Edits: imgur.com
Omits: imgur.com
Twitter Bully: imgur.com
OC: imgur.com
Now we wait for the new comic
Edits: imgur.com
Omits: imgur.com
Twitter Bully: imgur.com
OC: imgur.com
Now we wait for the new comic
Other urls found in this thread:
what if we could get an edit to be a guest strip?
That would be beautifully hilarious. But handstab only lets his SJW buttbudies to guest strip.
We would need to gain access to his website and substitute ours immediately after the "real" one gets put up. If we could maintain a copy of the original for his personal viewing pleasure, he wouldn't know the difference.
add this to the OP
Next thread, or ask the BO to edit it.
User was banned for misleading frame
Sorry user, I meant to post in the best format.
Now make it animated.
I like how the preview is 5.5x the size of the actual image.
It looks the fucking same.
Even the filler isn't up on time. Jesus, Jeph, get your act together. Can't you afford to pay some Indian guy $5 to write a cron script for your website?
It took me a second to realize what was going on, but then I laughed my ass off. It's really too bad that Jeph will never write a good villain for QC due to his fear of Tumblrinas.
Here's a reward for a job well done, spoilered because this is a work safe board.
Switch genders and get triggered.
If only Jeph would be next.
Of course she's a community manager.
Isn't it funny that when it comes to people they don't like suddenly they're libertarians and constitutional scholars but when when of their own is slighted now we have to change the rules in the name of social justice?
Sure, free speech doesn't apply to businesses, stand up your own conservative social media platform, sounds reasonable. What's that, a bakery won't bake a gay-themed cake? How dare you suggest I go to one of the other dozen bakeries in the area! We need a constitutional amendment to force them to our will!
Jeph's got some real balls constantly posting these types of photos while not working.
I really want to find out where their lack of self-awareness comes from. Did they never learn the word "hypocrisy" in high-school, or were they never taught that hypocrisy can apply to themselves as well as others?
That's weird, the first bit shouldn't be greentext.
I think they just honestly believe that this is the way tbe world works. We say "gravity makes things fall", they say "CisHet men are scum".
Anyone feel like posting this on the twatter?
I was going to be mildly annoyed and post a scathing criticism of your views, but I read it just in case it wasn't the original and it was a really good edit. Bravo.
I can't take credit for it, I've had it lying around for months. Scathing criticism directed at Randall, Jeph, or the Twitter lady would be nice though.
So QC is set distant enough in the future to be post AI-rights movement, but not so far that Pokemon GO isn't the hottest new mobile craze?
Milo being banned from Twitter reminds of a quote, but I don't know who originally said it: "When you cut out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you are merely telling the world you fear what he has to say."
I think it's Tyrion Lannister, can't find a good clip of it anywhere though.
should post this in response
It's not hypocrisy that makes it seem simpler than it is. What it is is double-think, the ability to have two mutually exclusive ideas in ones head and accept them both. For example they believe that everyone in the world is the same/equal, but they also fervently believe in evolution. They can no longer discern right from wrong because of this, or think logically.
I was with that image until suddenly nazis
Don't forget Hobby Lobby.
Right. Their acceptance of evolution is faith-based. It's part of the given platform so they must accept it. They didn't evaluate the evidence and agree with the conclusion. They believe in it because some cultural leader or leaders told them to.
They break down when you bring up biology. Anyone who isn't an idiot can see the rather obvious link between biology and evolution but since this isn't explicitly codified in "the platform", they start to trip up when you get into details.
An example: SJWs subscribe to the tabula rasa model of the brain. It's an infinitely malleable instrument controlled by nothing other than culture. In middle school I even had a "science" teacher tell me that humans lack instincts and biological drives of any sort.
Research tells us that the brain evolved over millions of years and that new parts stacked on top of the old ones. The brain didn't just "reformat" Pokemon-evolution style at the arbitray point of homo sapiens. And the human brain consisting of basically a limestone-like layering has every bit of the implications one thinks it might.
There's nothing wrong with nationalism, yeah, but the general idea of murdering people who don't stick out in an easy way and aren't easy to pin the blame on is kinda bad.
In short, don't kill white people in white country. Pin it on blacks or muds.
Why don't you wait for a new comic before you make the thread?
Because the other one was dying
So? Without a new comic, there's nothing new to talk about on this subject.
Guest comics are still fair game, user.
Remember the 14 words, user.
You've fallen into the trap of every other general thread in history: wanting the thread to exist for its own sake.
Go stab your hand again
When the previous thread was created, the thread before it had already fallen off the board several hours prior (breaking the threadly tradition of linking from the old thread to the new thread's OP). I'm inclined to think that someone got a little antsy about avoiding a repeat of that and pulled the trigger on the new thread slightly earlier than necessary.
The old thread has already fallen off the board, so it's not as if we're taking up two slots in the catalog or anything. People are discussing the thread's subject matter and posting content, so I'm not sure what your problem is.
Did you miss the part where his website is still updating Mon-Fri and we've had fun with what got put up? Filler episodes are still part of the show and can be worth discussion.
Pay no attention to that baiting faggot, I'm 90% sure he's the same idiot that's been getting buttblasted at the Adventure Time/JoJo general and who made threads asking the mods to "remove cancer." He's an autist who can't handle people liking something that he doesn't like and wants the board to become an overmoderated shithole like cuckchan. May or may not be the same user that's pushing for "pure" discussion of comics and cartoons and not anything else, including related material such as comic adaptations.
So Lex or not Lex?
He seems less fun than Lex. I'm guessing not.
Sounds like you're the same faggot who keeps trying to shove manga into Holla Forums.
Something wrong with /a/? They have mangos.
The hell I'm not! That shit belongs on /a/ but that doesn't change the fact that the purity faggot is just as bad, if not worse, than the weebs.
Hm, I wonder why Jeph never mentioned the Leslie Jones Harambegate fiasco. That's right up his alley. The Milo banning was after the fact and he wasn't even a significant player.
