What are the different types of communism...

What are the different types of communism. It's a controversial question to ask here but I heard a proposal that Lenin and Trotsky would've turned Russia into a degenerate shithole but Stalin saved the day with that by introducing family values, patriotism, the killing of religious groups not all good like Jews and Muslims, etc.. Why is it that people praise Jugoslavia, it seems like another socialist shithole with the difference being telling Stalin to fuck off when he asked him to join the Eastern Bloc or something. Educate me on this or at least point to some books.

2 types

1. Good Communism: every communist is dead.
2. Bad Communism: one communist still lives.

I'm not saying there is good communism, I want to the types and their doctrines. This question belongs on /his/ but it's a gay and dead board and like fucking hell I'll ever go to Holla Forums.

As far as ex-natives go, they will often praise it because the countries that came out from it got out with a bloodbath, were ripped off in chaos, big property (companies) sold out, and then Croatia (after that Serbia) started adopting EU standards which is completely unnatural (and costly) for a very new country. Not only that but Croatia especially is importing foreign goods a lot which sucks for our manufacturing (which was heavily taxed or completely banned in yugoslavia).

As the effect you have high unemployment and high corruption while we're supposedly EU country or on-the-way in the case of Serbia. So it's not completely unfounded criticism of the current state coming from natives, although the debt in Yugoslavia was quite high as well.

As far as it's form goes, it wasn't exactly communism, rather heavily socialized country.

It's all the same. Slavery so a few can enjoy luxuries while pretending to care about "muh social classes".

Communism is famine packaged in an ideology.

During the first world war, Germany had to somehow get rid of Russia zerg rushing them. Because they were too busy fighting on the western front, the Austro-Hungarian multicultural empire had slavs revolting + had shit command and the Ottoman empire were shit, not surprising as they were turks, they had to devise a plan to fuck up the chain of command of Russia. They used bolshevik kikes backed by the ideology of Marx and sent them to infiltrate Russia with the aim of overthrowing the tzar.

It had two advantages: 1) Russia would have to focus on internal affairs (which it did by dropping out of the war at the time of the bolshevik revolution) and 2) They would be rid of those kikes (that failed, as we know with the Wiemar republic)

Kikes also had russians up their asses because Russian Tzars have been some of the most kike aware leaders of that time, they didn't fuck around at the mere suspicion of anything related to blood libel.

Once they manged their revolution they destroyed everything related to the economy, made people starve by stealing all their crops and appropriated all means of production, all that under the guise of public ownership. They then started to export that idea, trying to get more and more land and slaves, like Jews would do once given ultimate authority. It hasn't changed much since and there are still some useful idiots who were planted the seed of communism in their subverted brainwashing camps since the USSR started to export their bullshit.

Everywhere communism goes it ends up the same:
1) Internal revolution which leads to removal of any powerful dissidents
2) Appropriation of all industry and commerce by the state
3) Famine by the population because most food is only kept by the party,
4) Removal of starving dissidents
5) Using the remaining population, who had access to a bread line, as slaves to do whatever the party's bidding is.
6) Export communism elsewhere to try and gain more clay
7) Communist nation collapses under its own economic inadequacy
8) Communist subverted useful idiot somewhere else attempt a revolution.
9) Back to 1


sfrj was different because tito was a benevolent dictator for the people. He gave out interest-free loans for home-building, every worker got 1 month holidays per year and life was mostly chill until the 80s, when the kikes crashed our economy. Yugoland took many IMF loans and used those sheckels to stimulate the economies and build factories. They became dependent on loans and the jews had them in their hands. Contrary to african republics the development money was spent on the citizens and development and did not go to titos private pocket. He did not steal and he did not leave wealth to his children. I respect him for this.

anyone who dared to meddle with titos politics got jailed for life. Also religious people were paid by the state. Today if you don't have 300€ for a preacher, he won't come to your funeral (no matter if muslim, pravoslav, don't know about katholics). Formerly they were on the payroll of tito and their mission was to shut up and not meddle in his politics and not to promote religious extremism.

