Somebody give some ideas of making money online. and not vague answers like "do affiliate marketing"...

somebody give some ideas of making money online. and not vague answers like "do affiliate marketing". Give a specific and detailed answer, please.

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how is this spam, you faggot?

i am asking an honest question.

sell stuff on ebay

NO VAGUE ANSWERS, you dumb fuck.

how is that vague?

it is a fucking 4 line response

did you not see the part where i asked "please give a detailed and specific answer"?

fuck do you want, detailed instructions on how to make a ebay account?

no, but maybe some ideas for items to sell, and also if it can be automated, so that you basically don't have any stock, that they buy it and the order goes direct to the manufacturer and thus you are just the middle man

sure it can be automated, but it's not cheap

just take a look at the listing, figure out what's in high demand and sell that