are using feminism to push Islamic values onto the West, and teh feminists don't even realize what is going on.




If I wew anymore I'm gonna pass the fuck out.

Yes, the Lord does provide us with the freshest memes.

Deus Vult.

In other words you're no different than Muslims and Feminists and you just lie to yourselves regarding the reasons why you think and act like them.

Unfortunately for you fags, you're only fooling yourselves.


(kek wills it)


I'm dead, man. This is just too much

You fags even use feminist tactics.


Did he trigger you?


Fuck off


Why do we hate sandniggers again Holla Forums?



Nigger, I think (((you))) have testosterone issues.

You just got all my wew's.



This is good. No more kikes exploiting white women for easy ad revenue.

Still, the English are total cucks. They abandoned all Christian values to have Muslims reassert them in a more extremist way decades later.

You're right. I read a russian article today where they claim that people in the west suffer from prostate cancer so much because there are provocativelly dressed women everywhere and when men see them and don't fornicate with them they are being kept in the state of sexual stress, in which they produce an overabundance of androgens which cause this cancer. So it is only good to limit the exposure.



These fags have never even talked to a girl. How would they know what one is like? Their Imam doesn't permit it, either that or they're just good ole fashioned rejects.

The fuck are you on? Do you not care about the pride and beauty of your family? Read my original post and notice I'm not even advocating the censoring of this.

There's nothing wrong with the naked female form. Beauty exists to elevate and inspire. On the flip side a society that spams advertising about beauty products and panties is vain as fuck. I'm telling you guys not to get excited over what a bunch of fucking MUSLIMS are doing, even if it sounds like it's attacking degeneracy.

If the girl wants to be a slut for money, that's her business.

Because a lot of them are nigger tier. But the White Caliphate would take care of that.

Betas let their women run wild.

destructive faith
their continuous attempt to conquer the West

Do you have a link to the full thing?

I don't know why I expected better from you puritanfags.

You argue like a Jew.

Can't wait

I N T E R - D I M E N T I O N A L

Patrician taste

Crypto-kikes that are invading and destroying our countries

Not even 4chan is this cucked.

Based user is based.

Meet Svetlana. She will serve you as a conservative faithful wife until the day you die.

Times ten. Everyone sees it coming except liberals. Their language is going to be turned against them by their minority slaves. Can't wait to see white liberals get their just dessert in my life time. Nobody is coming to save them. Nobody gives a shit.


Meet Olivia, you are one of 100 men she has fucked and one of four she is fucking right now.

Gonna need to see what she's selling before I buy cuck.


The difference is this

homosexuals ITT can't handle this.

And so the meme of a generation begins.


It's like Hitler is using Muslims in his parallel forces once more to further the cause.

Oh shit this is too much

I should've known Holla Forums would support this.

Right wing SJWs, that's all you are.

Reported. Kill yourself.

They're stormcucks.

Kill yourself, degenerate.


Oh shit waddup

c'mon matey

And reported for intl.


Is he a Muslim or a feminist or both?

This is your wife every Saturday night if you marry English.


You really are just SJWs with a different code of political correctness.

Don't you see the mind control here though.

Both the radical Muslims and the radical feminists want those images gone.

I can already see the brain washing coming, they think that both putting a hood over your head or stripping naked and assaulting a priest is "empowering." They are nothing more than spoiled morons, useful idiots that will do whatever the feminist or Muslim leaders tell them to do.


Why are Irish and English girls such sluts? When I visited Ireland, the girls dressed like total whores even when it was raining and or extremely cold.

Ass hurt lolberturdians cant get over how irrelevant they are.

What faggotry is this? You're not going to reverse it so what's the point of screaming in a hugbox about it? There are multiple fronts. Use it as a way to laugh at your enemy and make those moderates go right wing radical, and encourage the further decline so that we can get the party started.

Dumbest shit I've ever heard. Wanting to smash your enemy doesn't make you your enemy.





Jesus even her nose casts a shadow. I wonder what the side profile looks like.


Threads like this one always remind me how brit/pol/ is full of faggots and retards.

MAGA means more of this, user?

The correct name is "subhumans".

Meet Zoya, she likes to cook and clean for you. All she wants is your love and for you to take care of her. She attends church every other day and takes care of her aging parents.

If some kike tried to get her naked in front of a camera, the village men would make sure the kike was floating face down, frozen in the creek by morning.



Boi dis gun b gud


faggots and traps die first.

That graph is absolute shit and you know it. Are you seriously trying to compare legitimate issues to ones that are fucking made up by SJW's?

how is that a bad thing?


I support it because I want these pieces of shit to suffer for electing a mudbeard.

They want Shariah law so badly? Let them have it. See who they vote for next election.

thank Allah, peace be upon him, we will finally be protected from the evils of women's skin and more open to the loving embrace of Allah, peace be upon him, and his prophet Mohamed.

there is nothing wrong with instituting Shariah Law. anyone who disagrees with me is a degenerate who deserves to be executed by me or one of my fellow Nazis!

Meet Anastasia, she is more conservative than you, and more of a pure blooded Aryan than you.

She is also Holla Forumsack tier red pilled without even visiting Holla Forums.

She loves nature, animals, astronomy, her sword collection and ancient Russian folklore by the fireplace in a comfy fur rug.

Lel. He's probably doing it to please his Mudshit constituency. Hopefully he'll enact a shitton of Sharia rules before the Brexit vote in just 13 days.

Let them experience how great Shitslam is. Maybe they'll start waking the fuck up once that happens.


And so kek has foretold.


The irony that you post an image comparing Holla Forums to SJW'ism and yet you fall rightly within the very first one. A shill. You've offered nothing except ad hominem's this entire time just like a liberal.

You are the very reason you live up to the graphs claim of shill and you can't even see it.

HERESY! She's not only exposing her face, but also her forearms! And what about that shirt? Do I see the shape of some titties clearly visible there user?

keep trying to push this meme. It's never going to stick, my anally flustered individual

Maybe those could be preserved. By an INTER-DIMENTIONAL ARYAN SPACE JIHAD.

And these dubs don't lie.


This so much this!
Commercialization of a product through the use of the fe(male) body is degenerate.


Another one for kek's support of the INTER-DIMENTIONAL ARYAN SPACE JIHAD

Meet Ava, she doesn't "need a fuckin man" telling her what to do with her life. She is strong and independent. She knows how to fry eggs, but she is too tired so you have to do it.

Self awareness is really unbecoming of Holla Forums SJWs.

someone post that moonman beach body ready edit


Pathetic. Can't even muster up any real rebuttal. Go back to Holla Forums you're embarrassing yourself and fooling no one.






I need to get some sleep.

And dream about the Inter-Dimentional Aryan Space Jihad

You really are getting triggered, eh, SJW?

(Trips, check'em fammies)

My sides have been lauched into orbit…


Meet Anna, she is saving herself for her husband, and she wants that to be you. She enjoys horseback riding and chasing the village children as they play tag in the long grains of golden barley.

Holla Forums need not apply.

how did you do that?


Mandatory burqas when, britfriends?

Someone screencap this Inter-Dimensional Aryan Space Jihad thing, it's a spicy fucking meme.

And we have the digits to prove it.

Do it! And spread it!


Why are you so invested in being retarded?

So triggered that I……filtered.

Because triggering SJWs like you is fun.

You don't look like you're have fun.

At least you're honest about wanting your safe space


That is hot as fuck.

The thing that gets me about Pakis is why they don't have an NS Zoroastrian movement, essentially Islam is a stinking Arab religion. They should have an Indo-European movement to the equivalent of NS in Pakistan.



Holla Forums-tier post my friend

I imagine a lot are trolls, but for anyone seriously taking that position - We can have the middle ground of displaying and encouraging natural beauty whilst stopping porn in advertisements, turning many into degenerate, lusting consumer-zombies.

Before I get called a feminist, the beauty I talk about is exactly the kind feminists want to ban. Slim or athletic whites with natural facial beauty.

An advertiser could still imply sexual attractiveness of their product without going full porn.

You also forget the race-mixing agenda push through pornographic advertisements of other races too.

You never made an argument in the first place, so I don't know why you seem to think you should get one as a response

EU approved version

I wonder how many more years until the alcohol ban.

why don't you actually try making an argument instead of being such an abrasive nigger of a person?

Right after the dog ban.



He didn't, Holla Forums's thumbnail generation is fucking up again.


Everytime there is a great new meme faggots like you come cry that it's forced.

No, stopping radical liberty and the libidinal domination that goes along with it, via strong Indo-European cosmic order is completely the opposite. You don't understand SJWs, they simply want to destroy the prior order, to enforce their own libidinal degeneration. You're still cucked you little Milo/Sarcuck-tier faggot, you've got a lot to learn.

