Stefan Molyneux

Is this man loosing his mind? Are we seeing the transformation of someone taking the redpill? His videos have been consistently getting more and more redpilled, going from an Anarcho-Capitalist to full on nationalist.

Does the redpill naturally come with knowledge and logic?

Other urls found in this thread:



That's what red pill means you dumb fuck. I realize it was released before you were born, but go watch the matrix. It isn't a meme that means "has the same opinions as me".

Fuck you Schlomo, stop sliding. Stefan is becoming more aware of reality around him.


An "e-celeb" who doesn't get his threads deleted.

Nationalists are the natural allies of libertarians because libertarians understand their own limitations. If you're part of an in-group that is aware it doesn't have all the answers, you're more open to the redpill.


I've never watched any of his videos but he has mentioned the kikes yet? Because if not, he can't be considered redpilled. Any normalfag that isn't completely retarded can come to the conclusion that islam is pure cancer since muslims aren't even trying to hide it but only when you realise what the jews have been doing for the past century or so, only then are you truly redpilled.


Mollyjew seems Genuinely pissed this time.

he has talked about Jewish dual morality.


Bullshit. The scum still has the Holohoax and anti Third Reich videos up.

He made a joke about crafty merchants making offers about shekels in one of his videos, and a dindu nuffin reference in another.

I'm getting more and more convinced he's aware of us.

Pic related and kill yourself

Find a single instance in this thread when I shilled against Donald Trump?
It must be tiring for you lolberturdians and anarkiddies when some nazis keep poking a stick in your lying wheel, eh?
Spread the Holohoax = kike's tool.


yeah, but this is relevant to breaking news unlike cheese-tooth. go back to stormfront

If you could manage to suppress your autism for just a second you would know exactly what he meant.

Good job, user.

gas yourself

It's not the Donald Trump part, moron, it's the "You know that guy who supports almost all our positions? Yeah, let's shit on him because he said some positive things about Jews a long time ago" part.





I used to be a libshit. Not a full on protesting, break other people's shit, screw whites, screw males libshit. But I was liberal and hated guns.

Then Ferguson happened. Then the liberal side was BLM and I had to support BLM to be liberal [or something].

I've always been a racist white male so that didn't jive with me. Then I started looking up information. Then I found 8ch Holla Forums.

Wow that faggot is pissed off.

He makes some incredible expressions from 13:00 to 14:00

was good laff tbh lads

He knows about the jews.

Maybe if actual faggots get that pissed off they'll realize the democrats don't give a shit about protecting them.

Getting triggered Schlomo?

Oh, you mean we promote the Holohoax? Thats nice to hear.

Wew, came out to the defense already?

Sorry, you will never go far in the Holla Forums regime :^)

He's a trained actor. Every nuance of his performance is carefully thought out.

Don't look in his eyes, it's a cult

can you read you fucking retard?

And the Holohoax and anti lolberg/degeneracy is like half of Holla Forums, you triggered anarkiddy.
Now why dont you go back here
and complain about the ebil Holla Forums nutzis that are too retarded to understand you? I mean you have always said we are below you so you should do that.
After all, fuck nazis, right?

You can feel the fucking rage in his voice.

next video

user., I'm going to give you five minutes to apologise, if I don't see it.

your thread is getting reported

Same with the other thread of the same channel already in the catalogue

You know what? I will say sorry to Stefan Money Jew personally over his show if he does this.

Did I say anything about evil nazis you autist?
Nazis are completely fucking irrelevant to this discussion.

Aw, triggerd Anarkiddie confirmed.

To be fair to OP, if you've been in the dark and coming out into the light, it can be rather blinding.

He's called out Jews for hypocrisy in their views of immigration to the west being good but immigration to Israel being bad.

Aw shit, forgot sage :^)

go suck a dick.

i'm not an anarchist, and you're a buck-toothed retard

Hey, my ID is similar to the other user., but produce a similar color.

It's strange how much Molyneux is triggering the shills with each video.

