Pick one

pick one

I would kill them all & see which room is advertised the cheapest.

These threads are pretty cancer.

Claire. She's a normal girl anyway.

then why's he even living there?


I am good at biting my tongue and avoiding conversation that is decisive

Dream job? Fuck yeah. Bossy? I could handle that. No woman is more bossy than my mom lmao.

Shower thing? I could work around that.

Plus some sex with a thick girl might be nice on the side.

Sold, I don't care if she makes me feel less like a man because I already put myself down constantly and if she nags too much I can just silence her by singing anime/vidya songs in my head till she stops talking


Paola or Ryan are clearly the only good options. If it wasn't for Ryan's magical pussy game, he'd be the only option.

go back to cuckchan you fucking faggot.

I am a hetero male so, claire, janet, paola and ali are in my mind (yeah, and dick).

Claire? no sex, but be with me and my family, shit is hell, the answer is always no.

Janet? full of pros, shower problems can be fixed fucking her in the shower. Rage? just a minor problem, just fuck her or her gf in the ass and leave her talk.

Paola? no sex and shit is poverty guaranted, not for me, just for stupid potheads.

Ali? we will have a problem when i rape her after founding my gf with her.

Janet best girl, prove me wrong fags.


CTR tier beta.

Closet fag.

I could live with Chad tbh since I'm messy too and I don't leave the house so the girl thing isn't a problem.


Worst one is Hemish. Blasting music is a gigantic con for me, as well as turning into a dick while drunk.


You never become roommates with women unless she's a 1 in a million exception.

hemish or chad


Objectively speaking, Ali and Frank's pros vastly outweigh their cons. If you don't pick them because you hate niggers or can't fuck a dyke, you're probably much more comfortable in your parent's basement anyways

Frank sounds nice. I would never live with a woman, regardless of "hook up opportunities. You don't shit where you eat. Same thing with the gay guys, no.

I live by this rule. At least with the lesbian that shouldn't be a problem

Frank and Ali are patrician tier. Even if you are only thinking with your dick, both Ali and Frank will effectively help you fuck someone hotter than Janet. Hemish will get you laid, but fuck loud music. Ryan, Chad, and Paola will actually hurt your chances.

Clearly Hans is the right choice.

Janet=dream work, not dreamworks, read again.





Ryan just for the trips and living alone a fucking lot. When his shitbag friends are over I'll just go in my room and watch my tv shows.

Chad. Kill him and hide the body really well. Now you've got two free months rent and an awesome car.

Janet. Fuck that shit. Literally shit tier. Live in a cardboard box before rooming with this.

Frank. I don't talk about politics anyway. I could take or leave drugs other than alcohol. Literally the perfect roommate otherwise.

Paola. Literally fuck her friends constantly and laugh in her face about it. Also fuck her (my plan up to this point makes this a sure thing) regularly. Cum in her eyes and hair. Make her do A2M. Really just do all kinds of sick shit with her, work out every kink I could ever dream of having on her body and treat her like garbage. Also, a pool table.

The bitch doesn't cook.

They're all bunch of fags

The negro

I want that job, as for everything else I don't really give a shit since I'll spend most of my time in my room so disagreements about politics really don't matter

Hans tbh.

oh, this thread again
women dont want sex
gay men wanna fuck u
straight men r asses
choose your poison
the choice is to live alone in a small apartment or freeload off of parents

Close race between Hans and Ali

I'll take the nigger who dresses well.



Don't need to read, i'd pick any and murder.