We need everyone's help to bring these sadistic whores to justice.
Are there any Russians browsing who can inform the cops?
We need everyone's help to bring these sadistic whores to justice.
Are there any Russians browsing who can inform the cops?
Other urls found in this thread:
Their profiles:
Good luck with that dog fag.
Cats master race.
tattoo proof
If you want to get shit done, i suggest you take this to that russian board.
Fuck, long ago we could have just dumped this on dvach.
What about 2.png billy big dick?
They're incarnation of evil, i really don't understand what is wrong with some people.
Since dvach is dead, I went to the next best place for slavs.
What in fucks name did i stumble upon… this looks like some bullshit off the cruel onion wiki… I'm far from a moralfag but no animal deserves this…
If you look at their vk page you can see that they're twisted and fucked in the head.
The two girls talking, can someone translate?
They're talking about killing the puddle.
Hope this thread picks up - if not for what I believe about animals, but because I want to see 8ch fuck some sociopaths up.
not sure how I can help beyond bumping, though
I checked the catalog after the butthurt kraut saged my finely constructed thread. Just found this now if anyone else wants to look over it with me.
More conversations i don't understand, but might have importance.
The best we can possibly do is make anonymous tips to the FBI or go with plan B. which is just doxing.
I personally don't have any skills for doxing or don't wanna bring the party van in here so I'll just leave it up to the neckbearded techys.
If we can get a nice dox going on we can see if some russian moralfags are willing to beat them up for a couple of rubels, otherwise best we can do is inform family and friends so they can finger their buttholes about it
Found the first thread too.
Where did you find these? You best not be being a faggot and simply taking your time loading them all up from KC/int/
Please somebody punch this stupid burger in his freedom fry scoffing face.
Found this one the first thread. Would fuck.
Donald Trump wants to worship Putin's cock and give him everything he wants. Hillary Clinton wants to mercilessly peg each and every member of the Kremlin in the ass with a red, white and blue dildo of Feminist Freedom.
After seeing OP's disgusting and intolerable post, who do you support for President?
sadistic russians that cut open dogs…
would still fuck
wtf i love hillary now
>>>Holla Forums
Look what else I found in the thread!
It's 5 animals, 10 guys, 1 shovel, 1 plank, 1 rock!
I'm LMAOing at you right now
Alina Orlova
three hours ago
I would like to speak in my defense, my dear, I do not know who has done such a stuffing on the Internet (not the first time I try to substitute), but I did not kill anyone and do not intend to kill …
Alina Orlova
one hour ago
At the moment I turned to law enforcement agencies in connection with the threats and violence to my address through sots.set, on the fact of violence against animals, I did not make, please note that the audit will be conducted and the identification of persons who threatened me.
Big mean Russians are bullying them :'^(
More runes
I guess someone needs to give them the same treatment
lol, not only is she not very good at art and lit, but sosach have found their uni timetables.
Pics related, it's where they live!
shall i message them?
Why is Russia such a shit hole?
Rapid industrialisation followed by economic decline.
Their dox are in the comments
Максим Грачёв, vk.com
nudes nudes nudes nudes nudes
should i send it?
Of couse !
she knows
slavness levels intensify
Near nudes!
what should i write?
Nice tits, show me your kot
pls gib dickie
shes offline fuck
I am lost for words for this human filth.
They're hot though.
10/10 would bang in a dead horse.
Damn, I lost my weirdness since my teen years. I used to masturbate to such video and now I can barely watch it till the end.
would hit
What are you all, vegan?
even though its social justice warrior and everything, its nice to blackmail girls.
this tbh. are there seriously people here who don't torture animals?
I doubt the 1% of russians that aren't psychopathic animal abusers browse Holla Forums
I remember putting insects and lezards into fire camp to see if they melted when I was young.
Protip: they don't.
The fire probably wasn't hot enough
I agree if you get nudes. If you don't that's just pityful
I hope so as well.
cliché and stupid.
Although pic 3 her lips are near god tier. Too bad she's a fucking edgelord.
more proof it's a mental illness.
Well they are trying to act like hardasses while doing it. Which is bullshit because.