I'm not
read the ID

Nah, it's mostly about the spam in the catalogue, also deliberate censorship of other channels and vloggers.


Also reported.

Yes that's why he can't make the connection between the jewish media, jewish controlled governments of the west, and jewish controlled central banks. Even with his ashkenazi level iq.

I hope so

You mad, lolberg/Anarkiddy? You are all the same anyway.
Where you can shit talk Holla Forums with threads from 2015.

It's fucking hilarious to watch moly rage as each week passes

It just goes to show you that all of this nonsense about lolbertarianism and atheism and philosophy doesn't fucking matter unless you have a homogeneous high-trust society to live in

leftypol afraid

Who do you think you are?


Being liberal is almost always a case of "medicine". Why do you think adderall is pushed so damn much?

It turns you liberal. That was also something I was on that I completely stopped and it completely changed my viewpoint on everything.



I don't understand why you think that what he said is not consistent with libertarian beliefs.


Not an argument

meme it

The dubs speak.

do you people just not understand empiricism or something?

Molyneux will descend into madness.

I don't think anybody's ready for the next five years.

This is the beginning of the end of an era gentlemen, and the dawn of a new one will soon be upon us.


talking about ((them)) will get his channel banned. Ben and Steven both know this.

Newfag detected



Very powerful video.

I repeat digits on a higher plane, my son.

Stephan is ((them)). He'll never name the jew. I'm still not convinced he isn't controlled opposition. Notice he doesn't want to talk about neocons Aipac foreign policy etc, he wants to keep it about left vs right, liberal vs conservative, republican vs democrat, and is just leaning hard to on side. We know the left right dichotomy is just a ruse to keep us from getting to the root, Globalism and Zionist supremacism.

Lurk for a month before posting, newfag.

You can feel the fury, 10/10.

tbh he did get id dubs

Never.. He will never accept any type of socialist system and that's a good thing. I'm all for nationalism, but national socialism is not the way to go.

His ww2 views are kosher/





Yeah sure. Drum up the Holocauster boys!

Just as expected. Germans are the bad guys and must be ancaps or else dey be da nutzis.

Oh yes. Germans are bad, nazis are bad. Nazis wanted to conquer the world and make their views dominant, although we want the same thing.
The holohohocaust is an undeniable historical fact too.


Yeah…not redpilled yet.

Never claimed to be ancap (im not) and never said the Germans were the bad guys.


People are way to focused on defending the war-time of nazi Germany, instead of defending the ideology.
Wew lad.
The Christian Anarchist is at it again!
How surprising.

He stated that he doesn't believe in equality.

In his previous video he literally went out of his way to convince a black woman who was opposed to race mixing to have a half white child.


I hope that is sarcasm.


no, you're just a faggot.

now these are nice dubs.

He wants to apply the same universal moral standards to everyone, and complains when leftists ignore that.

The thing is, leftists are more redpilled than most of us are, because they realize that universal values and logical consistency will never replace identity politics and us.vs.them. Their wrong in that they support the wrong groups, not that their methodology s wrong.

Socrates was probably a Jew.

He'll change, we all change over time.

First it'll start with questioning the idea that a thought could be a crime.

Pretty much.

It's not the whole story though. You cant be a full on SJW cuck with them. But you can be a centrist.

The other part is values. You see even with logic and information you can think "Oh well, these poor stupid spics they never accomplish anything because they enjoy spending time with their family. There's nothing wrong with that." And you wouldn't be wrong. Spics might even be happier than whites because of it.

However if you look at it through the lens of "what's best for the species" and not "what's best for the individual" then you are led to the red pill.

You have to think large scale and realize it's ok to kill people and conquer to eliminate weakness because it makes group stronger.


When the fuck did tumblr get here?

polite sage

Starting to get a little angry there Stef.

He's fucking losing it. Kek. I hope he can keep it together enough for people to still be able to take him seriously.

