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Were you watching the same debate as everyone else? The conservatives were crying on the way out the door.

He didn't win.



she started the debate with a lie….Trump smoked that cunt

Quick reminder that Holla Forums is now a Trump safespace.
If you plan to not getting banned you better don't criticize him.
Mods are on a banning rampage


killary got pooned

This is Holla Forums retard

Just wanted to point it out.

If he could start his brain half as fast as his mouth he may have stood a chance.

CTR shills will be crying themselves to sleep tonight

0.05$ has been deposited into your account!
does nobody find it suspicious that these two comments were the first to appear, in succession, and were posted in a relatively quick timespam for this board? I almost feel honored that a run down place like 8/b/ is having CTR visit it tbh

I'm not a fan of Holla Forums, but everyone should know by now that they're currently one big MAGA circlejerk.

Unless you want another ban screenshot for your collection, why bother trying to have serious discussion with them?



does my pic look serious to you dummy?

If by "won the debate again" you mean "demonstrated that he's the man with no plan again", you're right.

Trump is a joke, and in the unlikely event that he wins, his ineffectual administration will be the punchline.

The butt of the joke will be the citizenry, of course.

He hasn't even lost yet and he's already crying about the election being "rigged", with no evidence, of course. Most candidates at least pretend that they think they're going to win, but he's already adjusting expectations. I'd say that I'd like to play cards with someone who's such a bad bluffer, but you know that if he lost at cards, he'd just tip the table over and whine about how he lost because he was cheated.


Literally nothing you just wrote is true.


I appreciate the efforts Holla Forums has put into exposing corruption, I just want the stormfaggotry to go

The elections are rigged tho.

its best not to engage ctr shills before you get corrected

If that were true, the RNC would be filing lawsuits.


The RNC is the same group you dumb fuck.
They're literally the same people with different labels. The Bushes are voting for Clinton. That should tell you everything you need to know.



The Trump campaign has standing to file lawsuits in election-related matters. That's why the case that went to the Supreme Court in 2000 about the Florida recount was Bush v. Gore.

So why isn't Trump filing lawsuits?

I mean, apart from the fact that he has no evidence, because the election isn't actually rigged.


Nope. Trump is a fucking train wreck. OP might as well have a Charlie Sheen "Winning" pic up there.

I want NBC reality TV fans to leave.

Why isn't Trump filing lawsuits if the election is rigged?

This vid broke this week. Give it some time. He referenced it tonight.

I actually don't think he won this one. The latest wikileaks and O'keefe tapes gave him a smoking gun and he barely touched it at all despite it being an undeniable trump card.


the SOROS name drop was sweet

He will let his followers riot instead, then fly away in his helicopter while pissing on them from on high while they get shot in the streets like the dumb and pathetic niggers that they are.


Have fun storming the castle!
Actually I know you are not dumb enough to take up arms when Trump gets "robbed."

Right, why display a sense of urgency when the Presidency is at stake?

I'll go ahead and spoil it for you. The vid is heavily and selectively edited. O'Keefe has done this kind of thing before. He won't release the unedited footage, because of course it tells a very different story than the video they put out after editing.

There isn't going to be a lawsuit, because O'Keefe would be subpoenaed to turn over the unedited footage.

If there is voter fraud, it should be investigated and prosecuted, but there is no large-scale voter fraud that could be called rigging.

What Trump will do instead of filing lawsuits is continue to point to this video to enrage low-information voters like you. But it's too little, too late.

Get ready for 8 years of Hillary.

Thanks for correcting the record friend. Sorry your buddies got outed admitting they've been rigging elections for 50 years.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters will want to rise up, but it's difficult to be part of an effective fighting force when your Rascal only goes 5mph and has limited battery life, and your arms get tired from holding your AR-15, so you leave it at home. Not to mention needing insulin shots several times a day.

Revolutionaries ain't made like they used to be.


Maybe if you could come up with an actual counterargument instead of

you'd be worth taking seriously.