Man, Willis' art is getting as lazy and uninspired as Jeph's. This looks like it was done in 10 minutes.
Willis' tweet says it all. There's no potential for audience growth anymore from these guest comics so why bother trying? This is in here because Willis always does one during guest week.
Even Pokemon is triggering.
Make that more like 1%.
Holy shit, demanding that wild-fucking-animals conform to their delusions?
I hate you, Jeph.
I hate you, Willis.
That is only one of it's three possible abilities, moron. If you'd actually looked it up, you'd know that it can also avoid non-attack damage or reduce damage by 25% for its allies. Oh, but only one of those abilities can trigger you, so lets just pretend that its most worthless ability is its only one.
how the fuck
do you have damage
that is non-attack damage
Damage can be the result of attacks, weather conditions, status effects, entry hazzards, or item effects.
A quick search got me this.
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” –George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings
I realize it's a bit unfair to hold ignorance of Pokemon against people, but I associate Jeph and his cohorts as fraudulent nerds and this kind of thing just reinforces the opinion. Pokemon has been solidly popular since the mid-90s, even before it was actually released outside Japan. It was huge in game press. I remember reading about it as much as I did about Diablo and Quake. Pokemon was the thing that was replacing the Barcode Battler and Tamagotchi crazes in Japan.
So that's 20 years of mainstream "nerd" popularity. Where have these people been? It's to the point where there are teenage 2nd generation players who probably inherited the earlier games from their parents.
It's because Pokemon, like any competitive game, requires a bit of learning before you can attempt to be any good at it. Putting in the effort to learn how to play means that they have less time to be on social media so that everyone knows how much they like the game.
It's not even the direct experience, though. Those people are talking like they never heard of Pokemon until last week. They sound like the Bill Cosby parody. And he was being mocked for being out of touch 15 years ago.
It's because GO just came out and is hot shit. They also want to be the topic of discussion, so they pretend to be knowledgeable about pokemon in order to get in on conversations.
So, senior citizen Bill Cosby level understanding, basically.
It's like not knowing what a D20 is if you ask me.
Im not going to expect a Jock McSportsman to know what it is,but i would assume someone saying that they do NERD THINGS even by osmosis, and when they don't that kinda obvious "posing".
in my experience actual "Nerds" are Dudebros these days though, since it is more fun and got less chance of annoying chicks ruining that fun, no homo.
Half of it being hot shit is people being annoyed at it though, but that is the fault of people rather then the game itself, i mean, my fucking 50 year old mom likes it but think taking a car and drive into pedestrian parks at night like some people do is retarded and defeats the purpose of the game (in her words "making walks more exciting".) and that is before the DARWIN AWARD shit, meanwhile my dad is just plain annoyed at it.
Basically everyone who shilled it to me also only care about the collection aspect so i expect it to die soon enough unless they pace releasing subsequent generations JUST RIGHT.
I also fully expect Nintendo to fuck up this casual "boost" like they did with the Wii boost and making assumptions like "The people who bought a Wii will buy Wii games, AND a WiiU".
Exactly. And not "what exactly does D20 mean?" That's a bit much if you're not into D&D (especially since it's both a game system and physical object) but even these fake nerds should associate the term with fantasy role playing. They talk about it on fucking Big Bang Theory.
Also PvP. A little surprising it wasn't there at launch. PvP is integral to Pokemon. It's basically the only game that motivated players to actually use the Game Boy Link cable.
That would be hilarious given that they're scrambling right now to erase the Wii-U out of existence and save face. It'd be like an alternate universe where the Dreamcast made enough money to float Sega but then they started releasing expensive and useless expansions and hastily developed replacement consoles again. Then they'd exit the console business anyway in 2003 rather than 2001 when the Dreamcast 64x EX DVD Edition Turbo failed to recover from the mistakes of Dreamcast 64x LX and Dreamcast DVD Edition.
Been out of the loop for a while, couple months, and the Edit album seems behind. Any up to date places to catch up?
The guy adding to the albums just stopped one day. is where we're putting everything now.
It's amazing what people will like and retweet. This is literally an [insert random noun here] "joke".
But nobody cared about linkedin.
What the fuck is LinkedIn?
networking for jobs
My understanding is that it's mostly used for establishing work credentials and networking between professionals. Something that can be attached to an online resume, I guess.
LinkedIn is DeviantArt for people who can't draw.
I'm pretty sure that DeviantArt is DeviantArt for people who can't draw.
t. DeviantArt user
so which kind of inflation art is your specialty?
So Jeph couldn't get five people to do free work for him and is trying to pass this shit off as someone else's. And recycling Pokemon jokes in the process.
he needs to stop stabbing his hand and start stabbing his face.
I do think it's odd tgat there aren't any credentials on this one. Do you think he'd stoop to making a whole nother page during his grueling week long buffer building break?
Mah nigga!
It's official: he's gone schizophrenic.
Why are all these comics about Pokemon Go? Is this a theme that they planned out ahead of time? Or are they just all so lazy and uncreative that they independently decided that a half-hearted reference to something that is popular in the real world would be a perfect use of their annual chance to explore new characters in a new setting?
>"p-p-p-p-p-please do not overexert yourself!"
Oh dear!
"All that walkin' is gonna make your butt even MORE amazing!"
Like burning off some of the fat to bring it back down to human-sized?
Someone had better warn Jeffo about this horrendously triggering fat-shaming going on in his comic!
where's that fucking Oddish? I know you're around here somewhere.
I'm afraid to admit it, but this actually looks semi-decent.
I'm sure he thought this was lel so randumb X'D, but I still wonder what this says about his psyche.
It's because the line weight here actually makes sense: thick strokes for the outlines, finer strokes for the contours within the figure. Unlike Jeph's normal work wherein the line weight has no rhyme or reason to it.