Safe beneath the watchful beauty standards policing


What is this, 2005? You don't seek memes, they just fucking happen.

Christ on a crutch, Holla Forums's quality is absolutely shit tier these days. Even Holla Forums has more self respect than to go chasing the frog.

Meet Svetlana. She likes acrons and long naps.

If Holla Forums is so great, you should go back

I know there are mudslimes here. I know some brits are cucks too.

Don't you dare believe even for a moment that mudslimes are our allies.


Go away you fucking jews. Go back to Holla Forums and stay there you cucks.

You will promote pedophilia and incest, you will promote race mixing, you will fuck animals openly.You will promote r-selection, anti-intellectualism, ban scientific literature, memory hole history. You will promote polygamy and destroy gender balance. You will wage war against the world.

…But LGBT will be BTFO.

No thanks. Islam is full of degenerate behavior.

I wonder if they will restrict white women advertisements / require diversity in advertisements.
Since it makes black women feel unsafe

The hole point is we take it over and neutralize it, meanwhile taking the LGBT's and shit with them.

Kek threads are an utter disgrace. You can't even blame summer for them since they started in autumn. It's /s4s/ tier garbage.

Holla Forums does more dubs checking than Holla Forums has since 2007.

Found the jew who fears meme magic.

Go, and stay go. You disgusting cunt.

Why should I bother arguing with children who can't even formulate a response besides meager insults? I'll never convince them if I try, because they aren't willing to put forward a counter-argument. So instead, I just insult them back, knowing that they can't stand to be called SJWs, thus making them very angry, and getting them to out themselves as easily triggered SJWs for me.

Okay, how? It seems like SJWs have their own code of morals: women should have jobs, wanting to be a stay-at-home mother is bad, and so on. All with a mentality of "stop liking what I don't like or I'll censor you", utilizing buzzwords, nonarguments and logical fallacies, and emotional appeal, all in the name of social justice.

On the flipside, we have this Holla Forums anti-degeneracy stance which is the moral opposite of the SJWs moral system, women working is stupid, women should be at home raising a family, and so on. But both sides have the same MO, a "stop liking what I don't like or I'll censor you" mentality, utilizing buzzwords, nonarguments and logical fallacies, and emotional appeal, all in the name of social justice.

So it seems like, while on different sides of the moral spectrum, both behave the same, want censorship, and do it in the name of social justice.

I always thought dubs were the hole point

Holla Forums does it for free, even on Mondays.

Seriously, Infidel?


Buzzword for "disagreeing with me": Statist
All-powerful boogeyman: The Government
Buzzword for "what I don't like": Authoritarian
Ultimate goal: liberty for the highest bidder
Means of achieving this: Sell country off to globalists who censor outright

You made an assertion that is just as easily rejected as it was made. You provided no argument to support that assertion, thus I am in no way obligated to provide you one as a response

You're bad at this.




I wonder what the religion of peace thinks of 2 humpers?

Remove yourself from the gene pool immediately


Every revolution has its mistakes, ours too. That is not in itself bad, since they mostly disappear on their own or with time. The important thing is that those in charge keep their eyes open, and do not remain silent when they ought to speak out of fear of the public. Obviously, an historic revolution of vast extent brings a mass of nonsense to light along with its enormous benefits.

It becomes dangerous only when the nonsense is left to grow, thus hemming in and strangling the healthy, organic development of the revolution.

It is time today to expose some of this nonsense that has accompanied the National Socialist revolution to the full light of day, to examine it without pity.

That is even more necessary, since otherwise some of this nonsense over time may gradually corrupt the style and nature of our revolution, leaving to posterity an image of our nature and goals that in no way corresponds to National Socialist convictions and views.

Certainly there is need for public regulation of the great moral foundations of our national life. However, some nonsense is also spreading that attempts to reach beyond that to establish a code for the purely personal conduct of individuals.

That leads eventually to a moralism that is everything other than National Socialist.

Peculiar people whose life is either behind them, or have no right to have one ahead of them, preach moralism in the name of our revolution. This moralism often has nothing in common with true morality. They proclaim ethical laws that might be appropriate for a nunnery, but are entirely out of place in a modern cultural state.

An example. In a major central German city an advertising poster for a soap company showed a fresh, attractive girl holding the soap package in her hands. A moral knight who unfortunately had the right to determine the fate of this poster forbade its distribution on the ground that it offended the moral sensibilities of the population, since the woman in the poster was holding the soap in a place “that for moral reasons cannot be described more precisely.”

What is moral about this? The person announcing the ban, who presumes that other people share his dirty fantasies, or the German people and the National Socialist movement, that are rightly upset and in opposition to such a ridiculous action?

Investigating the matter, we find that this wonderful citizen discovered his attraction for National Socialism three months after we took power, which however did not stop him from issuing the ban in the name of National Socialism.

Makes sense, both Islam and modern Feminism are inherently Jewish.

Things have gone so far that this company of moralists does not stop at the borders of private life. They would love to establish purity committees in cities and the countryside that would keep on eye on Müller’s and Schulze’s love and marriage life. It is true that they do not want to go so far as to ban kissing altogehter, as in the familiar operetta, since it is too popular a pastime. If it were up to them, however, they would turn National Socialist Germany into a wasteland of muttering and complaining, a place where denunciation, spying, and extortion were the order of the day.

These same moralists often turn to government offices with the request to ban films, plays, operas, and operettas, since the dancers, stars, etc., apparently represent a grave danger to public decency. If we gave in to their demands, we should soon see only old ladies and men on the screen or the stage. The theaters would be empty, since the public generally does not attend them to see the same people they see in church or old people’s homes.

Save us from these hypocritical creatures who have no genuine strong conception of life, and who in reality preach no honest morality. They generally are life’s losers, protesting life itself. Eternal life and its laws will hardly make way for them; at most, they will hide behind a screen of contemptible hypocrisy and dishonest prudery.

They think that the German woman should not go out alone, she should not sit alone in a restaurant, she should not go out with a boy or even an S.A. man without a chaperone for a Sunday afternoon excursion, she should not smoke, she should not drink, she should not wash up and make herself pretty, in short she should do everything to keep the evil interest of a man away from her. That is, at least, is how these midget moralists think a German woman should behave. And woe to the poor womanly creature who has the misfortune to transgress against one of these laws. Of course, no German woman will have bobbed hair, since only Jewesses and other contemptible creatures do that.

Have these moral trumpeters any idea how they slander and demoralize millions of German women with their preaching, women who bravely and honestly do their duty in life and on the job, who are good comrades to their men and sacrificing mothers for their children?

don’t they realize that they embarrass National Socialism throughout the world, that they are thirty years too late, or that one must take them to task because they are beginning to be annoying? There are good and bad women, decent and less decent women, some with bobbed hair, some without. Whether or not they powder their noses is not a sign of their inner worth, and if they occasionally smoke a cigarette at home or in society, they do not need to feel rejected or cast out.

They're just as much faggots, too.

The statement implies a question: "why not? what's the problem?" That question sparks the debate. It seems like it would be a relatively easy question to answer.

You're really bad at this.

Make me. You humourless cunt.

In any event, these moralists should not sit in judgment over women, whether they are enemies or even if like all real men they wish women happiness, relaxation, and domestic peace, though their stuffy superiority would keep women from it.

They think it is not National Socialist to enjoy life; but rather one should only look at the dark side of human existence. Pessimism and suspicion are the best teachers in our earthly vale of sorrows. A true National Socialist has no cause to protect these miserable creatures. Primitiveness and absolute rejection of pleasure are the only character values to these people. If one has a clean and a dirty collar, one puts the dirty one on to give evidence of his hatred of bourgeois values. A man with a good and a bad suit wears the bad one, particularly for festive occasions, for it shows the astonished world how revolutionary his outlook is. He dislikes joy and laughter; people should have nothing to laugh about.

Are we living in a pietistic state, or in the age of life-affirming National Socialism?

No one can suspect us of wanting to live lives of ostentation or luxury. The Führer and many of his close comrades neither smoke nor drink nor enjoy sumptuous living. Those, however, who want to rob a nation of sixty million of every pleasure and all traces of optimism are contemptible, entirely aside from the fact that their foolish desires would drive countless people into poverty and misery.

Every banned activity makes more people unemployed; if no one can drive a car, the automobile factories will shut down, if no one wears a new suit, the looms and tailors will have nothing more to do; if people no longer attend movies or the theater, hundreds of thousands of stage and film employees will depend on public assistance.

To take joy and pleasure from a people means to make it unfit for its struggle for its daily bread.

