Remember how you died?

remember how you died?

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Rememeber these trips

meme magic bix



Which time?

W-wait I'm dead!?!?!?

we all are

Oooooooh, I 'member!

cats shittle drink bleach

rollplay is faggotry


what is this epic grape meme?

le ecks dee

fucked a tranny, got aids

I was a housewife in my mid 40s. I lived a nice life, did the sort of things that I was supposed to do. But I developed an ugly habbit for the coke. And before long I was selling my body to men. Lots of men, dangerous men. I refused one of them, and well he got real mad. He cut my head off and left me in the living room for the hubby to find. It was a horrible way to die.

groovy chronicle dewd xD


i'd like to think i was shot in some shady gubbermint or mafia situation

but more than likely i just killed myself because my last life was an even worse wreck

I drowned in a car crash im pretty sure.

Yes. You died. Everyone did a while ago.

- Why do you think the Jews call us the dead? (goy means the dead, not undead, just dead.)
- why do you think it's called 'life insurance'?
- why do you think it's called a 'living will'?

I got shot in the face and twice in the temple as a protest organizer.

Got turned into a lampshade

Why not soap?

Anyone know where Unkle has gone?

yes, first i poisoned goldie, then i gave eva the a capsule of the cyanide and took one capsule for myself. then i ordered my man, that they should burn our bodies to the ground after we died. eva took the capsule and as i saw her die horribly i decided against taking it. so i shot one of the soldiers and now i live in south america with 20 hot young wifes, some of my man and goldie zwei.

Welcome back Hitler you old scamp.

So i got two weeks to float around before I head on another gig. We did dreaming walking last time and gassing the kikes over cycles. I've got a couple of story line ideas that I'd like to run past you.


my shoulder got hung inside my mom when i was being born and I died. remember travelling through a tunnel composed of bright colors. at the end was a bright light and I remember someone telling me things. I felt a push on my chest and was thrown back through the tunnel. Then I was born.

Time is meaningless in death as death be anywhere at anytime. Not your enenmy or friend, but simply as process of the cycles of nature. when most die they live inside the planet. As all things of the world become part of the 'ship' and thereby part of the 'crew'.

There underground the river styx is formed by vast deposits of ringwoodite cured over a billion years into a diamond made of water and energy to hold the firey center of the world.

ooh ooh, 'member 'the fire rises'?

No it's me. I'll post on zero hedge to validate the claim. What would you like me to write to provide proof.


hitler did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong.

None of you actually understand? Before life, there was nothing. No pain, no sorrow, no anger, no despair, no desire. Now that you're alive, all you have is disappointment Gentlemen, we were dead the moment we were born.

Hence life insurance and a living will.

You know that was last summer. Next couple of weeks a big string of bullshit coming right up.

Not to mention something to obvious. I won. I think I'm 19 losses and 61 wins now.

Those with Synopsys shares might want to pound on the sell button btw. I am no longer gainfully employed by them and as a matter of due process when I get pink slipped from a place (like every other place I've got a pink slip from full time employment.). The company usually doesn't exist in a year.

It's not for a lack of trying either, just sort of what happens to large multinationals every time they've taken a bite of the poison apple without paying the proper $$ due. Sucks to be them.

Feeling a little bad about a guy I worked for. Not feeling that bad about the bag of smelly rusty vagina's he was working for. Sometimes have to break a couple of eggs to make an omelette. Apologies in advance bud to you Mark.

(good try though…better luck next time)

NOW! What's next? More clean up and a new story arc involving underground civilizations that have been around for eons and the new president that's about to be elected in.