I honestly see him as the second coming of GL Rockwell. He might not be there just yet but he's making progress.

dat climate changing nigger looking classy af in that photo tbqh

No you are not witnessing this. Stefan just realized that if America turns into Brazil 2.0 then his no spanking theocracy can never come to fruition. Stefan realized that niggers, jews, and muds will never subscribe to his version of reality, only white people will. We are just a useful ally right now.

Have you watched his "Truth about Israel" video?

He's not scared to name the Jew, in fact since talking about race alot recently he's been saying how jews are more involved in certain fields.

It's his WW2 views that need revising. I don't think he'll let go of Hitler as a boogyman because it's too inconvenient for his anti-government views. He even put out a video once claiming "The facts don't matter" when one of his viewers talked about TGSNT. Which is why Holla Forums love/hates him, and where the whole "molyjew" memes came from. For an empiricist and a philosopher to say something as stupid as "The facts don't matter because we can take a lesson from WW2" when that lesson might be misleading is extremely strange.

However, I really really doubt he's "Controlled Opposition" as he doesn't get any sort of media money, and has been supporting/defending Trump since Trump announced his presidency, as well as going hard against the "Migrant Crisis" and other degenerate shit like drug use, sexual promiscuity, cuckolding, I even heard him comment on Baby diaper lovers.

Overall Molyneux is based, his recent videos prove that.

some also waste homos!


This guy doesn't share 100% of my views so I'll shill against him!

He's a cult leader!

Don't watch the following:


He bought himself a sweet graphics card to play DOOM with your generous donations

Can I get a source on that? Sounds interesting.

Haven't watched Truth about Israel yet however it's a few things. He defends the 9/11 narrative and will only debate retards about it, he called out a jew on the multiculturalism for everyone but Israel double standard however when he did it he compared Trump's wall to Israel's wall. There's a big difference. Israel's wall is around invaded and ethnically cleansed occupied land. Trump just wants a wall on the border. Ryan Dawson made a good point that's a shifty way to insert some sideways propaganda. Be it controlled opposition or not I don't think it's wise to trust Stephan. His primary motivation is his own celebrity and he's careful not to cross certain lines. Gavin Mccines used to be a hero around here until suddenly, when Israel comes into it he turned on "cuckservative" trying to pretend to be some sort of leader. Working for Fox obviously we know what's going on there. Stephan on the other hand I can only say I'm suspicious. We'll just have to wait and see.

And that he's a Jew that cries about the Shoah at least once a week and talks up Jewish over representation as a facet of their superior IQ even though he's been presented with the data disproving this argument.

In his latest call-in show there was a nigger concerned about having a mixed race child with a Ukrainian and he talked the nog right out of that concern, encouraging the race-mixing.

He's totally Holla Forums-tier guise!

"Equality of outcome". He still believes in equality. He takes it a lot further than most Leftists and explicitly associates "Western Civilization" with Universalism.

His way of thinking is just inherently Jewish and anyone who thinks this guy is "red-pilled' are themselves newfags that aren't red-pilled.

100% true. It was the most recent call-in show. It's worse than that as she self-identifies as a "shitlord" and is obviously circling the alt-right (probably on reddit or twitter). So this is someone he picked out of his many potential calls to hold up as a mascot for his Universalist "right-wing" nonsense. Look niggers can be alt-right too!

Socrates said that the preeminent role of the State was securing the purity of the race. Molyneux constantly shit-talks Socrates/Plato.

Leftist thought since the 50s at last has been characterized by a study of power structures. They are transparently successful and their theories in this realm are very obviously correct.

Molyneux's worldview is built on a defunct Virtue Ethics Theory wherein you try to convert the whole world into believing a single universal creed, which will never work and never has. Certainly not 'voluntarily'.

The Left accepted the fact that you can't change everyone's mind and ultimately its' not even important to do so if you understand the underlying power structures, take advantage of them and turn them to your purposes.

