Whats some good music to listen to when you're depressed?
Whats some good music to listen to when you're depressed?
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listen to chiptune
thats a good one
I'll post some happy music for you OP
the go to depression band
Since you sorry niggers actually listen to niggers, then it would have to be these guys. Panacea is a godly underground rap group. Amazing no one ever heard of them b4
more panacea
more panacea :D
even more panacea
When I'm in my night-time low, I like to listen to calmer stuff.
If you're depressed you're going to listen to some depressing music.
None of the depressing music you listen to is going to be good. None of it is going to cheer you up.
Listen to some IM.
That depends, do you want to pulled out of your depression with happy music or do you want to delve deeper into it until you pass the point of no return?
Alright… here we go…
Awww FUCK!!
depression is cathartic. You have to visit the white hot epicenter and deal with it directly. Otherwise you just push off the inevitable.
Pushing yourself further can only provide valuable insight into what you must do.
Hmm, I don't know any really depressing music, I do know music about sadness though.
You faggots will like this one….
I forgot to add, that my favourite track is the middle one that starts at 27:10
Holy ghost is great live, highly recommended.
This is pretty fucking awesome. If you like a da drums….
turn that depression into rage m80.
Do not give yourself hope,
It is already too late.
Even a blind man sees
You're at your end.
The chances are lost
And missed the opportunity.
Be clear about it
You dreamed for nothing.
All roads lead to darkness.
No more light.
This time it's over,
There's no next time.
kill yourself
kill youself
Because you know quite well,
No one will worry about it.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
And it is quite clear to you,
Further life would be stupid.
The truth is mean,
But unchangeable.
It shows the arrow of fate
Straight on you.
It was never your fault,
But that does not matter now.
We all must die
And you have no choice.
All roads lead into darkness,
No more prospect for light.
This time it's over,
There's no next time.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Because you know quite well,
No one will worry about it.
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
And it is quite clear to you,
Further life would be stupid.
So you're in the closet still?
Linkin Park is pretty good
Only butthurt yuropoors hate them tbh desu
This song always cheers me up
Or like, Old Gray as well.
Most of ween is fucking ear-bleedingly awful.
I used to listen to a lot of old Savant. I still do when I need to regain mental awareness and realization.
But now I'd say this song. I only'd listen to it when I was ever most down or depressed. And it's my favorite by far, not new, exciting, or mainstream jumpity, just down to earth and some sort of holy in my opinion. Hope somebody enjoys
Cheers to u on this one
Stop wallowing in misery
This is usually my go-to, and I tend to assure myself as long as I keep moving forward and at least staying alive, everything will get better, but, maybe that's not a good way to think.
no bully
do it.
Always this one
a Patrice Wilson produced song cheers me up
Station to Station by David Bowie. It's probably his most upbeat album.
Anyone have that webm of the piano piece titled Boston?
Thank you for posting this
The uplifting type of depression song
There's no way in hell you can be depressed after listening to good Celtic music.
World's End Girlfriend will destroy your soul but I listen to it all the time since I'm having some hard times right now too.
anyone know what song this is?
yeah sorry isn't uploading here for some reason
of course it's dubs
I'm sorry user, I tried, I made it 2 minutes before turning it off. Its not bad music and he has a pretty good voice but I can't help but just hear an angsty emo teen song
this is more depressing.
either this or decades off of closer is a lot more depressing then that.
jd is still good though.
you've never listened to low or man who sold the world.
Blackstar's dollar days and Lazarus have got to be some of Bowie's more depressing stuff, same with Warszawa off of Low and a few other numbers I can't think of, but he's got upbeat tracks mixed in with down on some of his albums too.
koda works for me
Get over yourself
This is the only thing you should listen to while sad. It's a concept album about a guy in a failing relationship using a hospice patient that he's failing to take care of properly as a metaphor. Gud shit