Tipping is for beta cucks

Haha No. You already have a fucking job. Do I tip the cashier when I buy things because she hands my change back to me? No. You don't deserve any extra money.


If you actually tip, you are a cuck. End of story.

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indeed. the only thing I tip is my fedora

Well I hope you enjoy food with semen then.


It's a documented fact that only niggers don't tip.

Ausfag here, I understand you Americans have a different system of pay for waiters etc.

Here basically no one tips but I heard you are suppossed to there because thats where they make most of their salarie.

Is this true? Explain.

Yes. If OP is from the US he is a faggot.

Often, waiters get salaries below minimum wage because the managers expect/know that they are getting tips. It's a real problem.

In Europe at least, tips are factored into the bill so you don't worry about that shit.

Why do I necessarily have to tip in America? We don't have to in Europe.

Eh, not really. We (cooks), don't really give a fuck if you stiff the waiters. It happens. I'd say maybe 5% of people (and yes, it's almost always black people with old jews mixed in too) give no tip/very small tips. It's an insignificant number however, so waiters still make far, far, far more than all but the very upper end (executive chefs with 30+ years experience, and usually with a 100k 4year degree as well) of kitchen staff for doing MAYBE… MAYBE a fifth the work (I've served as a second job in the past, and within a month of my first day ever as a server was being given FIVE stations. My boss couldn't fathom how I was handling so many tables. I was bored the whole time, looking for something to do. Some nights I had eight stations. No one else had more than a single one, ever. I was also bussing the stations for females who bordered my stations because they'd always catch me and say their tray was too heavy for them. And I was the only server EVER to restock the waitstation during service, others would just tell their tables we were out of whatever they would have had to gone downstairs (to storage) to replenish.

TLDR: Don't stiff your server, cause a lot of my friends are servers. But they won't fuck with your food if you do, you're just kind of a dick. But seriously our food industry is broken. I know some servers making six figures, and MANY well over 50k… for a job that requires almost no skill, and often

Double faggotry

Servers in America are paid about 1/3 of minimum wage because they are expected to make enough in tips to get them over minimum wage.

Most make a EXTREMELY good living for a no-skill job. And everything cash is tax-free virtually everywhere. So they Make 40-75k on average and pay taxes on maybe 20-30k.

Fuck you guys. Also if you're getting paid below minimum wage you either report that shit or find another job.


Explain to me why the fuck they would rat?

i really love you! will you marry me?


Hillary tips…. over.


I has a question for Amerifats.

Do you guys tip the pizza guy if you have already prepaid for the food on your card?

If so, how does that work? Do you hand him a couple of dollars when you get the pizza?
Or do you just not tip him and then he spits on your pizza next time?

Its becoming popular in my country and I dont really know what the correct social response should be.


Yeah, you tip him for driving the shit over usually.


I don't. Who cares about losers?

So I need to make sure I have some cash on hand to tip him separately?
I cant tip him by card obviously. But sometimes I order on my card because I dont have cash in my wallet.

I wouldnt be too bothered usually but the incorrect social response can lead to someone spitting in your food if you get it badly wrong.

So you can get the amount you deserve, not the one you want. Look I'd be fine with raising the minimum wage, but stop your guilt-tripping bullshit. Go start a union or some shit but don't blame me because I was expected to be dragged along with societal standards.

It's all you goddamn normalfags' fault.

I AM from the US. Come and fight me faggot.

Just don't tip. They can't do anything about it, the food is already been made.


Your laughter means nothing coming from someone that's a big enough loser to work for tips.

In the US, servers are required to claim 10% (last I heard) of their sales to the IRS as income from tips. This is then taxed and withheld from their payroll taxes. Computerized sales systems prevent them from cheating this system.

If you don’t tip a server at least 10% then they’re taking a pay cut just waiting on you. I tip nothing is they suck, 10% for average, 15% for good, and 20% exceptional service.

Having worked as a baker at a Perkins for a few years I discovered that the young, hot high school girls in stretch pants made much better tips then the older women even though the older ones were better servers.

15 percent you can kiss my ass.

20-30 dollars worth of drinks that you get me asap you'll get 4-5 buck or more if the drinks are fatter. if your flirting with old dudes and niggers or chatting with your friends and on your phone than i am not giving you shit.

i do the same shit at restaurants. make sure i am satisfied with my food, take empty plates as soon as you seen them, fill my empty glass asap and stop chatting and giggling or your not getting the rest of your hourly wage.