Jeph proves once and for all what a talentless hack he is by making the unfunniest and least original comic out of all 5 "guest" strips, using his own characters and setting.
Baggy pants for the baggy pants god
Brown skin for the brown skin throne
I like what you did with marigolds moles.
And keep in mind this is their chance to showcase themselves on one of the biggest webcomic platforms in existence. This is their chance to make Jeph's audience laugh and then check out their comics. But, no, they write Jeph style filler with all the characters marking time and pop culture reference lol.
It used to be one of these would be decent once in a while.
Holy shit, that's genius! Why can't this be the guy that actually makes QC? At least that way we would have an enjoyable comic from the outset without the need for an user to devote their lives to editing it.
All we need now is for someone to actually finish the scene and have Faye stroke like it'll bring daddy back:^)
I find the mental image of Faye felating Pintsize's silicone cock while crying and moaning about her father as she pushes more and more fingers into her sopping wet pussy to be extremely erotic. Can you imagine her shame at having given in to the pleasure of Pintsize's sexual degeneracy and her despair when she realizes that she's going to do it again because it was the most powerful orgasm she's ever had? The fear of what he might come up with next being overridden by the arousal she feels at the same thought?
I have to wonder if healing factor people would add snuff to their sex.
"Right as I'm cumming, blow my brains out".
"Won't that hurt a lot?
"Nah, man, it just hightens the sensation. Think of it as the next level up from erotic asphyxiation."
Then again, knowing that your partner is going to recover no matter what you do really opens doors in the world of BDSM. I might be thinking too small.
That's not how suppressors work, you dumb cunt
I know at least one deity who'd approve of this.
now you're playing with nintendo cenobite power.
Welcome to the Questionable Guro thread. Where we post QC guro and guro accessories.
who was that manbun anyway?
healing factor submissives when?
Since QC is set in the nonspecific high tech near future, and we already have rudimentary self-assembling particals now, I don't think it would be out of line to assume that very expensive healing chassis exist. You would just need an AI that likes being viciously dominated.
Like a warbot?
Tsundere robot that just wants to surrender control to someone who isn't afraid of her? Too bad the writer is jeph and the cannon ship is with Faye, this has some real potential.
That makes me horny just thinking about it. I've always liked the idea of a really muscular submissive. I guess it's the idea of taking someone with a huge amount of power and being able to break them to your will regardless.
It's not just breaking them. On it's own, that's no more than rape.
It's the fact that this powerful being loves and trusts you so much that she is willing to surrender her power over to you. The power that she's relied on through so many struggles and that has gotten her out of so many near death experiences. The physical might that is her rock in the raging storm of life, the one thing that she can count on to save her when everything else has been swept away. She knows that she is losing that when she surrenders to you, but that's okay because her love and trust has elevated you to that same level in her mind. She's moving from one rock to another, and loves you all the more for being deserving of that trust.
I more meant because a great soldier is a submisive masochist who takes orders well
I mean "breaking them" in the fantasy sense of course. Much like the idea of pretending to rape someone is hot to me but the idea of actually doing it is repulsive.
That's pure poetry. Capped for future reference, as it's relevant to the development of my personal work.
Also, man, we are really feeling the Two Friggin Days.
We should devise a game for the Two Friggin Days, like going to Jeph's site, clicking "random comic" and doing something with it.
Good Lord, why did I do that to myself?
I'm somewhat limited in my photo manipulation, bit I'm sure I'll get some use out of this reaction.
At least he was still trying at that point with different camera locations in the coffee shop, but just look at that fucking abortion of a cash register.
I am trying not to.
Holy shit, Faye used to be so much thinner. She looks like a regular attractive woman rather than the giant lardass Jeph draws her as today.
Dora on the other hand looks like Marten with hair-dye and tits.
Art quality in the last panel is pretty impressive by Jeph's usual standards. The characters actually look like they have depth!
Fay was supposed to be a "high test" attractive woman who had enough fat that she was soft and curvy but not enough that her belly stuck out.
Then the Marigold thing happened and jeph copied Dobson's notes when drawing his "correct" women's bodies.
Here's my random for Sunday. Remember when Marigold was drawn in the fasion of a gross shut-in NEET instead of a cute gamergirl?
Here's two different versions of her yaoi anime and a spoilered translation at the bottom, because I have no idea how reliable Google Translate is with the language of Nippon.
I had a great time tonight
Me too
I guess I should be getting home
I'll walk you home
Are you sure we should be seen together?
I don't mind if people talk
I don't mind either if it's you
trying to mix jeph's art with baggyfag's style on googledreams gives horrifying results
Wouldn't "この夜楽しい" be "kono yoru tanoshii" and "kon'ya subarashî" be "今夜素晴らしい"?
If I actually knew what the moonrunes meant, I could give you an opinion, but I used Google Translate because it's free.
I did what I could.
For a second I thought he wasn't wearing pants.
You always have Mai Chan's Daily Life.
Honestly, it seems more natural to have woken up with only your lover's overshirt on. It's the little touches that Jeph lacks.
It makes my eyes hurt. I know that it looks that way and that it's not going to change, but I can't keep myself from expecting it to finish downloading so its resolution will go up.
Really when you think about it this is much better at imagining hell than people are. Through pristine and orderly algorithms it assembles images in to a setting that defies rational convention and peoples it with deformed beings shambling and mutating and when they encounter one another they try and fail to communicate and form healthy relationships to get them through the darkness.
Panel 3 Emily actually looks pretty cute there.
Really highlights how shitty Jeph's work ethic is that a neural net that barely even know what it is doing is better at coloring than he is
What the hell is googledreams anyway? How does it take someone's "style" and apply it to something else?
Google opened up part of their image recognition software to the public last year after they showed off how it likes to see the world as a hallucinogenic mass of colors and dogslug things. Someone else applied an algorithm deisgned for ai to analyze stylistic elements to it so that it could apply the style of one image to another so you can end up getting pics like kitty here if you tinker with it
I find it amusing that the "Baggyfag Nightmare Filter" seems to substantially improve the shading and sense of volume.
