Hey shillshits, redpill me >da /p0l/acks
Hey shillshits, redpill me >da /p0l/acks
Here's a pill to take to heart. Never ever take any political discussion here seriously in the slightest. Talk to smart, educated people. They left Holla Forums a long time ago and they were never at Holla Forums.
And where are they? Gulag? /r9k/?
Not on any imageboard, anywhere. Not for a long time now.
There's only one pill you should take, and that's the brown pill.
They never were on any imageboards to begin with you dumb shits
Arguing about politics on anonymous imageboards always results in argument by assertions. Its almost a law at this point "Anons Law; A law that states any political discussion on an anonymous website will lead to argument by assertions…"
Holla Forums had to get strict moderation as a reaction to retards using fallacious arguments. Now everyone complains they're too strict
You're both right and wrong. Go back two years and people at least pretended to have a brain. The level of discourse has dropped through the floor and is hurtling to the core of the earth. Now it's barely above monkeys shrieking and flinging shit.
Nobody with a brain left. Its just that everyone with a brain realized long ago arguing politics on imageboards was a fruitless effort. Imageboards are terrible places to argue about anything. They are only useful for organizing and content sharing
The real redpill is that the higher races like whites, Jews, and asians should band together against the muds, but instead whites and Jews and asians are going to continue blaming each other for all the worlds problems while Africa and Islam multiplies. The Nazis will handicap themselves by focusing on the Jew, while all these countries continue to be absolute cucks and feed the third world until it swamps them dooming global civilization.
Holla Forums will never accept this because it doesn't let them ego shield using the inherently evil deplorable irredeemable Jew against the truth that white people are massive cucks and don't need much help on that front.
Jews will never accept this because they are paranoid about getting shoah'd by the inherently evil deplorable irredeemable goyim, which ironically just perpetuates the hatred.
Holla Forums will never accept this because it has nothing to do with muh bankers bonuses the capitalism its disgusting and if the bourgeoisie really cared they would fund my detroit commune.
/liberty/ will never accept this because muh NAP.
The mainstream will never except this because it's racist.
No one will ever accept this. I expect responses to this post like "thanks for the advice schlomo" and "record corrected".
We're all doomed.
Jews leave Asians alone, thats why Asians are allowed to have their heavily nationalist paradises in South East Asia whereas if whites did the same shit they'd be called racist
they are a bunch of drumpfweenies
jews hate the Whites as they're prophesied as ones who destroy the jewish race.
Maybe if the jews would stop destroying the culture and subverting the society of whatever country they find themselves in, people would be more open to working with them.
Why can't you plebs just git gud? White people are the whiniest little bitches in the world.
>while kikes are still bitching about the holocaust
Well the white holocaust is much more gradual. It's hard to even notice but it inches forward daily.
If you are a Republican, you picked a Presidential candidate who is going to lose to HIllary Clinton. Take a minute and think of how hard it must have been to find a candidate THAT FUCKING BAD.
some how you managed to pull off my maddest nightmare op, how did you know that?