Lawsuit Finds Millions Of Uncounted Bernie Sanders Ballots

An historic lawsuit has been filed after the widespread cover-up of Sanders’ landslide victory at the primary election earlier this week.

>The lawsuit will require the counting of all the provisional ballots, millions of which have been left uncounted, which Sanders says gives him a huge win in the state.

>Make no mistake, Bernie Sanders supporters lost their ballots, their democratic rights, by the millions on Tuesday. Now proof is starting to emerge.

Like the articles states, the primary beneficiary of the fraud is Hillary Clinton. Berniebros now claim that she "stole" california from Sanders.

I hope this works in our favor. Hillary is an easier target than Bernie.

best case is they do the count and hillary still wins but its close enough to make bernouts riot at the convention and abstain from voting in the general. or vote Trump.

they were given provisional ballots because bernouts being too retarded to make sure their voter registration information was correct, but whatever gets them fighting and makes it more of a shitshow.

Best case scenario, imho.

Also if the lawsuit is successful, she will be a convicted criminal which means that she isnt allowed to run for president anymore unless she is pardoned by King Nigger himself.

Voter fraud is pretty fucking low on the scale of illegal shit she's done, I wouldn't be surprised if he did pardon her.

This. In fact I wrote the below before seeing what you put.

In the best case, Hillary is still the Democrat nominee, and there are large swarths of disaffected Bernie voters who will either not vote for her or better yet, give her a fuck you by voting Trump.

If she is going to be indicted, they'll make sure it is while Obama is still in power. That way he can issue the pardon before Trump takes charge.

I'm not so sure.
Most of Sanderstein's supporters are too young or illegal to vote.


Not only this, but every one of the superdelegates right up until the moment of the convention. The media counts them all as sure things for Shillary.

Sandersfags are going to be pissed off so badly by all these shenanigans that they will never vote for Hillary in the election.


She won't be, though

You're a degenerate retard. Clinton won in all the areas that were black and latino. You don't even know your enemy. Stop talking.

That doesn't look like a reliable source

Are these the ballots that the shit berns were granted for failing to fill out the paperwork?

These would be the private DNC stuff.

Voter Fraud only matters in the general federal elections.


Obama hates Hillary and wants her to burn.
He also has none of the capital necessary to achieve this, but all the needs to let her fall.

However, FBI admitted Hillary is innocent.
Something about her having Cipernet access and sending all her classified documents over it.

Sounds really convenient, there just happening to be a secure method of sending data at her desk that she just coincidentally has been using when she has her own server.



Of course. Sanders was only 2% away in poll after poll and yet she won by 20%.

it doesn't matter whether it's legit or not. spread it on any non-1488 social media account you have. they're still processing mail in ballots and a bunch of provisionals. killary is still going to win, but stir up the bernouts in the meantime.

Just great. I'm 99% sure this won't affect Hillary's delegate count, but this will turn bernfags away from her.

Fake and gay


The more we can stir this up, the worse the democucks will flounder in the general election.

Called it. I bet she'll try pulling the same shit in November.

If it's on here, Princeps Dei already knows. How do you think The Donald will prepare?

I don't think I got my vote for Trump counted, the ballot machine was mysteriously broken when I got there.

did you do anything about it?

Daily reminder that Sandburg already said he will back Shillary when she takes the nomination in order "to stop a trump presidency."


Thank god I married the one sane one in that family that wanted to find a way out of that shitshow.

This is exactly why I've been saying that we shouldn't be rooting so much for Hillary. She committed fraud against (((Bernie))), what makes people think the same won't happen in November? Bernouts wouldn't actually get off their ass to vote in November, whether it's for him or Trump. The closer we let her get to the whitehouse the more dangerous it gets.

Unlike Bernouts,we'll revolt
DOTR user,it's coming

W-we must protect the honor of the former First Lady and Secretary of State. Let us speak of this no further!

t. msm

If they don't support Trump after this they really are the biggest cucks.




Never ever put yourself in a position with where you have to use a provisional ballot, they rarely get counted.

anything new on this? this could be big

A pardon for anything Hillary's done = 8 years of Trump 100% guaranteed, then probably another republican.