I don't suppose we could plug some Russian Drawfag's stuff into the dream engine and see what it spits out?
Of course, the baggyfag nightmare filter is just the deep style section of the deep dream site using this image as the style reference. It's not even the best I could do since baggyfag has more complete pics but it was the one I could find quickest.
Really? I quite like it, though has a point about the resolution.
But then, I find horror movies comforting, so you might have a point.
Also its funny how it'll be such an improvement even if you use things that have no resemblance to comics like this picture of water lilles.
oh right there's a setting at the bottom of the advanced menu for keeping the original image's color. If that's not switched it'll swap out the colors for the style image's
That is skellington jelly tier dark.
The shading in panel 4 makes it look like she's wearing a choker in the thumbnail. Hawt. Speaking of which, Jeph's sense of style totally sucks. None of these characters wear anything interesting.
I find uncertainty and reality bending far more of a "hell" than what's typically described. All the pools of lava and burning is quite uncreative. Lava hell where every day is the same exact torture is something you resign yourself to. Eternal induced schizophrenia gets much more mileage.
The cat is pretty cool.
Probably shouldn't have used deepart.io for this…
doesn't seem to like Giger as the style.
too complex detailing at such a low resolution, the neural net is bad at piecing together a coherent whole so it'll just make that into really noisy lines.
It's like Jeph printed the comic out on an injket printer with misaligned heads, got it wet, tried a hair dryer, scanned the aftermath, and downsized for the hell of it.
And still looks better than his actual comics.
Reminder that this man has been a professional illustrator for 13 years.
Boy is Shelby happy to see her master.
What the actual fuck are those sketch lines for? His sketches don't normally follow his end product, but this is like using a picture of a car for reference on how to draw a cat.
It's an expression, often meant sarcastically, of excitement. Replace it with "wow" or "my" if you wish.
That… that is not Shelby.
Guys, I'm getting worried. What's going on?
To make it not look like he traced the hand from somewhere
how problematic, the least he could do after raping her is to avoid misgendering her
Isn't Shelby all white? Whose dog is that?
The Bearenstain's got sloppy. I expect this to be revised and "forgotten" within 24 hours.
Oh. I actually didn't notice Jeph called Shelby a boy. I thought it was a misunderstanding about the post wording.
you know how there's such a thing as pedophile rings? Well dogfuckers have those too.
It's Berenstein, not Berenstain. I swear I have the books to prove it.
More great art from Jeph.
Guys I remember it being Barenstain, did any of you come from my universe?
How many times has Mandela died!?
He's dead?
Oh shit.
Wait, I legitimately forgot. Am I remembering correctly that the sign language translator at his funeral was signing complete gibberish?
South Africa is becoming an amazing joke. Shame for the Boers still living there though
What's with this guy and farts?
Jeph's probably a mischling. The nose is undersized but his lips are pretty heebish and the pictures I can find of him before he put in those piercings look like he has a jew's ears
Butts and farts are automatically funny with this guy. Ironically he'd probably go on a tirade about how unfunny Adam Sandler is.
You'd think Rhodesia would have taught them a lesson, being right there and all.
POST PICTURES OF THOSE BOOKS FAGGOT! I NEED TO SEE IT! I need to know I'm not insane for this specific reason anyways
That didn't answer my question.
At this point the ones who are left are the ones who can't leave, let's hope things like Orania can get more people to move their so they can hold out as the country colllapses.
Jews love poop and fetishes are genetic.
user, the sad thing is it's probably lost in my attic. I'll have a look tomorrow but I can't promise anything and it's gonna drive me insane too:(
You remember that time you came home to find your door unlocked, but nothing was wrong? That's what happened to them.
Oh speaking of which here's a fun fact about rural life. Everyone leaves their doors unlocked all the time. Skinwalkers live in the wilderness. Just imagine the sort of things that they could get up to.
I actually don't have any image that can fit this
Gotcha covered.
I actually had all my ds cartridges disappear once. No one lives near me.
He really shouldn't be upset >she didn't choose the tattoo design for him.
The way Claire looks like a hybrid of Jeph and his ex and is so thoroughly seizing control of the lives of the people around him is real creepy.
>No no no, time to make the conversation about me
So did Clinton, like, gain Spider-Man powers in the fire and that's why he doesn't wear his glasses anymore? Because he hasn't worn his glasses since the fire and apparently can see just fine without them. Also his hair has been in that disheveled state ever since when he's not wearing a hat which I assumed was because he was in an emergency situation and not an intentional fashion choice.
This is what empathy is to them.
And how about I attach the file correctly this time
Now that you brought it up, has Jeph ever explained how the fire started?
Not even a hint at how it started or what happened during it. It's getting to the point where I think he actually might just not explain anything and hope no one asks about it. And block any ridicule anyone who does ask about it.
Either he's going to leave it unexplained because he's a lazy unimaginative pile of shit, or he's going to offer such a retarded explanation you'll suffer an aneurysm.
Which are you hoping for, pal? Pick yer poison.
Twitter followers:
Simple, Marten is now a secondary character in the comic and Clinton is metamorphosing as he moves to take Marten's place in the roster
who's Marten? ;^)
Nice touch with the tranny ovary tattoos.
I can't into dialogue.
fuck this gay earth
Huh. So Chris really can play the woman card now.
I remember them making a point before of Clinton never actually NEEDING glasses. He just likes to look nerdy cool with the metal hand and all.
How does it feel, seeing that retard giving his vote to a better candidate than you?
Or he can just flash you his vagina.
He has a vagina now.
He discovered it one morning, covered in blood.
his first day as a woman, and it was already that time of the month. it was a one-inch mound of flesh, where his penis used to be, where his vagina never was. it was a one-inch mound of flesh with a scar running down it like a sideways grimace.
