Hacked BLM accounts show discussions of martial law coming before Trump gets in
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We've known this to be the case since last year
They can try but they're not keeping Big Papa Cheeto Man out of office.
Relevant thread
As I said. If this affects the stock market..
Is anyone important actually involved or are these just random nobodies?
Thanks user, I couldn't remember the name of the thread that was discussing this
Loretta Lynch is pretty important in the King Nigger regime and the BLM faggots have her ear so connect those dots user.
my body is ready
They're prominent BLM leaders and some king nigger cabinet
So basically their plan is martial law just before the elections, which is by the time when Trump has totally solidified his base throughout the entire country with tens of millions of agitated, gun-wielding, Bible-thumping Americans humming in unison to "Make America Great Again." You know what they say: Do it, faggot.
No problem op.
The day of the rope draws ever closer. I don't think these commie faggots are as prepared for what they have planned as much as they think they do.
Zeig heil anons.
This is awesome.
Americas first black commie muslim president is going to prove every stereotype right.
Considering this on Holla Forums, Trump already knows about it.
I wonder when he'll whip it out.
Obama as incompetent as he is can't even stage a coup d'etat right.
I imagine him declaring state of emergency and a 3rd term on national television when an SS agent comes on the camera and shoots him in the back of the head. Then the rest get in and toast a beer over the body.
This doesn't make any sense
This fails because martial law is focused on urban centers, where the democratic base lives. 100% even Obama admin knows better.
This fails because King Nigger does not have the support of the military. He would swiftly face a coup followed by reinstated elections.
These texts are most likely fake, but if not, they demonstrate an understanding of government based on the assumption that its composed of robots rather than people.
Maybe I'm missing something but..
1. what would instating martial law ensue? if anything I'd say that it would be a worse ending for them than us.
2. Why would we instate martial law? because a few niggers are chimping out? how has that stopped us before in these past few weeks?
Don't forget you're dealing with people that treat government as though it were something unto itself. i.e. A god.
What's likely is that they will try to instigate a situation that will bring about martial law but the military won't budge. Then when Trump is sworn in he will use all their shit against them to declare a state of emergency and become der Fuhrer they fear.
Thread theme.
The day of the rope approaches brothers! We will stand, take arms and fight the treasonous globalist traitors!
I'm still not getting it, how will ongobongo use Martial law to keep himself president? is that even constitutional? its not like Martial law can be declared indefinitely, sooner or later the lazy socialists will go home and they'll run out of money for the paid protesters and Trump will be sworn in, simple as that.
From what I gathered in that other thread
Martial law will be declared, and it will be like FDR when he was president for 4 terms during WW2 or something of the sort. He'll override the constitution to make himself king nigger.
Yeah, there is not much to make of this. Some uppity negress who don't think it be like it is, but it do. Without military support, any martial law or shitting down the election is out of the question. Military would take over and Obongo and any supporting him in thay action would be tried for treason and executed.
If they introduce martial law again, will you finally start killing zogbots?
Literally no one is going to buy that, as some other user in this thread said, the military will stage a coup before Obama is allowed another term
and FDR was only given a 3rd term because there wasn't a rule prohibiting it at the time.
Oh shit nigga, civil war 2.0
apparently 95% of special forces will not go along with king nigger.
When was the last time martial law was declared?
Well I mean, there you go, I doubt this is actually happening, but if it does I really can't wait until they try and execute Obama for treason live on television
They don't have to think they can pull it off to be crazy enough to try it though.
Do you really belive this bullshit? It would be suicide, not just in a political sense.
Devotion to political figures is actually quite uncommon in western countries because we don't work so hard to utterly brainwash them (see North Korea), so it's highly likely most of them would think more about their own families and well-being than what their elected President might think
The government likes to make them into tools, but they're still people at heart, and people will look after themselves before anything in these situations
Haven't there been multiple people on the inside warning that a purge was taking place in the military?
This needs to happen now.
There are terrorists killing us every day and the only way to stop them is to ban guns and forcefully take them away.
Statistics show that crime rates in america dropped significantly after Obama became president. But now Trump is causing mentally ill neo-nazis to harm our people.