He was a competent man and a good leader but he failed in finding a successor for his empire. Also, Enver Hoxha was right in the end

I don't know what to think about Stalin. He was a commie scumbag but he also killed lots of elite jews from his administration which he regarded as potentially dangerous to his reign. Didn't he also piss off the jews because he took over sovietland and jews did not control him anymore? I know that lenin and trotzky were kikes for sure

The topic of his death says that Jews killed him because, and I'm not very good on this, he betrayed the British bankers and sought to put the Jews in their own oblast out of distrust for them like how Hitler wanted to move the Jews to Madagascar.

>>>Holla Forums

What. I'm not keen on Hoxha besides the fact he made a bunch of stupid bunkers all over the country.

Yeah, Stalin grew to dislike the Jews. He called them "rootless cosmopolitans." A lot of people use that term today and don't know it came from Stalin.

Stalin sort of filtered out some of the worst parts of socialism. And he also added a lot of nationalism and helped grow them into a superpower. He had the Jew rat Trotsky hunted down and killed, which was great. So there are at least some things respectable about him.

Is it me, or are more and more threads coming out praising Tito?

I think a few on lefty/pol/ like to shill for Titoism and their Socialist Federal Republic of Jewgoslavia.

>>>Holla Forums

I also want to add another thing. Why did the economy crash, because socialism didn't work again or what. Is your stance on Tito is that he was the lesser evil of everyone else. Why did he take so many loans.

Former Yugoslavian here.
Yugoslavia had a very soft type of socialism comparing to the other Stalinist shitholes. Many people don't know that it was a very loose federation especially after the changing of the constitution in 1974.
Modern art was quite popular since it wasn't banned as in the rest of the Commie block. Tito also allowed rock music, punk and hardrock was very popular. From the 60' onwards there wasn't that much repression as immediately after the war.

Economy or development wasn't that strictly centrally planned and there were a lot of actual workers cooperatives.
Yes up to the start of the 60' there was forced industrialization but that wasn't a bad thing since Yugoslavia had almost no industry prior to WW2 and certainly none after.
But even with industrialization every republic handled its own. In the example of my own Slovenia the planning had emphasis on decentralization and actual ownership of !small! factories by the workers which quite successfully prevented over bloated central cities. I know that Italians copied this very successfully and the whole of Northern Italy has some solid manufacturing industry because of that. One of the reasons why Slovenia is a first world country by every standard.

The thing that sent Yugoslavia into a death spiral was the oil shock in 70' and then the intentional targeting of the economy by the West.
The death of Tito was just a cherry on top. Luckily he saw that Yugoslavia will go down the drain and forced a new constitution six years before his death where an important article was written which made it possible for republics to get out LEGALLY (pic related). If he hadn't the JLA would have a casus belli to massacre its way through Slovenia and Croatia from the start.
He knew that Y. will be targeted and when the economic troubles begin the country will tear itself apart becouse Serbs will want to get dominant again.
And lo and behold shit happened just the way he had seen.

Why did Yugoslavia fall apart? Becouse the (((IMF))) took control of the economy becouse of an already existing credit problem and destroyed it almost identically to Greece. In the late 80' unemployment was near 30% and 60% of all companies were bankrupt. And all wealth was drained.
IT could have survived but as a very loose federation. But that was something that the West and especially the Germans didn't want.

after WWII YU was a stalinist shithole and there were massive revolts against the commies, that were brutally shut down.
only after the break with stalin and massive handouts from the west, could YU afford that "soft type of socialism"
after the SU vanished and the fall of communism, the west stopped financing the social experiment called YU and naturally YU fell apart

because it was an multiethnic pseudostate, created and upheld by the west

I'm pretty sure Hitler said the same thing about Coudenhove-Kalergi (he also called him a bastard).

Make no mistake, while there are certain aesthetic and admirable elements to Stalin's Soviet Russia, it was inferior and damaging on the whole scale of things.

I was about to say this. While I still find co-operatives to be largely insufficient, they're much better than full blown communism. Commies always have to shift the goal posts slightly to get things to work.

There are no difference, they're all a front for Bolshevism which is a front for Judaism. Everything else is jewish semantics games.

Lenin and Trotsky would have instituted true socialism and working communism.
Stalin was just powe hungry and corrupt.
Lenin worked 14-16 hours per day, Stalin drank and had 3 wives.

Diaspora of an ex-Yugoslavian country here (Serbia). Tito was a narcissist, but he was also very pragmatic. After WWII he tried to do the whole Marxist-Leninist thing (collectivism, limited to no private property), but when he saw that things going to shit he stopped, and reformed to market-socialism.