That retard would be a better candidate than Shillery tbh fam
This must be from the same feminist style of dating that gave us "Ask her carefully every time you want to kiss her".
Is this too lewd for a Christian imageboard? Reposting my edit from since the spoiler doesn't give away that it's an edit.
Oh man, that was one of the stupidest campaigns the feminists ever put out, and that's saying something.
It just goes to show that none of those land whales have ever had decent sex if they were trying to rebrand constantly asking for consent as "sexy"
I never understood why we had SFW boards to begin with. Gosh, we wouldn't want someone to have their boss walk by and see lewds, but if I post
I guess he'd be okay with that.
Where do people work where it's acceptable to be seen fucking around on the internet instead of being productive?
Probably Google, since fucking the internet around seems to be their default state.
You dumb asses don't understand corruption do you?
So here's a bunch of useless shits with memedegrees in bullshit that wont get them an actual job but that they still have to live off and pay that student debt. Here comes mary sue loser and she realizes that acting like a little entitled bitch throwing tantrums actually WORKS, people pay attention to her, more than to other men and women actually doing stuff, and best of all she's getting PAID to be an insufferable cunt.
That's the recipe for the like of anita, zoe, randy and all other SJW whores out there. Minor sluts like the "anthropologist" here are trying to ride the gravy train as well and get jobs like CM for very little money so they can have a soapbox to stand in while at the same time venting their frustrations for how shitty they and their lives are.
Don't think for even a second that these fuckers aren't well aware they are wrong, that they don't know what they are doing because they DO, the difference is that they know they can GET AWAY WITH IT
That's the secret of corruption: every corrupt asshole knew they were committing a crime but because there is no legal or even social consequences they kept doing it. Is the same with this SJW types, they are not going to jail for fraud and people actually cheer rather than condemn them, so why would they stop?
Why should them stop? to go back to nothing? to being a talentless useless nobody like most of them were?
huh. I guess Deep Dream Generator is not for .png
He doesn't even try to pass for his license. At least shave, lol.
Nigger D&D and shitty p&p role games were never as popular as pokemon was in the late 90s, that shit was EVERYWHERE, some people NORMIES REEEE even used 'pokemon' to refer to anime, like "oh hey did you watch that new pokemon-cartoon? vandread?"
Point is pokemon was mainstream as fuck, more people watched the anime and bought the toys than played the actual game
Whoever didn't know pokemon before GO is socially retarded tbh
As for the "casual boost" its a fad over a FREE game, the wii was $250 with a nice profit margin since it was a repackaged gamecube that used to sell for $50
Yeah, ironic how europe wont take the boer back but is so happy to welcome invad-I mean refugees…
An argument could be made that boers should be taken back by europe because they are imperialists or some shit
Remember user Romulus killed Remus
But Gaius and Aulus shall be friends forever.
Man, that fucking thread
Just carve a description of your friendships into a stone tablet and bury it somewhere that in the future will likely be of historical significance.
I suspect that someone like Anita Sarkeesianberg knows she's doing wrong and doesn't care, which would be corruption just as you described it.
The vast majority of them, however…I think that they genuinely do believe themselves to be right. Maybe at some point in their lives they had a brief epiphany as to how very wrong they've been with their lives, but in the battle of cognitive dissonance in their head ("I've fucked up my whole life…but I can never be wrong! I've never been wrong yet! But…I can't get a job because this degree is worthless and I'm unlikeable?") between their own lies and reality, reality lost hard. It became much easier to blame their problems on everyone but themselves, and they are so desperate to avoid responsibility for their own lives that they've ended up genuinely believing their own bullshit. They've drank their own koolaid.
The "useful eediots."
It's funny in that the older rank and file ones aren't substantially different than the stereotypical losers pushing 40 who've never had jobs and live at home. In fact, the "loser" might be better off because he's not carrying $100k of debt. Most of these SJWs don't really have marketable skills and are being hired based on potential (young and fresh), but as the women hit the wall and the younger women coming in from behind don't want to be supported by middle aged thirsty creepy dudes like McIntosh, they're all going to be stuck with entry level resumes of "community managers" and "blog assistants".
Some of the under 30 crowd will grow out of it but there's not much hope for the older ones.
That's why you have to be sneaky.
Pay for your friendship to be etched into a stainless steel plate, along with the date and burial site, then bury it under a government construction site where they're going to pour concrete. A hundred years later, it will be discovered when the building is demolished and they're tearing up the foundation. Because it will have been part of a government project, there will be official inquiries made and the age of the tablet will protect it due to its historical significance.
If you want to get really sneaky, make 10 of them and label them 1/10, 2/10, etc each with different facts about your friendship and hide them all over the world in order to create a global treasure hunt.
In this way, your friendship will be immortalized forever and people will talk about it for thousands of years even after the last tablet is discovered. Huge sums of money will trade hands both looking for and paying for your proof of friendship. Museums will have displays with plaques detailing the known information about you two ancient humans whose friendship extends out beyond death and into forever.
And then they'll go into politics for real.
If Edvard Munch made shitty web comics, they would look like this.
Tough guy Jeph attempts to be the bully.
Let's be real Jeph. You're not a citizen because they don't really want you.
Appearance criticism coming from this guy.
Jeph your idiot audience has no idea who Slobodan Milosevic is.
This week's insufferable hard sci-fi shit.
It looks like Jeph has lost some weight, his face doesn't look as chubby and rounded as usual.
Now just remove that stupid fucking piercing from his lip and he'd look like a reasonably okay semi-attractive normal human being.
Okay. I've been away from QC for a while a now. A long while. Is this tumblr shit really how it looks like now? Please someone tell me the past QC threads I missed are archived? I can't just jump into this pile of shit when it is at its absolute worst.
What has this world come to?
It is Tumblr shit but it's not Jeph's. He took one of his monthly vacations and got low skill lackeys to fill for him.
