Chelsea Van Shekelsburg Keynote Speaker Wikipedia Diversity Conference

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Blame the GamerGoyim who made a name for her. She'd still be a nobody if it weren't for their autism.

If Trump doesn't win this election I'm becoming a psychopath. There is literally no reason to have morals in this society any more

Last thread we had on that

Very disturbing story from Candace Owens about dealing with her;

This is a verified proud feminist negress who wanted to fight cyber harassment and put months of work into it. Not a troll, she went dark after the SJW cabal targeted her for her capitalist views.

Quinn is white, she can't be a spokesperson for diversity because she was born entitled.

Did you really follow that story so little that you truly believe that? She was being pushed by the same people that helped prop up Anita.

Too bad you aren't already one.

If you were you'd be intelligent enough to know that…

-Trump is just as much a kike puppet as Hilary

-We're not going to "vote" our way out of our Jewish problems…EVER.

-If you (or anyone) wanted to do anything at all to actually "help" America at this stage in the game you'd be engaging in your best Unibomber or Joseph Paul Franklin impersonation right about now.


Same thing goes for Anita.

They both thrived from their autistic opposition.

Had both been ignored, they wouldn't be an issue.

They're a typical shill, knows only what they've been told.

Yeah, no. GG got cucked but that's besides the point you're still an idiot.


Gamergate was just the convenient fall guy.

The MSM wanted to push a narrative (i.e. the relative lack of women in tech and nerdshit like vidya is exclusively due to sexist oppressive brogrammers slapping their asses constantly), and Gamergate just happened to give them the proof to justify their "anti-sexist" crusade on tech/nerdshit.

It's like the Jews in the MSM freaking out over ((( ))) in comments sections and Twatter, and acting as if there's some resurgent KKK readying nooses everywhere for the Day of the Rope.

If it wasn't Gamergate as an organised group, they would've found someone else to push the ''oppressive brogrammers and mouthbreathing virgins keep women out of tech and vidya respectively!"

Don't be silly. The biggest mistake gamergoy made was they made it about ethics when it was really about the feminist plague.


Also, this is true. There was 2 gamergates. 1 existed in reality, cucking itself. The other existed in the minds of the media who created this boogeyman to scare the normies and push feminism into games like never before. The 2nd based version of gamergate still exists today because they still have a narrative to push. You can still see tweets and articles blaming them for everything.


You're a faggot user. And probably a Jew

Take the ether pill brother

Just like holocaust myths exist because of antisemites and revisionists bring attention to them.

Not exactly, but if you knew your history you'd be aware of the fact that jew pedophile Frank Cohen's attempted march in Skokie was what introduced the Holohoax into the public consciousness.

Don't forget that GG pushed "SJWism" into the mainstream awareness.
Even tho the "revolt" was later infiltrated and subverted it had some major successes.

That was already happening pre-GG, and would have happened without them.

Lest we forget those spergs were trying to replace "SJW" with "SJC" for "Social Justice Cultist".



Quote from the Meth head's Patreon: "I'll be able to afford health insurance once again, along with the medication that I really need to have to be fully functional."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Cucks are literally paying for her meth habit!!!

More info on Randi if you like reading about obese meth whores and child abuse:

PROTIP: Look at the donors list on those Patreon accounts to see the types of faggots voluntarily paying these cunts a monthly salary. You will recognize most of the images in pic related are the avatar images for the donors.

This makes me wanna chop my dick off and start being a "victim".

They played their cards well, and took the maximum gain from the Gamergate debacle.

Fucking nu-males of reddit. Without them, we might have had a different impact.

I wonder how Quinn feels about Harper getting more victimbux than her?
I hope it annoys the fuck out of her…

You guys know that Milo sent that needle to himself, right? And look at how far it got him.

She sure loves Diversity.

That's why she shut down the Fine Young Capitalists with Maya Kramer.

One of the few good things this cunt has ever done.

D&C shilling is that easy to dismantle. Never believe their tricks.

Jimmy Wales used to date Rachel Marsden.

Think about that for a sec and you know this makes perfect sense.


this tbh

Some of us had never looked that closely at feminism before.

Pic related brought me to Holla Forums - she was a mentally ill alcoholic using feminism as a shield.

The only reason this worthless cunt ever got anywhere was the FUCKING RETARDED PR FAGGOTS. If you miserable sacks of shit attacked the cunt from the get-go and exposed every single bit of her kikery in the most acidic and brutal way then she'd be a laughing stock right along with Macintosh right now

how the fuck is this not a conflict of interest goddamnit jimmy you spineless fuck



Take this shit to Holla Forums or any of your dead boards faggot, nobody cares about how SJW's are BTFO you on a daily basis

Jews are only white when they choose to be white.

Is "diversity conference" a code for "interracial gangbang"?


this has passed, any vids from the conference?

Don't associate righteous retribution with psychopathy, user.

The disenfranchisement after this election will be very helpful though. We're a hopeful people aren't we? …and we remain hopeful, until that hope is absolutely crushed.

It will be.

Nothing's keeping you here faggot

no where?

She was a no-show according to Ralph the eceleb.

Fuck off kike SJW would've been subversive kikes with or without resistance.

Well if a Jew pretends to be white they most bear the scrutiny of having white privilege.



Only famous for being a sociopath whore.

top kek, quality b8

but that's simply not true. perpetrating the holohoax is an entirely jewish business endeavor that exists independently of revisionists.


rape her

use protection

Yes, the whole thing "it's actually about ethics" is what ruined the movement (probably due to hijacking) but the real issue was not just the feminist plague, it was political in general.
people were sick and tired of these cunts and omega failures (both in game journalism and development) trying to shove marxist shit about faggotry, "diversity", "equality", niggers and white guilt down people's throat every chance they got, meanwhile demonizing the sane people who dared to oppose that garbage.
That is what originally GG was about, but it soon went to shit when it was co-opted by the classics: "Hi fellow anons, i hate SJWs as much as you do, but please stop being so bigoted and homophobic…"
The rest is history.

why is it always the first comment
dayum son

Why do they all look vaguely……. hebe.

Actually I would say the problem was that GG actually believed this line forgetting that such was a nice excuse to talk about the social justice plague.

The shills set the catalog to "creation date" instead of "bump order" so new threads appear at the top allowing them to swoop in and hope that either derails the thread.

Their main goal really is to derail so nothing gets done or discussed and partly for lulz.

I just told those D&C faggots to stop their erasure of our identity with their tone policing.

My job, as a former media type (ethics in trade journalism, how cute) was to give colour commentary on how they were being coopted, mostly through the no less than 50 twitter accounts I burned through (two burner phones and a half dozen SIM cards too). It was never about fixing it, but exposing the merchant behind the curtain.

Then they would censor the internet immediately and we'd be praying to Saint Anita right now.

Its sad that you kikes still think that would have worked or that anyone believed it was the best course of action.

She didn't go.