I wonder if there is a historical precedent for uppity whites getting BTFO by cops and feds.

Pics related. Holla Forums's dearly departed families if they actually had them or had the balls to stupidly do anything other than meme.

ITT: Trumpcucks sweating as their meme candidate enters his final tailspin

The best Holla Forums can hope for is a couple more Bundy ranch incidents.

I guess I should start buying dildos now.

CTR shill being this salty

Stopped right there.

Dodgers win!

When you look around the ship and you realize you're the only rat left, it's time to start swimming. Just saying.

So dead. So very very dead, the mourners kneeling and subjugated. And Trump will most definitely be laughing.

Why can't white people not chimp out? Don't they know that gets you shot? smdh they will never learn.

You'll literally be dead, one way or another no matter who wins. Unless you bend the knee. Your wife and kids too. Unless you just stick to empty shitposting. Which is what you will do.

I know it's written at a bit above a 5th-grade level, which is what you're accustomed to from listening to Trump, but if you spend a few hours on it and find someone to explain the words you have trouble with, I'm confident you can understand a little of it.

Snopes actually is pretty biased now a days. That doesn't make him any less delusional, though. And Snopes is no O'Keefe by a long shot. But that also doesn't mean shady shit doesn't go on all the time regarding elections, either
.>politics are incredibly corrupt, and writers and filmmakers are biased
That doesn't really surprise anyone, does it?

Snopes is a joke only a moron would cite them


That is all true, not surprising and old news.

Nigger please. They are not 100% full of shit 100% of the time but there is no question they have a very strong bias.

You're just another disinfo shill I see.

Sanders primary:

Clinton operatives are in the vid.


Yes and? What will anyone do about it?

Sanders isn't running for President anymore. Trump is.

Trump is claiming that the election is rigged, but there's absolutely no proof of that, and reposting the same heavily edited shill video over and over doesn't change that.



Holla Forums samefagging again. Literally no one else here cares who wins, or will even bother to vote. Most are underage.

I like the females you have been posting. Nice to look at beautiful woman AND a winner

[shilling intensifies]

I already voted dummy


i like all of your candidates
you are voting suicide either way


he mad

That 20th century kind of memory hole corruption is long over. It only works in the desert against literal cavemen, this day and age.

Do you actually expect anyone to fall for this bullshit of a non-argument? Serious question. As for the video, no one cares about your accusations when we have taped confessions

Not even Holla Forums but you're obviously a shill.

See, here's a thing. I know Hillary's a crooked bitch, and when she's elected, if everything goes to shit, I will be willing to freely and openly admit I made a bad fucking decision.

I don't feel like Trump voters would be willing to admit wrongdoing if Trump fucked up the country. They would immediately look for someone else - anyone else - to blame other than themselves (for electing him) or Trump (for making bad decisions). I guarantee you that's what would happen.

That's some of the most retarded logic for a vote I have ever heard, mate. HRC herself is not someone who would admit wrongdoing if she fucked up the country, and her wrongdoings are numerous. My problem with Hillary is simple: She is so absolutely, unbelievably, thoroughly corrupt that she shouldn't be in the office of president. She should be in jail. So Trump wins by process of elimination.

Aside from that I also have issues with her pro-TPP stance and her support of foreign wars and her hawkish stance against Russia. I do believe Trump is the better candidate on those rather massive issues. He's also got a plan for reducing lobbyist influence on congress that I appreciate.

Incidentally, you realize HRC supporters have been making endless excuses for all of HRC's crimes and looking for other people to blame?

As have Trump's supporters.

There's a difference between demanding evidence and denying evidence. Not to mention HRC's crimes are in a league of their own.

There's a difference between denying evidence and not being convinced by it.

I'm literally voting Hillary on the sole basis that it'll make 8ch mad if she wins.

And I live in Iowa, where it might actually matter.

Come at me bros. Cedar Rapids represent.

the damage done to america by this election is incalculable, whoever wins. it's simply shameful to watch, even for a foreigner.

here's to (you)

Hey, I'd be perfectly willing to admit that Hillary should never have been let anywhere near the presidency if people will admit the same about Trump.