You can tip the pizza deliveryman by card. You add in the tip amount either when you order online, or you write in the tip amount on the receipt when the deliveryman comes.

Niggers not tipping pizza deliverymen is why all the chain pizzerias implemented "delivery fees" years back, so they could pay their drivers higher wages to offset when they get stiffed by niggers. So usually there's like a $2 charge in addition to the expectation of a tip, which is why I usually just go pick up the pizza myself.

Delivering pizzas is actually the most dangerous job in America on average. A lot of them get mugged by niggers. They deserve tips more than anybody.

omg that's sexist! we need to pass a law that makes tip discrimination a felony

Jesus the number of salty jewish neets on this site is high.


shit nigga not from me. bitch needs to bring my sandwich asap or no tip. better be no fucking onions on my shit and my grandmas food better not have cheese on it.

I hope you're getting an Uber after that, user. DUIs are very expensive.

Don't be so jewish idiots… give a small tip sometimes, I gave stella artois to the pizza dude here in UK, they remember that shit and usually give extra food, compared to shit mc d or kfc.

This is generally true everywhere, and while it's USUALLY hot girls who benefit. Cute young men can too. Saw a 15 y/o host get a $50 tip for checking someone's coat once. And $100 on a $30 check when he waited on a couple gay guys one lunch where the server cut out early.

You're right, jews do have small penis

so u tip before u get food? GJ.

they r not factored in. If it costs more, its the full costs, that r factored in.

Just to be clear, the 10% rule only applies to servers working in restaurants. Buffet workers, bar servers, delivery drivers, and such are not required to claim sales. The Perkins in the city I live in now has terrible service. Plates and glasses piled high on the table, barely see the servers, cold food, don’t know how they stay in business.

I like the small diners myself, good food and usually great service.

i do this think called walking.

science shows those, who tip r gullible fucking morons and suckers

but if service was shit all call manager and be a dick about it.

also if service was shit dont leave tip

and no your wrong, it just means that 5 dollars isn’t going to make you richer or poorer(and it helps a lot the people that serve you). if you don’t tip it’s that you’re a jew nigger or poor fag.

why dont u give me free money too?

do some type of work for me and i will

no. I work for my emplyer. Give me free money - it wont make u richer or poorer.

there serving me so basically its work. but sure want five dollars give me your pay pal.

go tip electritians, builders, cooks, bus drivers, carpenters, police, polititians…

Yup. I worked in a kitchen for several months almost min wage and on your feet for long shifts constantly busy. During holidays our hours easily went to 60-70 a week. No overtime. Actually I recently found out that may be illegal but didnt consider at time lul. Meanwhile servers able to make as much in a good night as I do in a week. On the other hand I can't deal with people so I would never be a server.

If you have to think twice about tipping you shouldn't be eating out. Stop trying to live it up poorfags, go to mcdonalds.

drop me 5 here

tp mcdonads workers


some times i do taxi drivers, police (it more like a bribe), electricians i tip there helpers not him.

will do fagg

those faggots make enough money

how the fuck those steam work, dont know how to give you the five dollars.

user these faggots are just cheap jew niggers or white trash.

so do servers tbh

try buying me a code for 5 bux and sending me the numbers via steam coms

dont give that faggot anything,
let him earn good boy points at home.

kek so i shouldnt

u should - tip the worker, like u insist

dont worry user i will just give me a few minutes to figure that shit website out. im in a good mood. and help out a Holla Forums poor fag.


Wouldn't the best thing just be to give cooks/waiters/etc a percentage of sales? More or less depending on how important they are.

u mean paying them adequately? Hmm…

Yea but instead of a static wage the percentage of sales would give incentive to provide good service/food. I think that's a better option given the high turnover in food service.

i agree, but i would also tip.

hope your going to be gratefull user fucking have to open an accunt

No mang, if service is shit tip 2 pennies. If you get something like a fly in your food then you bring up the manager, blatant sanitary violations have more legal grounds.

The jews who run America keep wages down wherever possible. "tip our waiters" comes with a silent "so we don't have to pay them properly"

having a steam is free and non-invasive

oh for that kind of shit ill jew the place .