The government needs to step up and do whatever it takes to keep us safe.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Seems totally fake tbh
Fuck off CTR shill.
You forget one crucial point: Obama is a nigger and therefore retarded and power-grabby. This is exactly the kind of shit that takes place daily in nonwhite shit-holes the world over.
Guaranteed replies CTR
I can appreciate how this might be funposting, but you still shouldn't be spouting this stuff. Stupid people will take you seriously.
Obama also isn't really in charge. He was a nobody before his handlers within the Democratic party decided to use his person as a puppet.
The time for martial law is still a long ways off. If it were initiated now, it would be guaranteed to backfire.
That's the point.
Once the stupids make (((them))) feel complacent enough to activate it, we win.
Offhand it looks like iMessage’s interface, but the font and formatting are all wrong. Does anyone use Android (fucking retards), Windows Phone, or a non-standard message on iOS and can identify this?
Obama declaring martial law effectively hands the government over to FEMA. FEMA has the ability to suspend the constitution, detain anyone for no reason, confiscate all firearms, and seize every part of the nation's infrastructure. THAT would be the major worry, not a little while longer with king nigger.
tbh it just sounds to me like they have no connection to the government with this and are just hoping that if they chimp out hard enough there'll be a declaration of martial law across the country.
Is there a way to use this to our advantage ?
What stocks should I buy ?
Fuck, someone post the article about the nigger doing the purge in response to the military working up the courage to instigate a coup on him, because they were apparently thinking about doing that in his first term.
Lynch is Obama's handler.
That's a purge of the officer corps.
They won't sully themselves to do actual work though, so they can't purge the enlisted.
Security and Mercenary companies.
Arms manufacturing always does good as well.
There's not any reason to think Obama is pushing for this.
What this is showing is that the people with BLM are of the belief that if they riot more that they can somehow extend Obama's reign and are intentionally rioting and wanting to ramp up violence.
It's Direct Messaging on Twitter, see the @username at the top?
These kinds of groups are constantly fed bullshit to make them feel important and I'm sure their leaders are telling them martial law is coming soon or that they'll have a major role to play in history.
With communists the revolution is always right around the corner so don't lose hope, militias it's WW3 which can start at any moment so keep buying water filters, white nationalist groups there's a race war that will start but only if one of their patsies agrees to use FBI provided explosives to carry out an attack, etc
Protocol niner-niner-zero!
As if I even care. Let the martial law come, let the hot lead rain. It's the only way we'll get the courage to remove the cancers destroying our nation.
They want to declare martial law to keep leftists and black from protesting?
Well, ok then?
they come from a browser and everything can be faked in a browser
right click > inspect element, then "edit as html"
if-if-if-if-if-if he does that, it's time for some okie doke.
People were predicting this long before Trumps arrival even. They were anticipating that another economic collapse could trigger such an event. The amount of laws and Acts that have been rammed through congress over the past 10 years has built up an arsenal that either Bush or Obama could have used. Methinks they were waiting for Hillary to get in office to trigger both economic and martial law, but Trump came out of nowhere.
Obama will probably declare martial law, slaughter a few million people to empty out the cities and cause survivors to flee into rural areas. Rural areas are better for the establishment, because there is less collateral damage for cruise missiles into rural areas.
Obama will slaughter as many people as he possibly can. If need be, he will get out there and chip in himself. Then Hillary will hire a few PMCs to stage a big 'put him down' campaign and take over the country.
Trump could be another pawn that was used merely to stoke racial tensions.
Trump gets a lot of unwarranted benefit of the doubt and while he's definitely not an "enemy" people are getting too ahead of themselves and forgetting how entrenched ZOG really is, even if Trump was just tricking them. Presidency is much less powerful than media, banks, or orchestrating false flags.
Eh to most of them it's just a job there's no real allegiance to their Jewish overlords.
Whether they're waiting in line for hours to promote some consumer product or protesting for a political cause they just care about getting paid. With enough money you could probably get someone to immolate themselves to bring back Crystal Pepsi.
A few months back these BLM people where losing their shit over not being paid what they were promised.
….So how are you gonna stop it burgers?
