Personal Arsenal Thread


Disclaimer: if you are fearful of surveillance then a good start is to remove all EXIF metadata from your photo. exiftools for UNIX-like OS users but I'm generally afraid of binaries whether it is Win or Mac.

Can we have a general personal arsenal thread?

Here I got enough to escape an urban area, what I think is enough money ($5000) to pay a way to innawoods and then to survive off the land for 2 people. My other bugout gear is not pictured for obvious reasons.

When Trump is elected there will be a serious chimpout and if it is not met with sufficient force it may throw us into a last ditch insurrection.

Are you prepared accordingly?


You mean forum spying thread.

Of course I have a storage of food. I have more dry goods and cans of food than I can fit in my fucking truck.

This is what I would think a meager defensive supply. Assuming the chimpout occurs BEFORE a financial collapse is the reason people get fucked any time a serious chimpout unworthy of the title "the Happening" are fucked.

Anyone who tells you not to have cash is a fucking idiot.

Cute. I suppose that is why I disclaimed the thread by helping you anonymize yourself.

How long would such bags stay edible?

Flour goes rancid after about two years

Learn to make booze dude, cash is good until its not.

see attached pic
Part "The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies", Technique #4: Information collection.

Sugar indefinitely as long as it doesn’t get wet. Same with honey. Rice you can keep for 15 years or so. Flour, if frozen, can be kept indefinitely.

Two years for stored goods is the idea.

This is why we can't have fucking nice things.


You’re talking about mixed things. That’s why you gather and store the simplest ingredients possible. They last far longer.

Good thing my grandma got convinced by my crazy aunt before 'Y2K' to buy 'food' stores for the whole family.

Years of 'food' at my grandma's house.


Agriculture to sustain 2 people is trivial in the right climate. Food stores to last 2 years of development are essential.

Unless you are europoor this is trivial.

Jokes on you Mordecai! I don't have any funs!

I have never even held a gun before

That is just dangerous.



This is why /k/ exists, I guess…

You niggers are no fun.