He who does that sins against our reconstruction efforts and embarrasses the National Socialist state before the whole world.

The result would be a dreary impoverishment of our public life. That we will not accept.

We do not want to abolish pleasure, but rather to let as many as possible share in it. That is why we encourage people to attend the theater, that is why we give workers the opportunity to dress well for festive occasions. That is the reason behind Kraft durch Freude. That is why we shake off the agents of a prudish hypocrisy, why we do not allow decent, hard-working people who have every reason to need relief from their hard daily labors, who need to reaffirm life, to recover from the weariness, cares, and burdens of every day, to have their necessary pleasures ruined by the eternal chicanery of these pedants.

We need more affirmation of life and less complaining! More morality, but less moralism!

-Joseph Goebbels, “Mehr Moral, aber weniger Moralin!” Wetterleuchten (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1939), pp. 382-385.

You don't belong here. Gtfo.

Communism is undeniable cancer.

You were a bit too obvious now, schlomo.


No it doesn't The statement was just that - a statement. You made no implication of a question at all.
Shoe me where the hidden question is in

But it wasn't a question. Learn the definitions of words before you make a mockery of yourself

That's right! And cucked Britbongs will go right along with it.

Well: yet another reason to Brexit, right?

Soon enough, once the UK is established again as an independent nation, you can begin the purge, beginning with this lying Muslim sack of shit.

people here are right wingers that gravitate toward a relatively central goal but we don't all have the same orbit; get what I'm saying?

LGBTs are a genetic dead end, they don't typically reproduce and if they have occassion to it doesn't manifest in more faggots (their method of reproduction is pedophilia, which they share with mudshits).

Mudshits breed prolifically, take over entire countries and reduce them to third world status in a matter of decades. While killing 50 annoying faggots is not a bad thing, it means nothing in terms of the big picture.

Just because communism is retarded doesn't mean it can't be used as a buzzword.

Implication (noun):
1. something implied or suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood:

The question is understood in the statement. If a person says "There's nothing wrong with something" or "I see nothing wrong here", the implied question is "What's wrong with it?". So when the question "If the girl wants to be a slut for money, that's her business" is asked, it implies the question "why wouldn't it be her business?". The question is suggested, but not directly asked. This is high school shit.

Actually no, they spread by ideology.

What is a buzzword then you massive faggot?

muslims are on track to become the majority of the population by the end of the century at the rate they breed. Second generation muslims are shown to be even worse than their immigrant parents. I can't find the source now, but ill come back and link it if I do.


It is. Look at Feminism.

Fucking hell the shills hit this thread hard.

Fuck muslims and fuck censoring feminist dipshits.

A buzzword is any word used to bring the connotations of the word into association with whatever the topic is.

If I called a person who is advocating for, I don't know, banning car tires a communist would be a buzzword, because I'd be trying to put the negative connotations of communism onto the subject, despite them not showing any actual signs of being a commie.

Calling Bernie Sanders a communist isn't a buzzword, though, because his political views align with Marxist, communist views.

The left likes to use "racist" as a buzzword. If you disagree with them, you're racist. They do that to put the negative feelings the public has regarding racism on you, regardless of whether or not you are racist or said or did anything to warrant the label.

Learn the definition of what a question is, you bumbling imbecile

You made no question nor implied any question. You made an assertion without any argument to pack it up, thus it can be just as easily rejected without an argument.

Quit being such an obtuse faggot

But commies do cause the ban and disapearance of such consumer goods.

It would be accurate. Commies are almost everything bad with the world.

Actually no, they spread by pedophilia. Their ideology is merely an adapted form of r-selected Marxism which must be dealt with separately. LGBT are not the progenitors of this ideology, they're just a small branch on the tree.

Feminists do.

They do, but in a different since. It would be communist to ban all private car tire sales and make it so the government is the only organization that can sell them. That would be more in line with communism, but simply banning tires would be more in-line with regulation.

Glad to know I was right.

Feminists spread by single motherhood. Again you're striking at the branches. Marxism and Islam have striking resemblances to one another.


Double standards and hypocrisy everywhere.

>"my outright argument-less assertion was ackchually a question which at the same time is ackchually an argument that you need to refute"
Tell me how it feels to have an iq slightly above room temperature.

What complete bullshit. Fags reproduce, if they want to, like anyone else: with the opposite sex. I know a lot of gays by virtue of where I live and work. A couple are paired with women to have a family and they all seem happy. Others had children with a partner and a woman friend. I don't really approve of fags or dykes having kids, but I do my part to be a friend and role model for the children of fags I know because the kids' welfare is more important than my opinions. So far they all seem to be turning out fine. There is no statistical evidence that fags have more gay kids than we do, so fuck it. (The latest research seems to indicate that stress during a very specific part of pregnancy may create homosexual kids, but who knows.)

Most of the fags I know and work with are getting increasingly redpilled and given gays' outspokenness and feistiness, the last thing I want is to turn away this whole segment of society like fools such as you do.

I am retired law enforcement as well and in fact, heteros form an even more substantial portion of the pedo population than fags do–about proportional with the population overall, since there are more of them. It's niggers have long ago overtaken the stats, by the way, which should surprise nobody here. Of course libshits still believe white men do all the kiddie-raping but they are full of shit as usual: it's mostly niggers, and believe me, Mexicans also do their part above and beyond what the numbers should be.

I used to work crimes against children so I know my shit. The worst thing is that most of them are omnivorous when push comes to shove–fag pedos will fuck little girls if boys aren't available, and even more often, straight pedos will fuck boys if they can't get their preference met. Pedos should be shot to death upon conviction, no mercy. Ironically, maybe because pedos can spot weakness, fags tend to have been molested even more than straight men, from what I've seen (and no I don't think it makes you gay to be molested)–so the fags I know are in favor of the worst punishments for pedos, unlike retarded straight liberals.

Mudslimes yes, they reproduce prolifically because they want to take over the world. And they will, if those of us who perceive this accurately don't fucking learn to set aside our prejudices and work together. Again, I have found that most faggots are actually inclined to be redpilled as they are used to being under threat and don't have a lot of illusions about how nice human beings are. They have to trust you to tell you, because they tend to live in liberal areas for obvious reasons, and we are all pressured here to pretend we are liberal, though I have not done so in decades. But fags also despise Muslims IF they know the real deal about them, which completely makes sense. I have done my part on that front, above and beyond the call of duty, redpilling 90% of the gays and even lesbians in my office on the subject. It's not so hard: mudslimes out themselves at every turn because they lack self-control and common sense. A few influential ones know how to play the long game but mostly they are all about doing what their feefees dictate right fucking now, or at least after they buy some more ammo. As we know only too well.

The big picture is that we need as many people as possible on our side. And as that annoying faggot Milo has amply shown, fags are some of the best people to convert liberals because in so many ways, they are above criticism.

We should be redpilling every single person we can, especially men. Gay men are still men and when they get mad–like now–is the time to strike. Been doing that today with friends and acquaintances. We must get them out of our society and I don't give a fuck who is on our side as long as they mean it and will do what needs to be done.

Literally today my gay boss has tossed a couple of job apps from mudslimes into the trash. It's a start.


>Oh my GAWSH user. It was obviously implied


well they are the same people

Feminism spreads by the media and the educational system, you dumb fuck. Hollywood is the fucking worst, folllowed by advertising. Schools are ruined. Our educational system is completely fucked, even a lot of private and parochial/religious schooling. Depending on where you live it is rough work to find good conservative schools–or even just neutral ones.

Every damn faggot here who can stand the thought of teaching kids should be getting their credentials and going into teaching. En masse so that they cannot fuck us over as they realize our positions. If we have the numbers they will lose.

They are brainwashing our kids while you guys ignore the educational system and ramble on about single motherhood or psyops or some other shit.

Single motherhood is mostly just a recipe for dependence on the state to survive because our families are bankrupt and fucked up too. We don't teach our girls not to do this shit from day one, some of us are fucking backward about birth control and don't even make sure our girls are protected in case they make a retarded mistake (or get raped by some fucking nigger.) All it takes is one time.

And then if they do get knocked up, we abandon them instead of taking them in and being a good role model for their brats, giving them a father so they don't go bad. I swear people are fucked in the head these days. It's not just liberals either.

I speak from experience as my daughter is a single mother–because her husband was killed in a car crash due to a drunken nigger running a red light. We didn't feel like helping to raise yet another kid but you do what you have to do to take care of your family.

Wew lad
(stay safe britON)
((protect your women & kids the cops won't do it))
(((7355 637 743 607 70 1=1647 34c4 0743|5)))

Nope, biology predicts ideology, not the other way around you cocksucker. It's enabled primarily by single motherhood and women being ugly and fat as shit. Dysgenics causes feminism.

