
but centrism is better than both






There is a spectre haunting this thread…

huh? James Bond reference?



The upside down lion would win, since it can defy gravity.

A European child says that 2+2=4.
An African child chimp living in a European country says that 2+2=oogabooga.

I'm a centrist so I think that 2+2=(4+oogabooga)/2. I'm so smart hehe everyone else is inferior 'cuase they're not as in the middle as me hehe. Taking a stand on something is stupid. Learning about various stands shallowly and then cook a chimera opinion that has a little bit of every flavor of stuff is smart. shitlord.

But the conservatives are as contarded as much as the liberals are libtarted oftentimes. Libertarians can be lolbertarian once in a while too though.



I'll say.

First lines of the communist manifesto.

Liberals up against the wall, you're fucking dead, libbos. The only thing leftypol and pol agree on is you gon get got.

Holla Forums unite!


You are the worst. There is no "common ground". Only No Man's Land. If you limp wristed fence sitters insist on standing in the middle of a battlefield, don't cry when you get shot by both sides.

I like Liberals because they don't wanna throw grandma in the street because she has the nerve to ask for the Social Security Pension she paid for her whole life.

Past that don't give a fuck.


Memeism is the one true path

This doesn't make sense, if you are a centrist you by definition believe that conservative/liberal ideologies are equally effective/ineffective. Go back to /politics/ or whatever under-100 pph hugbox you made to be a faggot without radical opinions triggering you