Earth is getting overcrowded as is, why shouldn't we colonize the moon? HOW will we colonize it? bio-domes? some other shit?
If we do colonize it, what will we use it for? storage of waste? mining for resources? actual colonies? space gulag?
If we can amass the resources and money to do it, we have no reason not to. It will happen in the next 50-100 years, trust me.
Moon colony, anyone?
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Yes we do, it's expensive and quite useless, we would have to make some kind of gravity system as our organs and bodies dont work very well in space and honestly we are much better off going to mars, as all the problems the moon has are much less devastating
Also enjoy your cancer on the moon buddy, unless we can terraform the moon (Which is what were planning to do on Mars) you would die within a couple of years from skin cancer and other hyperdermal issues
much less devastating on mars that it, like mars has at least some atmosphere, a higher amount of gravity and is easier to terraform etc
Shouldn't we retake our planet, you defaetist pice of kike shit?
Exporting your problems won't solve them, btw.
I want this meme to die already
If the entire human race lived in a dense massive metropolis we could fit into a land area the size of new zealand
0.53 shekels have been deposited to your account, (((Anonymous))).
what's the status on the terra forming idea now? wasn't it dismissed as unattainable for the lack of magnetic field and atmosphere and shit?
personally i'd prefer robotic space exploration and resource gathering before anything else before investing into live support
Im not an expert but the reason theyre terraforming is to create an atmosphere, theyre starting out really slowly with oxygen creating bacterea, then algae and then plants and eventually trees, as they need increasing amounts of atmospheric protection the larger and more complex they get
This would take more than a couple current lifetimes but in a couple hundred years we can grow small plants on mars
Also genetic engineering is being researching intensively now which could turn the process of terraforming from 2000 years to only 200 or so years if we can correctly find all the corresponding mutations
Almost no gravity.
Mars is better. On Mars people can just wear wrist weights to exercise their muscles.
It'd be ridiculously expensive and there's nothing to gain from it. The moon doesn't have any resources to exploit. Mars is the better option
That is a good thing for fuel economy.
that's not true at all
so, send autonomous or, since the distance should allow it, remote controlled robots. putting in the human factor into space exploration only rapidly raises costs.
He's a shill for one of the elites. Don't respond.
The moon has some gasses and minerals but most are pretty much worthless to us as we dont even have any uses for them
but that's still not true at all. for the most part, you can't even tell yet how much resources and which really are there. considering the impacts it still is a relatively easy target to scavage minerals from impacting bodies too.
This is false. The moon soil is fairly rich in helium-3 which has great potential for future nuclear fusion energy production.
simple economics, if there's an atlantic ocean worth of one substance it's basically worthless
Plus why would we mine on the moon when we have a bunch of plutonium and uranium here on earth already being used
It's never going to happen unless a corporation see's profit in it.
*your dreams crushed*
You're right. It's time to smash capitalism.
As it stands now, North America is on-course to become a desert. Crazily enough though, that doesn't matter. The United States, the third largest Country in the world by population is only about half full with current tech. That's without compromising standard of living which is the highest in the world.
Link is solar System object list:
I would direct your attention to the Gravity column. If the gravity isn't comparable [to Earth's] then anything more than a base wouldn't be advisable. You would want massive engineering works to simulate Earth's gravity with centrifugal force habitats. This is difficult and in my opinion would make these low grav moons and planets undesirable. Even Mars, which is head and shoulders above all other prospects is still on the hairy edge of feasibility for sustainable surface colonies. Nothing more than a base should be built on the Moon in the near future but we could build a City on Mars.
That's a distinction I want to make. Mars can support a colony and the Moon, only a base.
Escaping Earth's gravity well is very difficult and cost prohibitive. Contrast that with the Moon's low gravity. Despite low-grav being a detriment to large-scale human habitation, a semi-automated, human supervised Lunar base could be very advantageous to facilitate yet un-imagined engineering projects. For example, maybe constructing an Elysium style space station might be easier if some of the work could be done on the Moon.
I'm assuming you mean nuclear waste. I would note that much of France's nuclear waste resides in a single room [in the floor] and it's quite manageable. Nuclear reactors on the Moon is a great idea but launching the material from Earth in the first place would be terrifying. If the rocket exploded inside our atmosphere, it would be horrible.
I've heard the Moon has very little we need but maybe if we invent Fusion we could make use of what little is there. For example, helium-3 exists on the Moon but is rare on Earth.
Side-note, transporting any amount of material from space to Earth is not profitable or desirable. If you mine material, you should pretty much use it on-site.
Just a scientific, industrial, depot, base thing with a rotating crew. Not unlike the ISS or an Antarctic base.
All substantial efforts should go towards Mars. No other object in the solar system even comes close. the proximity of the Moon isn't truly relevant.
Just for fun though I'll list other objects in the solar system that show promise for some type of permanent human presence. Even if it's a robotic outpost or lightly populated base.
Venus's upper atmosphere: It's 115 degrees and it rains sulfuric acid but it's gravity and atmospheric pressure is similar that high from the surface.
Callisto: It's geologically stable and far enough out from Jupiter's deadly magnetic field. Surface gravity would be comparable to the Moon and a Callisto base would probably resemble a lunar base. Much of the tech developed for a Lunar base would be directly transferable.