Even in the early days it was some disgustingly ugly harridans pushing that ideology. Where were the media and educational system then you fucking cuck?


Come sweet Svetka, we will make little Vlad the Impalers together

Did I die and go to the Elysian fields?

I think eurotards might actually wake up once kebabs start killing women in the streets for not covering themselves up completely.

How many shekels do you goys want to bet the feminists are going to support this?

He said "images of ‘unrealistic" women, which the feminists absolutely HATE because "unrealistic" = fit and we all know being fit is "unrealistic".

These tumblr ham planets don't want to spend the effort to go for a 20 minute walk in the park once a day. That is 20 minutes that could be better spent shilling for $hillary on their computers while eating ice cream, in their minds.

I wasn't ready for these feels.

Sorry for mild defeatism.

Fear not user, we will make women great again after we MAGA.

That's only until feminists and muslims in your country pass a law to control the internet and punish who watches porn.


Meet Adolf, he loves to paint, run Olympics and dreams about building a prosperous nation with a flourishing western culture.


Go back the Progressive era, ya fuckin flapper fucker.

I would make a life with him
A life free of jews for everyone

Perfectly stated.

You're right. But may just be the beginning. Inch by inch Day by day. They will take and take until there is nothing left.

For all you faggots saying this is a good thing, it's a hidden hand you fucks. They are pushing Islam into policy and calling it something else.

It's meaningless. What matters is what matters, and what matters is that these things are on the beaches of lands they do not own.

In the end, a pornographic society is not a good one, but a dogmatic one is definitely not something to exchange for it. I'll take on, but not the other.

Why don't whites just appropriate Islam and drive out the arabs?

Some redpilling, and a healthy dose of nationalist fervour suffices well for religious beliefs. Prevents corruption, and makes people know the truth, rather than fear it.


What universe are we in right now?

This is what Hitler fondly wished in his deepest heart btw.

Aryan muslims taking over the world and the universe by the power of race and faith.

This is going into like 12 of my fetishes
I need to get the fuck off the internet…..
but either way post more user

the difference is the feminists have no problem if the scantly clad whores are fat and ugly, their problem arises when the whore happens to be good on the eyes

I dunno man, as long as it's natural and she isn't fat, the bigger the better.

Maybe he prefers fat people?

agree, but we are over thin red line. If you had to chose one absolute which would it be?

then ban them under different reasons


I think I found the replacement

The only real good news is that I found where the gif I posted earlier actually went.

I can still see those women shaming slutty eyes

Are we coming back to the good old times when women were all considered witches ?

Everyone enjoys the female form, but I'm not sure it follows to have them on display. Look at societies that retain their traditions : Japan, India, Pakistan, China. None of them have scanty clad women.

The prostitution rackets & culture of Europe were driven by immigrant turks (jews) for the last 1000 years, and still is today.
Typically today, a white family of a woman who poses naked is not happy about it.

If that is the case then why do goat fuckers have their women cosplay as trashbags and why are the greatest feats of European sculpting those of naked women?
Go suck your pedophile prophets dick somewhere else, muslim lover.

Dat jew nose on khan.
yfw you realise the jews infiltrated and destroyed the ancient aryan empire in india, much as they are doing today in the west, resulting in the poo in the loo degenerate mud race, with lighter skinned being the higher caste, but no true whites left.
Poo in loo is future of europe

She looks like butter with makeup glossed on

The reason that it is haram to show images of mohammed?
mohammed was WHITE!
And how can arabs have arab supremacism (modern islam) based on followers emulating a white man?
google that shit niggers, it's even recorded in hadith and other holy texts.

And to further prove how moronic you are.
What is per-industrialization Japan before Murika forced them to open their borders with their society being so sexually liberated that it shocked and appalled American soldiers and generals?


this is hot

Is t okay if i am not born in America but have great appreciation and love for Trump and its people that i have met so far, even if as a Serb i should wish nothing but death and misery upon you and your country?
Even if Trump doesn't change a damn thing regarding my country i literally dread at the thought of Clintons being in charge once again as we are pretty much fucked if that happens.

You guys ever heard of degeneracy? Weimar Republic?

I want to be mad about this

but first Id have to care about the Jew advertisers being cucked by the poeple they propped up

No we don't.
Islam is the most degenerate of them all.
Fuck off.

fuck what's this image from

Just go back to sucking that circumcised cock you faggot

top kek

the 'we need more sexual degeneracy - that'll solve everything!!11' shit is Milo Kikeopolis tier

It's really not, compared to Judaism it's like a beacon of purity.

Fuck off, MIDF

Softcore porn is nudity without penetration, you moron.

You have to go back.

Heh. Praise Kek. Level the anglos who led the fought against white brothers and sided with kikes.

If it is actually factually in all practicality real, how is it unrealistic? Hell, for someone like North Koreans, 400lb+ lardstains are unrealistic, but somehow we are less tolerant than a literal dictatorship. You can't make everything that triggers your personal insecurities illegal. What next, girls who are too pretty have to get an acid bath for equality? Guys who are too tall have to get kneecapped for equality? Further proving equality is a false god that drags us all down to the lowest common denominator.

I'm already cutting at 1200 and 1 hour+ walking a day. Give me four months, I will look like this, and I will make it my personal mission to walk around in a bikini and trigger muzzies and feminists. There's open carry areas within a 30 minute drive. Bikini & peacemaker, double triggered for fatass femicunts. I'll pair it with a MAGA hat.

Thanks for thinspo you green-with-envy lardchubbs.

Nice try MIDF, but Islam is 80% like Judaism.

Tell me if I'm getting everyone's positions right.

Is this about right?

Name of the slag?

You are absolutely correct.

Because we cant have nice things.
So they continue inbreeding…

unless that woman doesn't need to be shoehorned into her position at work; there is nothing wrong with her leaving the kitchen for time to time.

holy shit ! this blood stain!
Got any context, or source?

I see nothing wrong with that.

Get the bitches in burkas! Troll the feminist!

So, that means it's not 100% like Judaism.

Therefore still better.

You rekt yourself son.

Yes. She can have a gender related job. And must dress properly when outside of the house.

The trips have spoken.

Hope your progressive circle jerking was worth it Londoners :^)


Joseph Goebbels is a retard who would rather have men fuck hookers than start a family.

Great (((post))), Holla Forumsrother.


I dont agree with his reasons, but islam is right on some issues.
Sex ads in public are degenerate shit


stop posting

You're pretty good at this tbh fam.

that was a tl;dr
i don't find it fair to write a coherent 200 words post in a response to a copy-pasta


Seems to me that women are losing their sexual characteristics and becoming androgynous, just as men are.

Lad, I think that ___________WEW________

Fuck it. I'll get a tan, grow a beard and get a non western name and then I'll be able truly freely voice my opinions and criticize feminists, faggots and jews.

This is not a religious issue, any proper christian should oppose it aswell
you are a faggot

Post proof if you want to be taken seriously. It would be a full time job to fact check everything here.
It would make sense though, it takes a high IQ to control the entire region in just few decades.

He's either a jew or a fedora.

it's not a matter of race
the anti-sjw crowd is a bunch of betas sadly


Europe is different m8.


okay. I'm Holla Forums then. I want to see beautiful women in neo80s gear. They can even have gender related jobs.

They probably shouldn't monetize promiscuous sexuality to sell Doritos.

I think I'm going to enjoy the fracture points between the other groups. Like what happens when the feminists want to put up some body positive flabby arm women naked with armpit hair? Muslims are wanting to lightly beat women for not bathing after their period and feminists want to paint with it. There's some funny-ass D+C possibilities here.

His twiatter:

That's what the


is all about


I hope you can keep your smug smile when your head is on a pike you fucking idiot.

What is a beach? What is the right to wear whatever the fuck you want without some prudish virgin with muslim tendencies opening his fucking mouth?

I think you might be putting the cart before the horse m8. Look at predominately Catholic, but Southern European countries like Italy or France and you won't see the same Puritanical attitudes expressed, while at the same time practicing a slightly divergent "Semitic" religion.

The social prudishness of Northern culture is genetic.

You've got nothing to worry about little guy, it's not even going to come up.


Only Cucks convert to the religion of those who defeated them? Some people in this thread think Islam has defeated Europe. Those Heathens will burn in the Fires of Hell.

