I am going to be story-timing all rebirth titles weekly, this is catch up
For Superman and Action Comic go to this thread >>624592
I am going to be story-timing all rebirth titles weekly, this is catch up
For Superman and Action Comic go to this thread >>624592
Here is the Thread link
DC Universe Rebirth #1
The Flash Rebirth
The Flash #1
The Flash #2
Titans Rebirth
Thanks for posting the titans one.
Lilith is weird for a choice, but eh, girl need some exposure.
Ayy no problem, stick around I will be posting every issue that has been released for this relauch
Batman Rebirth
Batman #1
Batman #2
Detective Comics #934
Why is Gordon talking like he's from the south?
Detective Comics #935
Goddamn, the balls on Batman. What is it with DC and Catching Planes? Flash did it, Superman always do it, and now bruce is trying it. Course, he would of died but A for effort.
Detective Comics #936
Nightwing Rebirth
Wonder Woman Rebirth
Wonder Woman Rebirth
Wonder Woman #1
Wonder Woman #2
Aquaman Rebirth
Aquaman #1
Aquaman #2
Green Lanterns Rebirth
Green Lanterns #1
Green Lanterns #2
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth
Green Arrow Rebirth
Green Arrow #1
Green Arrow #2
Justice League Rebirth
It seems to me with Green Arrow they're trying to recapture that Longbow Hunter/ First 80 issues of Green Arrow
Yeah, Wish he had the Robin hood Hat though
New Super-Man
Ok so this is the last of the new rebirth issues hope you post at least some coherent sentences about the comics that don't devolve into calling people cucks and hope you join me next Wednesday for the new issues
Even super heroes are not safe from Chinese knock offs
Everybody wants to be Superman.
Holy shit Green Arrow is pozed as fuck. Right, done with this shit.
When is someone going to Storytiem some more Gwenpool? At least that is more fun than some SJW bullshit.
Green Arrow is fucking almost unreadable, Ollie "Social Justice Warrior" Queen is such a self righteous prick but at least he is dicking Black Canary
Nigger I spent all morning reading the Supes thread which I actually kinda enjoyed and then the mix bag of this thread until I got to the green arrow shit and just got disgusted.
But seriously when does more Gwenpool come out? That shit is cute as fuck and I want to see how Batroc trains her and how she doesn't get killed by M.O.D.O.K.
Having read Al New Marvel Point One, I don't know why I expected DC Rebirth's one shot issue to be any different. A shallow tour of various characters just to showcase the upcoming comics.
I can't decide which I dislike more, though. Overtly using the framing device to shill a video game, or stringing you along with a decent character, only to shit on Watchmen at the end.
You're dumb as fuck, dude. Oliver Queen has always been a caricature of a liberal hypocrite. The book is actually making fun of the SJWs, as per .
Im posting everything even the bad stuff. Also aside from superman(which I really liked) what else did you like?
I just realized something…they are redoing Superman Red and Blue. Classic Supes is the Blue one and the Chinese one is Red.
I actually like the Super-man book, may actually keep up with it.
Son of a bitch this is the third time, they're bringing them back. DC really never lets go of a concept. They spend so much time, "going back to basics" that I'm surprise they're aren't knee deep in the dirt.
You sir, are my nigger.
Superman #3
Batman #3
Green Lanterns #3
Green Arrow #3
Aquaman #3
Justice League #1
The Hellblazer Rebirth
Birds of Prey Rebirth
i'm going to post what I think about each series after I wake up, hopefully people will be talking before that happens
Gwenpool story timer here, just waiting on the new issue
thanks, OP
you're cool
I wish you were my dad
I kinda like this comic. Not sure why.
Get boy's get ready to upload those Coztansas and accusations of being a shill or just having shit taste here is what I think of each series so far.
Really enjoying this series Jon and Clarks dynamic is really enjoyable. Also Supersons when?
A punch up for better or worse.
