Reminder that we need to learn trades

Reminder that we need to learn trades.

Learning trades is what will set us apart from the enemies we face. If we form groups, it's no good if you can do a 360 quick scope and the other knows how to use the microwave. Being able to lay bricks, set up wooden stairs, plaster the walls and insulate, set up the electricity are crucial to building communities.

It also helps find work that gives you more freedom than being stuck in a warehouse. It is also physical and keeps you strong and active.

This isn't an ego post as I need to relearn bricklaying again and put it to use in helping fellow Europeans out should we begin making groups away from the 'system'.

We also need to start obtaining land and become active in finding each other on the web and giving up life around us, not as in to run, but to regain strength in commumication naturally and not virtually.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some of us barely have time to shitpost on Holla Forums, let alone learn a whole new trade.

Not all of us are highschool dropouts you know.

I agree

I'm in England myself, but do want to go to the U.S and start building groups as well as homes for ourselves. I have 5 others who are interested as well with one returning to the U.S after studying here for a few years.

So any Amerinons interested in setting up discussions can do so on skype or any media of their choice.

It's time we capitalise on Trump's revival of White interests even as subtle as they are.


Looks cool! I will share it with others. If we can become more self-sufficient then we regain power in many respects. Not to go full Varg (as I want to continue in civility), but he has a point in regaining power through opting out of the system.

It's so easy as well. You don't have to be perfect, anything thag can keep you alive for now!

Does anyone here has Books and/or Video Courses to recommend?
This is an extremely important matter that's being neglected and with lack of material in the RedPill Macro-Sphere.

I come from a family of farmers. I went to college to learn the latest in farming techniques and plant physiology. Now I'm easing my way into becoming a farmer myself and perhaps running a business with my father. What's your trade, anons?

I know how to work sheet metal into fancy structures and Armor. kinda useless though.

B-but my dream is to become an engineer, it was since I was a child.

You can make a bunch of tools I guess.

But, but I can paint…

Fuck. I need to learn at least some basic woodworking though

Grew up on a farm. Went to college for construction management. Management for steel construction

This guy is an animal.

Traditional skills are valuable and fulfilling. I build furniture as my day job to supplement income as an internet merchant, and enjoy gardening, wild-crafting herbs (Ginseng root etc) and tinkering with the anvil. My ancestors were tradesmen and farmers who built their lives with their own hands, and likewise the feel of honest dirt on my hands satisfies the White man's primordial need to work with and improve the world.

Helping my brother building a house on free time. Hope to learn something new besides shoveling demolition waste.


I can into electrical engineering.

You can get a mechanical engineering job where you do a fair amount of machine shop work making prototypes, checking fixes before mass production, etc.

You can get a mechanical engineering job where you do a fair amount of machine shop work making prototypes, checking fixes before mass production, etc.

top kek, mein sides

What kind of gardening?

Wrong. We need to concentrate on self defense first. Survival must be the priority. This shit is sad, embarrassing and will be deadly sooner rather than later.

I'm capable of treating injuries and low-level medicine. Is that good enough, anonsk?

"just get a trade bro" types are the most annoying faggots on Holla Forums.

Do you know how incredibly difficult it is to get into trades when you have no connections or prior knowledge on the trade?

registered Industrial electrician/do some Millwright work as well

tig welder, pays good even in eastern europe.

roof and chimney flashing can be lucrative

My bud fabs copper chimney caps and stuff. Makes a mint.

Wew. Congratulations.

Organic chem is useful

I'm currently working in a brewery learning how to brew beer. How'd I do?


These days you can learn anything on the internet.

Even just YouTube.

And if you can stop sounding like a annoying faggot for a moment, you can build up these connections.

That comes later, user.

Worry about making forts about and around the Nation and practise there. Make dens/hideouts for bugging out or for meeting up with fellow anons.

Getting into plumbing this year

General contractor reporting in.

Learning trades is good, but you'll have to deal with a massive amount of ignoramuses, retards, and immigrant labor. Be prepared for that.

I'm about done with it, tbh fam.

The worst people you have to deal with are the customers themselves.

I've been planning to learn Agriculture and Carpentry, I've been wanting to learn how to smith as well.

Applying for a tool and die apprenticeship
wish me luck anons

Not sure if this video will help any of you, but here you go guys.

Are you fucking blind? Open your eyes. It's already here.

Worst advice ever. You must be a leftist saboteur.

To all the real people here. Buy guns and defend your home. Your home is where you make your last stand. Giving up and going "innawoods" will make you a homeless bum.

If you've been on any imageboard (and you're not an election newfag), then you probably have some degree of curiosity about the world and also some kind of problem-solving ability and insight many people don't have.

Your co-workers (even the white ones) will not have this. They will go drinking, partying, watching sports and reality TV, and their pastimes will be entirely pleb. Some of their opinions might be Holla Forums, but there will be no depth to it, no hows or whys to discuss. They're not bad people, but listening to this day-in and day-out will suck your soul dry.

Important thread.
Thanks OP.