Society finally perfected

I hope this cuck goes after pride parades next.

he is the bull

the whites are cucked

Because they're not in your child pornography promoting gooktoons

kys weebshit


And to think some lucky ass hole gets to home with that…

What the fuck is wrong with h8chan? Why mods aren't banning shills and degenerates?

rejected. the things you attempted to mix together just separate right back out again when you return to the original event in OP.

separate issues. convergent sequence of some end games (feminist fat-body-ready and mudslime shit-shia-paedo-gay-law). sure, crazies could pull the moralist thumping of bible nuts and tie it to a band wagon not theirs, but this always is happening. moreover, this is always happening by kikes, feminists, mudslimes and the like. your neo nazi doesn't do this at the group level dynamic you paint, your nat soc doesn't do this at the group level dynamic you paint. the mix just separates right back out.

also, post more tits, achieve moar! oh wait…
20150504 - nobody - dr jones libido dominandi
https www youtube com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=AMmOAd2FVrE#t=85

also, good. i'm not for torturing animals – if it bites your hand, it becomes less than animal, something other, an degenerate sub-animal, and you should just end it and be done. but if animals want to torture each other, good. i have other things to do than perpetually rescue the reality-inversionist ungratefuls that don't remember their sole purpose is to dogmatically stand behind me.


I remember when someone on here was trying to convince me they're not prudish because The Birth of Venus is different to pornography. Okay, maybe.

But then you all want to ban this:

When Venus is definitely more risque. Face it, you'd be the crazy people castrating nude male statues in antiquity.

And you have the gall to claim you're different to Muslims. The only difference between you in this issue is that one is coffee, the other is peach.

And if the mod decides to shadow ban me again for disagreeing with this lunacy and responding in turn to people that disagree with me, then he can go fuck himself to be quite frank.


Sharia Law in 3….2…..1……

but seriously, why is anyone surprised by this?

Kill yourself, degenerate. You need to show the respects to the women. SHAME ON YA!


Feminists are super hedonist so how can you claim that I am an feminist? You are really stupid for your age, huh. Just kill yourself for being stupid.

You type like a middle schooler.

Thank you for sharing that with me sir.


tfw you have a daki and the mayor of london can't do shit about it

it was inevitable

Because they were begging to be controlled like a bitch.

You can support decent coverings of women and NOT be islamic shmeul.

Doctrine may stay.

People must go.

Omar did nothing wrong.

Sounds so wrong.

Yet so right.

Get rid of shitskins, bring in doctrine.

Fucking women aren't doing much to convince me that they're equal to men.

Never understood this. The women in the ads are real people, not CGI. They just had the will power to actually look after their bodies and work out


You can respect one aspect of Islam and not be islamic you know.

We're not asking for niqabs.
Or Qurans
Or Islam
Or Shitskins

Just decent self respectful clothing



Fuck me.
Gotta be more flexible mate.

Stop shilling for that retarded meme, muhammed. Your allah is a joke. Kill yourself.


It's like we can agree on things like people.

Also, why don't Christians call for this dress standard thing?
And Jihad?

They have some good things, just blown out of proportion and justified by a pedo shitskin false prophet.

It's like there's this thing called objective moral standards or something.

You fucked up.
Ancient European empires celebrated the female form, but you've been so brainwashed by semites that even scantily-clad depictions immediately put you in mind of DEGENERACY rather than beauty.

The programming is working.
Revile the female form & stop breeding, white man.

Just some parts of it, then reinvigorate Christianity and some pagan beliefs.

Remember, the islamic ottomans killed other islamic people for their own racial needs.

This. MIDF has been shilling this board for far too long.

Oi cunt.

He's uncucking our shit.

Then one day we can actually fix his homeland so he can return.

This is a good thing. I don't like multiculturalism.

Just take the good aspects, condemn the rest.

Oh fuck off.

I just want the Jihad and clothing parts.

The rest is fucking bullshit arab tier.

But those two have always been lurking in Europe until recently.

I just want her to put on a god dam shirt and a little more respectful skirt.

Not a pac-man ghost costume.

Muhammad confirmed. Go bomb yourself, faggot.

How's the ramadon going for you, Ahmed?

Damn this thread is shilled hard
Human body ought to be celebrated whilst at same time degeneric thoughts need to be suppressed.
Whenever you hear a dude bro going off like a chimp just shame him into submission.
Whenever you see a feminist ranting off how she should be free to be naked in public tell her that its not okay for the sake of public respect and dignity.
Whenever you see durka durka muhammed wanting to clothe women tell him not to have rapist thoughts.
Humans, especially men should have self respect and respect for others to control their impulses while at same time not allowing degeneric explicit public sexual poses and pictures for dignity and respect of others.
The western culture respects and public but also the individual and private.
We shouldn't forget that or allow ourselves to be persuaded by mudslimes.

Only white can into logic, (((they))) can't.

This user knows what's up.

Beauty != Degeneracy

I know, right.

We would keep the hardcore unchangeable traditionalism, while still being Christian. Christian Sharia, without the silly things like complete alcohol bans and shit.

Burkas and hijabs might be included tho. Bitches need be chaste.

This user gets it. Be more like user.

Exactly. We most learn how to subvert subverters, and have fun.

Deus Vult
May the Lord help us in this new quest.

It's unrealistic to expect a modern woman to stop stuffing her fat face and actually take care of herself.

Sometimes they do. So that they can look decent enough to attract men and be a disgusting slut.

There's quite a difference between a sexual ad on the street and an historical masterpiece of art. One of them wants you to have sex and the other wants you to make an ubermensch out of yourself. THere's one that treats your body as a mean and the other as a end. ONe's intetion is morally wrong and the other is pur.

Whether or not you want to admit it, the message in both of these examples is the same but its usage its different.
The message its promoting is
True beauty of human body. The ads use that message (which is universally naturally accepted) to promote their corporate goals instead of , as it was promoted in history through art for political goals of spreading culture in which ubermensch can arise.
In reality, the message is the same, only thing that is different is the way we use it.
Image all of these ads without the brand name attached to them, what do you get?
Culture that promotes beauty.
Why not subvert the message and use it to our goals?
Corporate greed + our political goals and this capitalistic world will see things our way.
Outright censorship will only hurt those that try to suppress the message of jewish owned corporations that use the truth (beauty) to spread their lies (that through this product you will achieve that beauty).
We only need to subvert it user, not outright censor it.

It's time for the Christian


confirmed muslims and feminists will team up to destroy western civilization

Didn't a country recently fix their low birthrates with risque pro-sex ads and incentives? I forgot which one.

We wouldn't want people encouraged to have sex in the West, now would we?

Well the alphabets are sure out in force today…


That is the most specific fetish I have heard.

and now I also fantasise about it

First of all, stop tripfagging. The value of your posts should be based on merit and message not your identity.
Second, it seems to me that user is either angry at sluts and dude bros that fuck sluts or is angry at himself not being able to score poon.
Which in both ways is okay. He should be angry at degeneracy and he should be angry at himself not being able to achieve a naturally fixed goal of human reproduction….but at same time he should use that anger in more constructive ways rather than just hate "the system" itself.
Systems exist only out of need and desire for them, not because they push themselves on us, thats what he needs to understand. So basically, it is not that "the system" is pushing for "hey goy, you should produce and make more tax payers for us" but that everyone out there already has that natural desire to reproduce, the system is just there to exploit it for its goal.

I'm only saying that you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Whites have become like pandas, they need to be encouraged to make babies, and that's not going to happen if you're all 'fainting couch' and 'oh no, we better not see pretty women because then we'll be having mass orgies and declining birthrates' and scared of depicting sex in media. You are right in that he seems to be confusing pro-sex messages with pro-sex and pro-reproduction messages.


It's like you don't have a brain.

I wouldn't say that.

Because violence is rising quickly in the west.
And they will one day have to stop in order to not be targeted.


A Christian/Kek hybrid.

You (((degenerates))) don't get it.
The point of banning degenerate art and behavior is to take away the things that you care about so you will go elsewhere.

Women should dress like pic related and if seeing women dressed like that triggers, you don't belong in a white nation.


If pic related is "degenerate" to you then you have issues to fix, fellow "non-muslim"

and when we go elsewhere then muslims can reign supreme, right?

No, they have freedom to dress as they want until it becomes inappropriate to the public.

Don't subvert our culture you mudslime.

You're shit at it, raghead.

This. But to be fair it's because many of these cucks, like muslims, are sexually frustrated virgins with 0 experience.

London has been the capital of the Rothschild empire for over the last hundred years, you really think they are going to let a Muslim come in and tell them what to do? Its so obviously what the kikes are trying to do.



Where is the threshold user?

That would actually.

Because the West is always more flexible than the east.

That's it's key.

And it's disappearing.

What happened to wearing a pretty dress that showed beauty, not debauchery?