You can find a few of the old threads on archive.is, and I've got the last three or so threads archived in the git repo. gitgud.io
Just stumbled across Jeph's old tryhard artwork. The sketchlines actually make some sense in the first one.
Jeph edits his own comic.
And then threre's this DeviantArt level dreck.
I thought he was Canadian, just the insufferable kind. [SPOILER]French or Toronto[/SPOILER].
Random forum mod triggering. I love how every administrative action requires a minimum of two mods. I've seen 3-4. It's like the 6 bosses from Office Space.
I have no idea how that happened so let's just say I did it on purpose for comedic effect.
Only a newfag uses [spoiler]. Oldfag Pros use a superior method.
asterisks are a neo-nazi dog whistle
All the more fitting considering asterisks befit the master race and master posters.
please tell me there are actual pinup-style drawings of Brun and R'në by teh jeph.
I hope he doesn't like Die Antwoord. if he does, someone should tell him about the blackface in the Fatty Boom Boom video, so he'll be forced to not like them, because he is not allowed to like things I like.
What's the deal with Jeph's obsession with farts and poop? Is he secretly a jew? Jews love their repugnant toilet humour.
Speaking of shit, here's some dog vomit.
Small reminder that the ancient Greeks had fun with it too.
I love how honest Brun is. I can appreciate her autism.
We're gonna enchant some wards and the muggles are going to pay for it
Do you guys like these or am I just clogging the thread with shit?
I like them. I can't speak for the rest of these losers.
We're gonna need a template for that pooping Hannelore.
I'm having some problems with "smart" select and the paint bucket, and may entirely re-do this, but… plop plop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is.
What song is that?
Sage for off-topic.
Thank you kindly.
So why is Renee so fucking fat now compared to how she was at the coffee shop?
I fucking binge-read like 2500 fucking pages of this shit in an incredibly small amount of time. Anyone else have this issue?
Looks good from what I'm seeing.
There is NO WAY in any of the hundred hells that the new and improved, Patreonbux-grabbing, tumblr-friendly Geoph would think about drawing pictures #2 and #4 in this day and age.
Not without risking The Stabbening part 4 or whatever he's up to now.
Further proof that he's a pandering shit?
Also, he drew feets better back then compared to how he draws them now.
Agreed but Dora has four toes.
I like em.
Also it's a QC edit, so it's less shit than the original automatically.
I did that too. I was suicidal at the time, so anything that took my mind off shit helped.
Well, it's not that hard, really. You could go through it like a flip-book since it lacks any real substance.
It's millimeters deep and froth-weight in terms of story.
I did the same with shit like Girls with Slingshots when people on forums I used to frequent kept saying how "awesome" it was. I skimmed it real quick, looking for this supposed awesomeness and gave up.
I'm sure there are decent webcomics out there, but I don't understand why the bland, self-insert, wish-fulfillment-stuffed, slice of life drek seems to be the most popular.
Because stuff like QC is the fast-food of webcomics. It's quick and easy to digest, plus it updates regularly. The story isn't overly complicated or complex so it's easy to keep up with what's happening, minimal thought is required.
As far as I'm concerned, anyway, it simply is not *entertaining*.
I know there's no accounting for taste but it is objectively terrible.
Like when so many of the "jokes" can be summed up as "hey, you're behaving in manner that is unusual!" and, "boy, I sure didn't expect you to say *that*!"
I think it could actually be better if he didn't try so hard to fit attempts at humour into every single strip, and just progressed the story instead.
There was a story?
Also, we reached bump limit.
We ride these threads all the way to page 10. It'll be about a week or two before we need a new thread.
Aye, we did. Header for new thread when?
Nothing that was overarching through the entire thing, just tiny subplots and shit. Like this whole thing with Fae's 'relapse.'
Only shit of any 'substance' that I've truly enjoyed is seeing Hanners getting over OCD shit, and that's been like two thousand something pages and she hasn't fully moved past it.
Brun is a breath of fresh air, at least until Jeph decides to fuck things up, as he does.
Every edit from now on needs to have Brun pulling that fucking face she pulls with her eyes closed, constantly.
I bet you didn't know you could use nested spoilers.
user just can't grasp Jeph's riotous humor.
I liked Dominic Deegan, but he's absolutely correct. Can you imagine going through the archives to redraw and condense Questionable Content down to its essential story elements and good jokes? You'd have about 1/4 the original volume and the quality would actually be decent.
I got into it when I got into Questionable Content back in 2003. Daily updates meant a sizeable catalog to go through, and there was a romance arc alongside high fantasy elements. I checked in on it about once a week and continued to read it until it ended.
Do people actually do that? I always thought it was just a joke like Jeph
oy vey
Not just sunglasses, aviators. Those are sunglasses for tough guys who lead tough lives and have to have extra bridge strength to help deal with G-forces. Like Jeph.
NB: Twitter Dumper is half in the bag so some spaghetti will be lost forthcoming.
You know, I get both sides of the free trade argument. But Jeph is such a cunt. The consequence of free trade (and the one-two punch of free labor/immigration) is that while it boosts economies on average it guts the lower end. Third worlders get exploited and the market just drops out in the west due to regulation and human rights standards. Then there's crony corporatism where exploitation happens on both sides. Nike and Monsanto might as well be nations at this point.
But this ivory tower fuck, this guy who probably rakes $250k/year combined, mocks the free trade argument. Fucker probably is anti-TPP without realizing what the fuck it is. He has no idea that free trade benfits the guys above the line (like him) but fucks over the ones below it (the poor he and other neo-"liberals" care to claim about).
Boy do these guys post exploitable stuff.
They're howling because they're excited to see our next president. Not all howling is the result of sodomy, Jeph.
I'm having difficulty articulating why these retweets are bothering me so much. I think that were Jeph and other SJWs pragmatists I wouldn't think twice. I get the "lesser of two evils argument" and cynical political maneuvering. But these people aren't pragmatists. They're utopian idealists. And now they're throwing their ideals under the bus for pragmatism. It's fucking fraud.