My dream presidential race? Bernie Sanders vs. George Pataki. Holy shit, I'd actually have to decide which one I wanted to vote for the most, not which one I disliked voting for the least.

here's to (you)

Cool bro. Enjoy your mandatory sex change operation to check your privilege.

Oh absolutely. Trump will be the worst president we ever have, same as Hillary. The difference is Trump actually respects the democratic process; which seperates a douchebag president from one that would go down in history as a villain. Hillary's attitude of "I'm better for the job, so I can subvert democracy at every turn and use my army of media shills to cover it up" recalls Hitler, Stalin, Kim, Mao, all those "democratically elected" african warlords whose people can't afford a slice of bread, and her best buddy Putin of course.

It's funny. I talk to a Hillary supporter at work on a regular basis. The guy says something like "Trump hates gays and will do away with gay marriage". I correct him for the sake of not having to listen to him rant about bullshit all day (I could list 30+ "Trump" facts he cites… none of which are accurate, except the fact that he's a fratboy date rapist, which is probably true.) And every time, the conversation eventually devolves to him admitting that he is against democracy and wants there to be an authoritarian dictatorship that just happens to coincide with his views. He literally says this, with a straight face, and see's nothing wrong with it. And this is a COMPARATIVELY REASONABLE liberal, based on the people I talk to. Liberals actually believe that an unwilling majority should be FORCED to believe and follow what they believe, regardless of the will of the people. That's just what that position has become. I was a liberal all my life, and in the past six years, I've become strictly libertarian, because liberals have become the antithesis of what they are supposed to be. They aren't for anyone's rights unless they happen to personally agree with them. They are authoritarians through and through.

Wait, aren't Trumpcucks saying she's going to antagonise Russia and start muh WW3, and that Putin's respect for Trump is a good thing?

HRC isn't capable of genuine friendship. The closest she gets is having loyal bitches she approves of.

Hence the sarcasm you fucking imbecile. Holy shit, Holla Forums is right. CTR fucks are thoroughly retarded.

Sadly, Holla Forums is always right.

I'm kinda tired of the CtR shit myself.

Is it time for another CtR dox & raiding spree? It seems they don't learn unless you beat them upside the head every so often.

vote hillary. there's a chance jim will abandon Holla Forums if trump loses. vote hillary and make Holla Forums great again. claim back the chan from these unsufferable faggots. bring back fun!

Let's not and say we did.

Better yet, let's not and say we didn't.

No. It's just not a bad thing. You see, the fact that a person who displays negative traits approves of you can't be held against you. This is a tactic Dem's love to use when it advantages them (David Duke Loves him some Trump!) and dismiss when it doesn't (Middle Eastern nations that stone women for getting raped and sell 8 year old girls to 50 year old men Love them some Hillary… and give her shitloads of money for political pull).

See, You're a fucking idiot, but I can't rightly hold that against Hilary because you support her. Get it?

I know how you feel. I was liberal a few years ago, and my beliefs never changed, the definition of liberalism did.

Holla Forums has never been right.

He had some good shots but i wouldnt say he won. If he had pushed her on taking saudi money and the veritas tapes instead of letting her dodge he would have secured the election there and then.

This is why I never liked being identified as either a liberal or conservative. Labels are for shitheads and bandwagons. People need to judge for themselves what people are like and what they stand for. Labels only get in the way of that.

Also, remember when liberals were for free speech? Turned out it wasn't a liberal thing. More of a decent human being vs shithead thing which cuts across the whole spectrum.


He's refused to concede the election if he loses.

Convenient unfalsifiable anecdote time!

Trump may not personally hate gays and gay marriage, but he's running with a VP who does, and it's not exactly like many hardcore homophobes are going to vote Hillary (except for Muslims, who I concede will probably vote blue). Nationalists - who are overwhelmingly voting for Trump - have never been pleasant to homosexuals. The religious conservatives in the Republican party despise LGBT rights, and Trump's not exactly going stand up to them, especially if they maintain control of Congress. He'd certainly never veto a bill that restricts LGBT rights. Plus, do you honestly think his nominations to the Supreme Court are going to be liberal?

