I'm really worried about the decline of religion going into this new generation
Seems like the future is going to be full of anxiety, depression, degeneracy, and suicide.
I'm not even religious, but I'm scared
I'm really worried about the decline of religion going into this new generation
Seems like the future is going to be full of anxiety, depression, degeneracy, and suicide.
I'm not even religious, but I'm scared
Throw in some drugs and it sounds like a fun new generation to me.
Not bad aside from the rise in Pagan LARPers.
I'd imagine LARPing is going to become obsolete in a few years, people are either going to be 2 cool for it or to lazy to leave their house.
jesus pls
Why is it better for these people to lose their faith?
Especially if we lose Christians you are directly increasing the amount of people who are breaking away from the country's traditions and probably won't bother to protect them whatsoever. Which accelerates the decline
This is actually pretty true, I used to hang with the nerds in high school and they were all really skinny and larped and did other cringy shit, now the typical nerds are just fat fucks that watch animoo and read mango
They earned the cuck part.
ITT: Spooky poltergeists
Where I'm from typical Christian is 70 years old and opposes refugees; typical atheist is a 20 year old feminist who want them in her vagay
Not the pope, but the establishment religion
Nice mspaint comics bro
I don't think much of anyone really understands what Christianity is/was about anymore making it easy for crypto-Jews like pic related to claim it's about 'diversity and tolerance' which has made things worse 100% of the time
Is there any place for us left? I've literally never met another christian in New hampshire, i'm 20.
Damn I thought America was alright
It worked for best Korea.
Ask Isabel la Catolica or Luther, not kike pope or kike protestantism.
Ignored poster, people just care about shitposting and ctr about earning shekels.
It already was, dude. Being born into a religion that doesn't want you in it was one of the main contributors to all four. This is especially true of degeneracy: gays are historically associated with a total disregard for conventional sexual morality, up to and including shit like pedosadism and snuff, because they thought they were literally going to burn in hell for all eternity just for taking a dick, so fuck the law. Compare leather fags of decades past to modern queers who are just as likely as not to be the most insufferable kind of moralfags. Sucking a dick is okay now, so start judging the shit out of EVERYONE like it's going out of style!
This is precisely why trannies are often so fucking loopy. They're just now passing the threshold where normie society is mostly ready to accept that what they are isn't harmful, and as a result, they're causing a shitload of harm by being loud and ridiculous and attempting to improperly spread their way of life to others. This is an unfortunate but necessary step along the path to otherwise normal people who happen to be trans telling them to stop being such stereotypical faggots.
Anxiety and depression aren't things the church can cure you of if you didn't adopt it for yourself. The only thing that can with even a tiny shred of reliability is financial stability. Religion and psychology both handle these things not by attempting to eliminate them, but by changing the way the individual deals with them. Psychology, for all its flaws, does a much better job, and will continue to improve. Religion on the other hand has historically and will continue to exist mainly as a way of efficiently separating troubled people from their money.
If you think you were born the wrong sex you're not normal you're mentally ill. If some faggot wants to take hormones, wear a dress and have me call him she I'm willing to oblige but none of it changes he is a mentally ill man who is sick.
The only rational standard of what constitutes "mental illness" is that a person is harmful to themselves or others, and self-harm is an extremely subjective concept. They perceive that their body and the social role assigned to it is harming them, and the best scientific understanding we have of the topic is that it is, by soaking their brain in a balance of hormones which it is anatomically and physiologically unsuited to.
You're a granny aren't you?
**though I'm not judging you if you're some 70 year old Holla Forumstard
You don't need a dick to live, but generally speaking, not WANTING to live is pretty goddamn harmful. If thine dick offends thee, then snip it off.
Kill yourself disgusting parasite. I had a friend struggle with some serious mental issues and your new age psychologists basically had him keep throwing money at them. What finally helped him was a free support group, not some charlatan asking for more and more money to poke at his mind. You are off your rocker if you think Religion is the one dedicated to grabbing your shekels.
Yurop is doomed, who cares, i dont get the meaning of civilization, Che Guevara rulz! I love Bernie fags and whores!
This shit happens every century and people just repeat this crap…
You have no idea what the hell that first bit means, dude. Those concepts are not related. At all. "New age" and "psychology" have fuckall to do with each other.
I'm completely unsurprised that a free support group helped your friend. Many psych practices set up just such things, because community support is widely held by the profession to be one of the most important things for mental health. Where medical professionals aren't involved in such things, it's usually because they can't afford to be due to how much demand for their more intensive services exists in their area and how little supply there is. Nobody's going to pay them for the truly important work, especially not insurance companies.
So, you're not going to even attempt to construct another sensible definition of mental illness? You're just going to complain about the one that's there because it's 2degenerate4u?