Yes you tip the pizza guy because he's taking a risk delivering it. They get mugged or murdered by niggers fairly often because "shieeeet pizza ain't covered by food stamps."

yeah but i dont buy my games from steam,i buy from amazon. dont like digital copies.

sure. It just wont hurt u to have it

How the fuck do you even sleep at night?

portal and tf2 is free there

Do you visit each restaurant only once in your life?

anno wait a couple of hours gonna get a disposable cc. i but in one of bs emails in.


do u think u r memorable?

i think u need to turn autocorrect off

yup i do

Waiters and waitresses remember faces very well, they'll remember who is cheap and doesn't tip.

portal is not free you fucking retard

so what did u mean?

and theyll risk their 1 lousy job they were able to get.

it was free, u cunt - always behind, huh? Better tip teachers

Like you will notice a few drops of cum in your mayo sandwich or if they swiped the sausage you ordered between their buttcheeks. They are risking nothing, but have a sweet sweet revenge.

yea, it was probably free for one day. i do this thing called going outside.

it was large, long-lasting campaign.
Looks like u should try going out of the woods u live in

where im from ppl can coock at home, its cheaper and ppl r not spoiled, entiteled animals

Fucking this.

I worked pizza delivery for a while. Got my windows broken twice by some nigger who decided he'd try to mug me. Thankfully, I kept a firearm and a baseball bat in my car when I went on deliveries. They'd scram as soon as they saw me pull either one.

Also, if a pizza delivery place says that they don't deliver to your house because it's out of the area and they're less than 2 miles away, thank a nigger. They probably mugged/harassed a delivery driver and got your street/neighborhood blacklisted for delivery.


they dont deserve tips, they deserve higher wage

yeah, someone else should pay

yeah, like the employer. U know, for work he hired them to do

they are paying the amount that was agreed upon

if the employee feels like it's not enough, they can ask for more or quit

I mean I agree with raising wages for most jobs but honestly we've had systems in place to get higher wages since the early 1900s, just fix it yourself instead of bitching online

They're also free to bring a handgun to work and shoot a bunch of people if they feel like their life is hopeless and there's no way to earn a living.

they're wrong though. there's all kinds of ways to earn a living if you're willing to put in some effort

This guy knows what's up. I can't understand the faggots who beg and cry, that they aren't getting paid enough. Just grab a gun or a knife and fuck up the motherfucker that's stepping on your neck you dumbasses, nobody will help you but yourselves.

Maybe I would if I ate at mcdonalds. I don't because I'm not a poorfag.

Waiters aren't paid minimum wage because they're expected to make it up with tips (not agreeing with it, just stating the facts) and they're often abused by customers. It's not a physically demanding job, but it can be mentally and emotionally draining. People who have never worked as waiters don't understand this. There are people who undertip, don't tip at all. Hell, my grandma would steal tips from other people's tables. So I tip outrageous amounts, especially at Chinese buffets where the waiters are super fucking speedy. Maybe I'm a cuck, but I'm drowning in pussy. Chicks love generousity.


Not my problem.
They should demand higher wa-… Oh, wait, they work as waiters because they dont have any other skills, sorry fam, I forgot for a second there.

So is virtually every job in existence. You always have to deal with idiots of some kind, waiters are just at the bottom because they dont have any other skills.

So waiters can just fuck and stop acting like a wannabe prostitute, that instead of offer a shag, screws it clients with a ruined orgasm on top.

A mediocre job for a mediocre person.


There is a pretty high chance OP has eaten my cum.
Did you like it OP?

Japan doesn't accept tips.
Try to beat that.

buttmad tipcuck detected

All they do is bring your drinks and clear the table. They don't do a fifth of the work of a waiter at a traditional restaurant.


Anything for you big daddy.
Can I haz cum?


Most restaurants don't even have reverse osmosis water systems.

I suppose I could just drink wine, however, I could just do that at home.

Nice thread Tarantino

What if all I do after the meal is place a baggy full of human shit on the table and call them over throwing it into their face? Does this count as tipping?


another weird problem I've seen from tipping is when it's supposed to be shared with other servers or even the owner.

if they're weebs it will.


no, its cuz u r a cuck


I use to deliver pizza.
Someone didn't tip me once.
I remembered that faggot.
Remember that OP,WE DO NOT FAGGOT.

That's fine, just remember to fuck with my food so I can take you to court :)))))


Fuck tipping. You don't get a fucking tip when you go above and beyond in other jobs - jobs that require 100k in loans and years of training before you can even think about working. You may eventually get a promotion or a raise at the expense of the employer as it should be, but you don't deserve special treatment simply for doing what's expected of anyone who values a job and requires nothing that your customers couldn't themselves do.