It's alright 5.5/10
More Cass so thank god, Also the Batfamily is back together which is nice, i want to see what they do with Clayface
Greg Cucka has done a alright job nothing it write home about.
Alright, could go either way
Better than I thought it was goning to be but the "Muh Raycsim" is pretty annoying but otherwise they have the worst two lanterns and its not great but it's not super bad either it's more like 3.5/10
Art is fantastic, but Ollie is even more of a annoying prick as ever.
6.5/10 nothing to write home about
It's to early to tell but I am really excited about Titans and its gearing up to be great. Hal and Pals may be good, Nightwing is in the same boat, I have not read any of the Recent Hellblazer stuff but it might be really Poz'd, also birds of prey was forgettable
Yeah, and girls love getting raped too just like in the animes
user I think you are in the wrong thread but thanks for bumping
I assume you've got these in cbr or cbz format. Can you upload them to MEGA or something similar? Would be pretty great if Holla Forums had an archive of everything once this thread goes, because page archives won't keep the pages, and there's no Holla Forums archive to my knowledge.
Oh, there is an archive…just that last I checked, they rarely update.
Ok friend, I'm pretty retarded and just stopped lurking really so what exactly do you want me to upload to mega? Just the pages then put the link in this thread? What happens after that.
Well, if you put each of the images into a .zip folder, then rename them to .cbz, that's the main format for comic files. Uploading them to a MEGA link that you keep in the OP of each Rebirth thread means everyone can find the back issues they want as we go on, without shitty torrents.
Gotcha but what about the thread itself, how would I go about archiving it?
1. click "expand all images"
2. file | save page as
3. go to the folder with the same name as the html file
Really enjoying the new Superman. Something about an older, and wiser, Superman to put the New 52 in its place.
That said, I did enjoy the Superman/Wonder Woman arc (just about the only thing enjoyable from New 52).
Not sure where they are going with Batman, but I'm excited to see what's going on with the Titans. Also did they just…end Superboy? Like…where's the conclusion to it?
Ok boys here we go again
Yeah, I am wholly enjoying the superman, as well as titans, Also superboy has probably been one of the most mishandled characters of new 52 and I think Johns said something about that, there is a thread up if you want to look more into it.
You got a place where I can read the latest Titan release?
Im just saving all the files so i can put them in the right order, I am almost done but I will just do titans now
Titans #1
The Flash #3
Alright, I like what I read so far..but one very small thing:
The ever-loving fuck?
Asians eat weird shit user, what would you expect
Well, it's out now. It's mostly just a generic fight issue, though.
Something that is not Pizza and Breakfast on the same box as cereal.
Like, Holy shit.
Detective Comics #937
Nightwing #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth
Batgirl #1
Action Comics #960
Wonder Woman #3
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1
Ok so there are this weeks DC rebirth Comics hope you enjoyed
Also anyone lurking post something for Christs sake, these threads feel super empty.
Does anyone know the Image/Post limit for a thread?
Shit almost forgot, posting this because it made me chuckle
I haven't had the time to read through most of the issues that have been posted in the thread yet, but what I have read has ranged from mediocre to pretty good.
I particularly liked this week's issue of The Flash. Just seeing Barry take time out of his busy day to help out a bunch of kids who've suddenly been given powers like his, and even having him arrange to have criminal speedsters get in on the same training so that he can work to try and rehabilitate them… Well, it's a hell of a lot more heroic than the average Marvel superhero seems to be these days.
Titans and Nightwing are looking promising.
Action Comics is looking good. Looks like Jon is gonna have to learn to fight sooner than Superman is comfortable with.
Yeah it's really nice to see, Wally did a lot of the same thing fixing people's cars etc,
Could not agree more
I can't wait to see where they go with Superdad and Jon, sucks that Supersons got delayed or cancelled maybe
Also yeah Titans does have a lot of potential, I feel that it will probably be one of if not the best rebirth book, you got original Wally and Abnett writing it, so I am not worried. Nightwing also looks solid so far
Wally is best tier speedster.