I honestly hate these faggots the most. Fuck her. I wouldn't be so upset if she fucked up a homeless person or a big dog, but she's a tremendous coward and it shows.
honestly want to know if her family knows about this.
still waiting… shes online again
oh shit.
don't spill the spaghetti
Kill a dog and send her the pictures to show you have something in common
its hard to get dogs in the evening…
The only justice is torturing them in the exact same way they treated those animals tbh.
Doubt the police will do that.
lmao shitty damage control
Just get a picture from the unending archive of shithorror that is the internet you dips
Exactly. Were this a white country they would have public uproar and a media circus one the news got out, but in the slavosphere all they have to do is say they were hungry and they actually were eating the dogs and cats due to poverty. People will sympathize and they'll get away with it.
You google translated that one didn't you…
Ты еще не спишь? if you want to say 'not yet asleep?'
Of course, i'm not going to take a fucking language course for that bitch.
That would be dishonest and that's no way to start a relationship
Well no, of course not. If you want to say something else to her just ask and I will translate for you
thank you
I humbly suggest that this may be the reason you have held onto your virginity for so long, my man.
oh fuck she deleted her profile
odds are she's fucking stupid and wouldnt understand what you meant. listen to
rlly. way to go slick willy.
maybe she blocked you?
Should i message the other one?
Can you translate the pictures: >>6311009
What is the phone number referring to in the first picture?
What does this mean?
There is a phone number in here
Kristina: Shall we take him home?
Or butcher/cut him
Or suffocate him?
Or with rocks?
Alina: Who?
Kristina: Whoever we can find
t t t this here is fucking perfect
*picture of dog*
You will have to make the phone call
You soon? (meaning hurry the fuck up)
her phone number probably
What a stroke of luck! I was just randomly hitting the numpad on my keyboard!
They love me/I'm loved.
Alena Savchenko Maiorova
id: -
Telephone number: 8914…
Place of education: TOGU, Chabarovsk
gopniks, doing god's work
someone should contact jewtin's secret police to gas this fucking lesbo.
Thank you based user!
Can you also translate this?
Say goodbye to the deranged/crazy one. One does not return after the third time of being insitutionalised in the mental hospital/psych ward.
you should have done a dual thread with the slavs on 2ch.hk/b/
dont do that. they are dangerous autistic.
kill all lesbians
death by snu snu
we should fuck with her friends as well :DDDDDDDDD
why do you guys think she's crazy?
raped and forced into child sex slavery?
There was a thread but it 404'd before I could get there
One apparently doesn't have parents and the other is a military kid, which are apparently both shitty lives.
fucking gay mods.
No problem m8ey :)
Left pic:
The pepe cat meme caption reads: your face when they're carrying you to be murdered.
The conversation says:
- Yes
- I can't waaait
* Yesyesyesyesyes
* Shoot, butcher, slice!
* Dismembeeeer
* hahahaha
* Just like old times
I think it was mentioned earlier they're lesbians so they're clearly mentally ill. I don't know whether that's the cause or just another symptom though
Ech, I moved away from Russia at a young age with my parents and now I live in western Europe. My parents fucked off from there for a good reason.
this is what confuses me
"we live in shit neighborhoods but we can afford expensive phones and designer clothes"
just like niggers.
fake, thats how niggers pay for designer clothes
Columbine Russian edition when? Haha I hope not.I hope they get raped to death
How do you know the phones are expensive and the clothes are designer?
lads this is way bigger.
show this to the cops mane. wanna be serial killer.
fucking TOLD YOU .
there was a shooting done by a dude with a shotgun at his workplace. only islamic terrorist can really pull something like that off.
it always starts with hurting animals in these cases
like… ALWAYS
I'm gonna say as a self described "expert" in this.
The only "extreme" thing these girls are going to do is probably kill a little kid, MAYBE, if they get high off drugs. They're obviously cowards and won't try to stab some big man.
PROTIP: When using a translation app, translate the result BACK to English to see if it successfully kept the structure of your sentence.
If it doesn't make sense when translated back, keep re-wording things until you have it translating perfectly both ways.