I think I'm bothered because I'm cynical and pragmatic yet my stance doesn't change with a political rainstorm. There's no way I should be more idealistic than these deluded Marxist fucks but here we are. Here's the chance to double down in the underdog position and, nope, I'm with her, the corporatist Wall Street Banker that we Occupy-ers protested. It's sickening.
fake edit: I re-read the above and it sounds like I'm coming off as a Bernie supporter. It's not that. I like the guy (and Trump) as an anti-establishment character, but I'm not a socialist. The rage is over these "revolutionaries" tucking tail and voting establishment at the slightest road bump. These fuckers should be pushing hard for Julie Stein or write-ins, not rolling over for their literal woman cards.
Jeph is on Twitter, a platform that is basically designed for plebs to interact with celebs, and his consistent position is, "Why are you talking to me? What do you think Twitter is for?"
This is a good bookend.
This pisses me off more than his ridiculous politics. He doesn't want to talk to people on a forum designed for group discussion, he just wants 50k retweets and to see his brilliant wit floating around as screencaps.
Also, I have found that anyone who is afraid to debate their stance on something is probably just parroting someone else's opinion without thinking about what it actually means.
It's night and day. People who actually care are just looking for the answer, are willing to explore ideas like playing with toys, and don't care what previous knowledge they need to discard to get there. The type of people you're talking about just want to be "right" and systematically reduce their intellectual territory until they get nothing but unanimous, parroting agreement.
In Jeph's case he probably read some shit on TYT or Majority Report and thinks Cenk Uygar, Jimmy Dore, and Sam Ceder are intellectual heavyweights.
I assume that's because he starts pinching them so he can have a funneh anecdote to share with his drooling fans
>There we go, now to report my hilarious anti-Trump message
What a fucking sicko. He's one of those people who adopts things just to molest them, isn't he? God help his kids if the state ever allows him to get some.
I like how Jeph forgot to count the guest strips and now the numbering is fucked up.
Sleep Nazi attempts to exert control but is rebuked.
No matter how tired she is or how good Brun's concentration is, having someone talk to you and use your name will disturb your sleep because people are hardwired to pay attention to their name. It would actually be worse than just staying up, because you'll be unconscious and incapable of entering REM. If Renee keeps it up for 45-60 minutes, then Brun's whole night rhythm is fucked. She will wake up exhausted and be even more maleable because REMless sleep destroys your ability to concentrate.
The ZZZ speech bubble in the fourth panel screws up the dialogue in the fifth, since you read it as
The bubble should be placed in a position where it would be read before bitch speaks to indicate her talking to her while she's sleeping, or better yet, removed totally.
R'në's going to break out the smelling teas.
R'neequa seems surprised by the behaviour of this supposedly long-time friend of hers.
But I suppose that's the purpose of these idiots - to help point out that their friends are behaving in an unusual manner.
Well, we know that R'në is a good enough friend to not get the first call or even know what happened until after the fact. She's such a good friend that she'll rush her past the coping phase of loss so that she can get on with her life and out of the house. In fact R'në is such a nice person that she's willing to talk shit about that white CisHet scumbag that was stupid enough to try and help the woman that is currently withdrawing into herself and begging R'në to leave her alone to sleep. Not that she'll let the poor thing stick to that ridiculous schedule that she's been on for years, that would be insensitive.
I have a friend that does this. He'll lie down, start snoring, but still respond to conversation. It's the most unsettling thing.
I'm jealous. If I could code while asleep that's half my life's goal achieved right there.
I left out that he snores and talks at the same time when he does this, like "Haha, zzzz, that'zzzz pretty funny zzzz"
Renee looks deformed in this strip. She also loses about 200 pounds between panels 4 and 5.
Maybe Jeph is going to acknowledge that this is borderline abusive? Or that's just a joke because haha friends, am I right?
Prepare yourself, Shelby.
Jeph continues to impress in revealing how sheltered he is.
So, is this the part where Jeph fails to realize that homosexuals don't act any differently than heterosexuals, and that the only people you can identify at a glance are the faggots?
Apartment design by M.C. Escher
did Faye gain 50 pounds in her sleep?
Is it me or does Faye seem to be progressively shaving off more of her hair every time we see her?
Marten seems to have aged horribly since the last time we saw him. Has Claire pozzed his neghole then?
How much do you think Faye weighs? With that frame and a height that appears to be in the 5'4" - 5'6" range? 180-200 lbs? Unless we're talking about a voluptuous female over 6' tall, what kind of man "Daaaaamns" a 200 lb woman?
I want to edit him to have paler skin and a bunch of sores, but then I'd probably have to think of more dialogue than "I have gay cancer. I'm going to die, and so are you."
….and this google image search is ruining my appetite for lasagna
I asked Mr. AI to make me a Jojo QC, he said he'd see what he could do
Might be lower than that since the bitch seems to have no muscle mass and considering her yuge gut and her itty bitty arms I'd say she's actually overeaten so much she's stretched out her skin and internal organs and shit's hanging loose.
I was gonna say her thighs are twice Martens' size but it's actually worse!
I dated a meaty girl. She was tall for a woman, probably 5'7" ish. Bit of a larger frame and a little heavy. Not fat but could have gotten there significantly faster than a thinner woman could. Stronger than average so she had muscle mass. I think she clocked in the 170 range, maybe even higher. I forget, it was a long time ago.
Bad news I made them cuter.
Bizarre non-euclidean architecture aside, this comic is yet another great example of Jeph's inability to draw characters in any sort of situation other than standing and facing each other while talking.
Who the fuck stands next to a wall drinking their coffee in the morning, and then when someone wakes up they greet them by not turning to face them but instead continuing to stand a weird angle away from them, still involved in no apparent activity whatsoever.