No, Trump may not hate gays and do away with gay marriage himself. But he will at the very least passively empower the people who do.

Ah yes, Liberals are one monolithic group of people with exactly the same opinion on everything, while conservatives are a diverse and vibrant melting pot of political ideologies.

Yep, it's time for another CtR raid. You faggots just never learn.


I swear, only CtR would try to bullshit people into believing that this is what Trump meant.

Hint: We're not calling you out for being a shill because you disagree. We're calling you out for a shill because you spin, use dishonest arguments, and say all kinds of shit that proves you're not actually from around here.

There are a lot of tells in your posts.

You don't realize how retarded you sound, do you? Is it some kind of brain thing? Were you dropped on your head as a child because you told your dad you loved him and he got scared you were a gay?

Except they are. That's LITERALLY the exact reason why young people are abandoning the liberal agenda in droves. Anything you disagree with is hate-speech. Everywhere has to be a safe space (safe from others opinions). The liberal agenda has made itself BY VERY DEFINITION same-ism. You don't get to fight against diversity of opinion, then declare that your stance maintains diversity of opinion. I know you like to think everyone else is far more ignorant than you, but they aren't. You aren't special. You can't think circles around people. Your institutionalized double-think is not intelligence. It's just being a narcissistic dick.

This image is back from halfchan days but I think it still applies perfectly to this situation. In fact I think it applies even more strongly to 8ch given how much more insular a community it is.

I know the email said to use this to deflect accusations of shill and CTR; but you're gonna have to try harder than that.

Cute, but again, you have clear tells of being a shill.

Except that's not what I said. What I said was Trump may not personally have an agenda hostile to LGBT rights, but he will do absolutely nothing to oppose those whose agendas ARE hostile to LGBT rights. The president is not the country's administration, he's just one important part of it. Currently, with Obama - who is most certainly cordial to the concept of LGBT rights - has the power to veto any bill that would harm them. Even though Congress is majority Republican right now, it's simply not worth attempting to fuck with LGBT rights. It'd most likely be a net vote-loser (not that Republicans don't already poll abysmally with the LGBT community anyway, but it'd harm the moderate and libertarian vote share) and Obama would just shoot it down anyway. That changes if Congress stays majority red and Trump is in office with a decidedly anti-LGBT VP.

And as a matter of fact, yes, it'd be a bad thing to embolden people who are anti-LGBT.

Hillary is already dancing/parkinsoning

No one is buying Hillary's bullshit but you.

Maybe they're anti-LBGT because they are insecure, thereby emboldening them would help.

Maybe you should have watched the RNC, when they basically marched out every queer they could find to receive applause and basically point out that on at least a national level they've decided to support LBGT agenda. And since the President has no power on a state level, your argument is kind of retarded.

And you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how our government works. Congress can't really pass anything "antiLGBT" as you phrase it without a constitutional amendment, which functions in such a way as to completely ruin your argument. As it stands now, any "AntiLGBT" is operating on a constitutional law level and amounts to whether the court systems will hear and or support/strike down laws that may attempt to expand or limit the rights of the LGBT community as constitutional or otherwise. Therefore control of congress is basically irrelevant to the issue you raise; and anyone with a basic middle school civics understanding of government would realize this. However, it certainly is a good way to scare people who are already inclined to trust your side on this issue into ignoring other issues; so I'll applaud you for your attempts at that. But I warn you, that era is dying quickly, so you're going to need a new trick soon.

The last emboldened "insecure" man shot up a gay club in Orlando. I'd rather not embolden more of them.

And I thought right-wingers believed the idea that homophobes are inescure closet homosexuals had been "thoroughly debunked" (despite pretty much every study in the matter suggesting it's true?)