This is how you brute-force translation apps until you get a good result.
Any "man" should be able to fucking destroy these two little girls with his bare hands, then proceed to rape the ever loving fuck out of them. Their arms are skinny and weak, their blade is only 3 inches. They have no training or experience.
the only way they'd be able to kill any man is if she were to have a boyfriend. then she'd lure and he'd kill. that's how it usually works. not this gay ass lesbo bullshit she's doing just because uncle use to fuck her ass and video tape it.
This. Learnt this trick a couple of weeks ago trying to talk about STALKER and it hasn't failed me yet.
Nice choice m8.
Yup it works perfectly, especially for Russian and Japanese.
Three inches is more than enough to get the carotid and he wouldn't live long enough to do anything
Using a blade still takes strength. I doubt this girl could lift a 15 pound weight with one arm at least.
What astounding insight you have, of course they'd try and take them in a fight. I imagine they'd probably go one at a time too, and not use any other trick without it having crossed their minds that they can't actually take on a fully grown man.
Who are you to question this commando? clearly has training and experience in these matters, otherwise he wouldn't have added it to his post.
there is a reason they haven't done it. it's been a year of their edginess.
So? A group of edgy teens went on a killing spree in Dnipropetrovsk (3 guys 1 hammer) and all they had to do was lace water with drugs.
They were men, they had a much more effective device as well. An aluminum bat? LOL fuck off.
If these girls wanted to kill someone. it's going to be a kid. no doubt.
surprised. it's well known.
not even doom music could make this cool dude
post it
I haven't been on Holla Forums much lately. Between sleeping and working all the time. I'm sacrificing sleep to read this thread.
a kid is certainly less intimidating than a fully grown man,
Hence why you hear stories about 2 boys kidnapping a younger boy from the mall, and they just torture and kill the boy and bury him. Never to be found again.
I kinda wanna take a shovel and dig around the nearby forest to see how many bodies I can find.
scroll through this sleepy man.
yeah. they'd be able to lure some young girl or boy with "want to play a game?"
that type of stuff has happened before. although their edgelord makeup will scare them away.
i thought these girls were hot until i looked at their mugs different angles. what a disgrace.
Burzum would fit though.
Google it you git I gave you the name
It's like eight years old.
what type of neighborhood you live in guy?
These girls are pretty cute, I like a girl that doesn't mind getting dirty.
I was out living my life 8 years ago bitch.
nigger i thought you were talking about zippocat.
Dirty is the best!
Small quiet town. Nothing happens. Supposedly. Idfk
Actually now that I think about it my ocd about cleanliness kicked in..
any of you guys talk to russian girls online? this one russian girl was telling me how she had to go to the principal's office and had to strip down naked for him.
good stuff lads.
Where the hell do you go to talk to Russian girls online anyway?
Wasn't it called 2 guys 1 hammer?
I remember seeing it 5 years ago when I was 15 and I watched the entire thing. Towards the end I thought the guy had finally died and they were just mutilating a corpse by that point.
but at the very end he moved and covered his face with his arm and I realised he had felt everything and that is when I felt dizzy and became a bit pale and I had to turn away.
That moment when they scooped out his eye with a screwdriver, man. I can watch gorey stuff but that's what got me.
not sure why you responded to me but I did for a while as a joke but the best I got out o her that her aristocratic dad made her rub his dick through his pants once
pretty neat actually
Those two are deliciously cunning teenage delinquents. I wish we could get one of them to remove the clitoris of the other, and upload the video of it here. That'd be swell, the bee's knees even.
Upside down boobs look like a dude's ass. Weird.
skype, vk, some now defunct cam site(or maybe. i forgot THE FUCKING NAME), and some other place.
if you can bypass "oh an englishman piss off/" shit then you are good to go. sometimes they are interested in you which makes it easier.
you also find pics
what. so it was a prank?
You made your choice!
I think it was three, but I might be wrong. The name was a play on 2girls1cup which was viral at the time. I remember there being plenty of debate over the name title because there was a cameraman, two killers and the guy who died. I think it was his birthday and he just beat cancer. The cancer part I remember.
