Why can't men and women just be the same?

Why can't men and women just be the same?

because that would be gay

They aren't meant to be the same. It's nature. Get over it.

Their differences compliment one another.

If femininity upsets you so much, learn to suck cock- you fucking aspie.

Because that defeats the purpose of giving them different names in the first place. If men and women are the same you may as well call them "human and human"
-Lanky out.

Please stop this "-Lanky out" role-play shit.
It's fucking embarrassing.

I kind of like it actually, its actually different, unlike your generic-shitposting ass get the fuck out m8


You're very fucking stupid

because penis

Lanky out

Just a guess- didn't think there'd be someone with compatible dysfunction waiting in the wings to defend this autistic role-play sit.

You replied awfully quick.

-Chief out

hotdog + bun = hotdog
you can't explain that

Why would you need two of the same thing?

I wish I still have Windows Paint to show you how fast I can make both say (You)

Technically without the bun it is just a schnitzel.

What kind of faggot are you?

-Lanky out.

And I accidentally my image


Don't worry I'll get bored of this meme soon
-Lanky out but you can call me "Lank"

nice dubs, Dank

Why won't gravity pull tits up instead of down.

all the better to tuck into your skirt


I like lanky

One has a stick, the other a hole
+1 and -1 make zero, a perfect number

Because if that were the case women would be ugly


Because that would be gay.

-RMS out

but user, that girl IS ugly. Look at her. Horrible eye color, awful eyelashes, even worse fake eyelashes, bad thin lips, no facial structure.

She's just bad. the only thing decent is her tits and we can't even verify because of the angled shot. She could be 300lbs

-Knuckles out

You have the most shit taste I've ever seen. Fucking hell, there is nothing Sonic related that isn't absolutely drenched in autismal foulness.
Makes me stern and hard faced like pic related.

-Wojack out



and if you are not bait, please die.