Spam the fuck out of it.
You goyims with bots, do it too.
Spam the fuck out of it.
You goyims with bots, do it too.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not white
me neither
Half the men you posted are jews, not white. Also you might want to see a dr. who can cure your homosexuality.
I'm kidding there's no cure kill yourself
How can you tell they're jews? I don't think any of them look particularly jew-ey
I only recognize Tatum and Farrel, neither are Jewish.
Since the OP is an idiot who doesn't know how to properly make a thread….the backstory to this is that #blackboysbreaktheinternet is trending on Twatter atm.
mirin' them genetics bruh
n-n-n-n-n-no homo
Change it to white men instead of boys and I'll support you. Otherwise you're just effeminating them faggot
is there a backstory to this picture?
Just a "social experiment" I think. Still neat to see all those fags get but hurt though.
It's funny because no one on this board looks like that.
Thank you
I hate this shit so much
2 & 3 are clearly jews>>6304116
is it gay to admire them?
Are you gay?
We really need to stop fighting race wars on Twitter.
This is a pretty gay thread, user.
Keep going.
I didn't watch the video because just the picture of that beta was cringe-inducing. Was I right? Is he a total faggot?
I'm normal.
Mischling please go and take your mud genes with you
This is the omnipresent brainwashing that control of the media allows (((them)))
I feel like I'm the only person that notices this and points it out to any of my friends.