I finally got my learner permit last week and will probably have my driver's license before the end of november, which means I need to start looking at cars.
The most practical thing I can get, in my opinion, is a pickup truck with a shell and I'll probably get something from the 90s because they're cheaper. What brands should I avoid or look for? My brother says I should get a Japanese vehicle because they're better (Nissan, Mazda or Toyota). What did you anons get for your first car? What do you think I should get?
Car advice/reccomendations
i was gifted a glorious nippon automobile
it still runs 6 years later and hasn't caused me to break the bank in repairs
Jap's the best call. If you're looking at trucks Yota's with the 22R engines are indestructible but may be hard to find in good enough shape because no one wants to get rid of them.
They're gutless on hills but they'll get you there. Switched to a '94 after a wreck, driving 100 miles a day commute and loving it so far.
If you go car instead of truck Hondas are your ticket. Mazdas didn't get good until mid 00's. Don't go to a dealership unless you really know someone, check rural areas.
My friend just snagged a late '90s Accord on the cheap. Runs great. There are a lot of them still on the road and it's a stylish ride.
Posted the Acura version but it's the same body.
Man up and get a land yacht
Do light aircraft count as cars? Just got this last month.
Cessna is shit tier
Embraer is god tier
Precisely, I hate it. I have no idea how it became the most popular model of its class. I'm hoping I can sell it to some other schmuck for a higher price than I bought it.
Know of any good ones besides Embraer?
What's practical about a pickup? Is your wallet too heavy so you have to get rid of extra cash every time you go to the gas station?
People who don't give a fuck and are secure in their penis sizes drive shitty japanese sudans.
As strange as it may sound, he may need the ability to move large things around. Possibly for work or hobby.
what if i buy a dresser or a mattress? how am i gonna get that shit home in a sedan?
Listen OP get you a late 90s Dodge 3500 or F250 or 350 diesel. You can find these in great condition as former work trucks. Diesels last forever fam. Don't buy a shitty weaboo 'truck'
what kind of mileage can i expect from a diesel?
tiny dicks confirmed
get a roof rack nigga
Depends on the size of the truck, but diesels are always get more mileage than their gasoline counterparts. Of course, diesel fuel is usually about as expensive as premium gas, depending on where you live. So consider your options carefully and do the math.
I drive a Honda you retard. I don't need to own a truck to know that they are useful to those who need the space to stuff their shit in.
a 7.3L Powerstroke will get around 20mpg. You will really notice the fuel saving when you tow things. In a gas burner your mpg is gunna drop in the low single digits the second you put a load on it.
In the heart of dixie, diesel is within a couple cents of regular gas. Some days it even dips lower.
better than average than a gasoline truck of the same size and load. make sure you know you need a truck otherwise you'll pay for it in fuel, no matter how good the MPG is unless it's a four banger tiny truck
The issue is that most people who own pickups dont actually haul stuff around except for drunken preteens and groceries
VW rabbit pickup is a diesel that gets 45 mpg tbh
i'll probably just get a light pickup. i don't need something huge, i just need more storage volume than i can get from a sedan. i probably won't be hauling any heavy loads or towing anything.
well its not like you can't own a sedan and a truck, and just use the truck when you need it.
Up here in New England diesel usually hovers around the price of premium, but it moves around more. Based on exact location, the price can vary by as much as twenty cents if you go another thirty miles in any direction.
I'm kinda curious though, what's todays gas price for you? I want to know how much it varies from one part of the country to another.
Believe me, I know. The part of the state where I live is full of backwoods hicks who all drive rustbucket piece of shit trucks on their deathbeds. Usually they're full of literal garbage, or just dirt and rocks somehow picked up from the roads they live on.
That being said, I know some people who absolutely need their trucks for work. It's usually a very fine line between one and the other, I've never seen a middle ground to be held.
Today's price was 2.12 for regular gas and 2.17 for diesel tbh
Like said often enough people often can't afford both, just one, and then they choose the truck for absolutely no reason as they wouldnt need it for work
how expensive are trucks? i found functional ones on local classifieds for like $700
Automive and Diesel Tech here, and I suggest a diesel also. 12 Valve Cummins or the 7.3 Powerstroke are amazing engines. Buy a tuner and you can get great mpg, reliability and power. Emphasis on all 3. And even more storage space than a little truck. If you want a shell I'd say just go ahead and buy a Ford Excursion with the 7.3, NOT the V10. It's a shit tier engine and you can watch your gas drain sitting at idle nevermind WOT.
Not bad. Where I live, it was ~2.27, but if you drive fourty miles south, there's a city where the gas prices are always amazing. Usually around what you've mentioned these days, and there's often one or two that are a few cents cheaper.
The cheap ones are usually falling apart, or have extremely high miles on them. Be very careful when looking at cheap options.
But don't turn up your nose on them right away either, because every now and again you'll have someone selling off a nice ride for dirt just because they want to get rid of it fast.
You just need to stay smart and alert. Bringing along someone you know who knows about cars can be a huge help too. They may notice things that you would miss or ignore.
Depends where you live, in the country trucks are cheaper as there is a surplus, over here where I live I can get something like a lada/polo/fiesta/justaboutanycaryouseeininitialD for $500-$1000
I'd still advice you to start out with a middle ground car like a lada or whatever your local equivalent is, just a simple, strong car that's easy to maintain and above all cheap
Jap small truck is gonna be costly cause they are good investments
I had a '94 Dodge w/318 for years. A damn work horse.
Cheap parts and decent mileage when I kept my foot off the floor. Easy to work on with your dad or uncle or whoever.
You can find one cheap. Like the other user said look for a used fleet truck.
Whatever car you get, BUY THE FUCKING MANUAL! Read that shit at least once while looking under the hood and learn where everything is. Get yourself a good socket and wrench set if you don't already have one. When shit breaks (and it WILL break), you should be able to replace most parts yourself. If you can't turn something, you can always get a pair of vice grips, attach them to a wrench, and use it as an improv torque bar.
Also, DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN SHIT! It should be snug, not He-Manned.
Harbor freight torque wrench is generally around 11$ during a sale tbh.
OP if you have friends to drive places you really should get a saloon/sedan rather than a pickup truck.
Working on a new car is honestly one of the most fulfilling chores in the world man
You guys are stupid.
Mini-SUV's a best especially CRVs
okay guys so I broke my CRV and need a new car.
Get a hatchback or wagon for comparable storage with better maneuverability.
But what if I want to go camping and need off road capability?
Any campground or state park will have dirt roads leading up to your campsite. Most of the people who think they need 4x4 don't actually need it.
My first car was a Chevy. I recommend a Toyota.