Lady Ann Strikes Again

YFW Ann Coulter shows her power-levels more than 99% of the Holla Forums in true life

So did Hitler. You belong in jail if you can't stand up to WW3 destroying all of Europe… It's not coming or happening. It happened.

Cut your balls off then. You'll be happier as a pet

I'll just change IPs it takes 2 minutes

Other urls found in this thread:ósmica

MODS delete this thread and threads leave:

"what is white"
"transgender MTV"
"hey AltRight is more base than NEET Holla Forums"


Pretty sure you did that intentionally

MODS delete this thread and leave up:

ghostbusters 1

ghostbusters 2

ghostbusters on Jimmie Kimmel

Billy Murry sued

Hey, Holla Forums What's the deal with these Ghostbusters

You're a bit slow on the draw there Chaim, weren't you supposed to get the first post?


Who has the ability to post first a D/C comment on EVERY thread and delete threads too? All while bump locking casual redpill conversations and keeping Alt-Right shilling at an all time high?


THREAD Doesn't appear in catalog now

I'm not missing anything. La Raza (which she's comparing them to) are Marxist spics.

Fuck I hate you newfags.


hello fellow POL, i suggest you do not listen this racist woman, hispanics are good people and will work with U.S. to cultivate southwestern land. LA RAZA is co opted and was originally based traditionalist
t.chai- camacho

It's funny when mud races steal shit from NatSoc philosophy and make it as ridiculous as fake redone Jewish-NatSoc-ancient-alien philosophy


You're genuinely stupid.

She's pointing out that if this was La Raza they'd not only suffer no public outrage, but be widely accepted.


Jesus. If you're actually an oldfag you should probably lurk for a few more years.

He's clearly not.

Still sad Iron Ann is childless though. Her contribution more than makes up for it, I think.

Great post. I'm so sick of this d&c.

Dubs don't lie.

Stereotypical badger holding a hamburger.

This guy



Kek can't even find mein sides.


It's not crying about it. It's pointing out that it exists, white people "suffer" it far more often than any other "race", and the hypocrisy of the left.

Are you so new you don't remember the leftists salt and uproar on college campuses when white student unions were popping up by the dozens on goybook?

That's the point.

You not seeing the hypocrisy is one of two things: you're a complete new fag, or (((you're))).


The bans accomplished more than you'll ever know.

I don't give a shit about racism. The definition of the word still fits in situations. That doesn't mean it matters to me.

It's an example. I don't believe in homosexuality but if the situation calls for it, I will use the word so I don't have to go on a ridiculous tangent like this explaining shit.

It's whatever though. You're a D&C shill. You're reported. You're filtered.

Is she the exception that proves the rule?

What the hell are you even trying to say? Racism is healthy. Racism against whites is the only legal kind of it. Get fucked.

Stop responding to the obvious kike. The progression of derail shilling is very obvious ITT, he's played off of one derail attempt into another. Everybody can see how transparent the shill is, you don't need to engage in his intentional misrepresentation of your argument and semantics games. This is kike derailment 101, they try this in every Coulter thread, as well as David Duke and, or course, Trump.

Filter/report the kike and move on. You feed them when you respond.

Pure cohencidence :^)

Ban all e-celeb threads, goy!

somebody needs to explain memes to that jewfag, see if he can handle it.

Hey, I reveal my power level. My dad even calls me a skinhead though I tell him this isn't late 70s Britain, I'm not a working class street tough, and I don't shave my head, so I can't technically be a skinhead, I'm just a plain, regular fascist.

Nope, tacos are Tejano food, not Mexican.

So that's where this clip came from.

Western civilization always had men and women who did not reproduce so they could fill important social roles that raising a family wouldn't allow.


But she's a real celebósmica

Yes it does, because I just spotted it.

Something about you stinks.

You smell like a mod trying to discredit the justified hostility toward the shit-tier moderation by acting like a schizophrenic.

Totally different concepts m80s.

> Published in 1925, La Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race) is an essay written by late Mexican philosopher, secretary of education, and 1929 presidential candidate, José Vasconcelos to express the ideology of a future "fifth race" in the Americas; an agglomeration of all the races in the world with no respect to colour or number to erect a new civilisation: Universópolis.

It is quite comical to think that the notion of being a mongrel signified to these people a state of 'superiority'.

At least the foundation for something potentially superior in the future. The thing with Latin America is that it is what it is. Race mixing is the reality for nearly half a millenium now; one has to play with the cards you were dealt.

Latin American National Socialism cannot be based on some old-world conception of racial purity; it has to be based on human excellence per se, and if that means strict eugenics and forec sterilizations, then so be it.

But the concept of La raza cósmica itself is valid (for LatAm, not Europe).