Not yet, fam. Not yet…
What i fear, is that obongo and boyz has plan set up already, Hilary is trialed, obongo will make speech that for sake of democracy he will be candidate for third term. To do this Martial law or other executive power situation is needed.
Well pardon the cliche, but if not now when? If Obongo goes full Africa and just declares Martial Law, arrests all our fashy goys and has Trump assassinated or silenced then there will be no chance of Hitler or race war period. The enemy would've won, America would be fully under their control and gearing up to take on Russia in some sick Casion Royale of the Grand High Kike.
Jokes on you.
Not a single person in the world, besides my family, knows I have them.
Mine were manufactured from 80% at home or bought from individuals without any paperwork.
You can't confiscate what you don't know exists.
This is a tad more relevant than some mudslimes offing degenerates.
In America the Civil Rights movement.
I'm worried that you all are taking this stuff too seriously and it's affecting your health.
Please take your meds
This is clearly worth being slid, mods please sticky.
Slow down there slowpoke, there are laws that allow them to do this?!
I believe you….. ;^)
How the fuck isn't this some huge scandal. Shouldn't some government agency be investigating groups claiming to do something is an attempt to get martial law declared.
At the very least try and send it to Trump or somebody.
If this turns out to be fake, as it most likely is, it would be a huge egg on Trump's face
user, are you fucking retarded?
You, however ARE fucking retarded.
Sorry m8, call it what you will but king nigger pushed that shit whether you like it or not.
Again, are you fucking retarded? Nothing the nigger does is legal. Why would you even think that laws have anything to do with what he would do?
Makes me think of old days when SS was kicked and punched while they had they rallies and parades.
So how are you enjoying your federal mandated gay marriage acceptance? :^)
Meant to reply to
It’s good to live in real America.
Sure, you live in the real america. Just like there is a real UK that isn't pozzed to shit. :^)
there is but Bammy ain't got shit on how the real commies did these sort of things so he's replacing the officers with useless affirmitive action people who are barely capable of being laundry officer instead of the vicious sociopaths you're supposed to use.
Okay, you’re an illiterate faggot who doesn’t seem to understand what I said.
And you seem to be a petty pissant who would rather hinge on a single word's meaning than accept that king nigger has ruined the country by pushing shit that should be seen as unconstitutional but is being accepted as common law. Go ahead and continue to say "it's not law~!" when it all but is. :^)
That this is a very likely scenario is supposed to be a secret. The PTB has had enough of Chief Omaba, and gonna discard him. If he doesn't quietly, it's civil war.
I've missed habbening threads
I think you are right but I don't think its going to go over as well as they hope… That is unless Holla Forums doesn't do its only job.
That’s not the same as ‘is’, fuckface.
Is there plan to get a whole lot of niggers rioting so that martial law will be declared? How the hell would this hurt Trump?
Buy a triple leveraged S&P ETF, these are individual securities with an inverse relationship the the total value of the index. If the S&P goes down, these securities go up.
They are obviously insane and motivated by darker forces into insane slaughter. All they really want to do is slaughter everyone until not a single living thing remains on the face of the Earth. They want to wipe out even microbal life.
Stop it? Good heavens why would we do that? The government is incapable of winning another civil war and once martial law is declared the federal government is on its way out. (((They))) wouldn't dare provoke us in such a way that we would fight back.
Even in the middle of the Civil War we still had an election. There is literally no justification for cancelling the election.
Obongo can't pull this off.
I want to believe.
But more proof needed in this case.
Whatever you say sholmo.
Commie niggers. Truly the left's most evil creation
Reported for obvious shitposting.
I put them in one picture for you
Their plan is just a mass chimpout in hopes that it will cause martial law?
Does anyone actually expect that to work?
They do.
BLM average IQ: ~85?
Thanks mate.
Not mine, I found it on the_donald but didn't see a relevant thread anywhere (besides the civil war one which I missed) so I made this one.