Why not just send these photos to their employers?
Or find a group of gopniks willing to rape them to death for a bag of sunflower seeds and a few packs of cigarettes.
Better pics?
It was a while back but it was pretty much catfishing girls as in, lead them on and then reveal it was a joke by making an edgy joke, like we talked and showed interest of a relationship and meeting up and then I tell her the old what do you call a jew with a gastank on his back? A DIY job
Or something similar depending on their nationity/race
I feel like you guys are accidently responding to me
That's pretty funny user. Got any more catfish anecdotes?
This thread is good. Pets are not halal anyways
yes we are all basement dwellers with nothing better to do here
i only took so many. i thought i'd see her again the next day.
i then forgot the fucking camsite.
Actually nobody gets laid because none of us ever leave our basement.
You people are basically tumblr except minus the porn blogs.
No nudes?
That's my second trips in this thread. I'm going to sleep now.
Here in the UK we also have some crazy bitch that killed loads of guys. We have a couple actually but we have one who did it alone in recent years.
Dammit user. I know what you're doing, you're making it a joke because you fear that she will reject you and hurt you.
Not sure where you're going with this.
Let me know how that works out for you.
not that type of camsite dummy.
All camsite are that type of camsite if you know how to talk to her.
So butthurt faggots, anything yet?
Well its an anual ritual where me and my new friends (I make alot of new friends and ditch old ones because I like to move around alot) download a bunch of dating apps to troll girls
I hate the term but in all reality we just fuck with them for a bit and then move on
One of my best/most elaborate had me talk to this one girl and then have her get in this huge argument with her dad and eventually getting kicked out
A short summary would be as follows
anyways on with the story
>Her dad asks for my number so he can talk to me and see what im like before I come visit
>No ofcourse not!
>What would you do if your daughter turned out to do it hehe? :^)
>I would kick her out ofcourse user! Luckily youre a good influence and she would never do it!
>Hey dad I want to tell you something
>What is it sweety?
>So I heard youre cool with anons drug use so I want to tell you I do drugs too
>Well that didnt go very well
is she saying that she want some dick?
That's what I hear too
She was also REALLY REALLY fucking dumb
Things she firmly believed
Beware of user! The Electronic Jew!
Fucking kek
There's a difference between killing for a reason, then kill for no reason at all, killing without reason is a sign of being mentally unstable, such people should be removed for they are a danger to society.
All I see is moralfags.
Killing for the lolz is the true spirit of that place fagget.
It's not much different from what we do to factory animals.
Tripfag replying just to have something to do with this post
factory animals wield much more meat, we got money from them and theyre eaten afterwards
These are just being killed because a few slavs got abused by daddy as a kid
Though with a kid like that I would abuse her too.
Holla Forums more like welterweightchan
How much I care:
just kidding.
I don't like moralfags.
I want her nudes more than anything.
Didn't know I accidently went to /r/Holla Forums holy shit
this moralfaggotry about a bunch of fucking animals what the fuck
It's not like everyone eats farm animals from McDonald's like your fat ass
Go be vegan somewhere else you fucking beta waste of space
its because they're different, faggot.
There is no moral argument to differentiate 'pet' animals, livestock, and retarded humans. There is nothing wrong with killing any of these.
Anyone got that video of the girl throwing puppies into the river? Pretty sure she was wearing a red sweater.
lol who gives a shit. They're going to be crack whores if they aren't already.
You do realize Hitler would have had these girls thrown into camps for this right? He loved animals and believed Slavs were absolute bottom of the barrel whites unable to live with the rest of society. This actually would have affirmed his views.
I don't speak vodka.
i lold
you are just showing your ignorance of the nature slaughtering animals for food and death in general
both meat eaters and these sadists use the same logic
also u just went full retard, why would you accuse someone who uses a vegetarians ethos of eating in mcdonalds or for that matter being fat and by extension greedy? are you possibly projecting?
both have eyes, heart, feel fear, suffer through pain, have memories, have dreams
i'd be interested for you to tell me how they are different
incidentally have some symptoms of being a sociopath
I feel you man.
