Unless they show the video of the 50 people supposedly getting massacred, this is a psyop.
Don't be a stupid goy and just assume media narratives are true.
Demand to see the video.
Unless they show the video of the 50 people supposedly getting massacred, this is a psyop.
Don't be a stupid goy and just assume media narratives are true.
Demand to see the video.
To what purpose though? Everything about this is perfectly framed to be pro trump.
relax newfag it's called gaslighting
saged for slide-thread
If this is a psyop, they are failing horribly.
This is going to wake up liberals who are think shitskins are on their side.
Once again, if one faggot was carrying last night, the story would read differently today.
This is a story that's distinctly pro-gun for those with common sense and anti-snackbar for those who virtue signal faggots.
Showing the video is in their interest to get people angered and horrified regarding guns.
No video = psyop
Where are all the iphone vids of fags running around crying about their dead fag friends?
Where's the club security video?
It's very rare to see pictures or footage of dead bodies after a mass shooting.
Bullshit, but anyways, where are the vids of all the screaming, crying fags that would have occured outside the club?
I'd like to know that as well, but I'm not so sure that getting video was the fags' main priority after the first body dropped.
It's one thing to get a phone video of a fistfight and watch it, but dude was shooting everyone. If he saw you filming him, he probably shot you.
I know it's not a Holla Forums approved idea, but those who filmed were probably shot, if anyone attempted it. Everyone else was probably smart enough to gtfo.
This. Though if it was a psyop they did fail horribly.
There should be vids of crying hysterical fags outside the club.
I wouldn't be surprised this was setup to remove spotlight from the bilderberg meeting while pushing for even more gun control.
Saged and reported.
There is already a thread on this and there is mass shilling of false flashing on reddit.
CNN had footage of crying fags outside the club, bodies being dragged away.
This already was shown to us hours ago.
Only all over CNN.
Saged and reported.
bullshit, there should be way more footage. I only seen 30 seconds of people carrying hurt people.
Where's the rest of the footage and where are all the people?
Prove me wrong.
Take the Bataclan shooting fro example. Out of the hundreds of people who were there, only a single photo leaked.
fuck off shlomo and show me the footage.
no vids=psyop
That was als a false flag.
i saw a good 20 minutes of footage.
I know everything's a false flag, but this one is an incredibly stupid one, then. When they want your guns, the false flag will be a white male loner shooter. Everyone knows this.
Is there any event you spergs think actually happened?
Let's just say these events were indeed Mossad operations, why wouldn't the jews just kill the people/faggots?
Listen you stupid (((goy)))
This is the psyop thread.
No vids = psyop
But there is video…
It may not be from cellphones, but there's video and a pic up.
Sorry to ruin the psyops fun, but 'tis true.
I saw a grand total of 2 injured people being carried.
Show me more vids.
Ever heard of Occam's Razor you naive fucktards?
So you can't answer either of my questions?
And you didn't even check my sick Hitler trips…
I'm not answering anything until I see videos proving this is not a psyop
way too obvious shilling their (((goy)))
cool, so psyop it is..thanks.
People are saging because this is fucking retarded. How gullible do you have to be to get suckered into that mindset?
Was the holocaust a psyop?
The holocaust they teach in schools didn't happen, the real holocaust was the firebombing of Dresden.
Of course it wasn't, it's political propaganda produced after the fact.
The internment camps were intended for political dissidents and undesirables, which largely consisted of Jews and Roma. They were put to work and contained. Treatment wasn't exactly humane, but it wasn't excessively cruel- at least until Germany's war machine began to break down and resources were stretched thin. When the military and civilians needed food and essentials just to survive, internment camps were the first places to get cutbacks.
People died, yes, but not in the numbers falsified by the Holocaust or out of any other reason than neglect and the occasional bout of non-institutionalized cruelty. It's not a psyop or a false flag but PROPAGANDA.
ok then, shlomo.
security vids or it didn't happen. period.
why do you care so much if people believe it's a psyop? You need to leave this thread because the only proof this event occured is 6 people carrying 1 person with a bloody leg.
Looked so damn fake. His name is Andy Moss. So far can't find him online, which is weird because faggots are usually all over the place. I wish I recorded the interview.
If I was a homosexual who spends all night partying at a gay club on hard drugs, I wouldn't want people to know my real name, either.
Pick one, my pessimistic friend.
this is day 1. we'll see how this develops. dont assume this will help trump.