Not in the way you think he should, but he does. Your average soldier, marine, sailor, airman, coast guardsman doesn't really care for Obama, that's true. But the upper echelons are all pozzed libshits. You see, to be promoted past a certain level in the military has very little to do with merit and a whole lot to do with politics. Obama approves pozzed negholes to be the generals and the admirals, and the generals and the admirals in turn approve pozzed negholes to be the colonels and the captains. The bullshit can't trickle all the way down because if the military only accepted limp-wristed faggots then it would be severely undermanned as most limp-wristed faggots are anti-military. But I'd say it goes down about as far as the E9/E8 level, the senior enlisted men. The gunnery sergeants and the master chiefs? Now those are the guys the average servicemember supports.
But let's say a good guy comes into power as the CO of a base or ship. I'm sure it happens sometimes; no filtration system can be completely perfect. Let's say this colonel or captain decides he's had enough of Obama's shit and decides to pull a Julius Caesar and march his men over the Rubicon to Washington. That shit won't fucking work. Enlisted men change commands every three years, and officers change every eighteen months. We live in an age of instant communication, where soldiers can stay in contact with the mainland 24/7. We live in an age of plentiful benefits for those who take up arms, all of which would be taken away if they were to turn those arms on America. The military is more or less designed so that coups from it are nearly impossible. Men don't feel the same loyalty to their commanding officers today that the Gaullic soldiers felt for Julius Caesar. The commanding officers are watched 24/7 to ensure that they never step out of line. The only way you could get the military to revolt is if Obama told them to come out and start gunning down unarmed civilians for no reason, and even that might not work.
This user gets it.
Also, the US military has civilian leadership that the generals suck up to. There will be no "honorable revolt" of the military. They will gun you down without shedding a tear, don't fool yourself. The soldiers, nco, and officers all have to make their payments on mortgages and car notes, all of which mean more than patriotism, constitution, or your life.
King Nigger is a
giving blacks jobs instead of welfare?
das racis!
Lorette Lynch?
This shit won't fly. I don't think they'll do it since it would basically be the end of the US gov't.
One guy who worked for them (I don't have the screenshot anymore) posted on /k/ that they (the gov't) made a study as to their chances of winning in a civil war. The result: extremely slim, over 50-75% would defect instantly and also the govt is landlocked with no farms no supplies.
Einstein defined insanity as doing one thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Really? I'm afraid I can't bring myself to share your optimism.
This would occur after a whole Summer and Fall of violent chimpouts, false-flag attacks by Trumpists and the MSM pushing the right narrative at fever pitch everywhere the normies look. Compound this with the looming possibility of the financial crash we all know is going to happen at some point possibly falling in that time with Brexit or the Third Greek Bailout or slowing Chyna growth as the trigger.
The normalfags would be afraid, most people - you must remember, only really care about the immediate material welfare of themselves and close family. If, at the election, with tensions at their absolute peak and the MSM going mad, Obongo were to powerfully step forward and take charge announcing martial law to protect democracy "and do what our fathers wished they could've done bollocks bollocks bollocks". Would there really be much resistance? Against tanks rolling down your street?
The military would very swiftly arrest any possible dissenters, militia types, politicians and journalists known for occasional wrongthink and just average citizens with dangerously high conviction in politically incorrect views. Trump would be put under house arrest and offered a clear choice between quietly sliding away or suffering an accident along with all of his family with his businesses confiscated by the state. BLM would act as auxiliaries, set loose to enforce mob justice on white neighbours to ensure total compliance.
Remember that throughout this the MSM would go full Ministry of Truth, Obama would be hailed as the bravest statesman in modern history, "a new era of radical hope is upon us". When "tensions have been diffused" Obongo would run in a second election in Feburary-March against some basic bitch like Rubio or French or even Lyin' Ted or Jeb! Which he would win easily, or he might not bother at all. And with democracy effectively dead King Nigger would have free reign. If you think we've seen accelerationsim, wew. Just in time for the Social Justice warriors to come of age as the new generation of bureaucrats and opinion-formers in the new progressive America. Western culture would be slowly exterminated in America during the 2020s while the drums of war beat towards the east as Schlomo prepares for end game.
So we are finally getting help from the Alphabet guys?
The USA can't survive a new cold war, if the soldiers are to fight for the right of their children, to be a hated minority in their own country.
