Post things that'd spook

post spoopy things

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He said spoopy things user not pure horror.

They feed off edge and attention. It only makes sense they'd flock to that shit. God I hate furries, but I wish I didn't because they enjoy it so much.








This scares me.



the first webm gets me everytime. what is that supposed to be?

the case of John David "Johnny" Gosch (born November 12, 1969) he was a 12-year-old paperboy in West Des Moines, Iowa, when he disappeared on September 5, 1982 and was presumed kidnapped.

On Sunday, September 5, 1982, in the suburb of West Des Moines, Johnny Gosch left home before dawn to begin his paper route. Though it was customary for Johnny to awaken his father to help with the route, the boy took only the family's dachshund, Gretchen, with him that morning. Other paper carriers for The Des Moines Register would later report having seen Gosch at the paper drop, picking up his newspapers. It was the last sighting of Gosch that can be corroborated by multiple witnesses.

A neighbor named Mike reported that he observed Gosch talking to a stocky man in a blue two-toned Ford Fairlane with Nebraska plates; Mike didn't know what was discussed because he was observing from his bedroom window. As Gosch headed home, Mike noticed another man following Gosch. John and Noreen Gosch, Johnny's parents, began receiving phone calls from customers along their son's route, complaining of undelivered papers. John performed a cursory search of the neighborhood around 6 a.m. He immediately found Johnny's wagon full of newspapers two blocks from their home.

The Gosches immediately contacted the West Des Moines police department, and reported Johnny's disappearance. Noreen, in her public statements and her book Why Johnny Can't Come Home, has been critical of what she perceives as a slow reaction time from authorities, and of the then-current policy that Gosch could not be classified as a missing person until 72 hours had passed.By her estimation, the police did not arrive to take her report for a full 45 minutes. Police came to believe that Gosch was kidnapped, but they were unable to establish a viable motive. They turned up little evidence and arrested no suspects in connection with the case.

Almost 20 years later his mother Noreen found a packet of photographs left on the doorstep of her home, the photos were of her son Johnny gagged and tied. Since then multiple photos have been found of her son on online pedophile websites.

you're a good guy mr anonymous

Id' probably fuck third from left.


when you see it

Yes thire all so hot.




Is there dildo up that dog's ass?

Whats that cat one from?

get spooped

It's from a short from a youtube video from a documentary.
>An excerpt from a three-part documentary on transhumanism - TechnoCalyps ( It's possible to tap into visual cortex of a cat's brain to get the image that it sees.




Your government either is or is in collusion with the US government, which collects ALL data at all internet routers. They have sophisticated AI's capable of pulling out every secret you ever thought you had as long as it went through a backbone router in the US or Europe. SSL is more compromised than Moot. All your base are belong to them. Make your time.


yeah. Too bad they can't get the secrets that I didn't post onli-
… oh


I need more plz



Nothing I have compares to this stuff.

Read the book Missing 411





hello, clarice




oh i got something spooky alright.
does anyone remember this video of some guy going into some finnish satanic thing and it came with some text and a "audio recording".
gonna find it for you all.




That fucking cracked me up. What the fuck is that from?



>there are some people that don't own a gun