I remember watching those 6 Russian soldiers tied up on the ground get their throats slit and heads pulled back, choking while trying to breath. Then I was like wow this is interdasting.
Now I'm like I can't even. I've become too much of a normal fag after I started straightening my life out stopped living the NEET life.
This depends on context. If they were homeless drug abusers (Which are rampant as fuck in Russia) then I can stomach it. Kinda like that Drug dealer in Russia that was whipped to death.
Good lord I fucking hate vegans.
Stop taking the bait you dumb whore
If all the predators in the world could farm other animals for food, they would, and it would be no different.
We farm animals for food because it's easier and MUCH more efficient. It's a big world with lots of people, so we need cutting-edge industrial farming to do the job.
I'm not the same user. I know most animals can think to some degree, and pretty much all of them have emotions. But you know what? If a chicken needs to be plugged, a pig or cow shot, or some other animal killed in whatever fashion in order to fill my plate, then I'm okay with that. Because if I don't eat, or if I'm forced to wear a fedora and eat this weeks vegan meme vegetable, then I suffer. And to me, my well being comes first.
Of course, I only believe in killing for self defence and utility. These whores are deplorable in every aspect.
Can vegans swallow or is cum haram for them?
Only if the guy is also vegan
lol if those slavs would have turned around that bitch would be raped and dead
Water actually isn't vegan, it has tiny invisible worms or whatever the fuck in it.
Tfw if someone posted this on tumblr so many of them would just cry for the next year straight.
Communism does that to a country
It was a group of bums who were kidnapping peoples pets and eating them.
It's not a want, it's a need otherwise I would starve
these girls are hot AF man
this. High functioning autists are essentially animals, it should be legal to tread them as such if they didn't have any owner
any more of her?
jeeeeezzz i came from 4chan's Holla Forums but this, this is fucked, they should die.
the girls not the pets
i put it to you that eating at mcdonalds isn't self defence or utility, it is decadent and self satisfying
you have made some assumptions that are questionable, including: -
it's intriguing watching you rationalize your type of animal murder over someone else's motivated by your cognitive dissonance. wouldn't it just be easier to let the caring of animals reside with people who care enough not to kill them just becasue they fancy being able to buy a burger for $1 from an unscrupulous multinational purveyor of food lacking nutrition, and then have the sense of ego to try and appear sensitive to the plight of animals even though they trivialize their life to render it's worth only as a commodity.
you dont have to eat meat not to starve, vegetarians have been accomplishing this feat for some time now
A lot of us did too, numbnuts
You tried to make me mad.
But ya just made me hard.
inb4 edgy
i was browsing through their vk
id fuck them
Not all humans have higher mental capacities than all animals.
Your argument is invalid.
wait what?
she deleted her profile and then added her account again the next morning
is that possible???????
you should have stayed there pussycat.
TV Rain just posted this, apparently the mother of one of the girls turned to the police herself and told them she was being terrorised by her own daughter.
The pics in this clip are identical to the ones in this thread, lol. Well done Holla Forums well done.
You know there's a big chance they would drug and castrate you while you were unconscious right?
Probably only have to do about a year in jail for it too
Why are russians such sadistic fucking animals? Whenever you hear of something like this it's always a russian.
THanks ADolf and the others
Friendly reminder that abusing animals and hyper-sexuality are early signs of sociopaths.
Both actually. In the case of these girls they're likely to be sadistic psychopaths, believe me I'm a psychiatrist.
op im fucking in, well you already doxed these cunts. now let push to ruin there fucking lifes.
They are satanists right? Most russians are orthodox christian, don't think that they will like satanists in their neighbourhood.
so it's okay to amoral so long as you're retarded?
I wish there was a video of them getting caught torturing animals in their underwear and somebody hits one them in the face with a crowbar, proceeds to beat them both to a pulp, and sets them on fire. I'd fap to that.
Why in their underwear?
id fap to that as well, seems like a spicy vid.
soooo they got fucked? or do we not know yet?
someone post the vids pls
hope they get caught
well done everyone. Proud of you.