My guess is that the US deep state have finally understood this.
What's it going to take for us to stop martial law?
Create a rumor that you will stop it with dirty means, so that trying to implement martial would be a painful waste of time?
You lie about everything, so why not this?
Doesn't even matter, doing so will render the Union and Constitution void.
Do you think those COs won't be shot in the back their rank and file soldiers who hate their guts? COs are paper-pushers and bureaucrats, not super-soldiers.
Of course, history shows this sort of shit relies highly upon chance and contingency. Take the Moscow 1991 coup as an example. The above post is just one scenario.
A contributing factor would be if the chimpouts and narrative over the summer blow up in the kikes' faces and shift normalfag opinion in our favour (with the help of our meme magic).
But the real decider would be just how loyal American soldiers would be in carrying out Obongo's orders. Disobedience and mutiny is highly unlikely in any Western Democracy. But what history shows is even less likely is for soldiers to fire on their own people.
If Trump supporters were out there on the streets at large the moment martial law is declared, confronting soldiers face-to-face the confidence of the men on the ground would waiver. Seeing the enemy outright suspend democracy would hand the narrative over to us. Even a few of the opposite camp, the older ones who genuinely believe in liberalism and democracy rather than softcore Marxism would swing round to us.
If Trump himself then stood his ground and called Obongo's bluff he'd become the figurehead of resistance. The various innawoods, Alex Jones, militia types would join the protests providing some level of arms. Right-Wing Death Sqauds could be memed into reality. The narrative of Obongo "restoring order" would collapse around the MSM's ears - remember, nobody has ever faced a situation like this before in American history and the moment the agreed plan veers off course they'd be doubting themselves.
All it would then take is for Obama to give the order to shoot civilians. The soldiers would disobey their NCOs, the NCOs would disobey their Generals and the Generals would disobey the General Staff who would tell Obongo the army no longer obey him and its curtains.
Trump would fly to D.C and be installed as President early, Obongo, Shillary and the whole junta would be thrown in jail and - using the martial law powers Obama himself authorised, Trump would then be free to purge the Cathedral. BLM, the cultural Marxists, the clickbait media, the white-bashers and SJWs would all be arrested under charges of treason for backing the coup.
"Progressivism" would loose any remote credibility it had attempted to overall democracy in the world's centre of democracy would reveal all the slogans of peace and equality to be a sham and tarnish their reputations for good. 2016 would be our 1968, we would have undisputed control of the narrative for at minimum ten years. Cultural Marxism would become a mainstream idea as the American deep state would be illuminated and exaggerated throughout the Obama Trials. Trump would become a hero, even if his economic policies fail - which won't happen as technological growth, energy independence and protectionism fuel the 'Trump Boom' of the 2020s. The Democrats would most likely have to lurch to the right and purge the Marxists from the ranks like the British labour party in the 1990s just to remain a viable option. The blacks would hopefully see the faces of those on trial and realise they've been used and rused by an incompetent elite and get their shit together.
With the real Conspiracy actually revealed, the whole damned "postmodern condition" - an obsession with conspiracies. Would fall away to be replaced with a new confidence. But now I'm being far too optimistic.
tldr: it'll be a close run thing with high stakes either way.
There is massive brainwashing in our society, but like you pointed out, it's not towards a leader, but an ideology. What that means, is that when obamabo, or anyone else is no longer sufficiently progressive, they will not be followed as deeply, if not resisted. Unfortunately for the jews, what is progressive, and what is degressive are left to each person's subjectivity, which is what allows for redpilling: start with a lifetimes worth of brainwashing + sufficiently offensive event + large amounts of information about the truth = redpilled individual. Which is why if king nigger faggot ever tried this, it may be terrible and effective at first, but he'd be facing a revolution that made the French Revolution look like a hippies argument in terms of ferocity. So, let that nigger try. For every one of us he throws in a concentration camp, he'll be redpilling thousands more. He can't kill us all.
This was known well in advance and has been accounted for. The US military has been weakened and demoralized to the point that it could not effectively support citizen revolt. Meanwhile, the police are now more militarized than the actual military, are staffed with compliant drones with low IQ, and have been desensitized to the idea of shooting children and pregnant women.
