How dark & edgy will this reboot be?
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inb4 "there have been Holla Forums-related power ranger things before", that's not what you're talking about. This is a movie adaptation of a tv show
We could talk about comics and cartoons… but those are shit so I rather talk about movies, JoJo, and manga.
I give it a Coldsteel/10
See vid related.
M8, Jojo is bad. Manga is bad. Stop replying to yourself, no one wants another shitty off-topic circlejerk thread. Nobody even cares about this movie since there's literally zero chance it'll be good.
Care to explain why, user?
Face it mate, your favorite shit is just plain shit. It's sad that you have to lash out at everyone just because you can't handle that fact.
I think we've had this conversation before, friendo.
Tell me why it's bad for a reason other than ebin maymays or "It's just dumb fun".
Those were in the past, you dense fuck. Look at what they are NOW.
Meaningless in this modern sense: that's what they are. Comics have been dead since the 80's and you would know that if you actually read comics you fucking pleb. And cartoons have been dead since Teen Titans first premiered and the weeaboos got a hold of everything.
Face it, user. WE ARE THE NEW Holla Forums!
nigger, it has very engaging storylines, clever battles, good suspense and most characters are very fun to read.
EVO was hype guys, can we talk about that.
got a link to a stream or recording?
Oh yeah, two companies are bad. That obviously means no third-party comics exist, right?
Not to mention the big 2 are still putting out comics that are passable, or even in some places good.
You're the pleb here, bud.
There you are my bruv
This is now a dubs thread!
Live action GrimDark powerpuff girls movie reboot when?
Thread got hijacked by more Jojo cancer. Great.
Hopefully by the end of summer next year, so that way I can start a good riot in the ghetto. Sheboons love their Powapuff!
Excuse me?
I'll give you one thing, user. New Frontier was good. It's a shame you went full retard on the rest of the pictures.
I personally gave up on american cartoons and comics, since both of those are on some really shit state right now
I stick to 2000AD and french animation for the most part, I love Araki's trainwreck and a bunch of other mangos like Babel II, Getter Robo or Berserk, but right now I want to expand my horizons on more traditional comics that are not the big 2, 2000AD and such
The only decent thing that Marvel put out was Daredevil and not much more
I really can't put my finger on where did all went to shit, the 90's had it's issues but it WAS fun to some extent
Animation on the other hand… I'd say when CN had went for it's CN REAL phase and the bombing
>but then
>implying Batman Beyond and Starman are bad
>implying that a small amount of edge is bad
Choose your explanation with exceptional care.
Sounds about right. That's when upper management got violently shifted, and when Toonami got forced into its death spiral Yes, Toonami going downhill was part of the problem, as it meant less action cartoons and anime in general.
And the Aqua Teen Hunger Force "bomb" incident made everything worse
It took a single team of creative yet oblivious employees and one incident to change the course of CN. Mix in paranoia and security theater, and you got a debacle.
One perfect formula for disaster and the prelude to the tumblr-cunt era of today
See, you're part of the problem.
Get out of my sight.
Holy FUCK are you retarded. I'm not sure you're aware of this, being a complete faggot and all, but those two books are fairly significant, DKR especially.
Which Daredevil, Frank Miller's or Mark Waid's? You had better not be shit-talking either.
Oh wait, you probably mean the netflix show since you're a casual
Again, Marvel has been pretty solid for a long time, they've only recently started going full retard. Through arguably most of 2014 an 2015 they were producing generally good books.
Opinion disregarded
I'd rather not have anime and manga be discussed on Holla Forums, thanks.
I meant the last one, All-New Daredevil, even if I wanted to DDT/RKO/Leg-drop/OraOra that new side-kick to death, it was readable, I was not expecting it to be on par with Man without Fear or Born Again to any extent, but it was decent enough
And user, not everything in life is Superhero comics, what about Hellboy ? or 2000AD, or Heavy Metal Magazine, etc.
I'm aware, I like Hellboy a great deal I even have some signed original art up in my room because connections and 2000AD is amazing. Never read Heavy Metal though.
It is
Sadly I had to cancel my subscription due to monetary issues, but I was able to catch up with ABC Warriors before that
I think I'll get a new one once September comes and the long awaited Prog #2000 arrives or Mills pulls out the new saga after Return to Ro-Busters, whatever comes first
Is that an actual picture of what this shit's gonna look like?