Ganymede: A planet in it's own right, it's larger than Mercury but not as massive. There is thought to be a partial magnetic field near the equator, which may be useful. Callisto is still probably our best bet for a base to exploit Jupiter's system of Moons. Europa's oceans are more than that of Earths… that is useful stuff.
Europa: Maybe not the best place for a base due to being an ice-frosted water ball with no real solid land. The surface moves and cracks. if you lived here, you'd want to live in a submerged vessel in a pocket of water to shield yourself from radiation. It'd be awkward and cramped…
Titan: It's an amazing Moon. It has a stoney surface, an atmosphere and lakes of liquid methane. Atmosphere could be useful but sadly, a super low-grav place.
Iapetus: Farther out than Titan and escaping Titan's atmosphere could be more trouble than it's worth. Like Callisto Iapetus is far enough from it's parent body that it isn't bathed in a magnetic field. A base here could be useful to exploit the Moon's of Saturn. Leeching Enceladus of water before retreating or heading farther out into the solar system.
Earth is not overcrowded. I don't see this as a legitimate concern for developed countries.
Couldn't add the images due to youtube link in other post. Picture is of Titan.
>I know all about your supply and demand tricks capitalist dog! Don't fool me!
At least you have nice stalin reaction images 4/10 pretty bad bait
was not even talking about socialist political economy
your little buzzwords to smokescreen the fact that you're a stupid faggot bitch who wouldn't even get people behind himself who believe in simplistic "supply and demand", that's how retarded you are.
Yeah nice argument red, supply and demand in a socialist state is just making one shitty product that people would die without, and then making marginally too little so that demand can be kept up
Are you saying supply and demand in a capitalist/corporatist state doesnt work? Because im pretty sure that I would still have to pay more for diamonds than for water, despite water being in higher demand
Oh, wait, is that because water is extremely abundant compared to diamonds? Huh never thought of it like that
I think not-commie guy is saying there's no point going to the moon because even though there's lots of whatever mineral, demand isn't high enough to absorb all the moon stuff without having to sell at increasingly lower prices
I think there is a moon colony allready. I deeply believe that its been there for 30 or 40 years now. I think it functions as a research station and also, as a way to test the long term effects of living on another planet on human beings. The most likely thing is that the sort of research being done there would draw the ire, and scrutiny of people on earth. The sort of stuff that would make people at government black sites cringe. I imagine that they've created all sorts of horrors up there on the moon. Far away from the eyes of anyone who could question it. Far away from the normal world. Why? There are companies that have had the sort of cash to be up there doing this for a long time. What better place to research things that could get you put in prison other than on the moon. Pay enough government officals, then turn around and spoof it so the shit dosen't show up on public viewing. The people on the moon are there its a fact and who knows what awful things they've been up to.
Ugh u got ANY evidence???? lol
I don't need evidence. We have to go on likelyhood. Whats most likely is people doing horrible things on the moon. Genetically made monsters, man made diseases. Proabably robots and cyborgs. The sort of stuff area 51 couldn't even contain.
Think about it this makes the most sense. A private company creating the worst things imaginable. Far from human eyes. Things that could destroy big parts of the population if they got out. Its the perfect place to conduct this kind of research. Its obvious thats what's going on. If you want to get away with something like this then your best bet is to keep it hidden on the moon.
See the way that you fight against what I'm saying means that you may very well be one of them. Or at the least aware of their activites. Why don't you tell us what you know user?
I'm more interested in space colonies.
The landscape on the Moon and Mars is extremely dull and terraforming them is just out of question.
The benefits of establishing a colony there are minimal.
We should live in space like Ousters in the Hyperion Cantos. Mining asteroids for materials and shelter, building hydroponic farms for food and solar panels for energy…
I can tell what you're up to moon man.
Honestly you could do that but im fairly sure it would be much easier and cheaper to just do them in the middle of the desert, preferably underground
Moon person pls.
and replace it with what?
You forgot the flag
this one rite
How about ya be the leading example
We just hope it ends up with shared things and 'workplace democracy' and unions, and equality
it won't. people are not equal in ability, so the only way to make them equal is through violence
It probably wouldn't be all that equal but I don't think it would be as bad as people say
I wouldn't The moon is sort of boring.
Who the fuck wants to live on the moon? Shit, most people don't want to live in North Dakota, which is an oasis of beauty and convenience compared to the moon.
I used to live in ND. It was like living on the moon. Cold, desolate, boring
But there were slutty native girls that fetishize white men
did you fuck any?
Like I said. Good luck finding slutty moon girls.
let do this>>6320249
Race war now
i so hope there is a nazi base on the back of the moon
the memetic energy in that would be stronger if it said "4:22" like that… then it could be referencing to 4:20 as well.
Well 2 options.
Option 1:
Find that bus with hitler on it, have him on the bus at that time.
(Break the clock as it is bound to be fixed by now).
Option 2:
Use a little MSpaint or Photoshop and repost the img as 4 22 (you lazy asshole).
Mentioning of asparagus farms on mars
Good luck finding slutty space girls on Alpha Centauri
Lets build a spacestaion, fly it to some astroids and lets start mining them.