Yes, they'll be absolutely fine.
In fact, the most any pissed off soldier will do is mutiny, but that will never lead to a full-on Coup. I highly doubt a soldier will kill his fellow soldier and destroy his own life.
He just converted 30% of his assets to gold.
He's going to be ready for the storm.
Same here 10k rounds, and some gold and silver.
The military has been pozzed to hell, hundreds of (white) officers have been forced to retire by Obongo and fags, women, and nonwhites have been pushed in to replace white soldiers.
That scenario doesn't account for some factors.
The number one thing that will 100% prevent a right-wing rebellion is a foreign conflict. Keep that in mind.
I don't usually give much credence to martial law theories, mostly because they've been floated for decades and it's yet to happen.
But for those saying that soldiers won't fire on their own people, it greatly depends who makes up "the people". In China during the Tianamen Square riots, they brought in soldiers from Manchuria to shut it down and fire on the mostly Han Chinese. The Manchu are a dying ethnic group who've mostly been assimilated and mostly speak Mandarin now instead of Manchu, which is nearly extinct. Despite their "assimilated" status in regards to language and culture, the separation between them and the Han is still great enough that there was little resistance to shooting "their people" in the streets, and the government deployed them for just that purpose.
That's the situation we have to consider in the United States. The combat corps of the military is still mostly white, but affirmative action and general pozz have been pushing in nonwhites, gays, women, etc who all have a vested interest in keeping up the progressive facade and anti-white system. not saying all women, but the type of strong independent wymyn who join the military "Diversity" schemes have been pushed in the officer corps and there is a strong element of affirmative action in promotions to make sure the officers are "diverse". Another user ITT mentioned how promotion in the military is about politics, if you say something that's less-than-PC, don't expect to make it too far. We live in a society much like the USSR, where all policy is guided by an ideology, but instead of Marxism-Leninism the ideology is multiculturalism, and those in the military who question it will find themselves shut out.
So what we're looking at is a gaggle of nonwhites who would presumably be gunning down mostly white resistors. Even if the resistance is not racially conscious, such as the "sovereign citizens" or Oathkeeper cucks, these groups are still overwhelmingly white.some are led by pro-whites though, i.e the Michigan Militia leaders are members of the Christian Identity Movement although the Militia itself has no racial platform The (((media))) would whip the public, particularly the nonwhites, into a frenzy by declaring these mostly white groups as "racists" and "fascists", people which those indoctrinated into the state ideology believe are the epitome of evil.
One thing we should be worried about is "community policing" schemes. Such programs will effectively deputize blacks and browns as amateur policemen and give them a limited amount of authority, which of course they will abuse to harass and crack down on whites, especially those who might be "racists". "Community policing" is the forerunner to the Human Relations Councils from the Turner Diaries. A book all of you should read by the way, William L Pierce was a prophet.
Well, then what about desertion? If most soldiers aren't in favor of the higher ups, and they aren't really invested enough in the military to really push for a full coup, why wouldn't they just leave?
Then it wouldn't matter how many pozzed faggots are in charge because there wouldn't be anyone to follow their orders.
they got offered security for them and their loved ones
In times of crisis food and security are paramount
This is known as a "Show Your Card" bluff.
When people in government or other organizations "accidently" leak something that is very extreme to test people's response to it.
They would leave. I just don't think those same soldiers would ever turn their guns on their former brothers in arms. Same with law enforcement.
He has been manipulating the paper gold certificate market by proxy, to the point where there are 18 times as many claims to gold as there is actual gold bullion in reserve, the old goldsmiths trick. When there is another financial crisis and they all rush to exchange it, gold is going to skyrocket and he will go from 10 billion to 100 billion net worth overnight, when there is another financial crisis the turbokike is going to go super saiyan and reach IRL Bob Page levels of influence and power.
In a civil war Trump instantly has the bigger army and with the exception of a relative few high intelligence whites who lean left, takes almost all of the talent leaving whats left of the ZOG military with blacks, mexicans, fools and cowards.
Take a look at the many pictures of Trump standing with absolutely beaming faces of the police and military. Seems obvious.
