Trump + Putin: A Policy of Non-intervention – A Future of Peace

The American presidential election of 2016 offers a great hope; a hope for peace for humanity. It is Donald J. Trump who brings this hope with his vision for a non-interventionist American foreign policy under the banner “America First!”

Trump doesn’t share the Neocons’ obsession with having an empire; the empire we call the NAZI – NAto-ZIonist – empire and which has brought nothing but pain, death and injustice to the world. Like Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia, he’s satisfied with serving the needs of his nation and people – meaning the two will have a great common ground on which to build a fruitful cooperation if and when Trump is elected President. ——–More:

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fuck off shlomo

bump for inpredictable thread


So the site is basically inferior snow niggers bleating about Germans. At least this kind of pan EU "white brother" movement actually attacks the Holohoax.
Whatever, still cucked though.


Nice discussion turbo-shill.
Stay away from this thread.

China trembling? Or is it, too, referring to roaches?

She would prefer widespread poverty because she doesn't want to admit socialism sucks


I think that the widespread poverty is the reason she has those sentiments. -91 isn't a fun year to live in Russia. Mostly because of crony capitalists- but of course, due to communism being too rotten to keep itself afloat.

We will see the first way (liberalism, economic/idealist) fall, we have seen the second fall, and we lament the fall of the third one.
Dugin is on the right path. What remains are language, tradition, culture, religion….

If it was 91 that makes sense. They went down before they went up again like most commie countries

How about you shove your "Hwhite" thread up your ass?

He should tell that to the Russian nationalists he put in prison.

Wew lad
6/10 for effort. Too obvious with "da ebil nazi".

They aren't real nationalists, they're Soros-funded D&C shills.
Don't you read the Daily Stormer, brah?
Putin supports true blue national socialists across the globe.

Tone down with the sarcasm m8. It is getting harder everyday to see it.

Well at least the americans brought those sleazy japs down. Japenese culture still creeps me out.

savior of the white race

nostradamus was french so anywhere east of france i suppose. could be kebab. could be kikes. could be chinks.


That's the third way. Second is class, first is 'individual'.

TrumPutin you say, tovariš? Da, could work