I currently making a mold for my homemade soap and also starting my own compost.

Oh shut up you fucking boat rocker. Calm your tits down and realise that not everyone is a sperg like you.

I don't need to 'open my eyes' you fucking nigger, I can already see that you are a pussy who doesn't do shit but rock the boat having a sperg fit.

No one has said against it. I am saying we have the option to build dens away from the cities to act as a breather and a way to reload.

You're the one giving up, faggot.

Now fuck off and use one of those guns to calm yourself down with by blowing a hole in the back of your skull.

The only one who rocks the boat points the finger calling others "shills". Hmm…

Im currently attending trade school for Heating and Cooling (HVAC) good choice Holla Forums?

There are places you can learn shit on the weekends and then take an exam at the end of it to get the degree. Usually it's people that have the job and need the paper itself but there is really nothing stopping you from doing it as well.

How difficult is it to pick up welding? I know that at a basic level it is easy as shit but what about higher levels?

That's yer problem. I'm a contractor. Family business. I do small jobs by myself and big shit with my dad. I don't have to deal with that bullshit.

A basic understanding of mechanical and electrical engineering will get you further than a technician certification; Being able to install manufactured parts is great, but if you're talking about building an independent community, you might not always be connected to industrialized society.

Anyone can pour concrete or weld if they have learned how to learn, and know some basic things about materials.

why fall into binary thinking on / off, black / white
You can't study self-defense all the time but you can stay in shape working a trade. Get paid to work our and stay in shape become a construction tradesman. then spend some of that hard earned money training in self defense moves with a body that is stronger and has more endurance.

I'm getting my degree in Civil Engineering. I can desighn the foundations of civilization, water, sewages to get the poo in the loo and other infrastructure and structural needs like housing, roads and power plants.

I am joining the military as an officer too. How many good boy points do I get?

Yes. The nice thing about global warming is that when you leave your basement dwelling goth phase you can improve your professional demand by emptying all those hair spray cans into the atmosphere.

Depends on the process, the position, and the metal. Mig is easy. Stick is alright in flat and horizontal position on some mild 1/8 steel, though will take a bit of practice. Getting a good looking fillet doing vertical stringers with a 7018 is pretty tough tbh. I haven't gotten to Tig in my studies yet, but it is basically surgery compared to the other ones, and takes the most skill which is why they are paid top dollar for their skill. Hopefully my years of playing vidya has honed my abilities (hand steadiness and dexterity) to lay down a stack of dimes on some stainless or aluminum one day!

No I didn't. "Shill" is too good for you.

If you can't defend your own home, then you will be completely helpless out on the street. You will never reach your tin shack "innawoods".

Unless you are somehow applying your civil engineering degree in the military, it is generally a bad idea to join due to it making it harder to get a job.

Do you know anything about welding plastic? Or at least resources on it?

Good for you. Not everybody is going to work for their dad, though.

The military has engineering too fam. Never heard of Sappers? They build the bridges that the army advances over and fortifications.

It advances my engineering career at the same time.

Because if you want to do something right, you have to concentrate. Trying to do everything simultaneously is a recipe for disaster.

Especially if one of the things consists of buying property, learning multiple trades and building a fucking house by yourself in the middle of nowhere. Talk about impractical. OP wants to be the leader of his own Sherwood Forest.

That's a job I would like to do but how do you get into it without your father doing it too?

Augment your education by learning non-electric methods to heat/cool structures. Evaporative cooling, for instance. Underground naturally circulating tubes of water. Air-movement. Double-shaded roofs. Etc.

When SHTF, electricity is gonna be hard to come by.

Cool story.

It would be that way in theory but in practice you can do multiple things. For example you can try to learn to do some retarded dance either for ten hours in a single go each week and in the end still not have accomplished a single damn thing or learn half an hour every single day and get shit done because you have made it a habit rather than simply something you try to do right once and then quit it.

thanks for the idea user


Why did mods anchor this thread?

not simultaneously dipshit, consecutively.
you don't spend all of your waking hours doing the same shit, why wouldn't you vary your schedule for each day of the week?

Already work as an abatement tech. I work for a disaster response and restoration company specializing in asbestos abatement and mold remediation.

I'm no contractor, sure, but its still a trade.

why is the thread anchored tho


Mods were prob bombarded by faggots scared of us actually being successful.

Like this faggot > What is wrong with learning skills that are physical you thick cunt?

Two skills I'd like to have are small-scale gunsmithing (in order to make ghost guns) and scientific glass blowing (lab glassware is crucial for chemistry, which you need for explosives, medicine and countless other purposes). Can someone provide links? I've found this so far:

Come on, m8.


he's agreeing with your point, so I'll assume you meant to reply to my original comment

My answer to
is that I can learn physical skills on the internet for a just in case scenario. Nothing wrong with physical labor it's just that you will probably be replaced soon

if you're not a vegetable and you really want to become a good welder it is easy.
it requires practice but eventually, with guidance and experience, almost all the guys i've helped become good welders.

Martially checked