I'm not paying 10x more than the material cost of my food just to be forced to pay 15x that cost when I want to leave, because the employer is a greedy fucking jew and refuses to pay employees a fair wage. Don't like it or think I'm the asshole and not your jew boss for refusing to pay a fair wage, fuck yourself and stop working for jews. I honestly haven't visited a sit in restaurant in over a year because it pisses me off so much. Waiters are all entitled pricks, to expect every single customer to tip(which started as a gratuity reserved only for exceptional and unique circumstances) is no different than forcing communism on everyone that walks into your establishment.

It was always the super rich fuckers who stiffed me, strangely enough. But still it was more like once a day. Pissed me off every time, especially when they would ask for exact change.

I don't even know a fucking Jew that would have the balls to say this.

You mean commission? That would be harder to implement (and really fucking stupid) in the food service world, because then the server would get commission for a sale (the food) that they didn't really make, and it would be given regardless of service.

I chuckled.

Being a server can be a fucking nightmare though depending on where you work.
I use to be a bartender at a very ritzy restaurant. I was always running around like crazy, carrying six to eight steins up and down stairs, back and forth. Serving piss drunk assholes who couldn't hold their liquor for shit. Vomit everywhere, all the time fucking time. My boss was real asshole. If you didn't make sales, he be furious. We went by head count. A big party 5-10 was expected to spend more than six hundred and so on. He would scream at the girls who didn't make goal. That job was a real fucking nightmare. I caught some of coworkers doing crack in the bathroom just to cope. I got paid very well though. I went home with at least two hundred dollars or more every night. I still quit that job. I could do better and money was not worth it.

This doesn't add up. Sounds like a shit club with table service, not a "ritzy restaurant".

Not like people don't already factor food quality into their tips; though.

It was ritzy. You should have seen the kitchen. Just amazing, jut like the kitchens on the Food Channel. They imported different chefs from all across the country. Food overpriced and under portioned. You buy a beer it cost you 16 bucks. That's how we made goal. Get the customers drunk and keep them drinking. Whenever someone vomited it was cleaned up unbelievable fast. Those poor busboys. They really had the shittiest job.

Damn nigga, gotta get me a job there

agreed, beta faggots are the ones working for tips to.
how ever do not go bback to the same place twice.

We dont factor tips in to bills. we just pay ppl for work.

you stupid faggot beta.

go research the origen of a tip.
is not some obligatory thing you fuck

The whole us food industie is a scam to get more taxes out of ppl. cook yourselfs faggot. but no you have to employ someone to do the cooking whilst you stand there and wait.

The whole eating out culture of the states is retarded you pay 3 times more for your food and the food is 5x less nutritious.

On every step of your food there is some one who takes a cut, this cut is taxed.

Get of the grid as much as possible you stupid poor fags.

Yeah I've been thinking of no longer going to restaurants with folks because of bullshit like that.

you don't have to employ anyone. it's just that most people don't have the necessary skills or energy to make the kind of food you get at a restaurant

kek, goes out for food

look 4 star and up, sure.
You dont get that good in your kitchen, but if you get good ingredients dont fuck it up you have a great meal.

it takes less time then it takes to trow away all the take away chines boxes, it takes far less time to drive over (work for your gas money) and then buy your food (pay extra for this service, for which you have to work).

in stead of just trowing some meat in a pan cook up some veggies(takes 15 minutes if you get 20$ a hour and pay 10 bucks a day for your take away shit you burned yourself out of that time(5$) and high quality home cooked food.


the truth

fuck off

I don't eat out.
I prepare 100% of my food because I'm afraid of being poisoned.

kek, you mean by the poor hygienic standards.

Honestly if you know how dirty kitchens are you wouldnt eat out anymore.

The average amerifag is not making that much money. Come on, man. The minimum wage here is $7.25 ffs.

You mean like food poisoning or like actual cyanide poisoning?
If the former I can understand, if the latter you're just paranoid.

Open a restaurant that pays servers $15+ an hour, include the ost in price, advertize it as a no-tipping. The market will solve your problem.

People will still tip for preferrential treatment

I work in a kitchen as a parttime dishwasher, and have no clue if standard, but I get about a 1 from the tips per hour I work. Then again, I make minimum wage to and get anywheres between 8 to 35 hours a week, usally less than 14 hours a week.

That is fairly standard. The kitchen staff get a bit from the tips, but not much.

why would i have that? cards work everywhere now.