If Jeph had any skills whatsoever as an artist and didn't insist on constantly fucking hamstringing himself with the stupid 4-panel set-up then he'd have had Marten sitting on the couch or something, mindlessly watching morning TV while sipping his coffee.
Faye would then come out of her room and come flop over the back of the couch or start making herself coffee in the kitchen while they chat about the night before.
The scene would be shot from a series of different angles. There would be no need (as there is in every god damn edition of QC) to shoehorn a joke (and as ever, a bad joke) in to the last panel because 'hey it's a comedy comic right so there always has to be a funny!'.
God I fucking hate this comic and how wretchedly bad it is.
It's like they live in a stage play with the soliloquies, asides, and monologues.
Panel one makes it look like Marten was interrupted.
I'm sure some forum fuckface would posit that maybe Marten just got his coffee but how'd a fat, lethargic Faye get that close to him? He's already out the door, assuming that's where he came from and had to turn around to see her.
I really thought this was going to be a "bear arms" anti-gun joke.
I love these
This is an improvement, omit 4 or 5 or whatever we're up to.
I can't decide if jeph is a worse at writing or worse at art, but just look at the size of Faye's speech bubble in the second panel. It is like fuck.
Indeed it is like fuck.
Dare I ask what GRID is?
Also, I can't seem to find the lasagna in this one, unless it's that mark on Marten's neck/collerbone.
I was chuckling the whole way through, but I lost my shit at that one.
I don't see it either. If it is tbe rash, I'm calling foul play because it's too fuzzy to identify. At first, I thought he had replaced tbe pink bits sirrounding Ebolachan, but close examination reveals that he has not. He either forgot, or it's subtle as fuck.
without context, Brun's ass just looks like a pillow.
I miss GRID. It sounds far more intimidating.
Daaang, Faye really did got fat.
'sup guys
Some guy from /sugen/ really wants to know what's the deep QC lore behind the reference to Jeph molesting a dog in Editfag Prime's farewell message.
Could you care to explain? I'm not well versed in your mythology.
It's not that complicated.
Every picture that Jeph posts of his dog Shelby makes her look like an unhappy dog. It takes a lot of abuse to make a dog look at its master with eyes that forlorn. In addition, several of those pictures showed Shelby's hawnch fur in disarray while the rest of her was orderly and normal. On top of that, several of his picture coments could be construed to be mildly sexual.
Personally,I hope she's okay, but every tweet seems to bring new evidence that she's not.
Wow, editfag's been gone for only ~2 months? Seems longer.
What this guy said. It basically started as, "Man that dog looks really sad" and then Jeph posts more incriminating evidence. Dogs pant and are bright-eyed when addressing their owners but Shelby looks like she's wishing for the sweet release of death.
Jesus Christ.
Even with Jeph's filters on, they look less happy after Claire shows up.
Does anyone else feel like Marten seems off-model in this comic? His body doesn't seem like the skinny twink body it usually is, he seems more masculine (compared to his usual standards).
In fact, the more I look at it the more the whole thing seems off. Did Jeph start mixing booze and benzos again?
Despite his insistence that he's built a buffer, this really seems like a desperate last-minute rush job. I speculate that he built this as a tweener upon re-examining the last strip when he realized he could get more "comedic mileage" out of the bear shit. Because he was able to shit this out in 30 minutes or something, he's bought himself an extra day.
Also, he's fixed the strip numbers, so one way or another he's "touched" this since building his buffer.
Jesus, the shift in tone between this strip and the last is ridiculous. Also, I'm pretty sure the first syllable of "ursa" doesn't rhyme with "you're".
He may have never heard it pronounced and thinks its "your-sa", like the "ur" from text messaging.
I really hope that division symbol isn't supposed to represent Faye's cleavage, because if it is, she has some seriously deformed breasts.
It's from the early comics, it is a scar from a surgery.
Coincidentally it's explained here:
what even is jeph's thought process?
He's thinking that if he draws it with a lighter color then people will have a harder time remembering how tragic Faye's history is.
I like how Marten used the masculine version, rather than the feminine brava.
Slip of the tongue, or subtle cry for help?
roll for gay lore
'lol SAN test''
now roll for SAN loss
(besides "whatever jeph actually listens to")
for a brief second I thought jeph actually put wallpaper in the background, but it's not actually a regular pattern.
(enhanced for monitors where the color difference isnt visible)
…what am I meant to be seeing here, user? Because there's nothing there.
non-euclidean geometry?
How do you even get lines like that? It's just a flat space that beggs for the paint bucket. Is this the result of his Manga Editor interior design software?
If you look closely, the red lines highlighted in the second post are present in the first two as light marks.
We've wiped him from our memories. It's just too painful.
The background has the same type of color distortion that someone picked out on the skyscrapers a few weeks ago.
Is that caused by resizing the image?
it's caused by creating a gradient and saving the file at a different resolution.
it's not even consistent. this is right above claire's head in the last panel of the most recent comic.
Jeph seems to have forgotten how to draw Marten in general and keeps trying to go outside his extremely limited ability to draw people. These poses are more ambitious than he usually does which I suppose should be praised but that pic of Marten leaning against the wall makes me want to stab some hands.
It's a sign of pure desperation when the entirety of a strip consists of fucking puns and the only laughter that they will receive is also in the strip itself.
Nice use of quotes.
Fuck, I love your edits. Finding all the visual gags has strait up become a game, takes me back to being eight and reading the backs of cereal boxes.
Any ideas or offerings for the new header?
Deep Dreams Edition sound good? Dick Dreams?
Needs more dog faces leering randomly out of the abyss.
It looks like Jeph may be indexing to a fixed palette and the quantizer is using ordered dithering to match the palette. This is really stupid, both doing something like this after 1999 and not using the palette itself to draw, but it is Jeph.
Wow, reached page 10 faster than I thought we would.
For you
Whoops, and here's the originals.
It's perfect