A jew has no capital city, land or people to stay and protect.
He is a nomad and moves from place to place.
Israel is there only for him to cannibalize and protect himself with

If you are able to see panties or bras or general undergarment or skin in that area.
Showing off bellybutton or having wearing something scantily while its innapropriate (due to weather) is just pure degenerate and attention seeking but should be allowed.
Public nudity, nipples through the clothes and easily seeable undergarments are the threshold.
Being scantily clad in cold weather or just for attention is permissible


That pic related is perfection.

knee length skirts or shorts
I disagree. Belly showing is too distacting. It needs to cover flesh to a degree.

Men too.
Burly men in tank tops must go.

It's disgusting actually.

Fuck off ahmed.

It's unreasonable and demeaning.
It needs to be moderate.


It isn't nudity and its only distracting to you.
What I have to suggest to you is that you need to learn self control and not be easily distracted.

It seems that you have a problem user….
It seems that you don't like to see nice looking people dressed to show off their nice attributes.

Fuck off you fucking liberal.

That was traditional European dress code for generations. Take your libertine shit back to the Frankfurt School.


Wew cuck lad.

easy vote winner for tumblrinas to vote for him next time. probably wasn't even his idea.


Fuck off, Herschel.


everyone ITT that wants women go around naked it probably burgers, because their culture is about sexualize everything all the time

american culture (except the gun culture, thats based but fuck everything else about it), and people, is the biggest threat to the western world. i sure hope trump wins, but sadly that doesnt really change their culture and all the media will still be owned by jews, and they will continue to produce degeneracy and spread it across the globe.

She has a nice penis.

Funfact - Fat feminists feel threatened by trannies who manage their weight

Back to the topic.

This move by this mudshit is deliberate pandering to both SJWs and other mudshits. He wants all female skin removed from adverts he knows advertising agencies won't waste their money using fat people.

He's going to move onto all sorts of other mudslime policies. He's going to build the biggest mosque in the world right in the heart of the UK. There's going to be prayer calls and there's going to be sharia.

What a fucking nigger.

Filtered and reported. Kill yourself.

Why is "seuxalizing" so wrong?
You sound like a feminist with your "objectification" talk.
Women need to express their feminine beauty and promote it.
Men should promote their masculine beauty.
Sexualization however only happens in the minds observing these naturally masculine and feminine traits.
Excessive nudity and culture of sexualization is degeneric, but traits of femininity being shown with skirts and tank tops is frankly okay.

feminist culture coupled with mudslime culture is the biggest threat to western world, not women wearing skirts or bikinis.

No one cares about your low hanging fruit, loser.


Why do i feel like god warned us about this in the bible?

Extreme minority. Most trannies are absolutely disgusting.

He's right. This is good. Makes progressives look like retards. Hopefully he makes being a whore illegal too. Also some some laws to keep women out of politics are needed.

He has the balls to do what whites in the west will not. Fucking disgrace coming from this sand monkey and not one of our own.

Would you be able to spot this one out in the open?

lol why is that wrong? because that shit created the society were in right now and thats is exactly what "were" fighting. why would i let women 'loose', again, if thats one of the reason the nuclear family collapsed?

are you some kind of lolbergturdian or a jew?

Anyone have that picture of the emails whores sent to the photographer Kirill, asking him to take down their photos?

No, extremely sheltering your children from any danger and putting them in bubble is what created this society.
These "triggers" and "safe spaces" are a problem.
Seeing nice feminine laddies wearing skirts isn't.
Tolerance and sheltering your children is what is killing the west, not femininity or masculinity.

Nuclear family collapsed because of the jewish feminists, not because of nice feminine traits and beauty.
Again, it isn't the beauty of body that is wrong but feminism that destroyed the family.
"Body positivity" has nothing to do with femininity and wearing short skirts and shit like that.
You are mixing up degeneracy and beauty and thinking I am promoting degeneracy.

Btw, this is a picture of typical nuclear family.
Do you honestly want to tell me that a skirt that was 10 cms shorter wouldn't be okay?
Do you honestly want to tell me that a woman in this picture needs to wear a burqa?

My point is this wouldn't be happening unless the Jews gave the ok for it. Its pretty obvious that the main goal of this is to incite hatred against Muslims (not that I really care, but I'll be damned if i fight one of the Jews' enemies for them.)

My point is this wouldn't be happening unless the Jews gave the ok for it. Its pretty obvious that the main goal of this is to incite hatred against Muslims (not that I really care, but I'll be damned if i fight one of the Jews' enemies for them)

Yeah, during the dark ages. Most of the time it was never like that.

Then that applies to those who converted to Christianity too you fucking idiot.

Cuck me once…

Well they created a problem and then show a solution for it that would benefit them the most, its obvious.
The only 2 solutions is either that whites go to pro-white countries that protect their heritage like Hungary or to go on a race war.

Most people want a race war and to be honest I want one too but you have to understand is that jews are engineering this plan to smallest detail and only thing we can control is time when it goes off.
The sooner we go off the race war the better.

Usual leftist rhetoric, don't even use it as anti-jewish.
Look, I have nothing against muslims IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES.
Do I hate them? Sure.
Do I want them out of white countries? Of course.
Do I care about their sand castles in durka-stans? Hell no.
Jews want us to start a racewar in europe and reclaim the land? The sooner the better.


I just want to walk down the street where people look like they're doing business and not a striptease. Gives society a comfy feel.

Actually no. It was actually more common around the victorian era you massive retard. Even tho it existed before.

And btw you fucking jew:

Probably not without hearing them talk.

No it wasn't.

Only victoria wore the headdress.

The rest just wore frilly oversized dresses and hats.

By the time the 50s came around, social norms and traditions were already falling apart, it was but the calm before the storm. The victorian era was the peak of human civilization.

Letting them dress loosely, giving them voting rights, letting them go wherever without a male guardian, it has given them a taste of independence. It has lead to them demanding that they can fuck around with whoever they want, divorce and break up families while also collecting husband shekels in the process, and have the state foot the bill should they decide to kill their baby. no amount of kikery could have gotten us to this point if we didn't give women any influence over the decision making process. Just look at how badly they inflated the size of government.

It would be indecent, and could lead to sexual arousal, which could lead to adultery. Also, no one needs to see that in public. It's almost like you want to encourage masturbation to addict people to dopamine and drain them of vitality.

Face covering is a rather antiquated method to keep a woman pure. Mass producing high security chastity belts for women would be much more effective and fitting for an industrialized western state.

Because it's just soo much better now in the current year, right?

There is a pattern here in the dress code, and Europe has stopped following it.

Here's the issue, the female form is not to be feared, just whores. We needed to have banned tasteless advertisements with overt sexual themes, not just under dressed women.

That whore is showing her nakedness in public.
She should be beheaded.
Make an example of her.


fuck off with that

Holy shit. Go back to fucking >>>/islam/

>Holy shit. Go back to fucking >>>/islam/

This thread is infested with halal faggotry. I'm declaring it a memetic hazard.

t. /bmw/

Also, holy fucking pigshit:


Tribal Europeans wore what could be called revealing clothing (shirtless men, short skirts for women), but this was not disruptive because they lived in very small, insular, high-trust communities (more high-trust than even the most homogenous of modern white countries), wherein one's fellow tribesman/woman was like a sibling even if you weren't blood related. For a woman to be dressed in revealing fashion in the presence of men who are complete strangers to her? Ridiculous, abominable.

get a load of this goatfucker. Our race does not have a culture of being ashamed of the natural form unlike you desert filth

but that doesn't mean we need to go full islam


Make sure to share it with your boyfriend too faggot

And if that trust failed, she could always use that anti-rape groin targe.

Get a load of this goy.

Not true. Only females of breeding age, as child rape would not be a problem unlike in Sandniggerland. Not old women either because they are sterile, no libido amd have already had their family. Wanting to keep Aryan women pure means you're a goatfucker? I can see the shadow of your nose from here, Schlomo. Or are you just a goy salty because your wife will no longer be able to cuck you?

Not if they're belted, it would be redundant , they can certainly be allowed to show their face and hair, then. It seems you lack reading comprehension. They are only covered completely so that so they cannot attract male attention, keeping them virgins. However, the belt is foolproof at preserving them, and does not require guardian or societal supervision to be effective, so uncovered head would be fine. That is why I suggested belts would be more compatible for the west. A muslim would never say that, because head coverings are part of the religion.

The only dress code they would abide if they were belted would be that clothing must be at least 3-4 inches below the knee and no sleveless shirts or dresses. This is actually a little liberal for the victorian era, but for our hypersexualized society, it could do wonders in reducing sexual thoughts

Only a white knight or a literal redditor could be against this.

come on now, user. Having healthy standards and respectable dress codes doesn't mean going full snackbar.

This is why you will never have a healthy marriage and children.