This implies the people WON'T stand up for their rights
the citizenry has more guns then the damned army
Thanks mate.
Not mine, I found it on the_donald but didn't see a relevant thread anywhere (besides the civil war one which I missed) so I made this one.
Also Holla Forums was brought down right in the middle of investigating soros kids and a bunch of other shit, hmmmmmmmmm.
From cuckchan
The twitter account that posted it is a Donald Trump supporter who made his account during the Amon Bundy ranch shit, to support him and troll SJW people.
what we know, the leaders of BLM were hacked, and they have met with white house officials at the end of this last year. We can assume "Mrs Lynch" is Loretta Lynch the Attorney General of the WH. What we also know is that Obama signed some shit into executive order this last year that lets him bring in Foreign UN/NATO armies onto US soil, if martial law is declared, we also know that the UN/NATO is now TOTALLY leftist. I am sure I don't have to explain what Martial Law is, or how it sets off the elections and postpones them.
We also know that Cleveland RNC just purchased 2000 full riot suits and 340 semi riot armor sets for bicycle cops. (in Cleveland newspaper)
What we also know is the Philadelphia DNC and the city just changed a bunch of laws, allowing people to block streets, smoke weed in the streets, gather in large numbers to protests and several other things that make rioting much easier, including not being arrested but given fines for anything not a felony.(was in the Philly newspaper.)
What we also know, change.org and opensociety.org are offering 15$ an hour on the Craigslist for both cities to protest these conventions, we also know Soros is following a plan for colored revolutions and BLM can use social media to call for more of this on a nation wide level.
The scariest thing the number of people who have agreed to protest both of these conventions ranges from 20,000 - 30,000.
It wouldn't hurt Trump, it'd probably spur him on.
Hurricane katrina, they even had the go ahead to shoot looters on sight. But also the first thing they did was confiscate the guns which have not been returned to this day in violation of the constitution.
I think social media needs to be unresponsive for a while, maybe during the riots some one needs to jam cells
Pic related with Deray and other BLM leaders.
Unlike you cucks abroad, we have enough weaponry to make such happenings appeasing to us.
Pic very much related.
It seems I am unable to post pictures but this user is correct
No user you don't understand, there are two things we can count on
These two things are indisputable.
So, if the power structure wants to steady itself, it will have to create and control the civil war. The only other option is to just let the entire thing, trillions in revenue, global military dominance, the biggest propaganda machine in human history, burn. Impossible. And, even if it were desirable for the global economic elite, for the US to become a husk, the jackals would move in to seize the voids of power, and you know what they would be forced to do to maintain that power? Create and control a civil war.
No brakes, there never were any. Start making $20 bets on Obama getting a third term, as many as possible, when the time comes you'll have a small band of men who believe in their souls' your legitimacy as a wizard.
Oi lads
Someone alerted the plebbit colony to this shit
It's going to blow up soon
And apparently the reddit admins have been stealth deleting it from the site but those shitposters keep reposting it and the donald mods keep stickying it so we'll see where it goes. To me that just lends credibility to the whole thing.
Why are you pushing this lie, if you want us to believe you know stuff?
The only flaw in your assessment is the belief that Uncle Sam can control a civil war. As soon as "civil unrest" becomes a "civil uprising" the federal government is done.
I really hope that this picture gets uploaded this time, it's very informative.
Fuck me
If these are real it sounds like Lynch and Obama/Soros or whoever told these stupid niggers that their riots would lead to permanent Emperor Obongo with DeRay and the rest of the jigaboos working in some type of anti-whitey enforcement force.
Of course they'll tell these dumb apes that and of course they'll believe it. And of course they'll stab them in the back in the end because they are literal pawns.
Time will tell.
Post the pic to sli.mg and post the link here if it's being filtered from being uploaded here
Yeah, that's what it sounds like. And with how fucking pissed at Trump and all of us king nigger sounded today, this just lends further credence to this.
new messages released. Shows DMs with @samswey who is a racist black activist. Runs 'campaign zero'
Twitter links
Nothing new here. The chimps are just irritated.
aw shit I dun goofed with red text
Loretta needs to get Lynched ASAP.