The Left understands that people aren't actually individuals and will act collectively, adopting the ideas of others and acting as the extension of the will of not only more prominent leaders but to institutions. That the great mass of people's "speech" is just bird song and if you transplant a group of birds who know a different song to an isolated island the birds there will all eventually all sing the same song. The noises that come out of people's mouths though resembling language is just an example of monkey see, monkey do. The vast majority of people will never have an original thought and receive their ideas from trusted institutions which are largely defined symbolically and hold symbolic authority. If you control the institutions you can teach the flock to sing any song you want.

The idea that you can destroy in the mind of the human species the power of symbolic authority or the concept of authority by spreading a new morality among the people that forces them to be merely (((individuals))) is categorically a brain dead approach and a quasi-religious, fanatically anti-scientific approach. This is Molyneux's approach in his war on "coercion" and its' supposed immorality.

If everyone were an individual large scale social cooperation would be impossible as the sheer number of possible ideas that exist in response to any one subject that would have to be hashed out to reach a consensus is so staggering that it would make activity sclerotic in the extreme.

Many biological mechanisms exist that subvert the individual will, and many so-called "cognitive biases" are actually adaptive and the people who exhibit them are more successful. To Molyneux none of this matters because it would all be "immoral" anyway and should be opposed based on those grounds. In the same way that inequality is factually the state of mankind and the Left says that this is immoral and should be opposed anyway. As such he's just another stripe Leftist raving against Human Nature.

It's actually because he's biologically Jewish.




wew. Keep trying


he lives in cucknada




The Unspoken American Genocide

Breaking down cleared and uncleared homicides in 1994, 15,717 of the 26,103 or 60% of the homicides were cleared and 10,386 or 40% were not cleared. Half or 12,900 of those killed were blacks and 47% or 12,300 were Whites and Hispanics. The murderers of 5,293 blacks or 20.3% and 4,415 Whites or 16.9% were not cleared. Of all murderers, 1,393 or 5.3% were blacks who were convicted of killing Whites, and it's known with 100% certainty that close to 100% of the 4,415 Whites and 5,293 blacks whose murderers were not known were blacks, leaving interracial murders of White by blacks at 22.3% of all homicides. The murderers were blacks in 19,063 or 73% of all murders

There were 806,316 homicides in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which 179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites. 322,526 of these homicides were not cleared, and only 483,790 were cleared, and of those Whites murdered by blacks, 43,541 were cleared and 136,267 were not cleared. In just four decades, American blacks killed almost as many Whites as were killed in WWII, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq

The increase in homicide rates caused by blacks alone cost this putative Christian nation an extra 24,209 American lives in 1991 alone, and officially caused an EXTRA 800,000 murders just in the 20th Century–a loss of life three times greater than all American WWII battle deaths, 200 times greater than the loss attributable to all forms of "terrorism" by all 1.2 billion Muslims throughout the world, and 400 TIMES greater than battle deaths in Iraq

33 million blacks IN AMERICA caused 800,000 EXTRA murders = 24,242 American lives per million blacks

1,200 million Muslims 10,000 miles away caused 4,000 American deaths = 3.33 American lives per million Muslims

Too bad, you actually need to attack one liner posts like mine for that to be effective.

I thought Moneyjew was American!!! Canada… Surprising and not at the same time. That shithole is where all the cucks come from.

Ancap is socioeconomic system, nationalism is ideology that is so vauge that I newer seen clear definition.

When statist will stop mixing up libertarianism with ancap?

tbh I think Chris Cantwell is what Molyneux would be if he lived in the US. They're basically one step apart, and they both get closer to fascism every week.

It's because there's no where else to go. The crowds won't listen. Honestly, I'm amazed he can feel what he's feeling still. My reaction was closer to this
It's all I can afford now.

That's not going to convince anyone who doesn't already know that niggers commit crime because they're niggers.

They'd just start telling you that niggers SHOULD kill as many people per capita as anyone else, but it's never been true.

Mollyjew is just Fr. Coughlin reincarnated

Heh, that's exactly how I got here too. I google "chimpout" during Ferguson.

He'll be Hamilton a d Niagara's Tom the Warlord. I can honestly see it.