This is the very justification in the qu'ran for keeping women covered. Are you such a lustful man that you require women to cover themselves fully just to prevent you from being aroused like a nigger? Shameful.

top tier taste

Muslims aren't so bad, if we'd wage war with them we'd surely lose

Get out Haji

A lot of bravado from a religion filled with low-IQ idiots.

Im just saying, by the end of this century, Muslims will encompass 50% of the worlds population

just accept the inevitable, you'll die sooner if you continue to worry about shit like race

Enjoy being lynched.

lol ur breddy gud

You are making a fatal mistake here, conflating religion with race.

You see, the West is already moslem.

A few men fuck all the women (harem)
A lot of dudes are gay.
And contracts are not upheld.

Jewish feminists suspiciously silent.

Anyone want to ask Gloria Steinem what she thinks of this development?

We could always use the opinion of a milhousian iconoclast, right?

No, seriously, what does Gloria Steinum think of the spread of Sharia law?

>Muslims will encompass 50% of the worlds population

Muslim is not a race, Arabs are what you're talking about. And technically Asians still outnumber everybody.

Islam is the religion practiced by Muslims, which is mostly comprised of people of Middle Eastern descent (Arabs, basically desert nomads)

Were all going to die, but were going to die faster if we are surrounded by hostile people from a hostile culture, practicing the Stone Age traditions of a hostile religion.

Islam still hasn't gone through the tempering process that Christianity went through, it's still incompatible with modern secular life, Judaism to a lesser degree also has this problem but that's mostly present in Orthodox Judaism.

All of the Abrahamic base religions religion, are in desperate need of reinterpretation on a grand scale.

Thank Rockafeller for that one.

Sorry, I meant "Rock Oil Fella".

my bad.

I thank the governments of America and Europe, along with the various corporations of the 13 families that run the world from their ivory towers as they laugh at how absurd and bleak they've made everything.

A wholly owned subsidiary of "We Say So"(Inc), ?

they are financial and political proxies.

This is just another one of the many issues that Muslims and feminists agree on.

And since Britain has been under the control of radical feminists since the 1960s this is not surprising at all.

(Margaret Thatcher actually funded several political red-feminist organizations, so I don't know why everybody says she's so based. She was basically a hypocrite)

It also doesn't help that the vast majority of women are naturally insecure about their bodies and with obesity on the rise I'm sure few will miss these reminders of inadequacy and competition.

true, Western governments have been against the very people they were designed to serve for over 60 years now.

Fuck Islam and fuck all the faggots[that includes you, you fucking traitor] who think they enjoy Islam because of it "le based islamofascism xDD"

They are deriving a profit from the economic potential difference between population dependent economies.

I.E. they are leveraging slavery vs the free market through international trade, under the guise of "Free Trade"

You can't tell me what to do, faggot.
Go back to drink urine, you disgusting goat-fucker.

Wew wew wew

What is a meemay?

I hope the muslims put the degenerate trash in their place. You can have all the perverse tendencies you wish, but you shouldn't push that shit on everyone else. Weakness cannot be tolerated. Secular liberals must be put in their place.

(double digit kek'd)



Q: Inter-dimentional Aryan Space Jihad?
A: Inter-dimentional Aryan Space Jihad.

Daily reminder that Shias are bros. They fight ISIS and Jews.

It's impossible to tell apart the SJWs from the religious fundies who tried to censor everything in the past. I see these same Christian soccer moms on kikebook who not too long ago had an obsession with creating "Christian clean spaces" into "safe spaces" and have now become SJWs. They can never change their stripes but they'll call themselves a different name.

wew lad, MIDF is out in full force

>inb4 JIDF because that false dilemma bullshit is all you goat fucking semites can come up with

They're shitty raiders sand nothing more, it;s pretty sad to watch.

Naw, man… it's JIDF shilling pro muslim in english speaking world.

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but the jews aren't scared of muslims, because the jews pretty much control the muslims, right?

It is the "Jews" primary tactic, isn't it?

Gradual replacement of the target population with an entirely new population, while looting the real wealth of the nation through the political subversion that their previous conquests plundered wealth could afford them.

All whites would have to do is convert to Islam and take it over like the Turks and Persians did centuries ago when they adopted Islam and basically became the religious and political leaders of the Arabs who gave them the religion. With polygamy too, the white race could multiple like never before.

White Aryan Sultanate when?


Great thinking.
But can anyone actually stand those savages long enough to actually talk to them day to day for his whole life to change their views into becoming as suicidal as liberals are?

We would just out-fash the shit out of them.

They respect fashyness.


tru dat

This meme might have gone too far.

But there is nothing we can do but enjoy the ride.

get out

The only thing that ever managed to unite Europe in any meaningful way was Christianity but it's complete pipe dream to think that Christianity or Catholicism will regain the strength it once had.

Why do they all have this handicapped look?
Open mouth, wide eyes.
You just know it will scream "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"

So what's the new religion going to be like?

pretty similar to the old ones, just more beards and genital mutilation.

Too bad it couldn't have been Scientology, believe in space ghost's sounds trippy.


Abrahamic religions are poison.

you're ignoring the fact the European growth rate is actually declining while Europeans themselves are still having plenty of sex.

Meanwhile the Muslim migrants who "revile the female form" are actually breeding at a faster rate than Europeans because the average Muslim woman has at least three kids.

More sexuality is not the answer. Pregnant women can't have sex anyway, and pleasure-addled hedonists don't want that.
Newborn parents also won't have sex (this is why having grandparents in one house is alright, they can take care of the baby while the parents is busy having sex and trying for Irish twins)

Japan has a lot of the same problem except a lot worse. A hugely profitable sex industry and great economy due to everyone choosing work and school over early marriage, but the entire Japanese population might go extinct. Most modern less religious countries suffer this problem of declining birth rates.

that's because everybody keeps relying on shitty human relationship skills to produce stable families with children.

Japanese people probably have less sex than white people, and when they do they probably use protection and other birth control methods (like the responsible logical individuals they are) that prevent disease and pregnancy.

Perhaps a surrogacy and foster child system could be put into place, where women are paid by the state to be impregnated and then couples without children are paid to become parents and raise children.

They aren't using their wombs for anything productive anyway, might as well get paid to start producing the next generation, seems like a good investment to me.

Since artificial wombs are probably 100 years off.




Implying it wasn't

Valuing beauty ≠ Letting women dress however they want and whore around

See pic related. We are simply too desensitized to indecency. Sandniggers are not the ones wallowing in degeneracy and going extinct. There is no place for skimpy clothing and promiscuity in advanced european civilization.

Soo, pretty much what I said. A belt, at least 3 inches below the knee and nothing sleveless.

You mean like polyamorous African tribes who have no concept of monogamy or any sort of morals and decency, emphasize their sexual parts and fuck around with whoever they want? Niggers-tier savages are the type of people free sexual selection favors.

Puritanism is not exclusive to Arabs. It is quite to the contrary, the whitest way of thought one can adopt, because it requires a code of conduct and emancipates us from our base, animalistic instincts, for the purpose of a greater goal. Monogamy and sexual restraint is backbone of civilization and eugenic progress.

In fact, the only reason you see it as primitive and nonwhite is because Arabs are not an elevated race. This is only because instead of european way that marries off wifes to the best provider, which is often the smartest and has the best job prospects, Arabs marry off to their first cousins or just fucking sell off their daughters to a husband with the most shekels.

Project and whiteknight harder. After all, your wife might not cuck you if you show her just how much you respect a woman's choice.

And yet belts preserve virginity much more effectively than keeping them covered head to toe. Hence my recommendation. A sandnigger would advocate a hijab and genital mutilation.

Are you so addicted to kike pornography or low-test that women in short skirts and skimpy dresses do not arouse you? If you ever tried to stop pleasuring yourself like a fucking bonobo, you would realize that women in indecent clothing make the ordeal much more difficult to maintain. They are bringing sexuality in a place it does not belong in, the public. And they do it intentionally to seduce men, and fuck around, losing their virginity and causing dysfunctional marriages, divorce and cuckoldry.

Sexual liberation, which is a branch of cultural marxism was never part of western tradition. Does pic related trigger you?


Oh how real the slippery slopes really are getting.

I'm laughing. Hard. So so very hard. Because we've finally gone full circle. Those lefties fought against this shit for years only to end up in the same spot again, by their own design! I'm sure this is a carefully crafted joke by a deity of some manner.



Mohamed was white, or at least his skin was, that's why he was able to unite all the sandnigger tribes in the entire peninsula in a very short time.

"While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The an then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."…"'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad's_White_Complexion

sounds good to me

Leftism by it`s nature is proun to extreme authoritarianism and conservatism once in power over the state.