I'm not afraid about the decline of religion
Complete opposite
I'm afraid of the rise of Islam, the shittiest religion of all time and its already the second largest behind Christianity
Islam would need to gain 1 billion followers to catch up, but considering there are about a billion of them already it doesn't seem too unrealistic
Of course maybe I'm paranoid. Christianity is so big because of donations and missions to poorer countries. Islam is too zealous and inherently selfish to spread through missions
As it stands right now though I don't see Christianity dropping from its 1 spot anytime soon thankfully.
Why? it already exists, see this please:
DSM 3 wasnt that great, but is a lot better than your new age crap that doesnt exists according to you and you are missing the point on purpose, avoiding harm to you or others, read a book about history, a group get a ton of money then it become "degenerate" untill it kill all his resources, americans single mothers, niggers, niglets and aids carriers are alive thanks to american attacking other countries like Rome did, yurop doesnt have that, this is why right now is a piece of shit, dude, even Russia can destroy it in a couple of months, if that isnt harm i dont know why.
I never said new age shit doesn't exist. I said it has fucking nothing to do with psychology. Since the DSM was a thing, it has never actually defined mental illness as anything other than "a harmful aberration." The main difference between now and before is that we now have a clearer understanding of what is actually harmful.
This issue in particular is an incredibly stupid thing to take a traditional or moral stance on. Trannies are indeed quite mentally ill without proper treatment; having gonads that supply them with the wrong balance of hormones makes them that way.
People who complain about "degeneracy" can't even define it. I fucking double dog dare you to try, you won't get any farther than just making a list of shit you don't like. You in particular can't even finish a sentence without conflating single motherhood, AIDS, and imperialism, which is a grander logical leap than even my tree-hugging lunatic hippie mother has ever accomplished.
If a religion can't make a good case for itself it needs to be destroyed. If people need fairy tales to care about their culture and traditions those traditions are worth less than shit. Good riddance.
Be patient. The world of tomorrow will be purged of its weakness and you'll think your past self foolish for giving a shit about things that have no real business existing anyways. The harsh realities of tomorrow sound fucking great.
The "new age crap" doesnt matter, its just a name, ad wathever, trolling, insult, the important part is the fucking harm and what you call "logical leap" is supported by statistics and history, even islam knows that we arent fucking animals and that we must control sex, not let sex control us, did you get what is degeneracy now? Doing things that arent needed, living around them, promoting them, fighting for them and dying for them, yurop is a shithole thanks to that, then people will be forced to hard work again like they did in Rome and shit will be repeated because shit always happen, you are the living proof of that, sex is needed just for procreation, everything else is just delusion.
*tips fedora* seriously kid, this Bernie fan can be easily obliterated and you are just a joke compared with him, go back to Holla Forums please.
sounds like a cross between all religions
So atheism is the worst part of all religions
Well the hate towards religion has died down here and everyone is expected to be buddy buddy.(NH still hates rapefuges, some people want to "enrich our culture here" we all pay them no mind) Atheists hate us and constantly claim we whine and are "shoving religion down peoples throats" like were a huge threat to a progressing society, even if there are near to no new members joining churches throughout the state. all Young people like myself have been completely indoctrinated by public schooling, to hate christians its never openly said but implied that were idiots for not believing in evolution when most christians I've run into have told me that they believe in evolution and it was gods design to have us follow this path that ( didn't word that to right but hard for me to understand that reasoning and harder to explain it.) I could go on and talk but Is anyone interested in my thoughts ?
Everything is always doomed to die some sort of death and be reborn as something else. Thats the cycle of society and life in general. Those who don't get it will just get steamrolled by the future itself.
YEC is just asinine. I don't think accepting the current understanding of human evolution contradicts the idea of a God existing.
Lol, cry harder bitch nigga. You have no argument but empty posturing and recreational autism.
Tradition for the sake of tradition is retarded. Discard the shit ideas and keep the good ones.
What's necessary about writing broken English rants about degeneracy on Holla Forums?
when did he say he's not degenerate?
That's not even the same point, and even on your point I don't see how it's possible to examine ideas and traditions to keep 'the good ones'.
Everyone will just pick be self serving and pick the bits that please them 'ie tolerance, 'freedom' 'and the culture will fragment
Ask Stalin.
Relative, are you talking about the eternal cycle of death-rebirth like talmud or buddha said or you are talking about something finite? For both fedoras and christians is something finite.
Argument already posted, for both fedoras and christians everything that it isnt needed must be removed, you can give a better use to that time. You are below larpers, go back to Holla Forums please.
Nobody said that ever but cultural marxism.
This, the guy you quoted is just missing the subject on purpose.
You have statistics and history, yurop is walking the same path Rome did and Usa is close. The path to death is equal to degeneracy.
Hey this guy again is there any way to meet real christians online or some shit I'd be cool to meet some people from my generation, fuck dude idk i'm a normie sue me.