You're definitely onto something here. Whenever there is a thread with ex-Yugoslavian anons, you get the chauvinists starting a flame war in the comments, followed by Tito enthusiasts saying that Yugoslavia was a great thing ruined by """nationalism"""

Spot on. I'd just add that it was deemed profitable for Yugoslavia to be divided and conquered after Tito died. Easier for the EU to cuck smaller and economically weaker countries, as we currently see happening.

You're right, but I think the point the other user was saying was Stalin was more realistic and pragmatic compared to Trotsky.

Stalin was barely a communist at all, and despite his brutal purges he brought back the Church and russio-folklore and traditions.

He might have been a bad man, but he was better than Lenin and Trotsky, now those are jews.

Also Stalin's policy was "Socialism in one country", so basically it was anti-internationalist.


Of course it was. It was right after the war and the regime had to deal with its opponents. The difference was that Tito wanted to do nothing with marxism becouse he saw how it destroys economies, broke with Stalin and molded Yugoslavia after his own image and made it softer.

It wasn't that simple. The economy needed major reform since it was too heavy industry depended. There were attempts in the start of the 80' but were half assed and eventually stopped becouse orthodox commies. Yu economy needed complete revamping.
What drove it over the edge was the oil crisis which bankrupted it in the end.
It wasn't "propped up" by the West. Yugoslavia had in fact one of the best economies in the East prior to the oil crisis. It was relatively well run.
It would have gotten up again if Reagan and his jewish cabal wouldn't actively tried to destroy it.

It fell apart becouse of a severe economic depression which was artificially produced from the start. And becouse it's economy was starkly different in all republics.
Ethnic tensions were just a logical consequence of blowing off steam after nearly every third Yugoslav was jobless and majority of companies closed.

Cooperatives are god-tier for small

A good communist is a dead communist

Confirmed dumbass.

There's nothing respectful about Stalin. Nothing. You simply add your own interpretation to what he did.

kek, i dont know how people lived in slovenia after WWII, but in bosnia peasants literally starved, because the commies would take all their food
there were uprisings all over bosnia, because the people couldnt take it anymore

it is
the west gave YU money:
famines and uprsinings stopped
the west stopped giving YU money:
economy crashed and war started

thats what communism does

OP, here is a reasonable history of socialism [vid related]

It was not nearly as damaging as Americanism. I truly wish USSR had "won" the cold war.

Of course, the third Reich was the best, but after they were defeated and it was just America and USSR standing, USSR was clearly the better entity.

No such thing m8.

And Stalin was ten times more intelligent than Lenin and Trotsky put together.

shills scabbing our dubs

It was the USSR who degenerated America you dumb faggot, how do you think a nation once strong and proud had them protesting a war of saving other people in some shithole.

Stalin hated kikes, that is all I care about him. Shame he didn't gulag them all.

Communists always factionalize into a myriad of groups that all hate each other. When one of those groups takes over, all the others claim "this isn't real communism" and then get purged. The end.

He just starved them.

Reminder that Tito was a KGB agent and real Tito was long dead

Fact 1: After the WWII Walter-Tito came to see “his” mother who said outright that that man in front of her was not her son Josip Broz! She said that her son had a part of his finger missing after an industrial accident – this Walter-Tito had all his fingers intact!

Fact 2: Another very indicative fact that Walter-Tito was not Josip Broz stems from the fact that Walter-Tito did not attend “his” mother’s funeral – as well as the fact that the woman, mother of Josip Broz died under mysterious circumstances not long after the meeting with Walter-Tito and the occasion at which she denounced him as her son!

Fact 3: Walter-Tito never went to “his” birthplace of Kumrovac again, nor did we ever hear of “his” many brothers or sisters or any other of “his” Broz relatives which is very odd considering the copious information we heard about his wife Jovanka’s Budisavljevic family!

However, who ever this Walter-Tito was – he will be remembered as indisputable tyrant and mass murderer of Croats and will forever be ranked the 9th mass murderer of the 20th century!

"Hey Red Army, go gang rape some German women!"

"Hey Red Army, have some Order 270!"

"Hey women and children, you love this Communist government right? Then defend Stalingrad for me, not like I'll let you leave anyway!"

"Hey American and British troops, can you drug some of my fellow Russians?"