Superdad is quickly proving why I've always liked Superman. Jon is also proving to not be anywhere near as angsty and butthurt as Damian. Then again, Superman (or anyone descended from Superman) should always be the optimistic and lighter side of things. Leave the edge to Batman.
Refresh my memory, did Nightwing fuck Babs?
Wally is best DC character to be honest, and Dick defiantly fucked babs
Not in this continuity, no.
They started as friends, then started to like each other, but when they went for it shit happened and that has been their pattern since. Everything one is the clear the other is dating or doing something important.
Before they almost married, but not in Nu52. They never dated.
Ok I remember them almost married, but lets be real they bumped uglies
Those and Legion of Super-Heroes were confirmed.
It seems that in New York Comic-Con Jim Lee will announce a Wildstorm, that may or may not take place in the main Earth. This line will launch a bunch of Wildstorm related comics.
One of the hints was Gen13.
Ok to take this to a different direction what Rebirths titles would you want to see
Personally I want to see JSA retcon'd back in, aswell as a Shazam series
Is Gen13 any good or any of the wild storm comics good?
Before? Yes, several times. For example Dick fucked Babs silly a day before his marrying ceremony with Starfire. Dude was a huge slut in the old continuity.
In this new one it was addressed that they never fucked, not for like of want or try, but because of things getting in the way.
What's worse is that when Babs thought that Dick was dead she tried to come on Jason, but Jason turned her down. Knowing full well that Babs just wanted to fuck him because she still missed Dick and was in a bad spot with Jim being framed for a huge bloodbath.
Then she started to date the blackie Luke Fox, Lucious Fox's son, this right before Dick coming back. So when Dick went to see her she was with the dude and that was a major turn-off for both.
Now it seems that they're both free, so who knows.
Go read Doctor Fate. The Kent Nelson, the original host for Nabu, has been appearing in it. The comic wasn't launched with Rebirth, but is still being published. In it there are clues that the JSA exist and are coming back.
90's bad guys cheesecake type of deal.
BAD GIRLS, not guys. Fuck.
I was gonna say kek
Whoever fucking wrote the New 52 Batgirl should have been shot.
I read like 3 comics of it, and there was WAY too much SJW.
Nice, I'll check it out, also does anyone have any good place to read All-Star Comics, all the torrents I download are all terrible scans.
kk, Why do they keep blacking the girl sidekicks, supergirl is next
I'll check it out then.
I have no clue why they keep doing that. I read some of Supergirl, and the crippled black kid was no. I only read those that were relative to the Superboy storyline.
Seriously, what's up with the God complex and Kryptonians, or more importantly their writers?
I read like 3 comics of it, and there was WAY too much SJW.
Gail Simone and Cameron Stewart, two major SJWs. Stewart even tried to retcon The Killing Joke out, just because of the whole Barbara being a VICTIM thing.
It's funny because the writers of the new BATGIRL AND THE BIRDS OF PREY comic, are two females new to comics. They write that lesbian-bait tv show THE 100. Right in the first issue they referenced THE KILLING JOKE again, BTFOing Stewart.
Cameron Stewart. Though, to be true, Lucious' son is pure beta nigga. Barbara only started dating him to that he'd help her set up a company and then she left his sorry ass. The dude is still helping her run the company while she goes on a sex tour through Asia in the new BATGIRL and flirt with Dick in all the other new comics.
The crippled black kid saved her life and only gained a small peck on the cheek. Then she left the planet and was all hot and bothered the chad Captain Comet.
I found that funny. I'm hoping that Orlando, the writer for the new SUPERGIRL ongoing, doesn't follow the tv show and have her BLACKED.
