Ask a guy who voted for hillary anything

ask a guy who voted for hillary anything

I dont care

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What color ink did you used on the ballot?

who did you vote for?

are u a guy?

what can we ask you?

Your test levels are low, go to doctor.

would you care if someone called you a cuck?





thanks. can't think of anything else i like to know.


1. i am on welfare
2. i like women
3. femdom


i dont care

if you vote for trump, then you do the same thing.


why are you such a statist?

I know you're baiting and actually too lazy to vote but if not enjoy war with Russia fucking nigger

Suicide yourself OP

because i can


but she's old and nasty
The better question is why are you such a globalist?

because fuck trump


single most effortless bait I have ever seen

step it up op

You realize that Hillary wants to forcefully take in hundreds of thousands of refugees when she becomes president? All of these "refugees" will go straight onto welfare and have primary benefits. Do you realize what that will do to the welfare state?

Meanwhile, Trump wants to send illegals back and stop the flood of "refugees" into this country. This will make your welfare check 10x bigger in the long run.

I forgot to mention that she will also be pushing for amnesty right off the bat.

Nah on the contrary he will lose welfare and he will be forced to actually work. Why do you think so many blacks vote for Hillary?

If you have a good reason to be on welfare, there is literally no reason to fear losing it when Trump becomes president. Just because there will be more jobs doesn't mean that SSI will be shut down.

NEETs should be voting for Trump by default, but most are too fucking brainwashed to realize it.

is this some sort of rendition program? the navy seals will be raiding refugee camps to kidnap refugees and force them to live in america?
don't make me fucking laugh. america isn't even in the top 10 destinations preferred by refugees in the middle east or already in europe. most of them would rather go to roumania or back home and face isis than go to the land of trump.
grow a brain, nigger.

Clinton said she will be importing 650,000 "refugees" within the first month of her presidency. That is literally forcing them into our country, against the people's will. I don't mean going out and kidnapping them and making them come here, you autistic faggot.


Aussie fag here. We simply don't give a shit who you fucktard Yanks vote for… you're all fucked either way.
You all realize the rest of the world is laughing at you, don't you? Don't you?


Australia is progressively becoming more cucked than Sweden. Have fun living in a liberal shithole, fucking kike-lover.

t. Abbo. Enjoy being a slave to the Emus.

who gives a fuck what a criminal brit thinks


we all know this. irony isnt your strong point is it? nor cogent thought, come to that.
50k refugees @ 50k per annum. add it up. you can't afford it.

Autism is your strong point, isn't it?

post ur iq

well no it isn't.
i'm a well integrated and productive member of a dynamic and increasingly fair society. i don't hate anything, not even grubs of your ilk. contempt, tho'. i really must get a handle on contempt. god save america from organisms which crawl.



I lost my suspension of disbelief at "the chans". Only a chantard calls them that.

okay I'm still reading and it's hilariously obvious. Anyone believing this is real deserves what they get. 7/10 as a trollpost though