Except there are 14th amendment protections for gay marriage. SCOTUS ruled that in 2015 in a 5-4 decision (Obergefell v. Hodges) and Scalia (whose seat is now open for grabs) was not part of that 5. Having Trump as president or replacing Scalia's seat with another conservative will not actually affect that ruling, so even if Trump were to avoid vetoing anti-gay legislation (which also assumes Congress would pass it in the first place), the law would probably get overturned anyway.

Just admit you don't want a debate. If you're going to accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being a shill, you clearly aren't interested in having your views challenged or examined.

That wasn't a response to any challenge of a view. It was a response to an attempt to prove "tenure" on chans. If you were from around here, you'd understand how those posts are viewed. Your post contributes nothing to the discussion, nor does it further your own agenda. The thread is no different for having it, only longer. You are failing at your task. You should reconsider your tactics and return when you have the strength of mind to actually counter even our most casual debate… rather than trying to shift the focus to proving you aren't a shill even though our pointing out that fact has in no way prevented us from responding and dismantling every point you've made. Your being a shill is irrelevant. It merely amuses us to point that out and see your reaction, since it's so important to you that you hide it.

Again, sarcasm. You're not good at this.

And that "insecure" man was emboldened by having an administration whose policy was to hold his beliefs that gays are an abomination who should be executed as more important than the lives of their citizens, gay or otherwise… you might want to contain that little gem if you're going to recall his actions in a debate.

Or I might simply not be a shill, and find your instinctive accusation of shilling to everything that challenges your worldview to be really funny.

Wrong again, my good friend. Your challenges are irrelevant to your being a shill. Have the handlers take a closer look at posting patterns and you'll understand how readily you are exposed for not being familiar with our little club here. But again, you should get back to responding to the actual points of discussion; as you have been quite thoroughly dismantled; and a little rebuttal/damage control is in order. You're really in no position to be laughing about much, I'm afraid.

To be honest, I think you're the shill.

All Trump has to do is defund entitlements, repeal universal health care, open gun ownership to anybody that wants one and the ground work is laid. Next is to get everyone to hate Islam, Minorities, Gays, and what not.

No work and no entitlement will make many desperate forcing a war within the US, every group will be against every other. The military will be deployed to protect the wealthy while the rest of the US is left to “sort itself out”.

Those that survive can get work picking up the corpses in the street and you got a readymade Plutocracy with Trump at the wheel. Just one mans opinion.

There are also studies suggesting that niggers have an IQ of 60 on average.

You seem like the kinda faggot who enjoys John Oliver, so here's a full episode on (un)scientific studies and why most studies you hear are bullshit.

I despise John Oliver, but unfortunately the Brits don't want him back

Holla Forums is always right, and your infographic is shit.

Pic related, you shill.

I guess you're trying to drag him down to your level and confuse people?

Seriously though, mate. You have obvious tells.

Pic related.

this. I don't think Clinton won either, really. It was a shit show. Both got in some savage attacks, neither really came out on top by being the better person

People disagree with you? Quick! call them a shill!

she ended the debate with a set of lies too. Trump still didn't win.


It's ok you're just to stupid to understand what's going on. BTW Trump won yet again


Can someone correct this record for me?

is this chelsea

Damn, if that's a shoop, you did a really good job.
If real, I'm gonna fap to her, not because she's hot (she ugly) but because power turns me on and her fam is pretty damn powerful.

Trips makes it true

Someone twitter this and tag her parents, see what happens :^)

on 8 you have to deliver



Speak for yourself


Fuck both candidates and fuck America's shitty voting system.

Wake me up when either of the major parties runs a candidate who endorses a majoritarian, represtentational voting system that satisfies the Condorcet criterion.

Because universal suffrage has worked so well thus far.



The only way to win political debates is to win elections or prove a significant shift in allegiance.

Someone could argue at a podium that 2+2 is 5 and get wrecked by every 5th grader in the room, but if the majority walked in to it with a "fuck 4 and everything 4 is about" mentality and left with that same mentality, then 2+2=5, until some proponent of 4's is more charismatic.