Bad enough Power Girl using Mister Terrific, who's black, as a mean to get back to her universe using her pussy and then dating for a brief time that universe new black Superman. That whole shit show was awful.
user, it does not look too good
Superman being black was enough for me to skip Earth-2 all together. At least it's not Kal-El who's black in that.
Also, like I said, i read some of Supergirl. Not enough to actually learn much about her in the New 52. I did enjoy the ass whooping Superman gave her during the H'el on Earth arc.
That nig looks like the most beta of beta blacks.
Dude needs to get killed by Cyborg Superman and never brought back.
M-maybe that black kid is gay, r-right? I mean, Nu52 Supergirl seems to be more into Chads.
Supergirl comic was one of the best. I know it's weird saying this, but i really recommend it.
Which Supergirl comic was really good?
Reading Grayson right now. I can give Supergirl a try, though I have reservations about it because of having read the entire Superman arc.
Man… Earth-2 was such a shit-show.
There's a thread talking about how the Nu52 Catwoman ongoing went to shit once Noccenti started writing, right? The same happened with Earth-2, but in a worse way.
Chris Robinson had this whole universe he was setting up where Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were the first heroes, the veterans, called by the entire world as Wonders, and after the Darkseid invasion to their universe and planet they're all killed, making it necessary that new heroes step-up in case Darkseid's army come back. That was the whole concept of the book: The Justice Society characters are all new heroes and young, and trying to uphold the legacy the Big Three left them.
He was setting up a bunch of plot-lines and developing the characters really well, but then he got in a fight with the editor and quit. It seemed that the editors wanted the Big Three back in a way while Robinson wanted to keep exploring the Society characters. It was then that Tom Taylor came in and while his run was fun and full of awesome moments, very much in the same vein that his run on Injustice was, he ignored a bunch of stuffs Robinson had developed, and following what the editor wanted he introduced a new Superman, a new Batman, a new Wonder Woman, and those characters just took the spot-light.
The new Superman was the kryptonite nig, who was skinny and had agoraphobia, but that didn't mattered because once Taylor was replaced the kryptonian nig became a buff black alpha male, and then they introduced Power Girl and Earth-2 Huntrees, that had finally found a way to their universe of origin, and then of course they had to set up the nig kryptonia with Power Girl, showing that they were friends when small back in Krypton.
BUT THANKFULLY! Dan Abnett took the book recently and separated them, with Power Girl now wanting to kill the nig kryptonian.
The New 52 one, that was cancelled.
It's pretty nice, man. I've faith that you'll like it.
I'll give it a go.
Yeah, based on what you have given me, Earth-2 is a nope.
You talking about the teases from like 2 years ago or have new ones been made?
Anyway, from what i can remember i think this is the current Nu52 status of the original Gen13 members.
Grunge appeared in Superboy as oneshot Villain and was vary much "NOT MUH GRUNGE" on any level aside from clothes, power and "name".
I think Rainmaker is in The Movement, which i didn't/don't read since what i heard about it has been terrible.
Fairchild was a major character early in nu52 Superboy and is leading a team in a team book now.
Roxy/Freefall and Burnout only had Cameo appearances without details
Correct me if i fucked something up or forgot something.
Anyway, the Grunge deal is making me kinda mixed to a potential Nu52 version, it just isn't Gen13 without Grunge being Grunge you know?
No. It was shit. I kept reading it in the hopes that it would get better. The only thing it had going for it was a hot protagonist with some semblance of self-respect, but it had no real story, shit just happened and it never got anywhere.
I personally like Rebirth i thought it would be shit but it turned out to be OK - great writing all across the board granted i haven't read Harley Quinn yet thought i do wish they bring back kon-el
I wish they brought back superboy, I am hoping that they use this time and till the end of rebirth to fix all or at least most of New 52 problems, and surprisingly I have not dropped any comics from my pull list thus far but there are ones I will not add like Green Lanterns for instance but I will still read it for free, both because it has redeemable qualities and to keep up with everything.