The moon is absolutely FAKE, and there's no evidence that such a celestial object actually exists

The moon is absolutely FAKE, and there's no evidence that such a celestial object actually exists.

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a dried poo from the celestial space rabbit

Aim a telescope at it and use a high powered laser to see on the side of the moon

No you fucking retard
The moon is exactly 70 miles above the ground, putting it in Low Earth Orbit, just 10 miles above the ISS.

The elite tell people its farther away than it really is so they can plunder its resources for themselves

I know the moon is real because it had a Nazi base on it. They had to go up there and kick they’re goose-stepping asses. Problem we should be worried about is how they’re going to deal with the bigger Nazi threat in the center of the earth.

no arguments here, In fact, Id like it if there was no such thing as this "moon" fella just chillen up in the sky. Fuckers decided out of no where that it just had to be.


The Soviet Union stole the moon in 1967 and replaced it with a fake one. America unknowingly landed on the fake moon two years later.

The real moon is currently stored at a secure facility in Siberia. Here's rare footage of it escaping containment.



True. There is no proof the moon is real. But there is plenty of proof it's fake.

Holy fucking hell man, my sides. This is some brilliant OC.

moon is artificial and was placed there

Went outside, looked at moon.

Had big ring around it.

Posting in magic thread.

The moon was real, but it shot itself several times in the back of the head right before it was due to testify against Hillary Clinton.

More exposition please? I've seen these before but never quite understood

That's all they'll let me show you.

whew lad

moon isn't real, but it did shoot itself several times.

What are the tides, the stable rotational axis of the earth, and lunar eclipses, trebek.

Earth rotating like a top, sway back and forth.

What about the fact that you can see it by looking at the night sky





The moon is actually flat, prove me wrong.

How do phase changes occur then?
sauce on feet?

Feet earth thread?

feet earth thread.


I honestly believe this to be true

We are terribly fucked. The moon is just 200 km above and is glued to a glass layer that surrounds our concave cell unit planet. It serves as an HQ for our game masters and also as a portal to the inside of the glass layer. The moon is just as big as a small city. We

Explain werewolves.

ISIS made the moon

Only after Yakub made white people of course!

why is it brighter or clear sky, full moon nights

why does user type like he is retarded?

Well, i guess ancient civilizations, had excellent holographic technology.
Because they could see the moon too.
What a bunch of fucking retards.