That's fucking politics.

So let me get this straight. Democracy is good if it elects the candidate you like, but bad if it elects people you don't like.

Yeah, it's unfair to blame democracy for the current situation.
The blame falls specifically on each parties delegates. They could have prevented this. And how they're picked themselves is a corruption of democracy.

He won all.

The first one wasn't even a loss.

It was a draw at best for Clinton.

Ain't it always…


The electoral college needs to be taken out back and shot. America needs a democratic system that actually represents the people and doesn't foster a two-party stranglehold.

The parties in America aren't actually able to STAND for anything. I've seen hundreds of liberals complain about how the Democratic party isn't liberal enough but the simple, sad fact is that the Democratic party CAN'T be more liberal, or it'll lose votes. Likewise, I've seen moderate conservatives whine about the Republicans being too religious, but they CAN'T be less religious, or they'll lose votes.

Basically the two-party system hurts literally everyone, including the two major parties. Voters have to compromise their viewpoints and vote for whichever party obstructs their ideals the least, rather than vote for a party that represents their ideals the most. Parties can't actually field radical policies because they'll scare away parts of the big-tent voterbase they need to construct to be able to win elections.

spot the cuck


I agree that I never liked the idea of electoral colleges existing, while we proclaim our "democracy" all of the time, but on the other hand I recognize why representative democracies are more favorable.

Majorities and mobs tend to be inadequately educated or willfully ignorant and even if they mean well, you can expect them to fuck things up. Though, I do believe that there should be full democratic decision of presidential nominees.

But before any of that, if we're going to have a one-man position like president, I feel we should have much higher standards. Like high-level aptitude tests and simulations just to get you in the door. I want to believe that few could do the job better.

Problem is, nowadays it would hard as fuck to get people to trust results or the testing itself. Then you'd get others saying that it would create exclusive demographics (which is the purpose, but they'd claim racism or elitism).


If enough people vote third party the major parties will be forced to change their platforms and activities to pick up those voters. Third party is not a wasted vote.

yes it is

You're voting whether white America should survive. You probably won't have a say after this. Definitely not after 2020. I'm not white, but seeing niggers murder and do crack while hating America, Mexicans drink and drive while hating America, and second generation Muslims radicalize while hating America, the choice is clear. Ghetto blacks and mexicans are a huge drain on the system too. We won't survive 4 years of Hillary. So, don't say we didn't warn you.

This guy is a faggotBUT HE HAS A POINT


come on CTR we've seen those tactics a thousand times already


As long as you're not voting for the pro-TPP faggot Gary Johnson.


Nobody gives a shit.

Trump is going to lose.



Third parties will never amount to shit unless we can get rid of first-past-the-post and replace it with something like instant runoff voting.

Will he though?

Think about it, even if he does happen to lose the election, above everything he has done, all the people he influenced, is it really fair to say he lost anything at this point?

He made it very clear to everyone he believes the election is rigged. If you heard his speech at that dinner, he put forth all of Hillarys crooked past right in front of her, laid out straight on the table, you can visibly see people sweating in the background and Hillary just sat there nervously smiling looking as pilled-out as ever.

So given everything thats happened over the past year, no, I don't believe Trump can truly "lose" at this point, his legacy will have far reaching implications from here one out. There is a silent war between Americas bureaucracies and people like Trump, the rich guys who aren't apart of Soros' secret club, are at the center of this silent war. This isn't over by a long shot, even if Hillary wins


good luck with your bourgeoise zionism shill

get a job you commie faggot



the grand daughter of Barry Goldwater supports Hillary. pic related. eat dick, jimbo.

Did you say water.


Simple dont bring in the ttp


Even e eurofag knows that us elections are rigged.
they dont want you morons to have real control.

Kek look whos jealous about our meme`s.

Sure shlomo

Sugar is bad for you.
Niggers really do have a avg iq of 70 in africa and 85 for african americans.

Sciense doest lies.



kek that must have been hard for both of them



no other