There is a reason why pornography is illegal in China.

Yes sir!

You omit the key difference, wherein Holla Forums doesn't assume license to wholesale rape each others daughters, sisters and wives because insalad aloha snackbar muh dik.

I know some of the mgtow cucks out there have a hard time believing it, but it IS possible to love and respect your women and keep them firmly in their fucking place at the same time. Despite what feminemmenininism would have you believe, the two concepts are not mutually exclusive.


Using feminism to push the Islamic agenda… amazing. Even our own Christfags wouldn't mind teaming up with feminists if it meant hiding the evil… booby!

Keep your Christian BS to yourself. Thoughts should not be policed. Your god isn't going to punch your face because you seen some leg or ass. Relax, and don't be so triggered.

Your dick is in control of your mind, your opinion is worthless.


Is this a shop? It looks real. Please tell me this is real.

It's real.

user I want you to know that it's not my dick in control, it's my mind that is. It's the reason that I don't get triggered by naked women. I can control myself.

I want others to learn self control as well. The key is not to put the female form in a bee keeper suit, but rather to show how we are not savages anymore.

how is a sect representing all of christianity
and nuns dont count when comparing to muslims

gay as fuck mate
draw the line at the middle of the thigh anything above is heresy for men and women alike

Isn't there something called Chrislam? I don't see it happening though, unless muzzies concede the Trinity… then maybe.

yes it was founded by a nigerian nig nog who wanted to merge the two religions since they've caused a lot of conflict in that country

you also have small numbers of missionaries who promote an islamized Christianity similar to messianic judaism as a way to easier proselytise to moslems

Now this is creepy. The body supposed to make sure that things aren't falsely advertised for obvious consumer reasons, is aiming to change "attitudes and behaviours"?

sauce pls

no homo

holy shit all you hillary reddit shills should fuck off.

Muslim is not white culture, why would you retards worship this stupid shiot.


Let me join in.


Seriously, at this point the world is truly deeply fucked. We can stop waiting for the end of the world, it's happening right now, it's just a slow and painful death.


Choose one, faggot.

Had my gf pick the pic out.

Btw, does anyone know if mudslimes censor male bodies too?

Fuck off, Mohammed.

Where's FEMEN???


You Brits allowed it to happen, and now London is slowly burning because of it.

Honestly dont care about nudity much, especially since i think white people have the best nude form. if the end of your greentext is meant as a question i suppose i'd answer that if it helps you make white children then who cares.

I thought so. To me, part of having pride in your race is having appreciation for its nude form. It's not something to be ashamed of.

How much do you earn for posting these? In pennies and pounds, please, I don't understand Israeli currency.

It's entertaining how they always say they're banning "unrealistic" images of women. They're actually banning pictures of women that aren't fat slobs.

Sex during pregnancy can make the childbirth easier and can relieve some of the pain in her hips.

Thanks nigga

Feminists and Muslims are literally the enemies of women.

Feminists hate and want dead a normal healthy fit straight woman and want all them to be fat, hairy, talentless dikes.

Muslims want to force women to dress like ninjas, rape women, torture women, best women, stone women in the street, stop women from driving, and stop women from doing pretty much anything in public.


If you say the second paragraph about Islam to a feminist they will say something like "you're an islamiphobic racist".

Let me be clear. I am not scared of Islam. I hate it. It is a rotting cancer that has to go. As for the muslims, I love them and hope that someday they can be freed from the Cancer that is islam.

Most muslims are now realizing that their religion is cancer and leaving their muslim countries to come to Christian countries to get away from their oppressive regimes.

I met an ex muslim woman the other week who left her husband because she didn't want to be abused and have to dress like a ninja.

Christians have their old testament.
And then they have Jesus and the new testament which is better.

Muslims still have the same quaran and won't upgrade their religion like Christians do.

The Kikes are just toying with you now Britain. You gotta do something.

You have a pretty nice physique, man.
How long did you lift for, what are your stats and were you active, when you started?

body wise you might be the more attractive of you two

Muslim Mayor




What's next dipshit? homosexuality=whiteness? lol, give me a fucking break, greek sculptures celebrated beauty, sexualized depictions of women in this day and age celebrate degeneracy and exploit primal instincts to make a profit and keep you niggers enslaved to your vices.

Don't give me that "huurrr duuurr sexualization makes us breed!" when white populations are in perpetual decline despite being utterly desensitized to nudity and sex.

This is more offensive to you since you're basically admitting to being fucking braindead as opposed to a simpleminded horny teenager that doesn't want his porn taken away.

Get a grip you imbecilic liberal jackass, nobody wants to "hide da bobby" because "it scares them" or "triggers their rape urges", regulating the sexual output of women is the best reproductive strategy to forge civilizations, this muslim is of course doing it because his religion and culture say so (extremely healthy memetic behavior patterns compared to you if I may) , still, women are hypergamic and hypersexual by nature, giving them the ability to "explore" (more like exploit really) their sexual urges in unhinged manners develops the disgenic situations we are living today (i.e. sky high abort rates, inexistent natality rates, sex deemed as a superflous recreational activity as opposed to the sacred act of producing life) .

So yeah fuck you, I honestly hope these muslims get their sharia and curbstomp your degenerate asses before merica "liberates" the shit out of europe.

Wow, I didn't even notice the dick until i read the replies. Now im going to imagine every hot girl I see with a dick.

I don't agree with this, at least for Americans (well, the Christian ones).

thanks. i started lifting seriously a little under 3 months ago. workouts 45min daily. no rest days. before then, i always did about an hour of cardio daily since i was about 17 (25 now). probably owe my good recovery time to that.

my stats are (mostly) all 135 since i workout at home and that's all the weight i can fit on my bar. feels good to need to buy more.

i certainly do exercise more but she still has a really nice ass.

How tall are you? You look pretty fucking amazing for only having started lifting 3 months ago.

Ever since I became somewhat bicurious, I just can't look at a defined tummy of a guy the same way anymore. wew

i'm 6'3", and yeah i've made some crazy progress in a short period of time. i work hard at it.

did you fap to those pics?

You are even an inch taller than me. Nice. I heard that taller guys have a harder time getting big.

lol no, I need a bit more variety than just 2 pics. When I was 14 years I was easily able to just fap to the lightly-dressed women in men's health mags.


tiny dick

It's above average though.


I'm fine with my wife working as a nurse/school teacher or volunteering with any group that helps the community.

Sure is alt-right in here

i don't mind. 7.5" btw

you'd think people would want more of my gf instead.

i've heard that too. manlet gains are no joke.

also i think everyone did that. it's probably just desensitization from fapping so much now.

Look at the nose on that kebab, fam.

Could someone do a pic with him side by side with the "who could be behind this" meme?

this guy wanted more:

I.. would


watch him suck your dick while I fuck your girlfriend.

Holy shit. Wait. What? This headline has just properly hit me.

Some fucking sandnigger is going to tell English white women to wear more clothes when the thousands of sandniggers running rape gangs all across England in ever major city are fucking little girls and saying alluha snackbar!!

Why do the fucking pussy ass brits put up with this.

Imagine if the curry and shit smelling, moon god and black cube worshipping, raping, torturing, murdering, lying, delusional terrorists went to California and tried to tell all the beach babes to put more clothes on.

I mean what the fuck.

Isn't this just a tiptoe towards sharia?

dat ass tho

whatever fantasy suits your fancy, i guess.

for the record though, exhibitionism =/= sex, and least of all cuckolding. me and my gf are exhibitionists, not degenerates.

although my gf has agreed to a mff threesome

You are a pretty lucky dude.

And yeah, I wouldn't want to share either.

post her licking your armpit

she doesn't want to but have this instead.

i think so too. i know she'll love it.

Made for cock smoking

Shy? You could just go into paint and block out her eyes/face.

Or did you forget to shower? :^)

I mean licking airmpits isn't weird like a foot fetish or something like that, is it? Can you make her do it at least out of camera. I would be happy to hear if she was willing to do it, pics or not.

pic somewhat related

i'll make her do it after a shower, just to have done it.

Someone should look into this guy to see if the stereotype is true.

I'll bet this guy has a huge stash of porn on his personal computer.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad when anons post pictures of their 5/10 girlfriends with no tits and a plain face, and they're so pussy-deprived they think the mere fact that she's skinny means she's attractive.


Choose one, you deeply shame-filled dweeb.


what, are your tits bigger or something?

and believe me, i'd gladly post my face. i'm handsome as fuck and my gf isn't bad looking either. but for obvious reasons that'd be stupid.


Because it would prove you are a lier?

because i don't want my identity connected to either 8ch or the fact that i'm an exhibitionist.

believe what you'd like, though. got nothing to prove.
