It's a "Fry is upset because he can't fuck Leela" episode
Every episode?
or my personal hatred
Those are the worst.
am I doing this right guys?
What connection was the Professor to Fry, again? Direct? So at any point, had Fry died, that would've caused a paradox, right? Was this ever addressed in the show? I can't remember.
Fry is a great uncle I believe.
Fry was frozen to get to the future, he didn't time-travel.
Name a single meme that was created by Holla Forums.
Null set
Is posting random advertisements a hip new meme or something?
which one Holla Forums?
One's high maintenance and the other is a high maintenance freak. I'll take the Asian.
you think amy fucks alot of guys behind kifs back?
A blessed choice, user, for the alternative is heresy.
dozens, most likely.
they're both sluts, but amy is a lot, and i mean a LOT more promiscuous.
personally, i have a thing for the cyclops
chosen for being a retard
why does no porn artist ever try to give her a more attractive face?
like what? post an example
cause she is a mutant with inferior genetic scuml
pretty much anything looks better than the generic Groening artstyle
1st one is good, second is shitty anime trash.
i agree, i wish pbrown would give that a try.
it should be obvious
seems like a retarded form of shilling
I'm sorry, who sleeps around a lot? At least the Asian can stick to one guy, ol one-eyes has no standards and jumps onto the dumbest jock she can find while keeping a borderline retard around for laughs. The cyclops is a Stacy through and through.
t. you
When did she cheat on the alien? How loyal was the freak to any one person?
>"i talk about shows i haven't watched"
t. you
In the second run she fucked Zapp and she fucked Bender. Also, in the original and best run she dumped Kif when he was pregnant
what about the episode Kif breaks up with her because she was letting prisoners in jail pull her pants down to see her ass tattoos? oh right, thats the episode she fucks bender and they go on this whole "love is love" politicuck bullshit about not-homosexuals robosexuals
what about the other episode where she starts dating fry simply because they were in the same car for 1 hour and had sex on it?
im not saying she's bad, but she's definitely a massive slut
ironically you're just proving the point that it's impossible. cyclops are objectively unattractive, and attempts at "realism" end inside the uncanny valley. within futurama's cartoony style, where everyone is ugly, she doesn't look that bad. it actually downplays just how grotesque she'd be in real life.
yes, objective. humans may disagree on the aesthetics of race, weight, eye color, and all that nonsense, but I'd wages 99% of us find physical deformities repulsive. something that attracts only degenerate fetishists is not a legitimate beauty standard.
chump isn't a jewish puppet
what happened to hebe?
might have to watch the second run afterall
moved to librechan.net
those are the best though?
fuck. it's true.
Do Holla Forums memes count as Holla Forums memes?
I'd say the earlier ones do.
The more recent forced shit doesn't.
Forced memes are always shit and don't deserve credit.
Don't, it was a shit episode that was basically soapboxing about Prop 8. A far cry from even the worst episode in the original run
force memes aren't memes at all. it's the same way a video becomes viral. it spreads rapidly and people use the joke because they choose to do it. I hate how people now refer to them as memes. It's gotten too metta for me. It'd be like watching a movie where every other joke there's always one guy around who has to explain that a joke is happening and the proceeds to explain the joke in excruciating detail, thereby ruining anything funny about it.
i think /monster/ would like to have a word with you
She looks like she would make a lovely wife
There was some interesting stuff set up early on, then they just ignored it all.
I actually liked that about the series. That they'd totally ignore continuity if it made the jokes funnier.
Which one was that?
[Unsolicited Opinions on Israel]
You know, then again, with the stuff posted here, who isn't.
Witcher 3 has got positively the coolest (and most "realistic") cyclopses I've ever seen.
Not very seedy, tho.
Thats not a cyclops to me.
But trips-senpai, that's the point.
Instead of having a weird central single eye, in defiance of all anatomy and logic, he simply has a deformed skull, twisted to the side, resulting in the only developed eye being on the middle of his head.
Well Fry is also his own grandfather so no idea.
That's not how you spell Dragon's Dogma.
Sage for off topic.
I love DD, man, but Witcher 3 has it beat in regards to creature designs. Dragon's Dogma's creatures, including the cyclops, are boring and look like any other creature from any other fantasy game.
Fry's originally the Professor's great (x ∞) granduncle, until Roswell that ends well, in which he becomes his direct ancestor as well
No, firstly because initially Fry was not directly related to the Professor and secondly because when he became directly related to the Professor he'd already conceived his own father which meant his continued survival was thus unimportant in the scale of things.
It's a fanmade episode that surprisingly got popular on deviantart
OH SHIT did Futurama seriously destroy its own continuity? It makes the beginning of the plot completely obsolete.
Are you retarded?
Retarded enough to even talk about Futurama, so yeah.
Oh, wrong board…
That's even worse. Teen Titans… NOOOO~
sup kids
those are my favorite fam!
Bullshit, that didn't happen.
It doesn't make sense though. He replaces his grandfather yet his relatives and himself turn out the same as they did from when Enis was his grandfather.
It's a paradox. He was supposed to be his own grandfather all along.
Yet his father somehow isn't an inbred retard?
It's the reason the brains couldn't make Fry dumb(er)
It's a joke, it's not supposed to make much sense. It's a humorous solution to the Grandfather Paradox
Did you see his father? He's a paranoid conspiracy nut who believed nuclear apocalypse was imminent.
Inbreeding problems only occur through constant inbreeding. Like how royalty was fine for the most part even though they were all cousins, with the exception of constant hemophilia and the rare cases of… Whatever Charles II of Spain was.
French wine
Need a link for that user
Have you seen most royalty?
It's a 'things that never happened' episode
They kind of cornered themselves by getting rid of the Brain Spawn early.
I thought they were trying again when it was mentioned by that manta ray from the movies but I don't remember them leading toward some epic conclusion that never came.
That's the title premise user.
Why even attempt to build a relationship then? Then you have the episode where he tries to hook up with girls while traveling and have him shipped with Mabel's chinky friend whose name I forgot just to drop it on the same episode.
It's a dubs episode.
Explain for a guy who hasn't watched much? I knows about the whole thing with Fry immune to the Brain Spawn's influence due to being his own grandfather, but what does this have to with his relationship with Leela and the movies?