They're pushing for attacks on Trump supporters so they can say "its for your protection" when they start bringing in the military.
It's genius if you think about it, they're creating a "problem" so they can introduce a "solution" that gives them more power.
Are we sure these are legit? I desperately want them to be, but they read like they were tailor-made for Holla Forums. The guy literally says "shut it down"
Get ready, anons. Get with some reliable guys who are on the same page as us and prepare for a violent summer. I've been attempting to organize young American nationalists on 8ch.pl/amnat Check us out if you don't want to fight this battle alone.
nah, it's an adequate bunker
doesn't seem pozzed, from what I've seen
This. This user knows.
Get in touch. Get organized. Get equipped and supplied and be prepared.
We don't have any real proof these are legit, but what we do know is that they DID meet with Lynch, and their accounts DID get hacked, but we don't know if this is real or just doctored. Only time will tell. Until then, it can't hurt to get prepared.
Thankfully NA has a huge and rapidly growing chapter in my region of England **Yorkshire* which I'll join should things pick up pace.
That's their M.O.
We're just there because it's easier to post and use tor there, and is a bit off the radar compared to 8ch.net. We're not looking to pull traffic away from .net – this site is just a better option for what we want to do.
I could have sworn I read a thread pointing to how kosher the owners of .pl are.
Aye, lads.
k, checked
but I haven't seen this thread, and the owners must have been real stealthy everytime I've looked
Exactly. Our enemies are already organized – we may as well be. Bedides, just think of the potential a nationalist movement in the U.S. could have, in a time like this.
NA was part of my inspiration for this. Good luck, lad.
Is this thread still up? Was there valid proof? Even if that's legit, .pl failed to be a replacement for .net, but is still a good place for organizing in relative safety.
Generation Identitaire was as well. Honestly, I'd want this group to be somewhere between Generation Identitaire (without being as pozzed on race) and National Action.
I remember reading a back in February or so, it was during the time everyone was actually thinking of making a bunker in case shit gets too hectic or the site just goes down.
Did the claims seem valid? If so, I may be willing to bring /amnat/ onto .net
Thanks for the good idea based user
This is the screen cap of the civil war game user and I for one believe his points to be legitimate.
Yeah I've got that capped saved in my happening folder for this recent events
It's one of the ones that make me genuinely believe this might be legit too.
There was so much shitflinging during that time it was hard to say. My gut said it was but at this point it's just hearsay. You at least sound legit, god speed user!
Thanks for the well wishes!
They read fake as fuck.
Somebody hasn't read the red team conclusions on a possible civil war/proletariat uprising.
I'd post the screencap but I'm on Mobile. Basically in any scenario where the US government takes active hostile action aagainst its citizens, they lose. The culmination of factors including dissent/desertion in the military, those who stay in the military merely to disrupt things. The states reliance on the grid and how easily they could be compromised. The amount of resentment gun owners have to tptb, the sheer size of the country with an abundance of rural areas. The current condition of the military not being what it used to be. Russia backing any state that decides to seceed from the union, the justification the US has to give to the world for killing it's own people, the list goes on and on.
i'd too like to read the red team conclusion once your on desktop again.
nevertheless thank you for the summary so far!
Yeah I'll post it ITT in a few hours. It's pretty good stuff
Oh thanks user. Didn't lurk that far before responding
[–]AlexJonesInfowarriorVERIFIED[S] 3 points 13 minutes ago*
This is sensational information, We will look into it and will be reporting on it as it develops. If this is accurate it will only serve to galvanize the Trump movement and bring more moderates/independents into the Trump fold.
This is what we have suspected all along, we have some data points from people like Roger Stone and our own reporters who have infiltrated BLM protest groups, but if this goes all the way up to Loretta Lynch ( and can be proven ) this is a bombshell revelation that will shake the foundations of the liberal's universe and hopefully bring it crashing down! Right now the city of Cleveland is basically trying to spark a violent clash of protesters with their rules on protesting for the RNC. We are involved with the ACLU in bringing suite agains them so it looks like there are some very specific machinations happening that originate from "high above"