Offensive Halloween costume for two

Going to a Halloween partner next weekend that will be filled with women, dykes and SJWs. Friend and I are trying to think of a duo-costume that will trigger them and cause the most butthurt, but we need ideas.

Suggest your most offensive two-person Halloween costumes. Pic related.

Can't go wrong with blackface.

go as a lynched nigger & the tree he's hanging from


Go as Zimmerman and Trayvon.

Go as Adolf and his jew slave

Go as the Greedy Jew and an Oven.


A jewish friend of mine actually went to dressed up as adolf hitler at his church (or whatever they call it)
B& for 3 weeks.

well that's a burn


Adolf Hitler and Jospeh Stalin. Make out the whole time.

lol, this

Perfect, anypne tries to kick you out, call em a homophobe.

this is probably the most realistic
gives you plausible deniability that you're trolling these people

nigger + cop

Heil Hitler (checked)


Temple/schul among peers and cool normals. Synagogue to non-chill goyim.

Gas yourself kike

Go as a misogynist from the 50's with barbie kitchen dwelling bitch to boot

I'm thinking Mad Men style

or better yet a sex slave trader from eastern europe with their stereotypical shitty one pieces

OP here, do wanna say that we're two guys and dressing up as a woman would be more fucks than either of us give tbh fam

then if ur really cheap just wear wife beaters and sharpied shwasti's lol

- Go as a slave owner and a niggerslave
- Go as hitler and himmler (classic)
- Go as Borat and his dead wife
- Go as a Westboro Baptist Church priest and a young altar boy (make sure to bring a dildo with fake shit smeared on it)
- Go as the Columbine school shooters
- Go as Donald Trump and a slave
- Go as a Vietnamese human trafficker and a young asian girl


Dylan and Eric is what I wanted to be but my small university would definitely expell me for that
