Milo is a filthy little fag and he's fagging up the alt-right. Why does no one do anything about him?
Milo is a filthy little fag and he's fagging up the alt-right. Why does no one do anything about him?
Alt-right = fags
Holla Forums is not alt-right. Holla Forums would hang fags.
Holla Forums is too alt-right you cunt. we essentially fucking invented it. we need to physically remove fags from our movement.
A raid should be targeted against him. Show em that he is just a pozzed controlled op.
We need……………… Common Filth. The YouTube poz killer.
Everyone here already hates him. Your thread would be better suited for 4chan.
go back to cuckchan
(not that anybody likes Milo here, but your thread has no inherent value or goal of discussion, go back to shitposting on cuckchan)
Hey OP, have you tried eating a bullet?
Holla Forums is not alt-right. Holla Forums is the right. Everyone else are either cuckservatives or controlled opposition like the alt-right.
Alt-right =/= Holla Forums.
Anyone spouting this meme is either a fucking alt-right faggot or a kike.
Also, Common Filth is a Christcuck autism-riddled retard who occasionally makes mildly amusing content based on cringing at leftist retards, not some savior of the white race.
Gas yourselves.
I'm guessing they like not being in jail?
Lets kill him and blame it on the left. Perfect False flag, final solution.
Seriously, kill him. Murder him and blame it on the left.
in his last speech someone asked him what his favorite alt-right site was, and he looked uncomfortable as fuck and said he only reads them for his job
earlier on he also said hitler was the first sjw
u mad?
top jej
Wasn't Hess a homosexual?
Because he actually does vaguely useful shit in "real life" unlike most of us. But if you think he's more useful as some gay scapegoat to direct closeted rage at then that's your choice OP.
Good that's exactly where he belongs. Now stop shilling about how much Milo pisses you off, we have about 3 Milo slide threads per day. He's irrelevant here.
Wow you're a massive cuckfaggot.
Plebbit shit like you need to be fucking gassed.
U scared, kike?
You have seen what goes on in the deep end, you think you are too untouchable to drown?
Keep inserting yourself into our territory you greek faggot, keep pushing it. A nigger taking away your mic will seem like one of your flowery faggot dreams.
Is Se Sol Wheel.
But brit/pol/ and the others are allowed to exist. It's almost as if the mods are biased.
Milo is a useful idiot.
Zealous retards sub-80 IQ would tell you no one except pure whites should fight against jews or sjws, no matter how much they agree with us or how influential they are.
Sage all e-celeb threads.
lol enjoy your bumplock
Holla Forums isn't as easy to manipulate as you thought it would be, is it, jewboy? Go peddle your cheap d&c on cuckchan.
I just think mods shouldn't pick and choose which shit threads they delete. It should be all shit threads get deleted or none do. And the generals on this board are shitposting threads just as much as this one.
then make a Milo D&C general instead of a bunch of daily slide threads. or better yet, go back to cuckchan.
Your retarded opinion has been discarded, have a nice day
Again, I'm not OP. I haven't even watched a single Milo video, I know his name from Holla Forums
Brilliant rebuttal, 10/10.
Milo is the modern-day Heydrich.
He can go flip himself.