They look fucking terrible. Especially the tits. They probably looked at the Ghostbusters reboot and decided they have to make shit sexual to please the "evil misogynists" when in reality it's just people who hate retarded shit.
Also the fact that it's just as 'diverse' but they just made sure to not make yellow an asian girl and black a black guy…
Between this and Ex-aid's its dark days for Toku fans.
Tell me that Amazon is getting more episodes, please…
Honestly, BO should start banning the Jojo threads. It's anime and belongs on /a/.
>>>/jojo/ and stay there.
Are you upset because you got told to fuck off in that shitty thread you made where you were butthurt about Jojos derailing your shit threads?
Nah, he's not that guy. It's me.
Ouch, nice miss on that GET.
I haven't posted once in your cancerous circlejerks about a crap anime and manga that's only appeal it towards guys who's insist they don't have homosexual tendencies.
Ah, well, listen faggot.
You think this thread was derailed, but look at you faggots. It only became derailed when you bitches start crying about it and lying about modern western comics and cartoons being alright. Or even implying it's worth just talking about the same old-ass shit that used to be good but is long gone.
Jojo shitposting is necessary on this board to call out you guys as the faggots you guys are.
You've been told repeatedly that you're wrong and don't know what you're talking about, because you don't. You're fucking casuals.
For christ's sake, someone ITT talked about All-Star and The Dark Knight Returns like they were ongoing series. Then they said they were both BAD.
You're still a retard that takes the bait and gets asshurt when the thread derails. What's your fucking point?
Not even me m8. But saying that "nobody reads" those comics is pretty fucking wrong in an objective sense.
You yourself don't know what you're talking about. How many comics do you think, say, Marvel produces? Do you for some reason think they only publish the shit that gets posted here?
Anyway, I don't give a shit about most modern comics. I've been pushing myself into Western comics recently but I'm only really reading shit from a couple years back. Vampirella and Conan currently. Fables, shit like that.
None of this good shit is ever talked about anyway because you retards woudl rather cry and whine about Jojoposting than actually fix up the board and talk about non-shit stuff. Whenever there's actually good stuff, it doesn't get derailed. The Sonic Mega Drive storytime wasn't derailed. The thread a while back about what makes comics good composition and layout-wise, the one that the OP went autist and made a separate board for rather than just making new threads, was also good and didn't get derailed.
You're just a faggot and don't know how to contribute beyond crying like a child.
Are you really this much of a faggot?
Also this is Holla Forums. As in, comics and cartoons. I'm mainly here for cartoons, honestly. I've only gone more to comics now because I've found good stuff from a few years back while cartoons only seem to be getting worse, anyway.
No wonder you take bait so easily, though. You're a fucking dumbass who can't even read, much less comprehend when the worm dangling in front of you is attached to a hook.
Even that, there's plenty of good stuff out there, from Marvel, DC or third parties. Read rebirth, it's looking actually okay so far aside from Watchmen.
This is going to be some Bayformer type shit isn't it?
I can see the computer generated rangers in their shit costumes doing acrobatics already.
Just realized I would have to be out of my mind to expect real choreography.
The leaked concept art shows the U.S military aiding the Megazord fight a monster.
what movie has good choreography? even hong kong (chinese)movies have shit choreography these days.
Audiences will pay to see wire-fu and CG everything just as much if not more than the genuine stuff, it seems.
Of fucking course they do.
I can't. Acrobatics were a part of PR because that's something the stuntmen in costumes could actually so, and it was supposed to make the completely-lacking-in-effects fights a bit more interesting.
CGRangers are probably not going to do more than a few jumps and rolls. Heck, they will probably just fire guns before Zording up.
Power Rangers have always been Holla Forums related
Don't be like cuckchan.
Looks like cuckchan is already here if you ask me.
Fuck off
Oh look, it's another guy who only, wants for one specific issue of Asterix and Obelix to be discussed here, and for every other thing to have a separate board.
Here is an idea: Go make /nuco/ where you make the rules and choose what is or is not board related. You will be free to ban power rangers, capeshit, su, at, waifus and entertainment in general as you please.
Im starting to believe Holla Forums's BO doesnt't even care for the board anymore, considering all the NOT Holla Forums RELATED faggots that popped out of nowhere. There's a fine line between funposting and being a complete nuisance only here to derail shit and ruin the board.
The next thing you faggots are gonna say is that jojo is Holla Forums related.
hey Joseph Jostar.
Flawless reasoning. 10/10.